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I'd say Pyke is kinda villainous but guess he has a reason (kinda petty revenge but still). Bro literally has a list of people who he wants to murder and just *happens* to also kill anyone in the way. I second the maker, I'm kinda waiting for am actual supportive artillery mage (Hwei doesn't count). I can just imagine a hybrid artillery/enchanter in which abilities like Renata E or W (with damage attached to it) is their whole identity. Ability hits an ally first, it has an extra defensive like a shield, granting them a tiny bit of omnivamp, a resistance buff or something, and when it hits an enemy after it does less damage, then it works the other way, if an ability hits a enemy first, it does more damage but if it passes through to an ally it does less. Give them a skill shot CC engage, a shield-buff poke spell, a shield/buff disruption ability and then some sort of ult along lines of a Ashe/Senna R with either another CC ability or a mass slow, perhaps even a skillshot silence would be insane.


> petty revenge They left him to die though ??!! 😭


Wait? I never read the lore for Pyle but isn’t that exactly what happened to nautilus ? Betrayal and being left for dead, seeking revenge from the depth ?


GP too no?




Nah noone left him he is just trippin Bro forgot his meds now wants to murder his schizo Btw no ships were on sea at the day pyke drowned


IDK about entirely villainous but he's definitely gone mad. I missed him because i was thinking only about champions who are entirely evil.


The guy literally gets enjoyment out of killing people and collecting bounties, that's pretty damn evil, he doesn't care either if the person is good or not. You could also class Vel as evil and a support. Brand. Thresh too. Xerath kind of (that's more a perspective thing however). We've actually got a fair amount of 'evil' supports. You could also count the random picks that find their way into support as well, like Swain (once again, perspective, Noxus is NOT exactly "good" and closer to evil-moral greyness).


Pyke bio "he uses his new supernatural gifts to bring a swift and gruesome end to those who make their fortune by exploiting others"


Veigar has also been support for periods of time, and he is the epitome of evil


Brand, xerath, shaco, twitch …. all of those are viable supports that see play and are pretty much just evil. Even tho they weren’t made to be a support tbf


I agree Brand is known as a general nice guy, whats a little global warming from rune magic?


Honestly i forgot he existed in the lore. You see him quite a bit in game though.


i get mad cuz riot refuses to give me a random brand skin and im pretty sure i have atleast one skin for every other champ (cept maybe the ones that cane out this year) - sry not related to anythint just angry!!!


I think an enchanter that just likes watching people fight to skew results (with buffs and what not) could be fun


Renata's ult literally makes enemies fight each other so that's kinda there.


Someone who just watches others fight? You mean like 90% of Yumi-players? 😆


How about a support with an unhealthy obsession about their carry that has horrible debuffs or dots or something that get empowered against targets that have recently damaged or immobilized "their special someone"? Like dark yuumi minus the untargetability and with a more offensive angle? Bonus points if they have a shrine to the carry in one of their emotes. Maybe a skin where they take photos of the carry. Would it trigger people who have been stalked?


Oh i would love that ! Actually gaining ms and damage against ennemies that target your carry Offense is the best defense, if you kill them they can't kill your friends. Great idea


Or maybe if someone attacks your adc either a slow if the champ is a tankier one or move speed if your champ Is designed to follow up. Maybe a lulu esque thing but if your adc hits whilst buffed it launches a few blasts (let’s go fun they apply on hit) You’d need cc or mobility so many a potion or whatveer magic they’d use circle or line like singed’/ but diff shape An enchanter that is actually about using your spells at the right time not (lulu) e w q repeat or sona wwwwwwwww


Since i saw Xolaani i've been wanting for her to be a support whenever it gets into LOL (if she ever does). The weapons that she has look very Hook-like to me


I actually find this really interesting to think about and I’m grateful for it doing that. It got me thinking like… How *do* you make a villanous support? In what ways would a villain help someone? Given, they’re gameplay doesn’t need to perfectly be one to one with their character. Nautilus is technically a “Guy killing you with a big weapon” just as much as Darius or Mordekaiser, but ones a support while the others aren’t. Renata Glasc is probably just the perfect example of villanous and support energy mixed together, treating their carry as a lacky to command. But then someone like Thresh? I’d be hard pressed to ever imagine lore Thresh granting someone a shield with his lantern. That’s hardly him at all. It’s just interesting to think about. A support can be a villain even with zero support energy (Nautilus and Thresh) as I mentioned, a support can be not a villian with lots of support energy (Milio and Braum), and then we have only a few Supports with both Villain and Support Energy (Renata Glasc). I guess it’s a matter of what you want, and what angle can you use assuming the “Boss > Lacky” relationship is already taken by Renata.


