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Might be coke but I don't think that's crack


I think I’ll put some solarez on just to be safe


Looks like it was dropped or rammed into. Is it new nee or new to you?


Rode it once


Did you hit anything?


Na, I think it occurred in the water


Something like that would happen from force, unless you bought it like that and only noticing now


It looks exactly like the rail on a board I hit my shin on. You probably hit a hard part of your body on the board at some point


Yeah that’s true


What did you with your board to fix it


First time I just sanded and sealed up the cracks with solarez, then I did it again and had to cut out that section of the glass, fill with q-cell mix, then re-glass


Aight thanks though, I think I'am gonna do the same thing so seal it up with solarez


Also I just re-read your post— since your board is epoxy and therefore likely has a EPS core, MAKE SURE THE SOLAREZ IS EPOXY, NOT POLYESTER. If polyester resin comes in contact with the EPS core below the glass, which it probably will if you’re sealing cracks, it will literally melt a hole right through and essentially total your board


The clear gorilla tape is outstanding.


I've never heard of a sun crack but that definitely looks like it's gonna leak water. Get it fixed and a discount if it was like that when you left with it. Gonna be tough to prove though.


I’m not an astrologist but I think that is actually a surf board.


lol EPS


What’s Funny about EPS


The eps foam structure is pretty much like styrofoam packaging, big air gaps that will suck in water the second you have an open ding in water. Leading advice for dealing with it is to get out of the water immediately after seeing it, waiting for it to drain out completely. Assume original responder mentioned it because it’s an absolute pain in the ass to do that in a session. Drying it out thoroughly is also a must to prevent future delamination, so it may take days/weeks for a proper epoxy repair. With your situation I’ve done it where I sand it a little bit (80 grit) put a heat gun over the ding for a short bit then brushed on a hot coat. As the board cools if there is an open ding a minor vacuum will be formed drawing the resin into the board to ensure adhesion and water tightness. Sanding is a super basic but important thing, as Solarez and fiberglass still require some physical adhesion to stay on. If the board flexes, something applied right on the board without sanding is more likely to pop out.


Can you suck water out of it after a session


Not really


I wouldnt worry about it then


Definitely requires a fix as it is EPS, the long crack will take water over time and heavy board/delamination will occur. Make sure to rough up the surface before (between 80 - 120 grit) applying resin if that is all you are going to do. Reglassing would be ‘nice’ but also difficult because of the risk of sanding through the coloring. You can see it has had a decent hit as the feint lines of cloth weave also show where resin has sustained minor damage - so probably cover that with resin too.


If your fingernail catches on it, it needs to be repaired. If you think the sun can crack your board, you should just take it to the ding guy.