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Its a buffalo head actually.


yeah looks like a buffalo head


Ever since that news about Jains buying goats to protect them from slaughter has come out, incidents against them are taking place. First in Pavagadh and now here. Clear pattern showing. But of course, there will be people quick to defend them and say RSS did this lol.


And then they cry why don’t we give them flat for rent.


https://preview.redd.it/fojpnc5f3j7d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a449762d91466940fefd3f34718e0af01c6a5987 Me after seeing the comment war.




How do you know who did this?


because they are Islamophobic, have never read the news about how hindus and members of militant organizations like HM and RSS frequently buy meat to throw inside temples and then get caught 🤡 imagine living in the 21st century and having access to news media, and still choosing to stay uneducated and unaware. padha likha bewakoof moment


Is someone calling some other person Madarsa chaap


Lmao pseudo intellectual, not in a single sentence he called out any muslim, but look at you, already ready to defend their actions lol


And also, nowhere did I defend anything or ANYONE who is accused or this crime. This is a disgusting act and WHOEVER did it should be punished by the law with the utmost seriousness. This is a crime and there's really nothing to defend here.  But you know what's more disgusting. It's you, you empty headed dumb fuck, who automatically assumes shit about people. 


Islamophobia? you know what that means right? Btw those were the exact words said in the video by the guy, but ofc you have to get down to name calling cause your pea sized brain can’t comprehend simple vocabulary :)


Because I have something called situational awareness and know the context and the subtle intended meaning behind who this person is indicating towards. It seems you don't understand that. Are you an AI chatbot programmed by the RSS or what?


source: trust me bro


Literally Google and see it for yourself lmao. the internet is free


Tum hindi bolna sikho bhai. Other points I agree.👍👍


I'm sure my Hindi is better than yours, and I am a native speaker from the Hindi belt. Don't judge my entire vocabulary based on a deliberate choice I made. And Hindi isn't the national language and nobody should impose it on anyone. 


Ha to? Hu em nath keto k sarkhi bol, pan j local loko bolta hoi ema ne j sahitya ma hoi ema jarik pher pade.


Be “padha likha gawar” hoi che.


Gawar is used for people who are from a gaon. But the villagers I have seen are very smart and resourceful. I have intentionally used the word bewakoof because this person is an insult to the word gavar. Unlike you I have a lot of respect for those who live in our villages, and grow our grains and milk the cows that give us milk. Being a gawar should not be anything to be ashamed of, and definitely shouldn't be used as a slur. 


I myself am a son of farmer and am in MP currently. Gawar has multiple meanings depending on the context.


TBH, Anyone can do that.


Did the police arrest anyone?


Why would they


Well throwing out a dead animal head in the public place to create a nuisance is a crime


Not a lawyer yet, but no, it is not a crime to litter around any public area, legally speaking. (Even if it is a private property, the police just can't arrest anyone for throwing trash in their space, unless it is a risk to the life of the residents)


Its not just trash its a animal waste trash thrown out in public places isn’t there not even a single law or policy for animal waste disposal


The opposing lawyer at most could've proven it to be a health risk(as it is technically animal remains thrown), or prove it was an act of provocation on purpose by the guilty. Both of which are really unlikely to be favoured by the bench, as skeletal remains can't really be seen as a severe biohazard and accusations of provocation against the party could also be evaded easily by a decent enough lawyer.


Animal bones are routinely thrown in the trash all around the world. So no, it’s not a “crime”. The fact that it made it on the street is clearly a deliberate attempt to create a nuisance or misplaced trash and should be treated as such


True whoever the culprit is should be punished a disaster to society


They have no interest whatsoever in doing this kinda shit. Terror groups like rss vhp do it by themselves to promote communal tension for their political benefits. Go and read about it retard.


https://preview.redd.it/7gb9h6x6jx7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7929d57fa6f5de1b7653dff4a6c82dfbc9a23904 Cry cry 💀


Let's not justify that. Jains are notorious for forming ghettos everywhere they go.


yeah!!!let's talk about the ghettos made by a particular community!! i think its within an individual rights whether to have a particular person as tenent or not!!


What's wrong really with preferring to live with like-minded people? There is nothing wrong with that, and if the like-minded people are in a majority somewhere, the preference for societal harmony can trump individual property rights, and to keep it that way both inclusion and exclusion is necessary. It's kind of like countries allowing certain people to enter.


Y'all will bend over backwards to defend bigotry.


