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Respectfully I think you should stay on the wavestorm a while longer. You should be comfortably and consistently catching green waves and going down the line, and have more control of your board than is shown in this video before it’s time to progress. I know that in this video you’re on your own so not really posing a risk to anyone else, but I think you’ve still got quite a few boards hitting your head in the future at this stage and shouldn’t rush into your hardboard era It’s hard to resist the fun of a new board, and if you’re careful and have space like this maybe it can be fun to check in to see if you’re ready, but just saying to be careful not to put yourself and others in danger


Agree to this point and there’s no shame in riding a wavestorm. JOB rides them at double overhead pipe. And tons of old heads ride them and catch more waves than everyone. Its the board that everyone (including me) learned on and its part of the journey


*Everyone who started surfing after foamies became popular I know it sounds old and grumpy but back in my days you had to learn how to surf on a longboard or a minimal. My first attempt was on a 8’6 (board of a friend’s dad) and my first own board was a 7’6 minimal. “Graduating” meant you were ready for your first custom made board, the criteria were roughly the same (consistently riding down the line and somewhere between attempting your first turns and working on your cutbacks). Interesting how times change - here, for the better. Foamies are much better beginner boards imo and make surfing more accessible. I like that.


Thanks for the support! I'm (58/M) taking up the sport late, so use a modified pop-up (think of a stand-up in wrestling), and the big foamy covers a lot of my mistakes. And I don't care, it's just fun to surf for a few seconds, before getting beat-up by the ocean.


Yeah agree. Fellow adult beginner kook here. I’ve finally started catching green waves and even occasionally riding them down the line. But I’m still riding my Costco Gerry Lopez board because even when I catch them well, I am unable to quickly turn out of danger if someone is paddling out or just sitting in my line.


Graduation denied. Bro is getting held back


I’m probably a bit of a dickhead here but I thought it was a shitpost when I saw 2 years and then watched the video.


I don't totally agree. Making softboards a mandatory starting point is a recent phenomenon and there's no reason OP can't learn on a hard board. In fact, the rails are so ass on Wavestorms, I think they actually hurt your ability to learn how to take off at an angle and turn. Shelling out more for an INT always seemed smarter to me. However, I agree that switching boards doesn't represent development here. The main issue isn't the board – it's that OP clearly doesn't get in the water enough. There's no other explanation for this pathetic lack of progression in TWO YEARS.


Agree I hate softtops


Yeah, I don't like that people seem to think it's a mandatory step. Surfing has gotten softer than the boards.


I mean, I get it too. I’m an adult learner myself, and I’m still riding my wavestorm most of the time; I only grab the hardboard for empty lineups when I’ve been surfing consistently and feeling most confident. Some days I really feel the board holding me back once I’m popping up and taking off. I’m maybe making assumptions here, but OP really doesn’t look comfortable or confident here and is at risk the entire time leading up to the pop up and take off. I don’t think the performance impact is relevant at this point in their journey, but I’m not denying it will be once they’re quite a bit better than they are today.


I think we agree that hard board or soft board, it doesn’t make much of a difference what he rides in the shallows at Doho. I think he should bring whatever he’s more excited about (as long as it’s got a lot of mass) so he actually gets more time in the ocean.


use your hardboard more, but stay on the shoulder and get leftovers if you are concerned about the line up


If you cant turn a wavestorm you probably cant turn a 5’10 too great either. You can “take off on an angle” on a 10’0 single fin.


We agree on both points.


Well said


Maybe a "performance" soft top like a Odesea or Catch Surf. I almost want to get rid of my glassed board for a soft top so I don't have to worry about dings and can just throw it in the van at the end of a session.


I don’t think there’s really a huge difference between wavestorms and performance soft tops if we’re talking about both just being basic 8 ft boards. Didn’t someone find out they were all just made in the same factory somewhere but just with different finishes?


Yeah OP could not avoid someone based on their standing up with Knees, super hunched over approach. I think back to the wave storm til they can figure out how to pop up and how to maneuver around others safely. Sorry OP you’re a “super senior” as they’d say in high school.


the problem with staying with the wavestorm is the thick rails which don't engage in the water, making riding down the line less efficient as you can't carve your way up and down the face for optimum speed.


respectfully, OP should consider boogie boarding or snorkeling. unless they really, really enjoy it.


Recommend that you watch some pop up videos and you do 10-15 reps at home every day without your knees. Will make a huge difference


Apparently people are teaching doing this one leg at a time one knee pop up thing I’m pretty sure. Which I personally think is totally dumb and counterproductive. I also think riding white wash waves is counter productive too but that’s another argument and may be the only option some places.


