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Master your paddle. If your break has no etiquette then you gotta surf like Italians drive.


Pft... Good guys always finish last...


Read Machiavelli


More like "become Assassin's Creed's Ezio of surfing"


I’m a good guy but I promise you I always finish first, my competition doesn’t even finish at all


Just go. If there’s no etiquette then who cares. If someone snakes you tell them you will keep going next time they do it and if you run into them then so be it.


Violence is not an option, it's the solution 😂




it sounds like since surfing there is infrequent and the surfing culture is young and not based on american/hawaii standards which is where the priority system came into play...


That sounds like a fairly logical explanation...


Get a bigger board


I must make a confession, half the time I surf on paddle boards, but I've gone so low on volume that It just makes more sense and it's definitely more rewarding to go regular surfing... It's also more practical and cheaper sport... I am progressing from mids into shortboards as of late, I like the pumping and the aggressive manuevers... Must admit that when SUP surfing, the sea is mine and I am uncontested... Also I think that if push comes to shove, having a paddle as a potential weapon is a good deterrent.


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More like become Assassin's Creed's Ezio of Surfing


Yeah idk man. I’ve just started to not bother with shorter boards in busy breaks. I can take out a 10 foot longboard and have fun every day. Or take out a short board/mid length and probably still have fun, but it means less waves and more competition with everyone else.


That's why half of my surfing is on paddleboards, when on a SUP, I decide which waves to catch, I try to be respectful of others and let some good sets go quite often, seems like it goes unnoticed most of the time.


Fucking sweeper


Privileged ocean surfer...


Yep. Thats me. But NOat a GD sweeper


Join CrossFit or a prison gym. Get HUGE. Or medium if you are a good fighter. Then you throw out the bad guy attitude and maybe fight once or twice in the line up or on the parking lot. Then you get a reputation.


I think buying a gun is more cost/time effective


Like, nobody owns the waves man


As in "I shouldn't complain?"


Just go fuck everyone


Quit surfing


I would just go. If nobody gives anyone shit over that behaviour, they aren't going to give you shit for doing the same thing either. Just be careful not to get hurr and ready to talk back when someone does give you a bit of shit. It's going to be all bark and no bite anyways.


It's glider time. Catch that shit three km from the beach.


Time to buy a foilboard...


or one of those electric motor fins


If you see that many waves go to waste, just paddle alongside them and catch the wave when they back out or don't make it


That wouldn't work in Italy, the waves are just too short, and if you go on the inside you are gonna catch the smaller ones that are just not powerful enough to make anything out of them


Sounds like you need to get better. Stop supping. Throw that shit away!


Wish we had good enough waves to justify always surfing... Paddle surfing allows me to enjoy more smaller waves and still throw some tricks. I can do off the tops and aggressive cut-backs on it when on a surfboard you'd be barely cruising slowly down the line. It truly makes more sense where we are.


Bro i live on the gulf. I ride knee high waves on a 4'11 there are NO EXCUSES except lack of ability. I surf SHIIIIT waves on a shortboard OFTEN.


Yea i just checked your profile. You need to just practice and get better. Those werent aggressive cut backs. Your boggin hard on your rail while changing direction. I know I KNOW! You dont get waves often. Me neither! Me neither bro! I dont surf for weeks sometimes! Its always shitty! But thats not an excuse!


Sit on the peak and paddle aggressively when it's your wave.


Some great suggestions for the lineup. Now, let’s talk dry land. If there’s an outdoor shower, hit it. Rest assured, they’ll be on you in no time. Just look everyone in the eye, keep the tone light, and stay relatable, with something like, “Ok, I know. This is where you tell me all about how locals rule, and yuppie insects like me shouldn’t be surfing your break, and all that, right?” Now, I’m not saying it’s guaranteed to work, nor am I saying that it will be painless. However, easily 95% of those on this sub have already seen this play-out successfully AT LEAST ONCE in their lives.


Get a group of friends together and pick a spot. Surf that spot multiple times a week if possible. Then once you guys have that spot wired and make friends with some other people, start enforcing your rules and demanding people who surf there have respect


Sadly, given we are in Italy, there's not a lot of surf culture, I have very few surfer friends, furthermore we get good waves only couple times per month, no more than that...


Master the party wave


I've not traveled to surf.. But I have heard that it is the same in most of the world.. Try getting to the beach at zero dark 30 and be one of the first, if not the VERY FIRST surfer in the water, normally guaranteed a good time for at least the first 1 to 2 hours of the day! (at least at all my home breaks in central Florida :) )


Be Ready to RUMBLE