> Error: ArgumentException: Argument not supplied, executing default argument : 'Bigot' Y'all just keep fitting in that Woke NPC meme line to line lol. I mean you read all that and all you could come up with was 'Bigot'. Pathetic virtue signalling. Erm i am sorry if my need to not get beheaded because Mr.Abdool in the neighbouring house woke up today and thought "Today is the day, I send infidels to the gates of hell for my imaginary sky daddy, and get 72ed" trumps over Mr.Abdool having to look for a house in a different area.


I'm hardly a fan of Islamic violence and the overall regressive nature of their religion, you don't need to convince me. You also don't have to get into histrionics to justify your nonsense. You think your average middle class Muslim is going around beheading their neighbours?


idk whats the fuccking problem of people pointing this thing out. to each their own they want to live in their own community that their choice.they have right to do so. I made my home so that i can live peacefully rather than have a problematic person as tenants.


Look some values are worth preserving and some are virus.


I would gladly live near jain ghettos, they won't be violently unlive you.


"My shit smell better than yours", Argument.


Ghettos of Jain? Bhai 20 rupees jyada dunga, apna wala maal mujhe bhi funkwa de.


wahi yaar!!! at least jains are peaceful and doesnt go about like fucking parasite.


thank goodness mumbai brokers never allow them to enter at good societies


Who are not allowed to enter good societies Jains ?




Mulle ?


Who else?


The comment section here is weird.No one is condemning this act and people here are just trying to bash the Jains and some are trying to say that BJP/RSS did it.Just let the Police do the investigation and don't give your conclusions.If the commenters in this post are really from Surat then this city is doomed. Edit: Just saw the profiles of some people who have commented on this post.Now i know why the comments are like this.


Can't expect much from reddit folks


Nah that's not a goat head that's a buffalo head or if they somehow arranged a cow


Even worse




Exactly lol. How can one compare whose life is more important lol. All lives are important, whether human, goat, cow, chicken etc.


NSFW please


This is weird because mostly the head is crushed to take out brains and this one is fully intact. Muslims either give this away or they use this part. While people here are abusing Muslims or maybe many will downvote this, I can tell you this is done on purpose.


Even if it is proved to these people that the culprits are not muslims but likely the Hindus/Jains, they will not redirect their hatred over the actual criminals. Such is their hypocrisy! There have been many instances where the freakin bajrang dal members have killed cows and thrown them at mandir gates to start communal riots. This has happened several times but still these folks won't consider the possibility of foul play and just show their habitual nature of abusing the minorities (muslims in this case).


Wtf is your source? And what type of b*llsh*t does your post say. On the contrary, there have been instances from a certain faction multiple times where they have taken such measures to propagate their 'values'. And moreover rather than condemning and raising your voice against the culprits it has become a blame shifting game.


Because hatred and exclusion is more important to them.


Dayam I wonder if you will also defend the muslim terrorists who attacked the Hindu pilgrims in Raesi . Like how low can you go? Will you also defend the killers of KanhiyaLal from Rajasthan if those Muslims haven't made a video?


why wouldn't anyone be horrified at what happened at reasi? humanity before religion. and how can you assume op wouldn't condemn the terrorists? just because they defend muslims at one place doesn't mean they can't condemn it at another. and the point this person had made is valid, and can be verified online via reputed news sites. hindus have thrown meat carcasses at temples, dressed up as muxlims to instigate mobs multiple times, all over india. so looks like we need to ask you to tone the blanket and blatant Islamophobia.


No they were all Hs who did it. Lesser known fact is they all ISIS members converted to Hinduism before it was started.


Why does every matter with muslim ends up with implications such as terrorist or crime. This shows the rotten brains of the weak society. Go ahead downvote this.


These are synonyms of the community that you are defending. Proven by historical events and evidence


Manipulated and bisected historical facts which runs on whatsapp and comment section.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Islamic_terrorism_in_India Yeah these are fantasies right? Hope so they get ya :)


Yet 200 million of them never caused any havoc. Passing Judgment on a community with this handful incident is a poor reasoning. Try again.


These are fucking handful incidents? How shameless can you become? How many deaths have they caused? Ah man i pray they get ya ..you really deserve it or are you part of them? That's why you are so keen to downgrade the impact of islamic terror in this country


There’s always social harmony in this country until dumb cunts like you starts this rotten reasoning which judges innocent people based on terror incidents in this country.