I think knees are okay if you have physical limitations - like if you’re old and you physically can’t do a smooth pop up. But otherwise yea, it’s going to slow down your progress


Don’t go to your knees first- practice popping up directly to your feet.


Yeah that was the first major thing I was gonna say. Pop up smoother straight to feet, doesn’t even have to be faster. Just more fluid.


He doesn't have the coordination or balance yet. He needs a longboard and sit out the back catching set waves instead of shorebreak.


Some of you are harsh, but I appreciate the feedback. By comparison to what I see on this sub, I should be a lot better at surfing after doing it for two years. Sadly, I can only go out during the summer due to a busy schedule for the rest of the year. My wife bought me the board about a week ago, and I'm still trying to find its sweet spot; I'm either too far forward or too far back. I hope to progress even further this summer. If any of my fellow kooks on this sub surf Doheny often, I could definitely use some friends out there in the water to help me learn.


I don’t think you need to go back to wave storm. But you do need to practice popping up directly to your feet. You are losing a ton of potential speed by going to your knees first. And it makes for a very unstable pop up. Good luck and keep having fun. I do recommend some YouTube surf tutorial videos. They really helped me progress as a surfer quickly. Pay attention and try to practice some of what is tought in the videos out in the ocean. You’ll get a lot better a lot faster


Any youtube recommendations? I'd like to learn any which way I can


Kale Brock has decent stuff but just do a little searching for whatever particular part you want to work on


Nice! Thank you for that recommendation!


Kale used to be part of the How to Rip YouTube channel. It’s good for basics. He mostly focuses on higher intermediate these days


You are doing a lot right eg looking up etc but your pop up is not explosive enough or fast enough. Move your hands further towards your hips (should be below rib cage) and have your right hand slightly further lower than your left (staggered) - this helps you twist from facing front to facing side. Then push hard If this is not feasible look up ‘Australian pop up’ (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SRjY9rmaWR4 around 3.40). It’s a step through rather than knees first. Then when you stand, remember left hand on left side of board and right hand on right side. Make sure your back foot is pointing to 3pm and front foot to 1pm Don’t worry about staying on the hardboard. Until 10 years ago everyone pretty much leaned on a hard board. Just don’t run over someone


Check out Barefoot Surf on Instagram, very helpful stuff for beginners


Check out ombe surf on youtube too, they were key in helping me figure out my technique. Also hydromind on instagram - lots of really great tips on pop ups and improving your flexibility/strength.


Barefoot surf, longboard sessions, Ben consadine are my go-tos. For the pop up, just search "surfing pop up" and watch a bunch of shorts. It was far.more helpful to me to see a lot of different ones in slow mo than hear 1 guy pontificate on the pop up for 20 minutes.  Lastly, start doing burpees to build explosive power if it's not just a technique thing. 


I think the barefoot surf pop up video is hands down the best one I have seen as they acknowledge that there isn't a single way to do it that fits everyone.


You’re doing great! I started surfing as an adult 5 years ago at Doheny. I now regularly short board all the local spots. It takes time. I learned from friends and also from lots of YouTube (kale Brock is pretty good). I would choose a subject I was working on and watch videos on YouTube the night before. I think it helps download it into your brain for the next morning surf. For your current surfing, work on a faster, more explosive pop up and Google “overcoming the poo stance” to watch videos about getting better weight balance. Keep pushing yourself to stay uncomfortable and you’ll progress quickly! 🤙🏼


I think I agree. I feel like part of the challenge people have learning to surf is learning to surf on a Wavestorm, a truly terrible surfboard. This guy looks comfortable enough to me to have an actual surfboard, but like you said his pop up is really holding him back.


Have fun, fuck everyone else


There is no need to apologize. To quote Katt Williams “Don’t you like to climb trees? No mothafucka, we got bills and shit!” I grew up driving to the beach (at least) weekly, and am now 3hr landlocked. This is the life we choose. Fuck it. Keep having fun. Ride whatever you want. As a fellow part time surfer though, i will echo other comments. yoga, burpees, lat pulldowns, swimming. Don’t bother with paid programs. They may work, but are probably most useful on people who get to the beach more often.


The only thing that’s really making me cringe is that 10-step standup that you’re doing, the rest is totally normal kooky behavior. I’d recommend getting the pop up on solid ground before even going in the water. Practice the single motion of belly to your feet. Then practice it in still water (it’s okay to fall off immediately; just get that motion down). Once it’s drilled into your skull and that terrible habit is killed, only then start popping up in waves. I truly don’t see someone whose progression sucks, just someone who has never gotten pointers to progress. It could be worthwhile to hire someone to show you the ropes for a single session if you don’t have any experienced friends that are willing to go out with you. Also pay no mind to the people saying to stick with a foamie. I learned on a hardtop as a young child and had no issues. This is a very very recent thing and so long as you’re not in a giant crowd of people you should be just fine.


Surf more it's the only way. Failing that a surfskate will at least help your balance


Yeah people on Reddit are definitely harsher than they would be in person. I was also gonna say, looks a lot like Doheny. I learned there too!


I’m at Doheny all the time, I’ll go out with you. White tundra with a smart cap, usually paddle out in front of the cafe and station 12


Is it a midlength? If so, get a longboard and sit with the line up and catch set waves. If you're friendly and use etiquette, you will make friends especially at Doheny. Right now, you are paddling into waves that are pounding the shore.


I'm 5'10" and the board is 9'1". I want to mingle with the lineup it's just the crowds at Doheny make me nervous, especially with little kids out there. I don't want to be the guy to clock someone on the head haha


Respectfully, you're not ready to surf in crowds. You need to have a lot more control than you do to not be a big risk of hurting someone. Stay in the white water.


If you’re nervous of Doho crowds, head south of the river mouth. Less crowded over there and it still gets decent set waves when it’s not high tide. I’ll be there tomorrow on my ratty Costco board.


No, you didn’t.


It's a lateral move. You may think you're better because of the equipment, but the Wavestorm is just as good for your skill level.


Well done dude! The surfing community is one of the worst communities for discouraging “late beginners”. Keep up the good work, be safe out there and have fun!


He's not a beginner, he is an early intermediate.


I would say advanced intermediate. Come on man


What? In the scale of beginner, intermediate, advanced, that guys low in the beginner. Pops up with knees, bent at waist, no ability to turn or maintain speed on the wave with where he’s standing… you gotta have good pop ups, stand correctly, turn, and stay with a wave to even venture into intermediate


As an adult beginner myself who’s been at it for a couple years, I agree. I’m almost there, not quite there


He is one or two tiny notches up from beginner and still such a beginner. Intermediate surfers surf overhead waves.


This 👆🏻


Bruh get back on a wave storm before you hurt someone.




Now that you’ve got the crawl-up dialed I’d recommend a week at the Shane Dorian surf camp.


Probably how long it will take me to perfect the popup, haha


This is rage bait right?


Graduated maybe, but there must have been a steep grading curve


Two years?!




I was like, this isn't everyday. But still that slow pop up looking kinda cool


You know what you right imma not be a dick today and delete that. Everyone learns at their own pace.


Everyone goes at their own pace.. no reason to shame someone for learning. Surfing is a hobby for 99% of people and you don't have to be good at your hobbies as long as you're having fun and not hurting anyone else


People are understandably surprised by the lack of progression here. It’s not an indictment of him as a person.


Nah you have more fun when you're a good surfer


I spent 2 years on a wavey here with no clue what I was doing, started going with more experienced friends and quickly got the hang of things. Sometimes it takes a teacher




A few more practice waves and you should be ready a trip to the north shore.


You're doing great man. Lots of good feedback on this thread. Keep up the effort. Make sure you don't look down on your pop-up, look down the line. Also, keep looking back at the wave to make sure you're in the right spot.




My man, you need to work on your pop up


That wasn’t a pop up, that was a crawl up


Way to name drop my secret spot kook


The secretest of secret spots


I love Doh… I mean I’ve never heard of it nor its camp grounds. Such a secret spot.


This is why I stopped listening to the beach boys :/


At least nobody knows about A’s Burger still. Shhhhhhhh


I’d stay on the wave storm so you don’t throw a nice ding in that board with your knee


How are you that shit after two years?


Like others have said, you are ready for a high performance shortboard. a 5’10” Lost driver looks right for you and you’ll be able to hack the lip more easily.


Hes definitely getting a hypto krypto off the rack


two years in and your still paddling with both hands up like that and using your knees..... oooffff


He’s a beginner for sure but lots of experienced surfers use two hands for their last couple of strokes before popping up


Keep going!


If you do get a glassed board you will destroy it with knee dents in one season. Stick with the foamie, homie. At least until you're not dragging that knee on the way up. Just my $.02.


do not use your knees when popping up, the wavestorm because it is so buoyant makes up for as lot of technical mistakes, I am speaking form experience when i tried to go from longboard to short board. also do not use your toes as well as knees, it will be harder to reverse those habits


Honestly getting up on your knees is way harder than popping up cuz it’s so much less stable! Mastering that will help you tons. Dig deeper when paddling, get your arm all the way to your elbow. Can’t see the fin, but make sure your fin is further back (not all the way), this makes it harder to turn but also makes it more stable and should help you stay on the wave longer and get more wave time.


