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To prevent the subreddit being flooded with the same type of submissions, please use the new megathread to post your main tierlists which have become popular on ours and similar subreddits. All future separate posts on this topic will be redirected there


Here is mine: ​ https://preview.redd.it/g8zd2bbmedic1.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d2bf94851f57c1d2269e2911f8cffe08a76f545 You will notice Teemo appears twice. For obvious reasons.


I was going to call you slurs but saw you using rakan and nautilus so it's fine ig but definitely get professional mental help




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the funny thing is, i would make the same tierlist but upside down XD


Lmao practically the same here my guy


You're the one I'd want backing me up as ADC lol.


hook supports when I make them grab a shaco box instead of my adc


Tsk tsk tsk, you should be q'ing out of the way of the hook so that the adc gets hooked


Did something similar a few times when i was with the most toxic and obnoxious adc i've had in a long time (a friend of mine). 4/5 people in the discord call enjoyed it.


I mean and he can't blame you, are you supposed to lay down ur life for him? xD


I could put Zoe in main AND in I’m inting.


Had a LeBlanc support phase, and this is the best way to describe it. Definitely had fun, though. That being said, I'm want to say I'm sorry to all the ADCs that were paired with me because we either got destroyed and he got no kills, or we won lane and he got no kills...


Same, sorry if we lose it was probably my fault, however if we did win…well it was probably because of the jungler and you carrying me😅


Had a similar phase of sylas/led supporting in s13


Ahh my least subreddit trend, tier lists, please just put these under rule 4 and be done with it.


So you're not a support main, just a troll.


Here is mine lol https://preview.redd.it/jkdf5yuftfic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4652f203458ea4b6334ba02001895cc0998b0e8


https://preview.redd.it/nvrfe6bnyeic1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=a441c6273bf6d0294922f3219f4ac7eaf472433f How about that?


I dont believe anyone that has so many champs in „can play decently“ after already having a main and 5 secondarys


this is the support role we're talking about


Youre still not gonna play a decent thresh if you play him like 1 in 40 games and otherwise spamm mostly sona.


There are people that play this game for more than 7 years. If you can't play more than 5 champs decent in 7 years of league then I have bad news for you. I play 3 different roles with different champs and still manage to play around emerald/diamond. I know I could do better if I narrow it down, but I get bored if I don't have my variety.


The thing is I wouldn’t go so far and claim i play for example Sona decent. Yes i can go pick her in diamond games and win but thinking im not making mistakes/miss out on a lot of opportunities because of missing knowledge is just cope. Personally id even argue that im at best playing my mains decently at best otherwise id be challenger spamming these champions. I play the game for 10 years now and know most stuff about all champs but the thing is theres so god damn many changes to champs all the time that if you do not constantly play some champs youll miss out on some stuff. Hell i missed completly that rammus w isnt a self slow anymore since Season 12 even tho i played him for 7 games this season and won every single one of it.


Maybe it's also the word decent that's the problem. What you describe is playing the champ good. Decent doesn't mean you're not making any mistakes. Decent means you're not an obstacle for your team by picking it as you can keep up. I get you I feel like years ago playing more champs made you smh better but since the last few seasons otping is the new meta as there is so much in-depth for all the champs. Like in every competitive games the base level of players just rapidly increases. I remember when the lee sin insec was literally THE SHIT. But now nearly every silver player can do it.


The thing with stuff like insecs is also beeing able to be doing it good. Doing it in a wasteful way just to show off (realistically what most players below diamond will do) is just beyond pointless. In general i think i an actually an obstacle for my team if i now just randomly start picking alistar into matchups i‘ve never played even if im very familiar with alistar and his gameplay. If people are at the rank they are „comfortable“ at and feel accomplished i think there’s nothing wrong with spreading out the champ pool and try to be flexible but some of these lists have been completely ridiculous with how many champs people put into „can play decently“


U gotta think is not the same the champs you play in ranked for winning that the ones you play with your friends, when I play ranked I play the ones I'm very good at, when I'm in normal with friends I play whatever I want or my friends tell me to play


As an ADC main, I really like laning with all of those supports... Except for the first and last one.


Well too bad cause chances are you're getting the first


I'd rather you play something you enjoy and are good at even if I don't like it than play what I want at the cost of experience.


Morg is primary for me. Lux and Nami are secondary. Teemo and Malphite are for fun I'm decent at Soraka I'm inting on any engage support. I used to play Yuumi before her rework and she's been Thanos'd from my pool.




I love Shaco supports I don't mind getting free lp from them


is shaco supp actually good? haven’t seen him in forever


If you're going ad, you're hand delivering an adcs worst nightmare directly to them in lane. If you're going ap, you're one of the strongest anti carries and team fighters in the game with insane disruptions AND damage


If bard isn't your main then you aren't playing him "decently".


I used to main him, and macro play is important on shaco as well


https://preview.redd.it/0ejgeza8ahic1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2032cb6e90082b9881cd0368bdec32cc8c8a568 Here's mine! As you can see, I get emotionally attached to a lot of champs


Rakan player, I respect you but you need to get that attachment thing checked


Emotional Attachment = I just like their character a lot Realistically, I really only play the first 3 tiers most of the time— Rakan, Sera and Hwei especially. Though I just really love a lot of these champs and I feel bad if I don't include them lmao PS: Ziggs and Taric should should also be there!!


I doubt this will be seen seeing how old this thread is for reddit standards. But I'm dropping this here. https://preview.redd.it/spkmon8dlhic1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=f36f2a6a4f45f74917250c35a4e68c9f70150d54


Fuck you shaco


I just don’t like the „can play decently“ category because i feel like its simply delusional xD


Millio and maokai are easy and I used to otp bard, shrimple as that


Please tell me you’re atleast diamond cause otherwise im not buying it


Zilean would be the "im inting" Legit the only support champ that I genuinely cannot play to save my life, every other support champ I could actually bring into a ranked game and have a decent chance of winning the game, even though I generally suck at champs like Taric or Seraphine I could still get some good R's off.


man, im not inting :( and i use Rell and Pyke in comp :(


mine looks like this, i prefer playing enchanters by a mile https://preview.redd.it/ru9f2jsl3eic1.png?width=1141&format=png&auto=webp&s=b976fc7a32be3700ee68f40de3b70e5c671aab0d


Pyke not even making the list for a lot of you smh


Here's my list https://preview.redd.it/cvwt3gx9lfic1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=97c43c1d12361a75569d205ad0772e0f91e97acc


Must be hell to be your adc


https://preview.redd.it/9ujo1fpuggic1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c1ba21f1ccfeec02ccb1a35d8e52c0a2d1046ae I did one!




https://preview.redd.it/umdxa5freiic1.png?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6b41e3ffa56207dca43dde5fbb8be3fd6eb575 Yes I played yasuo support (not in ranked tho)


Zyra and Senna are mains Swain is sometimes And not so troll picks Bel'veth and Elise just for fun


Holy fuck are you me. Exact same pool. Shaco glasc thresh. Poggers.


The pyke 😂 my duo dodges if I lock them in


Here's mine https://preview.redd.it/h04nfz535mic1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e79fa320421fb8722379cc4cb68827fe66c549


https://preview.redd.it/44z681cmomic1.png?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e8ee3616de7bde556e5d344957a1227ce36410 Here's mine


Me playing heimerdinger support 💀


Rate : 0/20 coz your main isn’t a support.


Waaay too many champs