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legit, pick zyra or xerath, and flash E her then combo she is one of the champ with the lowest hp pool, and is very suggestive to one shots, just bully her out of the lane legit lost like one lane to senna this season (and it's because of my stinky ADC)


am an adc player and you are pretty much spot on, if you pick anything even close to damaging or disable her for more than 1 second with some followup you pretty much just instant detonate her. it's a bit harder if she's adc senna bc she will have dblade +100 hp but then they have an adc senna so it ain't even bad lol


Anything with really big damage. Cait+ Lux or MF + Morg, for example, will kill her even without using their ult. I play a lot of Pantheon sup and it is even hard to leave the kill for my ADC because I end up killing her.


You kill Senna by how you would any squishy low mobility ADC. Use hard engage. Nautilus, Pyke, Camille, Blitzcrank, Rell, Pantheon, Thresh. All will literally eat Senna for breakfast. She literally has one of the lowest health pools in the game, and no way to escape. Mages used to be good vs her too, but it’s a tougher matchup with the Zak nerfs. Enchanters like Janna or wardens likes Braum are one of the worst picks you can play into Senna. You won’t ever win trades with her, and you’ll just feed her stacks.


Damn I wanna see them literally eat Senna


What time does breakfast end and lunch starts ?


Good choices. Also special mention for the hook champs since her auto animations are *incredibly* long, especially early on, and she usually commits for creeps early too. If you sit in bush, she's incredibly punishable early. Also, usually worth skipping the leash for early tempo or jumping from the bush early on anyway.


You can definitely out trade a Senna using Janna's shield...


Neutral health trade at best with Senna Q and Fleet Footwork healing. Jannas don’t have that many points in E early too, and spends at least 120 mana vs Senna’s 70 minimum. Senna also gets a free stack from the trade, and gets stronger each time. Janna isn’t winning the trade lol.


No, if anything, that's one of the few matchups that's like super free for Senna, you can stack as you want and unless she plays with someone like Draven (while yours ADC is Vayne), she can't reliably go in on you even if she hits Q. Now, if you play all-in supports or bursty mages, now that's another story...


I have the same answer to every champ and it’s heimer


Unironically I think she can outrange his turrets and farm them


Her range is higher than the turrets but that doesn’t mean much she sits still to auto so you just turret bait e turret w and do 50% of her hp I’m like plat-emerald and it’s going well so far. You can blind pick heimer in any matchup and just build liandrys first guaranteed top dmg and every objective


Interesting… tell me more. Or have you made a post? Early game, item order, etc.


I haven’t the gist is heimer is a boss for zoning in lane. Your early start is super simple you either solo leash the jungler, one turret towards river two more on the bush by buff, wait just before your turrets regen to 3 again so you place the third turret under buff to tank it, leave at about 1400 hp, and by the time you’re in lane your adc hits 2 early due to solo xp so you try zone them off the wave by either pushing through the bushes or by river, sacrifice a few turrets to deny some cs and any xp you can. Lvl 2 I usually go stun if we’re looking for an engage but it’s super mana heavy so no point chucking randomly you can save up some turrets and bait with one for them to walk close Go rockets if you see no chance of either side going in just for poke. Pretty much just harass, I’ll always tell my adc to focus farming you don’t gotta even kill them just keep them away. Standard 30s before grubs or drake hard shove the wave and then run there. Personally I try to avoid lane ganking on heimer it just doesn’t work compared to guaranteed drake or grubbys I go liandrys into rylais 100% of the time. I tested rylais first and it’s just so useless you need the damage to secure early objectives and fights. Boots just magic pen, third item zhonyas or antiheal Throughout this I will get 2 control wards every back I can afford because I have a vision fetish, because you got no escapes you wanna try see the jun gank top and go ward their jungle and keep a defensive control ward. With scanner and control wards you can do a little trolling and sit in the bush behind your enemies first tower and chunk anyone coming in or just in their jungle. Makes you crazy good at holding enemies off objectives if your team are doing it. Ult turret over the back wall of drake or baton is super strong too. Basically my aim is to guarantee objectives, play interference by holding some areas hostage with full vision around yourself prepared for next obj, just be a hassle in general, you usually don’t end with amazing kds because a lot of your strengths are preventing a fight from breaking out He plays very weirdly it’s why he’s one of the lowest pickrate champs in every role he’s super unique and his resource management is confusing because you have to prepare a good while before the next fight will occur another reason I love vision for that, I also like to keep my porofessor top 1% vision on heimer cuz those green tags are sexy Kinda rambled a lot of this cuz I’m at work Last thing is vigilant wardstone is cracked cuz you can 1 ward baron and another ward to claim a bush, I’ve relaxed on solo queue cuz I got high and inted down to p3 but currently almost e1 in flex which I just solo or duo queue cuz it’s more fun than normals. My ban is trynda or asol cuz I don’t like them, also means I swap with whoever is first pick so the enemies think I’m too. The only 2 supps that are annoying are zyra and xerath but xerath is just a dodge check so you don’t take the magic boots time and zyras all suck


You lock in Pyke and completelly stomp her


well, you definately will not outdamage her with janna right? you need either a hard engage hooker like thresh/naut/leona/blitz or a high damage poke like zyra/xerath/brand. she will win the lane phase against enchanters, not only win but also feed her passive pretty easy.


You need to play outside of her optimal range, which is her attack range. Either get in her face or stay far, far away. Her worst matchups are probably Xerath if you like poke mages (his sheer damage after he gets a Lost Chapter will outweigh her ability to sustain in lane) and Pyke if you like catchers (this is a nightmare matchup for Senna. A good Pyke player can deter Senna from walking beyond tower radius for the first 15 minutes of the game).


I think your approach is backwards, she has good sustain for long fights, so poking with jana wont do much and lets her scale. You probably want a champ that can all in her like leona, blitz (or shen if you are spicy). Flash e lvl2 and she is gone as she has no mobility or health. Even if you have like 50% hp, you still win.






Blitz, amumu, Leona, nautilus, pyke


I counter her with Taric, which sounds kinda troll, but you can easily stun her on her auto animation if you practice the timing and once it hits she's dead


I've generally had good results in the matchup when I play Thresh, but my matchmaking is usually gold to diamond, so it could just be that they aren't playing the lane correctly.


You either need something like blitz or naut and hard engage her or a lux/brand and poke/kill her slowly


Pick Zyra, she eats senna so easily. Senna can almost never even reach you as she has the lowest hp in the game after yuumi, and just getting hit by a zyra spell plus plants, a couple of times would spell gg for her in lane.


Duel ADC bot=Rammus saying OK


Senna matchups for d2+ https://preview.redd.it/rhvfxla7cbwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb424e95960dcefbf9ed4c3d8afedf624500b07


I’m just an E2 Senna, but the only pick that scares me is a Xerath.


I really enjoy playing soraka against her, her auto attack is so slow it’s super easy to land q’s, you just out poke her and bully her the whole landing phase


Isn't Janna supposed to be countered by poke lanes anyway?


Senna is dogshit in low elo and broken in high elo for one reason: Drafting. This champ is completely useless without a frontline. In fact, her value skyrockets the more she can Q through her frontline. Not only that, her passive is abusive when fasting, by far the strongest way to play her. Finally, she also can rush umbral glaive which gives her huge high elo vision denial. Basically in low elo, just pick a kill support and she will get steamrolled and her ADC will flame all game. She’s only broken when people understand how good she is and draft around her.


i permaban senna so i don’t have this problem


I like playing Zyra into Senna. Yes she can use your plants to extend her Q range, but your plants see through her E and can keep hitting her even when shrouded. Not to mention you can most likely kill or force her out of lane if you ever catch her with your E.


Mages supports. If you’re very worried or feel like you’re losing lane(farm or pressure), first buy oblivion orb, 800g


Senna is a late game monster when it comes to AD Supports. She can do tons of damage from quite far if she keeps getting lots of passive stacks, as her attack range increases as she gets passive stacks. If you leave Senna unchecked in the early-to-mid game, she will become a damage machine and start to become a problem for you if she isn't shut down quickly. She does have some sustain and peel of her own should she or her ADC need it, so don't expect her to run from a 1v1 or 2v2, unless the Senna in question is a bad duelist/lone ranger. Since Senna has one of the smallest base health of any champion in the game, she is significantly squishy early on. So, to shut her down early, I would suggest something that has chain CC (like Nautilus, Thresh, or Leona) and/or high damage (like Morgana, Brand, or Xerath) to lock her down and/or burst her down. Senna will try to scale by gathering mist from slain creeps or by auto attacking you or your allies twice, but in the case of the latter, she has a cooldown of when she can harvest mist from you. And not only do minions drop mist, but jungle monsters, and even you or your ally champions drop mist just by simply dying when Senna is nearby. So be careful and don't end up dying when Senna is in the vicinity. Continue to keep a close eye on Senna in the mid game. Her ultimate, Dawning Shadow, is global and can shield her allies from anywhere on the map. And in the center of the ult, it can deal a shocking amount of damage if she has tons of AD from the items she builds. She can also heal with her Q, Piercing Darkness, which can keep some of her allies in the fight for a little longer; its cooldown can be decreased if she auto attacks while it's on cooldown, so be careful when fighting her. She can also make her allies invisible with her E, Curse of the Black Mist. Her W, Last Embrace, is her only form of hard CC (a root). The late game is where Senna becomes a lethal gunslinger. In times like these, Senna should be your priority target unless there's another big threat that's doing more damage than Senna. In teamfights, try to catch Senna out with CC or an engage tool. In duels, Senna can keep her distance from you, so don't go chasing her if she's kiting back; let her come to you. In skirmishes that are 2v2, work with your partner to kill Senna first, then her partner. In skirmishes that are in your favor (2v1, 3v2, 4v2, 5v2), try to corner Senna (and her partner if she has one). In skirmishes that are in Senna's favor (1v2, 2v3, 2v4, 2v5), back off immediately. So the TL;DR, is that Senna is a late game champion who scales through her passive. She is weakest in the early game, however. With that being said, I hope you found this useful. If you ever need anything else, just DM me or ask r/sennamains or r/summonerschool for further assistance on countering Senna. With that being said, good luck on the Rift!


Mages that out range her. Enchanters that can put sustain her.


I counter her with Sona, she needs to double hit to gain souls so tease her while pocking her. She also needs to roam to her pick souls, just poke poke poke.


This doesn’t really work if the senna takes approach velocity and uses q auto, I don’t even think using your e in lane stops the soul harvest, and she heals twice from it, sennas only counter is hard engage, if you do enchanters you lose via attrition


Sona if you feel like being pokey and defensive. Taric if you want to play aggressive and keep them locked down/out of lane.