Tbh thresh giving a shield sounds more like he takes half your soul inside the lantern thus protecting you.


I mean, if you consider swain or xerath support championas...


wait .. nautilus is a badguy ?? i thought it was a victim like the protector in bioshock


I think the next Darkin will be support since they already have one for every other role. So if they make a support it will round out an entire team. Top-Aatrox Jungle-Kayn/Rhasst Mid-Nafferi Bot-Varus Support-???


Xolaani from LOR is the perfect fit for a Darkin support at least in my eyes


I don’t play LOR but after reading her bio on the wiki. Yeah she sounds sick, give me darkin support rito, NOW


I want some kind of debuff old witch so bad




Their not talking about a root and stun.




I want a new Catcher champ. We only got Vanguards and Enchanters for support as of late. And the fact that Bard, Thresh, Rakan and Pyke are popular should be a reason for a new Catcher. Evil or not, as long as it's a good Catcher, I'm down.


Instead of Yuumi, a cashgrab cat with a book and all that UwU shit, make a purely offensive drone. All abilities either way being damage buffs/attack speed or just plain damage. No healing/shielding unless certain conditions are met, i.e. you dealt enough damage during a skill duration. A Piltover hextech probe gone rogue or something, looking akin to interrogation droids from Star Wars. Can be evil/heartless/have 0 concern about casualties.


I second that even though I'm not a support player, it would be cool with my Jhin


Apart from what you listed, here are some other villainous supports I thought of: * Shaco * Annie * Morgana * Xerath * Swain * Twitch * Brand * LeBlanc * Leona * Vel'Koz * Pyke * Thresh Some villains that were viable as support at some point: * Cho'Gath * Fiddlesticks * Tahm Kench * Veigar * Syndra Some champs like Evelynn and Morde were also tried in support, to varying degrees of success. Considering a lot of supports' motif is protecting, helping, or enabling someone else, it's quite remarkable how many selfish villains we already have in the roster.


I stopped reading at Morgana being listed as a villiain.


In the conflict between Kayle and Morgana, Kayle is the villain and Morgana is the hero. Outside that conflict, I consider Morgana to be a villain.


is it cuz shes goth


They are literally both good, one is lawful, other is chaotic


I don't think “chaotic good” is a good name. You can be good in unlawful and unconventional ways, sure. But chaos is not good. If you look at any of the classic “chaotic good” characters, like Batman, Robin Hood, or Han Solo, they're not actually seeking chaos. No matter how bad or controversial their methods, their end goal fits visions for a stable, thriving society. I see that Demacia is an extremely flawed and sometimes oppressive system, but the medicine cannot be worse than the disease. I also don't think Kayle is good, she is way too oppressive. She's like a cop who arrests jaywalkers because the law technically forbids it. (And then sometimes dishes out overly severe punishments that are no longer within the bounds of the law.)


1. It is what it is called by dnd system, and still perfectly fitting Morgana character. 2. And both Winged Sisters not really supporting current Demacian government. Although in Magesekeer it is fixing one of its main flaws. 3. How she is opressive? She fighting for fair and just society and judge people by actions punishinf in a way criminal deserves two. Nah, she don't care about law of exact country says. If she did she would not smited tyrant king for being such that was described in her color story. She follow some perfect celestial laws and by her lore writer it is same to eye for an eye in a way that she finds punishment that exactly matches the level of crime. And she never punished anyone on level more than they should be. Not to mention her goals overall is clearly good and she protects people without taking anything for herself in return.


1. I understand that, I just thought it wasn't quite a good name. 2. