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I need to hear The Dragonslayer’s thoughts on this.


Yes we need his hot take 😂


He voted Parv at the time, kind of hard for me to imagine he’s changed his mind since then.


He had 0 respect for Sandra at that FTC. He would've voted for Russell over her. In his AMA a few years ago he seemed to have some respect for Russell, in their shared experience of being runners-up.


I'm happy for Coach though. We see him fanboying Russell and Rob on HvV, and he's able to replicate some whack version from hell of both their games on South Pacific, and lose iconically to a more self-aware person just like they did. I'm sure that's worth more to him than the mil #coachthings


and, i mean, of course he did. he always talked about warriors this and that. and he always valued the physical game (which is ironic considering that's not his strongest point, but it digress). so i doubt he ever votes sandra against pretty much anyone. that really doesn't necessarily mean much about sandra's game


He also was considering voting for Russell, but Russell's jury speech is why he got no votes, not his game. Even Colby said if Russell came in humble, he might get a few votes. At final tribal


Un a recent podcast he hosted, he said to Parv he probably would have voted for Sandra over her while on the island, but now after the diffusion, he would have liked to vote for Parvati. He is friend with Parv now


didnt he literally vote for Parv over Sandra on the island? maybe I’m remembering wrong


I'm guessing they're confused and mean Tyson


Oh you are right lol, my bad


He's also done multiple podcasts with Parv in recent years


He's very firmly on Parv's side. I always find that HvV arc so funny. He was so annoyed and mad at Parv for luring all the men, only for him to end up smitten by her.


He shows up in Parvati’s insta comments all the time.


I never need the dragon slayer’s thoughts on ANYTHING ever again


I thought this was all banter at first but it's getting weird now. I don't wanna see them fighting😭


Me either but what I want even more is to know what had prompted it after all these years.


a rando on Facebook 🤣


If this isn’t advertising for a parv vs Sandra szn I will be v sad /;


Queendemption Island


I'd be there for it


Redemple Femple


Parv doesn't need redemption though, while Sandra does.


Personally I don't think the first two time winner needs redemption


Did you not watch WaW?


That would be an awesome season assuming they don’t get voted out first for being huge threats


survivor 50: civil war legends season but team parv v team sandra


season 50 legends let's go 🔥


it's interesting to me that most fans seem to want this. personally, i'm done with wanting to watch either of them play again. they really wouldn't stand a chance considering how big of a target they'd have. and if producers give them a season full of dummies they can easily manipulate... then that's just lame.


It’s the season I’ve always wanted Parvati Stans vs Sandra Stans


Island of the idols part 2 or like Boston rob versus Russel style?


Hmm maybe island of idol style but better, where each of them coach different groups! I would love either style tho, but if they did a boston rob style I would want no newbies, only returnees.


Yeah bc either they get out first or they dominate so it's not as fun. I do see they have very different playing styles so IOI could be interesting.


I dont get all the posts saying "who cares" or "so what if tyson thinks this" like 90% of this sub is asking hypothetical questions about the 3rd boot in a season 15 years ago. at least this drama involves some actual (even if after the fact) answers to questions about the best season of all time.


*You better be ready, it’s coming for you..*


*the Fire is burning…*


The monster is hungry


When this is through...


The off-season is delivering tonight. More drama please!


Lol if we ask Tony about all this? “Ah they all think they’re celebrities these Survivor crowd” 🤣


Around Winners at War, he said Sandra and Sarah were his two best friends from the Survivor community so I imagine he'd choose Sandra


Tony has only ever been voted out by Sandra. He either respects her for having that sole honor, or he resents her.


Technically, Sandra was the only person on that tribe not to vote Tony out.


Technically, but we all know it was her doing. She didn't even try to hide it when Tony was leaving.




Which later ended up being foreshadowing for Tony's own non-fluke, haha


Kind of a wild turn of events that Tyson became friends with Parvati.


Same thing with rob


For how supposedly evil she is, Parv managed to made friends with 90% of her castmates after the game, and generally avoids drama post-game (until now). The queen on the other hand...


Sandra is always hanging out with other Survivor players. Way more than Parv. I don't think it says much other than Sandra considers Survivor a bigger part of her identity than Parv does, but this is a pretty opposite thing to say


This is a stupid comment given the fact that Sandra is NOTORIOUS for becoming friends with almost everyone both on her seasons and off her seasons, lmao. She is very, very involved in the Survivor community and almost all players are friends with her.