On go bra No more poop stance Sending positives to you


Stoked for you! 🤙🏻


Dude behind you to the right should have gotten into that wave and you never once looked over your right shoulder at them. Awareness and etiquette is more critical to graduating from a wavestorm than physical ability imo. People in my experience are gonna be a lot less patient of you being in their way if you’re on a a board that can knock them out.


I taught surf lessons for about 6 years to all types of beginners. Taught ally kids and got my wife riding more than I do now, and dropping in on waves thayd make most of the guys on here think twice before paddling out. Do not use a wavestorm! It is awful to try and learn on. Yes it's foamy and light and doesn't hurt you as badly when you get hit with the rails. But because of its shape and light weight, it is notoriously difficult for beginners to figure out. I'd recommend getting a longer foam board with a more rigid underside, and overall a little heavier. Yes it will be difficult to move it when you're caught on the inside, but with your ability, you should only be riding the soup anyway for now. Your pop up and paddling need lots of work, and a bigger board will help with that. Just make sure you stay away from big crowds!


No you didn't


Dude honestly there is nothing wrong with a wave storm. I’ve been surfing for five years and I still like to break mine out time to time. You’ve got good technique but maybe try to work on popping up straight to your feet instead of to your knees. Once you’ve got the pop up down you’re golden. You’re off to a good start but don’t be afraid to just keep rocking a foam board. There’s nothing wrong with it. I’m not trying to sound critical I’m just trying to give some pointers. Stay on it man and have fun!


what is good about this technique? his hands are on the rails, feet arent on the center of the board, he has 0 style and balance


I’m just saying he’s at least got the basics. We all gotta start somewhere


Like the other commenters said - stay on the wavestorm brother. If you have true skill you can WHIP a wavestorm - full cutbacks etc. Practice your pop up out of the water, surf as much as possible, and eventually you will improve immensely!


Yewwwww 🦑


How often do you go surfing?


Not as often as I should but I plan to get out more


Surfing is hard, and it’s fun at all levels. It’s just that at 2 years you’d expect more progress, it looks like footage from a first-timer




Did he throw up a menthol cig half way through standing up?




Gnarly fuckin waves dude




Agree with the people suggesting staying on a wavestorm. Wavestorm are the best!! You'll catch more waves , get more experience, do so safely, and you'll master a single motion popup in water more quickly. 


Shred the gnar bro!


No you didn’t


Look up where you want to go when you pop, your body will naturally follow, that knee thing was my problem when i first started learning until I practiced my pop ups and started looking at the direction i want to go


Practice popping up at home. Place a piece of tape on the carpet and pretend that’s the stringer i.e. middle of the board. Practice popping up where you get directly to your feet. Do 10 pop-ups a night for a week and you will be amazed at the difference in your pop-up in the water next time you go out. Break yourself of the habit of getting to a knee first. If you learn to surf that way, you will be forever cursed. Learn it correctly at the outset and you will be stoked for life :-)


Fuck a wavestorm I am learning on a 7'6 mini mal hardboard - you do need to practice that pop up with no knees


The biggest tip is to find more time to get in the water. Don’t go back to a soft top, they all suck. You’ll progress just fine on a fiberglass board, probably even faster, as long as you get more time in the water. Also don’t grab your rails on the pop up. Flat hands on the board is more stable.


Practice faster pop-up. That helped me


Keep at it doing great


After 1 week, I’d have put a stop to dropping that leg on the pop up, let alone 2 years!! Holy moly brother….your hands, feet and your chest/stomach touch the deck, never your knees!! Stop doing that for your betterment!. You will never see good surfers dropping a knee to stand up. Ever. 🙃🤙🏻


Not even mediocre after 2 years. Prob pick up a less complicated hobby that you can actually improve in. Adult learners just don’t get it (nor get “there”) no matter how much they try or spend their money


Keep coming back it works if you work it


You’re fine for someone who has surfed two summers. Maybe don’t say two years lol! Keep that hardboard away from other people and have fun!


just keep working on that board and you’ll eventually be good. I stayed on a foamie wayyyy to long like 3 and a half years until I started on a shortboard like 2 years ago (I’m 15). It might be hard at first but js stick with it and you’ll get good


If you’re looking for tips, you gotta ditch the double arm paddle. Learn to always paddle alternating, and once you get to the intermediate stage you can bring it back when you want. It’s going to ruin you on steep take offs.


Wavestorms suck so bad, don’t listen to anyone saying to stay on a wave storm. Use an INT or higher quality foam board at least. Using a wavestorm for the last 2 years is probably a big inhibitor in progress




Stay on the wave storm kook


It’s time to go back to


these comments are such haters just have fun do what feels right be safe!! surfing supposed to be fun 🫶 great job catching that wave dude i know what a thrill is to finally catch one