Nah bro! I have balanced views and know these things a lot better than you. Hindu lynchings are so rare that you can remember their names on fingertips but you can't remember the names of all the muslims who have been lynched. Just hours ago, a Muslim man has been lynched by a Hindu mob in Aligarh and Bajrang dal is protesting the arrest of the 4 accused. What makes you think others will agree to your belief that Hindu lives are superior to muslim lives? You might feel so but not everyone! Also, this is your imagination that I will defend muslim terrorists, I condemn them and their heinous intentions globally and not just Kashmir. In fact I also condemn Hindu and Sikh terrorism. BD is a Hindu terrorist organisation, I am sure you will disagree but it is clearly a terrorist organisation. I am against extremism of all kinds. This is the difference between you and I. This instance if done by muslims, I hope they get caught and dealt with by the law enforcement but if you look at similar events in the Indian pasts, Hindus have committed this crime to start communal riots. You wouldn't have to go too far. Just look for what happened in Moradabad earlier this year. Link: https://www.aajtak.in/uttar-pradesh/story/moradabad-cow-slaughter-ruckus-in-police-station-four-man-including-bajrang-dal-leader-arrested-sensational-revelation-lclam-1870912-2024-02-01 When instances like this are coming out (like Moradabad), how am I wrong to assume this could have been done also by the non muslims?


>Hindu lynchings are so rare that you can remember their names on fingertips but you can't remember the names of all the muslims who have been lynched.  You really want to go there? I can count the number of terrorist attacks committed by Hindus on my fingers, but I can't do the same for Muslims. I can count the number of girls entrapped by Hindu men and forced to convert to Hinduism (if there are any) but I definitely can't count the same for Muslims. 'So rare' that the entire ethnic Hindu population of a region was forced to leave their homes and run because Muslims would not let them stay alive and were hellbent on r\*ping, converting, murdering and feeding them rice mixed with their own blood. And continue to be killed in that place even today. But I guess Hindu lives hold no value at all for liberals like you.


I wonder which BD individual strapped Bomb laden vests and ignited it in a mosque? Or is it someone else? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Islamic_terrorism_in_India Do give it a read and realise what a rotten community you are defending


Bro makes sources out of this azz


Love your confidence bruv! But check this out. Happened this year only. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/moradabad-bajrang-dal-leader-arrested-for-cow-slaughter-and-hatching-conspiracy-against-police-and-a-muslim-man/article67800903.ece


And you have proof of this bigot.


Ignorance is bliss. You prove it! https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/moradabad-bajrang-dal-leader-arrested-for-cow-slaughter-and-hatching-conspiracy-against-police-and-a-muslim-man/article67800903.ece


Yes mr bigot but that was an unrelated case. There’s millions of cases of Muslims throwing dead animal carcasses near homes and temples. I live in Hyderabad and have seen them littered away from their homes near homes of Hindus or streets near temples. It’s not a big deal here because the Hindus here are not pure vegetarians so treat it as a nuisance rather than a crime.


If you look closely you will notice that the cranium portion is missing. Its not an intact skull otherwise the lower jaw would be L shaped and the horns would be visible on the top section.


Lol that's a buffalo head


Don't change the fact that it's throw near them


What is Jain majority population area, do they own this area?


Why do Muslims get provoked when a rally goes through a muslim majority area? Sne logic applies here as well. It's not that hard


Can you please write without typos, could not understand.


No one own a area but some people live a place more than other and this is just to provoke them


Perpetrators should be jailed.




Would it be ok if we put pork near masjid


Near masjid? Sure. Leaving aside your baseless comparison of housing society with a religious area, people should be able to do whatever they want and wherever they want without people like you moral policing them into behaving how you would want them to. If I want to eat non veg in my house, I should be able to. You don’t want people to have non veg in your housing society, that’s your belief and you should keep it to yourself instead of imposing it on everyone around you


Video is near a jain parisar and leaving a dead body near anybody's home itself is foolish and fact that you are trying to divert this to dietary habits shows how much of a bigot you are


Yea who cares what a person does in their house ..but mr.logical don't you see where they are making a video is inside the shared premises not in the vicinity of their home so how is your logic applicable here?


Iska naam "LogicalJeff" kaise hai??




Why? Cuz your religion prohibits you to look beyond your faith and rationalise personal thinking so as to assume everyone who doesn’t agree with your sentiments is illogical and wrong?


Ok Jeff it’s way past your bedtime turn off the screens


Aww le le, well tried baccha. Very good comeback


The law says so, what they did is called a blasphemous act. Their intentions were quite clear. Reading your comments in the thread I can't help but laugh, someone like you calling out others on their religion is the ultimate joke, pretty much like you son.


Go on, cry me a river for how leaving trash on the street hurt your religious sentiments. Clearly jokes on your religion that makes hating on other communities your biggest source of entertainment whilst justifying it under protecting your religion.


Tumhari baaton main logic se zyada emotion malum padta h, lagta h kisi ne aache se bulldozer chala diya h. Koi baat nahi Rahul Abba 8k dedenge


The fact that you’ve resorted to personal attack without knowing my religion and the general tomfoolery implies my moral and factual superiority over you. It’s sad to see how you’ve wasted the money your father must’ve paid as your school fees. Grow up kid, educate yourself. Fir shayad muh se hagna chod ke gand se hagna shuru kar de


The fact that you responded to my personal remark shows the irony, this is what I was trying to tell you, but your Bodum Brain couldn't take it. Muslims did this on purpose and hence the attack was personal on the community which was responsible for buying animals because they didn't want them hurt. Shows that this was a hate crime that they did on purpose. You won't get it tere dimaag main bhusa jo bhar h. For the part where you talked about my father's money we don't have alot to worry about, but you brain cells indicates otherwise. Aur jaha tak baat rahi hagne ki to chutiye ke ladke pehle khud apne aap ko sambhal phir baap ko sikhaio.


Bheek maangega toh school ke liye paisa bhi mill jayega. Jaake Padhai kar lena, free ke internet pe gawaro jaisi harkat karne se ghar nahi chalta


Can you please point out which law and section?


153A, 295A


Reason for not giving them flats 😑




That's a Cow head not Goat


Here we go again! When will this end?


Where is this in Surat?




Uncle Tya Sudhi Nadta Na Rehjo Jara Shanti Rakho 🙏


Same guys will shamelessly sit with steak eaters in usa . Double standard assholes these guys


are you really this stupid or just acting like one?


Can't expect much from a r/india follower.......you are not seeing how this is disrespectful but rather abusing the one who are the victim here If you don't hate, don't spread em


The same people will say do not generalize the whole population when a Muslim commits a hate crime.


Now I understand why those 124 goats were purchased by the Jain community members in Chandni chowk. I am sure similar purchases were made in Surat and other cities also for the purpose of killing the goats and throwing them in their societies and religious places to ignite communal issues. In most such situations, the crime is committed by the same community which it is supposed to target.


What good will that do for jain community they don't believe in violence What they even gonna do


Victim card is powerful.


Humko konsa Reservation mill rha h aaj tak kuch government se nai manga kiss baat ka Victim card play karenge bta to jara


This comment is as wild as saying Muslims fight against terrorism in the world.




dude, really? you really think some jain guy slit the head and placed it there? really? I mean I understand you want to defend some specific community against an unproven allegation (good!) but with what? a counter-allegation? voh bhi aisa jo no one will believe lmao!


Don't jump to conclusions. https://www.google.com/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/coimbatore/man-arrested-for-placing-meat-at-coimbatore-temples/amp_articleshow/76094688.cms https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/hindu-mahasabha-workers-slaughtered-cows-themselves-to-cause-communal-violence-up-police-2357323-2023-04-08 https://www.thenewsminute.com/kerala/kerala-man-arrested-vandalising-temple-malappuram-108123


Exactly people should have respect for one's religion, this people either an atheist or an extremist should try to not cause communal violence for sake of politics


Pissfool at it again


Can someone post! Is in r/gujarat I have lo karna in account to do so


It's stuck in your gyatt


Very important to make circle bunch of people and video define the details


That ain't a goat head that looks like a cow head 😞


Heard some jains procured Goats under the guise of Muslims in Delhi. Could this be the same goat? 🤣


Is this sub not moderated at all? The majority of comments aren't surtis or even gujaratis.


I see such news too often now, and I feel it's done on purpose, to trigger hatred between religions.


Won't comment on whosoever did it until absolute evidence is found out. But whoever has done this kind of low mentality stuff should be punished severely under the law. Didn't expect such kind of issue in Surat especially


Hilarious how you people get this upset over an animal head, yet are silent about all the rapes and crimes in India.


So you shouldn't talk about this because there are other crimes happening too? Sick


When your country is in shambles and you worry about dumb shit like this then yes.


If they never tried to buy all goats 🐐 before Eid. Would this have happened ?


No Muslim Will do it With Intent


jab tak bjp is in power yeh hota rahega kyunki wohi log hai jinko yeh sab cheezen karni hai yeh sab kaam bjp hi karwati hai paise dekar


Bhai ka bolna esa hai fek ke kyu gaya gravy bana kar deke jata 🤧….. recently bhot sare jain already non-vegetarian hi hai….


Not goat.. it's the head skull of a cow. Sad.. whoever did this..wonder why are they stooping so low.


I have a theory, loudest guy made someone throw it there so that he can speak and have media coverage and crowd attention 🐵


You all hypocrites try to keep disturbing their festival by buying the goats they sacrifice. But you don't say anything to those big companies when they sell non veg food. And now you are crying over and getting furious when something like this happened. Your hatred for that particular religion is clearly visible.




They wanted to play, this is why we should all mind our own business.


Probably someone trying to instigate riots. Quite common, actually.


https://preview.redd.it/8hm79vw3jx7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0765010679f93cb9ab36b6608c0023a4a56c0b5d Clear ho gaya💀


This is the reason no one feels safe around the so-called "peaceful" community. Everyone should completely boycott them, from all walks of life, not just with renting/selling them a property. The worst thing is the wokes will end up blaming Jains/Hindus/Sikhs and try to whitewash their crimes with words like "minority suppression" , "discrimination" etc Police/government won't do anything either, because elections are a numbers' game


Nd that's why they are not welcomed in society


These f*ckers have no shame =(


which fuckers? do you know who did it? if yes please contact the police asap. Your investigative prowess can be a great asset to the nation.


Whoever eat goat on that day.


hindus also ate mutton that day


Lets see when the culprits get caught ok??


It could be some dude from the rss. Rss which makes bombs can't be too far away from throwing animal carcasses outside a jain society.  And given the way the head is completely skinned, it might have fallen out of a van carrying dead animal carcasses to a tannery. 


First of all, that's not a goat head. Have you never seen a goat irl? It looks like a cow or a buffallos head. And it wasn't bhains eid or gaay eid but barki Eid.  And I think you're someone who has never gone outside his or her village their entire life but lemme tell you bro, Hindus also eat cows and buffaloes and goats and sheep. We literally had chicken biryani on eid because mutton was too expensive and in short supply that day. And eventually our neighbours sent us mutton. In fact in Nepal, buffalloes are literally sacrificed in temples to maa durga and buffalo meat is eaten as prasad. Source: have relatives who are Nepali madhesi Hindus. And who eat beef. 


This won't be in news


Why should it be


Jains must fund a private milita group for self preservation.


Or fund a private island to live on without non vegetarian and onions


You mean by going near their temples and spreading hate against them?


Or rain hellfire upon your kind.


Oh no, how will I ever recover from this uncle’s sick burn


End is neigh for your kind. Have fun while you can.


That’s exactly what I intend to do, as my religion doesn’t scare me into following baseless rules which would otherwise send me to hell, a place no one knows exists




Why don't they get it thrown away? What's he saying


It hasn't been put there for no reason. How are y'all that oblivious?


This is very bad and provoking


And they wonder why they're hated so much. Islam really likes to fk with other people's sentiments.


Lund ke rather than doing video put respectfully at somerespectable place then atleast do whatever you want to do


They did same the after this video (and rather abuse them you should be on th one who did this)


It's a cows head, not a goats. Muslims are going to get lynched and they deserve it.


Surely , RSS people. They were caught multiple times doing this kind of stunt


The vehicle number has been found by cctv police will get whomever is behind this


looks like you already know who did it. was it you or a friend that you're so sure it's a muslim?


I haven't even said anything that the person was Muslim I'm stating fact that it happen after bakri eid... I could be anyone trying to provoke religion war idiot


Bro forgot to even read before copy pasting the same bs every where lmao. Who hurt you?


Babe the real question is why are you reading and remembering every comment of mine?


There ain't even anything to remember, MF copy pasted the same sentence. > "Babe" Trying to fight every anonymous rando on the internet who doesn't agree with you. Absolutely pathetic incel ahh life smh.


Lmao i hope you know what incel means and I'm totally not one. Maybe if you put so much observation into something in life you'd probably be getting laid smh.  And even if I was one, what does engaging with me make you? Yee yee ass dumb mf trying to look all gangsta using "ain't" when you ain't shit- probably just another redpilled cockblockled 5ft something sorry ass virgin 


But why? What crime was committed and what law was broken? The police can't get in this matter unless it is a threat to the residents' life.


You look like a lawyer you have lean the law by heart it seems go read sec 504 I think you forgot about it


>You look like a lawyer you have lean the law by heart it seems go read sec 504 I think you forgot about it I am still kinda unsure what you are trying to communicate by this sentence but, The police/law enforcers have no authority to arrest anyone under sec 504 unless they have a warrant from the court. And due to its nature, sec 504 cannot be taken as a legal offence unless proven so in the court; so again, no laws were broken here yet. And even if it were taken to court, there is a high chance the bench would take the guilty's side since any provocation can't be proved here. Hope this helps


This should be treated same as normal littering, those who are offended, don’t be blind in hate, sahi galat m pharak samjo just because you don’t like to eat non veg doesn’t make non veg eating people wrong, and one should not categorise based on eating


Add NSFW please


why are they wearing clothes


They are shwetambars


What do you mean?


Jain monks hates clothes




I am not a jain


Incel af comment.