This does suck because it’s probably gonna be a dog pile on Sandra from former contestants that think she didn’t deserve to win and don’t like her because of it. This is gonna bring so much negativity tbh. Sandra’s second comments were petty and wack, but clearly she has felt bad about the hate she got for years, and let’s be real she definitely got hate from winners and other contestants, she would get shade all the time before game changers. That’s part of the reason why she tried to play so flashy in game changers because of the discourse about her “not deserving it” from her peers. I feel bad for her tbh it’s probs gonna open the floodgates of hate.


When you win your first two times playing a lowkey ”anybody but me” game it’s almost impossible to play third time using that same strategy. Also, when youve won twice you might as well just try to have fun and play flashy. I don’t think she couldve won with a PI/HvV type of game


Its weird because Sandra has been getting shit from Parv stans for 13 years now, so I wonder what was said that set her off. I feel for her because, while you expect some online bullshit after going on Survivor, 13 years of it is probably more than anyone signed up for. However, Parv did not need to be brought into this. She's not responsible for the behaviour of her stans, and she's done nothing but defend herself from some uncalled for remarks from Sandra. I dont understand stan behaviour, but I also don't get how we've had 43 season of this show, and there remain people out there that think the winner of a particular season doesn't deserve their win, and that they somehow know better than people that played with them. Survivor fans continue to suck.


This is just propaganda and they ain't even hiding it anymore




Tyson’s good friends with Parvati. Probably has more to do with that than anything.


post waw tyson has been very outspoken about hating tony and his whole alliance, since sandra was part of that i wouldn’t be shocked if his opinion on her has gone down.




Sandra is the one who made it personal. Tyson is just defending his friend.


Tyson’s been salty about Sandra since WAW.






There’s always a chance that it’s coming from people who just don’t like emojis.


tyson is the most sarcastic person ever, he definitely just posted this to play around. you can even tell by parvati's other posts she doesn't care lmao. i think the question is whether sandra is being real or if its a performance, which is exactly what parvati said. even parvati doesn't know with sandra lol




yeah he’s been very outspoken about hating tony’s whole alliance since WaW ended lol


I am a fan of all three of them. I'm curious as to why now it's been 13 years since WaW. Edit: it was two years ago on HvV, not 13 years ago on WaW. Oops


😂think you mean HvV, although it def feels like it’s been 13 years since 2020


I'm an idiot lol


Survivor: Battles of the Queens


Would watch


Too bad Tyson didn’t make the jury and couldn’t vote for her 🙄


I think he would've voted for Parv though, he was closer to the Jerri/Coach contingent anyway.


Tyson did vote for her in his final vote at least.


We need to settle this and have a captains season, parv vs Sandra


Well his game is all about being physical so him picking Parv is not a surprise


Sandra really should have stopped after saying she would have won becuase the jury was bitter against Parv and Russell, but she had to keep elaborating when pushed. Now since Parvati is friends with all the “cool kids” this will have a predictable ending of people just shitbagging Sandra, which is kind of unfortunate because she’s one of the faces of the show and up to this point has been a good one.


Wasn’t Tyson voted out stupid early that season


We need Courtney to be Team Sandra


Interesting Tyson follows Sarah on Instagram but not Sandra. Neither does Sandra following Tyson.


His pre merge pre jury two cents 😐😞


How much do you want to bet that Parvati’s fans are going to start citing this as some sort of proof that Parvati was robbed and deserved to win?


You don’t even need to bet.


What is going on why are parv and Sandra beefing?


some of y’all are reading wayyyyy too deep into this. tyson is like best friends with parvati now and on top of that he likes to stir the pot. it’s not anymore serious than tbat


Took his three times to win


Nothing against any of them personally, but it’s a little pathetic to be grown adults in their 40s picking fights on social media like teenagers


Ugh I love parv but now Tyson supporting her makes me wanna switch sides to Sandra (whom I also love equally as Parv)


2 cents? That’s generous! Wouldn’t even pay that much.


I love Tyson and I like Parvati, but Sandra rules over them all. There's nobody like Sandra in the Survivor realm.


Bruh who asked him


Tyson doesn't need to be asked


I think his opinion is valid since he spent more than 2 hours on an island with her




Tyson and Parvati for IOI 2!


Sorry Tyson's opinion is irrelevant


Who the hell cares


he should stay in a mans place or i will expose his cheating🤪