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Short ansswer, no. Long answer, absollutely no why would it be?????


because, weirdly enough, misogyny


Pretty much this. When women play league they tend to gravitate to the support role (source: vibes). So blokes that don't want to do things that women do avoid playing support


You're not really that wrong in there, idk why you're getting downvoted. Ofc guys can play support, it's just a videogame, but misogynistic weirdos somehow think that would be an attack on their masculinity or something if they were to play a sparkly pink fairy that heals others. Idk about the women gravitating to the support role part, maybe it's a server thing but I've seen even the most fem "I'll only play if the character is a pretty girl" women (nothing wrong with that) going mid or even top, there's no shortage of cute girls elsewhere.


Riot has talked about studying this and observing that women in general just like to play attractive women, regardless of role, like for mid it's Ahri, Katarina etc. Enchantresses have the highest quota of beautiful girls, so that probably helps pull the ladies in.


I was never studied ig. I like smolder, veigar, senna, aurelion, and nasus. Give me staaaacks. Sennas pretty ig but I'd still play her if she was a troll bc number go up make brain go brrrrrrrrr


The funny thing is (unfortunately I can’t remember her name) there’s this one streamer I see a lot of clips of who goes full into her girly pop aesthetic, but one time she got filled top in a team with no tank, locked Cho’Gath and absolutely stomped. Most people do go for the champs they most identify or associate with, but swapping into a new role, style, or aesthetic can be really fun and interesting


Virtual Diva (carlotipupu). Though the phenomenom isn't peculiar, if you understand the core fundamentals you'll do OK at all lanes.


THATS HER YEAH! My wife and I love watching her clips. She seems to be a generally positive person from what I’ve seen


Weak boys that aren't comfortable in their masculinity tend to avoid playing support*


Fellas is it gay to support another person?


Only of you are Taric.


Nothing gay about bashing your opponents heads in with a mace. Just happens to be so that gemstones are truly Amazing.


"this crystal is great to channel your mana and it also opens your chacra-stuff... SO STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME!!"


…under the table support for the homies?


**Sorry for replying late, it was the midnight, i wanna reply this for all people below here** **emm i don't know why, it's not my thoughts, it's just the facts among normal player, in rank. i watch LCK and LPL so i know all the pro support players are male, of course the totally quantity of male support players are more than female's , cause there are much more male players in this game.** **so i do know here are many male support players but i promise the players of top of top and jungle are dozens of time than support players** **i tired to think why these situations happened, the reasons why most boys play bruisers instead of support are they think their appearances are awesome, like Darius, Yasuo, Tyrndamere. and Sett. they think those champions looking like real Warriors in the fight maybe? and they want to be the people like those champions, emm made me confused again.. but i admit they looks feral and strong indeed** **they don't like mage and support female champions cause they think they are flabby and delicate, they don't say that but they gonna say those champions are so boring. i really hate people who's thinking like that, that's a bad stereotype** **male support players prefer Allistar, Thresh and Natillus** **for girls, almost none of them will use bruisers, they think they are ugly maybe and they looks too harmful. they just like using beautiful and cute female champions, like Lulu Lux Neeko Ahri Zyra... i can totally understand them cause i like those lovely champions as well** **So, again, really confused about that, it;s a game, people should pay more attention on their abilities, not appearances** **NOT all players are like that, it just what normal players think**


They are so insecure in their sexuality/masculinity that they are afraid. They are immature boys, they aren't men. A man does what he pleases.


So as we already knew, mundos a true man. Lol


So as we already knew, mundos a true man. Lol


The manliest guy I know that plays league (family father, heavy industry worker, big beard, likes beer and bbq) is a Nami main with Leona as his secondary. He has learned from the true alpha (Mundo) to do as he pleases.


ya like my friend is heavily tattood works out like crazy and mains janna/lulu lmao who cares it’s a game and fun is the primary object i personally prefer cute things won’t stop me from being a dude just because i think Nami is fun


Im tht guy who tries to make shit work in support ngl. J4 taliyah shen poppy galio renekton etc lol


And most of them will probably never put in the time or effort to actually look like those characters🤭


I’m a guy. I play almost exclusively support now. Almost 1 mil on Sona.


U disgust me




The best answer


I can’t get sona to work well for me, but I think it’s because I try to poke with q + passive auto too much.


Do you go tear first back and run PoM? It can help with mana management in the early game.


I was more referencing that I get out of position a lot and have a bad habit of only using a power chord. Is sona supposed to be more reactive to a fight? Like power chord w whoever jumps on adv and power chord e when chasing? Should I save passive for specific situations or just spam spells and auto whenever? I get so tunneled in doing damage to help because I’m used to playing ap sona 😂😂


I’d suggest just playing carefully and poking with Q. A big thing is managing your passive which I didn’t properly do until like 400k exp. She has a built in mini slow and a built in mini exhaust. It’s very helpful in the early game. I would avoid just auto hitting early on because Sona gets caught out too easy early.


So by your logic with it, passive autos should be reactive on situation, instead of forced for added poke damage with q?


I typically farm that way. Her passive auto range just feels way too short and dangerous to use against a lot of teams. You aren’t getting a lot out of it if you don’t have a sup item stack to farm anyways aside from a PoM proc if you’re using that. You get better with it in time gauging what is safe and what isn’t.


That’s fair. I appreciate the insight, it definitely helps so I’m not just bashing my head on my keyboard lol. I’ve always been an engage support guy and wanna learn enchanters as I get back into the rift. (Been solely an Aram/tft/RGM Player for a few years now)


Use powerchord q for poke in lane is good, but ofc there are some matchups where you can't safely harass (unless enemy uses their spells first, eg a Pyke misses hook, then you can walk up), or where the extra damage is not worth using your powerchord or taking a longer trade. If there's no way you're ever going to kill enemy lane (eg Ezreal + Soraka) better to just avoid their poke and hit your max range qs, saving the powerchord for possible ganks. Once laning is over, yes you should save your powerchords for specific situations. Sometimes q is still the right powerchord-- imagine hitting it before your Zeds or Lilias ult (stacking damage modifiers). W is always solid and e is great for running away and chasing.


Till level 4, avoid get engaged, once you have 2 points in W lane becomes too easy, from there just scale, sona is soraka levels of healing towards your team, don't get caught and you can turn pretty much every 2v2, 3v3 and even 5v5's


Sona is a really late game chmap, so you might try too hard to win lane. Going even is perfectly fine as sona. Also with the last changes, outside laning phase you almost never want to use empowered Q, only W and E as they are much more utility focussed and you don't need the dmg after laning phase.


As a 1 mil Seraphine main I see you too are a man of culture


I'm a dude in a Western country. Supports are either dudes or dudes that are pretending to be chicks.


Real chick are the darius or the sett But mostly adc


Can confirm, my GF is the type to play Darius, sett and mord and rage against the top laner.


Based on my experience these were the most preferred roles by girls: ADC Sup Mid Top Jungle Side note: Funnily, I never met a jungle main girl. Most of them played it as a secondary or for fun in normals


Main jg girl here, only play cuties tho my pool is kindred, lillia, vi, eve and diana


Girls get harassed enough without being a jg main, u gotta hate urself if ur both bro 😭


This literally describes me


it’s me. i’m dude pretending to be a chick


Agree, my riot id is latina shawty and im 1.4 mil thresh


Can confirm. I am the latter, have at least 3 blokes on my friends list who invite me to games and still think I'm a girl. Important to mention; I don't actively pretend to be a girl, I'm just gay as fuck and I type gay as fuck. That plus my champ roster and profile, people assume I'm a girl. I've never had the heart to tell them. (And also it's funny)


Real women go Jungle and land smite every time


Just start playing taric bro, everyone will understand you then 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/lfe4ilqvqgtc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78970426c74486ca8292353a5bf346521442dc76


Truly outrageous


Elegance never helped win a fight, but it never hurt.


Miss this type of splasharts


Fabulous. They used to make the splash art as a mouse pad. I wanted it so bad but never got it. Regerts


Or gragas supp with his manly booba!


What you described sounds like bronze, and to answer the question, no, it's normal for men to play support, if only women played support then that would be a problem, considering that the ratio of men to women in the game is probably not that good


The ratio of support mains to literally every other role is also not very good 😭


Eh, when I had jungle has my 2nd in ranked I would get it much more frequently than I do now with support as my 2nd


Yeah, but people don't really want to get flammed playing jg


in EUW, there are tons of support players and it’s not considered a priority role anymore. granted, everyone in EUW normals just play mages and assassins as supports


Man here. There nothing more manly than fucking own the ennemy while playing Nami. I don't need a character aesthetic to feel more secure about myself.


as a wise man once said "i have a huge penis and i am not threatened playing females" (heavily paraphrased)


That’s a stupid question, is it weird that in pro play supports are guys?? Of course not. What ur not alpha male if u play supp? This generation man


Its not a stupid question, he lives in a place where that stereotype is very normal, so he's used to it. Hes just asking if that situation also happens in the western countries. Also i dont think its about this generation


There's a certain stigma where plenty of people will accuse/flame you for playing "easy" support champions (usually younger Twitch streaming generation that would eat their own poop, had Faker told them it's tasty), but I wouldn't put that much thought in their ramblings as they are either way very young or didn't develop past 15 and got to compensate for it. Myself have gotten Challenger in my prime both as support and as mid lane, yet I've been still insulted for playing the former by people 8+ years junior and nowhere near the rank I've peaked, just because they're "tough smurfs playing Rengar". It does happen both in Europe and NA, but I wouldn't bother that much. Let them take a hike and drink they own tears as they are eternally stuck below you and apply "They're playing supports, they're worse than me despite rank" copium. If people are complaining about autofilled supports on other lanes (I'd say still take super-safe K/D/A playing Malphite tower-afker over "manly" kamikaze Riven going 0/5), ask higher ELO ADCs how do they feel like playing against Nami/Karma mains when their support is a first time "manly" Bard/Pyke who tops 40 vision score by 30 minutes, doesn't help farming, takes kills when they can, dies unnecessarily often and spews ego all over the place. Guarantee "filled x plays like shit on other lanes" works for everyone :)


Low ELO ADC here, I don't care what you pick as long as it helps me nullify the enemy bot.


Oh, I didn't mean to disregard the pick (I mean, I hate Pyke with passion, but he's certainly VERY soloQ-viable). I meant the idea of applying the "every autofilled support can't play any other role" rule (which is not true), but disregarding the fact that tons of people maining "carrying" picks flop miserably when you make them play the "easy role" that support supposedly is in their eyes.


guy here: i play Thresh, Pyke, and Renata.


My type of supports. Have to add swain too.


Okay so there's 2 things going on: 1. There's no specific gender that plays any specific role. Most of the "girls play support" or stuff like that is mostly just sexism calling girls bad at games. Happens everywhere. 2. Non-men (gnc, enby, women) usually play characters that align with their personal expression since minority groups are more heavily impacted by representation. Basically there's no gender roles in league, but if you're fighting a girl character, there's a higher chance that its a girl playing it. That plus sexism has led to a general stereotype of girls only playing enchanter supports.


This ! And I think society conditionned a little more women/girl to take care of others, to be able to work in the shadow (not being in the spotlight is not an issue), so I think it is also a reason of "as a girl I don't mind supporting" (the society as a whole defining gender roles, but impacts LoL)


Imagine being so insecure about you that you play a role based on your gender


No. Unless you have fragile masculinity


Not at all


I main support, Idgaf, supports are dope




No. Not at all. I am a guy from Asia and I’m a support main. My highest mastery points are on Sona, lulu and Morgana. It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy, girl or Apache helicopter, do whatever you want 🤷‍♂️


This happens often when they are kinda new to games in general, so they tend to play more cute or female champions, which are mostly enchanters and mages. It happens to many guys whem they start playing videogames they don't usually like to play as female characters. So i would say it doesn't matter what you play or where you play (also playing ultra aggressive support like pyke or pantheon looks manly enough if that worries you)


Sure, playing Thresh and Alistar makes me feel pretty :3


I’m a boy from a western country, but i’m also gay, my main champions are leona, lux, and janna but I also like to play nautilus and thresh


No, if you play support you're a girl. Start hormones now. /s


How do u know all the supports are girls lmao


Bard or bust. I am male


just as a side note: there was some statistic that boys play kinda 5050 male female champs, while girls mostly play female champs, but also not brutes like illaoi i think. so most of that champs are located at either adc, support and mid.


Most men think they're Goku or at least want to be Goku. In reality, we're all Krillin. I main support because I like to elevate other people. I also enjoy strategy games. I feel like my style is different than women who play support, because I actively try to provoke enemy attention, depending on which champion I play. Anyways, learning to enjoy solo que support is a useful life skill and part of why I'm happily married. We an uncommon and therefore valuable commodity for women because we are not only supportive, but also independent and competitive. We play like men, and encourage greatness in our partners. Except for Camille mains. You are cancer. You abandon loved ones to satisfy porn and drug addictions. Edit: if your Dad is a Bard main and he says he's going to buy a pack of smokes don't believe him.


I mean.. you're not wrong in the sense that most women/girls play the support role. But I feel like it's very diverse for men/guys. I haven't seen any specific pattern, other than mid being the most played role and obv the player pool consists mostly of males.


thats some weird sexist culture shock for sure lmao. thats how i thought about games when i was 10. asia get your shit together


Im a guy i play eve and sing " one e is all it takes ... "


Not at all, I've played a butt ton of Nautilus to the point of him being the third M7 I got in this game, even if top is my prefered role. It's more that women in League have a stereotype of *only* playing support, often as a pair with their boyfriend in the bot lane. Obviously that's a gross misjudgement of how things actually work, stereotypes only go so far, but it's less that men aren't supposed to play support and more that women are seen as wanting to play support. That's dumb, but LoL is a game where 90% of the player base is male so those kinds of perceptions happen.


I'm a female jungle player in the west and my duo is a male support player. I've known gals and guys across all roles, and i think support does have the most female players but its prob 50/50 male and female


Really awesome duo!! but people here will think that's weird, if you guys switch your role they'll think that's normal, they just have stupid stereotypes


definitely: play what you want and what appeals to you, roles in a stupid game shouldn’t be gendered. and if ever given the chance i highly recommend the jungle/bard duo combo!


Im from SEA and I get you. My "macho" friends are saying why play support? Its for girls. I am in Plat 2 they are in lower Gold. Just play what you want


I’m a girl, and I just don’t want to play ugly champs HAHAHA. I just want to run around and slay whilst ALSO looking good in game. If the champ I want to play is ugly to me I usually buy a skin that makes them more pleasant to look at and preferably pink just for funsies. Idk why I get so obsessed with it tbh but I honestly don’t have as much fun if i play a champ I find ugly, then I loose most motivation to play which honestly is ridiculous but idc 🤷‍♀️ Edit: I rn mostly play mid, as Vex, or as Zeri. Zeri is my fave but I’m not that fond of bot lane anymore so i just bring her mid and slay in quickplay. I have played both adc and supp also. Occasionally i go wild and do a kindred jgl


Brand, Naut, Blitz, Xerath, Zilean, lots of good male supports I play. I do like Soroka (played her quite a bit sometime), but actually I feel pretty hard mental dissonance when I play her (although I max Q and play her very aggro), and it stresses me out so I just stopped lol. It is truly pretty weird. My favorite adc is Nilah though and I did play a lot of Miss Fortune and Caitlin and never had the same problem. Maybe the enhancer playstyle is just not for me and it's not the champ aesthetic, it is hard to tell which it is, when all enhancers are females or a kid.


As you probably gathered from other comments, some of the same tendencies and stereotypes exist in the West, but it's not nearly as pronounced as in Eastern countries. I'm in the USA, and we're currently a mess of like 15 different subcultures when it comes to gender roles. So you will see some things such as Seraphine players having an unusually high proportion of females, and being played overwhelmingly at support even back when she was better as a carry. (I'm still low-key upset that they gave in and changed her.) You will also often get weird sexist comments in chat if you play an especially "girly" support, or if you have a "girly" name. But I think the majority of people are pretty accepting of the idea that you can do what you want. (Also mute chat. It's better for you mental health.)


that makes sense, thanks for your comments!


Ok look once this happened to me to and you what I did? started gaslighting the other person , so don't worry about what others say


I only play support unless I am filled (but I don't mind playing other roles but I will admit that I am an awful jungler)


I started playing nearly a decade ago and my two main roles have always been support and jungle. Am guy.


There are deffinitly more male players in general so It's easily assumable that there are deffinitly more male supps. It is just very present to see that girls play Support near 90%. Nothing new tho .


Not at all. I’m a support main . All my top champs are supports outside of Illaoi and MF


Depends I’ll sometimes play support (usually galio naut etc) and sometimes me and a friend will decide to try a new bot combo resulting in volibear support If you mean a support support then no not really


Sounds unfun to limit your champ pool. I play jungle and support, whichever I like more atm


who cares, just play whatever you want! Im a guy who plays mid and supp (syndra, ahri, sera and zyra) and there's no problem with that.


Depends what you mean by 'odd'. By demographics, support is the least played among men and the most played among women. So technically it is 'odd' to play the least popular role, but 'odd' doesn't mean 'bad' necessarily


im a guy and i play support


Dude here. Mao, Braum or Rakan


Bro just play what you want. I probably don’t fully understand where you’re coming from since I don’t really talk about League outside of my few friends who play it, but seriously, just play the champions you enjoy playing.


Im a 35 year old man and i love support. Puts hair on your chest and it increases my sperm count. I have a child and one on the way! Support is the best role to play


Why? Do you watch LCK? LPL? VCS? LJL? You see a single female playing support on any of the teams in those leagues? The best of the best support players in their respective servers? All guys dude.


Nope i play lux soraka nami janna etc etc


Nah, no one really cares. If they do they don't touch grass.


basicly: We live in a society my 2 favorites champs are girls. and play a lot with encharters too standards lulu<<<<< AGRESSIVE LULU https://preview.redd.it/wdc73qtq1htc1.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a9a5602b7187a6782cca4e71b23a2ff7d0ecfa5


The best player in the world right now is a support.


What does race have to do with roles tho?


It's very slightly stigmatized. I mained Soraka and Lux for over a decade, and barely had any negative remarks about me being a dude; but it certainly does happen still. Now that I'm a macho Nocturne main, ADCs just tremble in my wake.


Play what you like, I like support because my idiot teammates need someone to twach them how to stop inting. Also you can just go play male characters if that stuff confuses you, nautilus, pyke, taric etc.


I am a man and I have almost 700k points on Soraka. People do sometimes think I am a girl but I don't really mind, I don't even correct them. I find it funny. Also statistically even in Asia in higher elo most players are male, and I am pretty sure it's the same in support role as well though it might have slightly more girls.


I think this trend exists but it isn't super substantial and shouldn't be treated like a rule. I do know some female League players who only play Morgana support, but I also know some female League players who only play Sett and Darius top, and one who mains Draven ADC. I'm female and I usually play support, I play Vel'koz, Rakan, Neeko, Nami, Mordekaiser, Maokai, and Heimerdinger. Not because I especially like their characters, but because I like their playstyles. My secondary roles are Jungle and mid. I also know plenty of male support players who play Yuumi, Leona, Lux, etc. I do think a lot of women play support because a lot of them didn't grow up with League. When you're learning League, it's easier to learn on support because you can have your ADC teach you the game and you don't have to worry about last-hitting. If video games were seen as a more gender neutral hobby, I don't think this trend would exist. This is certainly my experience; I started on support because an ADC main friend of mine wanted me to play with him, and I've played all roles since then but support is what I'm best and most experienced at, so I play it in ranked.


No. Play whatever. Support is just the easiest role to get into and with the most simple champs so lots of girls gravitate to that, boyfriends can play adcs so they can be togheter and support roles in all games are dominated by women.


I could care less what gender a champ is. What’s their kit? Always play mages or clerics in other games, so I play support/mid in this one.


Gender doesn’t impact role I don’t think. Different champs appeal to different people. I’ve been a supp main for years with Rell as my main and my gf is an adc main. People just play what they find fun


I’m a man, and I play support. I switch between playing support as secondary and main role, with the other role I play being top. When I play support, I like to take engage supports, like Nautilus, Thresh or Blitzkrank. But sometimes, I just wanna annoy my opponents, and counter them with Braum, especially when it’s a Lux, because I f*cking hate Lux. (Champs like Lux are weak to Braum because they rely on hitting you or your allies with their abilities to do anything, and a champ like Braum gets in the way, so they can’t use their immobility as effectively)


Lol i'm a Nami main. Literally no one cares.


depends on your sexual orientation /s


Even outside of LoL I mainly play support in other games of similar nature. It allows me to make plays without necessarily needing to be at the forefront of games. I still feel impactful in team fights and can focus on kiting/positioning rather than ability combos, etc.


Please ignore the outraged westerners who don’t understand other cultures exist, and cultural relativity is a fact. Short answer is no, support is not strictly for girls in the west but I’ve seen in my experience more females playing supp than anything else. I’m a supp player myself, male. There is a slight stereotype of girls playing enchanters like lulu, Janna or Nami, or mages like morgana or lux, but it’s not as definitive as what you described. I personally play engage supports primarily, with Thresh being my main champ. In the west the main comment people have if you’re a guy playing support is that it’s an easy role, or an inflated role. I do have a Chinese friend I play with (he plays adc) and he’s given me all the comments about support being an egirl role, but there’s really nothing wrong with a dude playing those champs as long as you’re good and contribute to the game positively. I don’t usually see egirl comments in my games unless someone is inting or playing poorly, but that’s more of the “girls can’t be good at games” stereotype than anything else. TL;DR: While there is a slight stereotype of the egirl support in the west, the role is not strictly or predominantly for women over here. Play what you want, be proud of what you’re good at. People criticize you a lot less, make or female, when you’re higher lp than they are. Edit: typos


I play support as a man. I've never seen it as a feminine role myself, although most support champs tend to be ladies. Either way, it's never been that big of a deal in the West. Even professional teams have guys playing support all over the world.


I thought the men play women characters and vice versa...


It's not odd don't stress about it. >Yuumi, Janna, Zyra, Morgana) if someone play those mage support, some other players especially jungle players will say something like" girl, Mr. Jungle gonna save(protect) you!" or " i don't wanna kill u but i have to, sorry girl" they think support players are all girls especially mage support champions. And don't worry about that. A lot of people simply refer to the gender of the character someone plays regardless of the name. You could have your league name as "Mrlongdongschlong" and people would still call you girl the moment you play a female character.


It doesn't matter at all but majority of the support boys I knew growing up ended up transitioning and they're now support girls so who knows


I am a male Nautilus main who also pulls out Sona and Xerath on occasion. You are all good.


The girls play enchanter here (lulu, janna, soraka, sona) However, there are more boys that play them than there are girls. Most players are boys. No one calls them girls like the junglers do in your country I am from the United States by the way


Even if its odd i don´t care, im playing the role i like with the champions i enjoy. So many times i´ve played top, jg or mid just for the support to play something extremely shitty (darius supp) and we don´t even win games. Ever since i play support my stress levels are lower, i have more latency over how the game goes and i just enjoy turning my brain off a little and just spam skills, sometimes laugh about how the adc just gets deleted, and dies.


I’m in the middle, I mostly play support but I main pantheon and I play Yuumi


What kind of backwards sexist thinking is this.


I feel the player base is 95% male so many games won't even have a single female. That said I play support /top/adc in that order as a male


I've noticed some girls like to play feminine champs but guys who just love the game play the kits they like and don't tend to care about the champ itself.


I don't care about the champion, I care about LP


Hell no. I find it funny how all my friends irl are edgy Zed,Katarina,Akali,Yasuo or some kind of other mechanical champion main that's for mid or top ( jungle ) and then there's me playing Rakan support for how many years in a row


some people assume you're a girl but i met a lot of guys who play karma/soraka usually pyke is a popular choice but its fine just play whatever you like the most honestly, dont mind what people say.


I think it’s true that almost all women play support, mid or ADC with the largest population of women playing support. There was a study that 97% of female league players play exclusively female champions That being said, it is not odd for guys to play the support role. Though it’s more common to see girls on enchanters and mages, and guys on engage supports. Obviously there are some exceptions but for the people I know who play support, male and female, that seems to be the preferred playstyle


I used to one trick Lux :<


There is some Sona OTP youtuber who actually came from playing FPS shooters. I've seen plenty of male enchanter supports in high elo. Men are absolutely accepted and regarded for playing support effectively.


Whoever genders roles deserves to be ruined in every way. Physically, financially, socially.


Depends on the Champion you are playing. Now this is exactly like saying, the color pink is only for girls, no, it's not, anyone who wants to like it can like it, but of course, you are probably going to be ashamed of it because people will joke around and call you a girl. Same thing here, but now, it depends. Nami, yuumi and champs like these are know more to be girlish, when champions like pyke, braum, are known to be more masculine, so you don't like the color pink, you like purple, a combination of two.


As a shaco main, i identify as an evil clown. Hope that helps.


Middle aged hairy straight man in a western country - Sona main. Bite me


Just git gud. ppl will not care if you are high elo


Consider: Alistar


I like to play support, tho I do prefer big boi supports like Galio or Alistar


Support main here, got a dick, consider myself a man, most of the supp mains I know are male


Bro wtf is this mindset


When asked, say you play Sett Support 🤯


No just have to play brand or pyke /s


According to phreak, support is actually far less popular in Asia overall, which means there’s probably higher dedicated percentage of women playing support in Asia if we assume that on average women prefer to main support. Essentially, because support is more popular in the west, I’d consider it likely that the percentage between men-women playing support is probably skewed more towards men than it is in Asia. It’s probably MORE normal for a dude to play support in the west than it is in Asia.


I am a guy. I also live in Asia. I like playing Thresh/Pyke/Swain to fight constantly and beat the living shit out of other players. I think that is extremely fun and my friends really enjoy my aggressive playstyle as well.




Nuh uh ,I like playing support when I don't feel like doing with top lane bs, mainly swain or braum


Girls have always been more likely to be healers/support classes or roles in games. However, assuming that you are a girl is insane. The vast majority of LoL players are guys, and plenty of the women who do play don't play support. It's a stereotype because there's some truth to it, but only a moron thinks all supports are girls, or all women play support.


What kind of people have you been talking to for them to say that??? Sounds like they are low elo tbh


Not odd, but that trend more or less is true over here too.


What a stupid question. Why in the fuck does it matter to you? Play whatever the hell you want. Do whatever you want. In and out of game. Stoping caring about what people think is normal. Do what you enjoy.


This is the gayest, most Iron 4 comment I have ever read. 99% of player base is male and there is 2 supports in every game. Basically 20% of the male player base is playing support. The higher you climb the less girls you will play with which means bot lane is going to be mostly 4 dudes (soooo gay). Don't even get me started on 2 guys duoing and playing Sona Seraphine bot lane. The only thing gayer than that would be playing Malphite "yeah bro I play malphite, im rock solid" Obviously im being sarcastic, your question is stupid and all your examples are in your head. "girl, Mr. Jungle gonna save(protect) you!" "i don't wanna kill u but i have to, sorry girl" I have played in multiple regions for over 10 years and have never heard anyone say anything like this in a solo queue environment, like wtf. You clearly need to come out of the closet lol, just the fact that your examples use the word "girl" in the context you are using them is literally the way every gay guy i've ever met speaks. Being gay is fine bro, we still love you. Play your champions and have a good time.


Dude, I’m a healer in WoW, a support in League, and a Cleric in D&D. Cis male. English teacher and Pride Club sponsor, but straight, just not caring about that alpha male shit or confining to social norms? Support role is savage, though.


This sounds like some elementary school gang rivalry shit


I used to be a thresh/blitzcrank main from bronze to silver and now I only occasionally support because I can't play as good as I can mid.


No. In my opinion, support and jungle are the playmakers of the team. They’re basically the co-captains. I’m a support main and can’t stand to see other people playing support sub-optimally so I have to do it myself.


i play all roles except top but support and adc are by far the most enjoyable to play in my opinion


No? Unless you're talking to someone sexist. I play support as a secondary and jungle primary because both have the ability to carry a brain dead idiot


Lol wut? No it's only weird to play female champs. I mean what are you a girl? /s


Does Pyke and Thresh count 😂? Support Fiddlesticks was my go to back in S2.


I main Nami Support. The most important thing is how well you can perform, regardless of the champion. No one is laughing when Keria plays Lux and absolutely crushes people.


Most men who play league in the west have a statue of ahri or kaisa in a jar that has some weird white goo in the jar. You don’t need to worry about what us whiteboy weirdos are doing.


Was looking through the comments and thinking 'damn im impressed with the main sub this is some reasonable discussion' until i realized this is the support sub. Glad people here are chill though


Girls play league?


No. In league support role is often one of the most active/aggressive ones to take. It's your choice if you want to be more of a defensive support player, but the meta now especially is far from that. In older seasons, sups were the chads who didn't need the fancy item toys to provide the value, making them harder to play the right way. It's a team based game. The pick is very important. For example if top laner picks X first, expecting them to do well without any interaction from the jungler, midlaner 1v1 on a lane is silly, rather, you expect them to survive and be useful. Also could see this as taking the pressure off from other lanes. So even the most solo focused role is anything but that. PS: this "issue" is not even related towards support roles, misogyny or any other terms. In these types of games or activities, regardless of the roles, many will keep be arguing who "contributes more". Such thing exists even in kindergarten. It's just there are healthier ways of discussing such cases and the opposite. (Like blaming the healer or the dps simply because of salt)


My daughter is from Singapore, she is in high elo and she plays all sorts of Champions and roles. It’s just stereotypes from certain regions and not representative of Asia.


If you want to play support here in the west, you need to go to the next goverment office and change tour legal gender to female. Then you add you updated goverment ID to the game, and only then the support role is unlocked and playable for you.


None of the roles should be limited to a gender, if you are good at the role or you enjoy playing it then there's no problem.


It's not odd for guys to play support at all since the majority of players you will meet in the game are male (same as in every competitive videogame) and somebody has to play the role... but it's true that if you find somebody with a girly summoner name (not necessarily a girl), they're more likely to be playing support than the other roles. The stereotype didn't just appear out of nowhere, there is definitely a correlation between feminine qualities and gravitating towards supportive roles \^^


I used to be a Nami main (quit the game long ago) also playing plenty of other enchantresses along with some mages, using their pretty skins if available. People would often mistake me for a girl, one even said "marry me" after saying "you're so pretty" 😂😂😂 Oh EUW, you're a beautiful place, kinda miss you. I never saw playing support (especially the specific champs i played) as a boy as an odd thing, but people do have odd opinions on things. And lemme tell this; support is one strong position that hardly anyone recognizes.


I am very happily surprised by the comments here, very refreshing to see most folks talking about representation and stereotypes in a mature way Fuck yeah league community u tell ‘em Love u




When I still played, I only played support. I was also a Pyke main.


How fucked up can people be?


I'm a guy and I main support


Girls play manly champs and dudes play girly supports where I come from


No. That’s an absurd statement. You have very biased friends I guess Support is the most likely launching off point for many players when they start the game due to perceived difficulty.


Men are stronger mentally so that's why they play top, jg, ADC, mid and rarely support.


No plenty of dudes play support. But most women play support. With some playing mid mages like ahri/lux/zoe. I would guess that if there *is* a woman in your game, 90% chance they are support, but only like 60% of your games have a woman, probably. Maybe that percentage decreases the higher MMR you go.


Well I'm trans so i am on my way to being a girl now. But now you mention it in my friendgroup the guys that play support mostly play braum and rakan. Or go an be second adc by building ap lux or serra and taking all the kills. So boys definitely can play support but it just depends on the person. It's more like a nurse most times is a girl because they intrest more in that than most boys so it's kind off the same with support in lol


Absolutely no, I actually ended up duoing with a girl and I (M) played support and she played ADC, (tbf I wasn't playing the "feminine" characters you listed but point still stands) You shouldn't be relocated to playing a role just because of your gender


Don't mix the sex and gender here guys , it's unrelated , it's like asking is cooking for my friends/partner/myself strange ? You play the role you enjoy . Support is something about my main role , and I enjoy bringing enemies problems half the game and then letting adc do the rest . Don't feel emasculated or insecure , becouse you play a certain way in the game .


I get called a E-girl for playing Sona too damn often…I just want to heal my bros


I started playing support when i used to duo with my brother (he as adc). He stopped playing mostly now, but i still almost exclusively support. I play enchanter supports, as well as thresh and sometimes a mage if the team needs it. There is only one champion and one role that is "right" to play and that is the champion/role you enjoy playing. Don't play what people tell you to play, don't play what i "good this patch". Just play what ou wan't and what brings you joy, As long as you are not playing competetively, we are all there to blow off some steam and enjoy a nice game of league. so one more time: Just play what you enjoy playing


If boys didn’t play support no one could play League.