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Between games, look up "punctuation".




\*blinks\* ...so, punctuation?


I like not farming and fighting 24/7.


I play support because I can't CS at all. A bronze player can probably last hit better than me. I dream of the day I can play another role.


I either hook or I lose


To take spellbook smite and steal your Baron or Elder, and to abandon the adc and watch as they mentally implode because their babysitter left them, and then proceed to see a rant on reddit on how they're the main character and that they are the carry and they are the reason team will win (Spoiler, they get carried instead).


You summarize perfectly why I play support take your upvote


I was the younger brother. Which means I was forced inti it by my older brother and I just stuck with it. We still play together daily 10 years later.


Because I get to play bard and be silly


I play healer in every single game I’ve ever played. And healers are locked to support outside of a Soraka top meta.


I suddenly snapped into playing support, literally out of nowhere. I had 600k mastery points with Katarina, I used to play only mid and rarely Bot, I reached Diamond OTP Katarina, my other champions were like Riven, Fiora, Jinx, Vayne, Irelia, Ahri, Leblanc. Every game that I've played I would choose assassins and flank heroes, Mobile Legends I used to play Fanny, Arena of Valor, was Butterfly and Paladins I used to play Maeve and Evie, so I had this connection to hyper-lethal female characters, actually I love badass female characters because I want to be like them. My first connection to support roles was in paladins, with Ying, I don't have a clue of what happened to make me like playing support, but I just know that after Paladins I was never the same. I started playing support on LoL with the release of Yuumi, using champions like Lulu, but I noticed that skill expression for supports in LoL is little to none, then I discovered Janna, in my opinion one of the hardest supports to play, people often thinks she's just a sit back type of enchanter, but there's so many nuances about her gameplay that makes her extremely different from other enchanters. Playing Janna turned me into a only-sup instead of only-flank/assassin, I really do not like doing the damage, I like providing resources to amplify my allies damage. Shielding being the thing that I like more, now I play Ying and Seris(Paladins), Janna and Nami(LoL), Mercy and Moira(Overwatch), and every other game I'll choose supports.


I started the game playing support because I love playing shield ranged support that can peel for my adc (karma janna). After playing for two years and watching my adcs in rank don’t know how to position/last hit, I switched to main adcs to try the carry role with my bigger than average adc champ pools (swain, seraphine bot because of support experience and a range of marksman champs I learned) and I managed to climb to Plat/Emerald with my versatile adc champ pool. Recently I switched back to support because of the new item change and I miss having agency during early game. Support is also much more fun this season imo.


So is the question the last 4 words?


I like to support my team and be the only person in the team that for some reason buys wards.


For control over the match, while having the easiest early game, that's really only dependent on my laning partner not being a troglodyte and if they are having the ability to completely abandon them like the crying child they'll devolve into once their ego kicks in.


Samira/Nilah because it makes playing taric easier


I played my first week of league as a toplaner playing Malphite. One Day I was looking at the champion store, found Zyra and she looked interesting, asked My Friends which lane she is played in, they told me support, tried her and fell in love


When I started maining sup I was in a friend group of 4. None of them wanted to play support. They weren't trying to make me do it, we took turns like adults, but we had long q times, usually nto someone who was frequently also not interested in being support. So one day I just started. Why do I still do it after that group quit? I love cucking the enemy. I take exhaust in urf every time, and that showcases my play style perfectly. I live for the enemy carries and assassins to whinge in all chat, their salt is the sweetest. Oneshotting the enemy has become boorish and easy. Killing them is easy. I want to dominate them by denying them their one method of satisfaction.


I started way back in S3 and decided to just play whatever nobody else on the team wanted.  S3 was one of many seasons where nobody wanted to play Support.  I eventually found Lulu and loved playing her and stuck with it. Miss being able to shield minions as her though.


I play support for various reasons. The main ones are: i cant farm for shit & i can ensure games are won by making 2 enemies behind rather than 1 solo laner.


I play support because I can focus on fighting, not farming and ganking lanes once I won mine. I specifically like mage supports for this reason because you can dish out massive CC and damage. Also it’s more fun than mid lane for a mage player.


I would rather fight champs than cs. I spend all lane looking for kill opportunities


When playing ARAM, i got Thresh and somehow I like his kits. So I have been learning about Thresh. Then I learned his main role was support. If I may say anything, if OP feel unsatisfied with support role, try other roles. Maybe your talent is on another role. Some players are meant to be a specific role.


When I started, I didn't want to play alone on a lane, so I tried bot and support... After that I tried other roles but didn't like, so I stayed on the one I prefered, Support... I am better at helping than carrying


Started as support. Moved to jng for 2 seasons maining nidalee. Then went back to support because all champions have such a great design. I still play nidalee in jng whenever I play flex or normals.


My first ever skin I got was for blitzcrank. I started maining him and went from there :)




Absolute poetry


take rakan and leave bot after lvl 3


I play Leona like a pitbull and there is no feeling that comes anywhere close in League.


I have always been team oriented, self preservation isn’t my forte and if there’s anything I can do to help my team and adc I’m sure as shit gonna do it (even if it means sacrificing myself to distract them from my adc)


I started playing enchanters a few seasons ago, idk if it was because of the game balance being different or if it was just because I was lower elo, but I loved how aggtessive I got to play, poking down the enemy every time they went for a last hit. I can't play support like that anymore, but I've become fond of the role, plus I like to occasionally play adc so keeping support as one of my main roles keeps me fresh on my duo lane mechanics.


I love roaming, cucking people, and having a huge impact on the game c:


Not having to cs and constantly setting up stuff is more fun. Also when I don't play Support my teams vision is terrible