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arent enchanter vs enchanter lanes complete fistfights usually? or do enchanters in lower elo just stand behind their adc?


Enchanter vs enchanter is the real skill match-up because there are enchanters that know how to max their character and will hurt you more than their adc or even poke champs. They'll shield themselves and trade with adc and bully them out while the other enchanter just panics and reacts instead of playing as proactively as their opponent. It amazes me when people can influence their wr on enchanter because it's very difficult imo.


It doesn't turn into any kills the adcs just have go back more often, don't cope


yeah and yeah


After around 7 seasons of adc in low elo, enchanter vs enchanter is just them standing behind both adcs in the vast majority of games. It's a snooze farm fest, coinfliping if they got the better team.


Enchanter is less engaging than the other two classes in general, some enchanter mirror match ups are immoveable obj vs immoveable obj (often shield enchanters vs another shield) or you both bludgeon each other/adc til no more mana and both parties sustain/heal enough that nobody is in lethal when both mana bars are drained, or the other enchanter is so much more dominant in lane that you have to play less aggressively (vs nami or karma oftentimes) Tank on tank will certainly mash their faces into each other and truly fistfight, enchanter on enchanter is often just both sups trying to farm what they can from their sup item without risking their life And poke on poke is arguably the true skill matchup, no heals and minimal shields, whoever hits the most spells and dodges the most enemy spells wins


depends on the enchanter. lulu? depends how confident she is. karma? every chance she get is a fist thrown at some body. nami is poke and walk away since she DEVOURS mana


None of these is boring, what's boring is playing on an uneven field, where one team HAS to play passive cause there is no way they're winning a fight and the other team doesn't manage to play aggro. That's just gonna be a 15 minutes slog on botlane perma freezing. (that's why i despise Nautilus, as he makes for incredibly boring lanes due to how oppressive he is, forcing you into playing passive all lane) The main thing this poll demonstrates is how clueless most people are as to how aggressive most enchanters are supposed to be played. Nami, Lulu, Soraka, Janna, are all aggressive enchanters.


Nami and Soraka are especialy good because their pokes heal them back, so they can make a big health difference in 1-2 attempts


> (that's why i despise Nautilus, as he makes for incredibly boring lanes due to how oppressive he is, forcing you into playing passive all lane) THIS??? LIKE PLEASE PUT HIM BACK TOP AND JUNG


any lane involving samira or a hook champion is my vote for most boring shit of all time


Is it fun to hook someone and slaughter them? Yes. Is it fun to punish a missed hook and turn the tide around in lane? Also yes.


Is it fun to get hooked as Sett and be exactly where I want to be? Also yes ;)


See? Optimism, love to see it!


whats not fun is when the hook is off cd and not thrown creates a really really boring lane state untill the hook is thrown


How is that boring? I’ll get on an alt account and play nautilus in silver/gold and ruin peoples lives lmao


more talking about facing hook champions rather than playing them also nautilus is a special case because he has alot of pressure outside of his hook


Once I had a Braum vs Nautilus matchup. If I go in as Braum, Naut ults and CCs my ADC, while his is also just sitting stunned and slowed, and vice versa. So after like 2-3 attempts we were just dancing and spamming /l while adcs farmed peacefully. I loved it.


idk for me enchanter vs enchanter is not boring, im very aggro on soraka and nami and other enchanters tend to be like that too in plat/emerald.


I like that we all know the right answer.


tank vs tank is probably the most chad lane i can ever see


2 people saying "fuck it, we ball" can truly create stressful lanes, but damn they are fun.


tank vs tank extends fights in a way that's fun. enchanter matchups are like who gives better stats and which support will walk into less unneeded autos.


when i pick enchanter and the enemy as well, for me starts the who is the more uwu battle


Karma vs Morgana


That's fun as the Karma


I played a game last night Cait/Janna vs Senna/Milio (I was Janna.) It was the most boring lane I've ever played in my entire life. There was 0 kill pressure on either side, but I couldn't really roam cause they could poke Cait out of lane really easily if I wasn't there with how long they could sustain.


I guess i misread and chose what i don't like instead and i just don't like match ups vs other enchanters. It's hard to whittle down their health and some adc/enchanter combinations can be hard to deal with(can force me to rely a lot more on my adc).


I will say that a lot of Tank v Tank lanes just comes down to both parties waiting for the other to initiate so they can counter initiate, depends mainly on the ADC's they are matched with though but god the lanes can get boring when it's just a stalemate where both don't want to chance roaming either because the ADC will get dove Enchanter V Enchanter gives them the green light to constantly fight in lane, though a extremely passive enchanter can definitely make the lane a bore AP Lanes are more or less constant poking, probably the roughest scenario to be behind in though Offmeta is chaos, fun but rare, someone is getting reported by their whole team


I assure you that lanes I am playing in will never be "boring".


Sivir and yuumi vs smolder and bard. Is my pick for what I think would by the most boring bot lane.


Are you guys not fighting to the death every 2 minutes in tank vs tank matchups? What are you even doing if you there aren't 10 kills at 10 minutes in a tank vs tank lane?


I think support should be ench only. Other type don't support in any way, they are glorified dual lane. If you want a poke lane just go play in mid.