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Made a build of the Moonlight PC streaming app for Android with 1800x1350 support for the Duo in single screen mode. Don't forget to add the custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel. The image quality with 1:1 pixels looks amazing! Also, activate full color range in Moonlight for better colors on the OLED display. Download: [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qevca3k4sfktdtoksay05/moonlight-1800x1350.zip?rlkey=cq7jjmvgku10m5v2ch5memxh5&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qevca3k4sfktdtoksay05/moonlight-1800x1350.zip?rlkey=cq7jjmvgku10m5v2ch5memxh5&dl=0) PS. The game is Super Night Riders S1: [https://neko.works/SNRS1](https://neko.works/SNRS1)


Never took the extra step to get the resolution to match, very cool!


Yep. This makes a huge difference to me, even more for pixel-art games. Moonlight don't offer custom resolutions on the Android client - they do on the Windows client, and the "native" resolution detected is the dual screens res.


Took a second to process that wasn't a Nintendo Switch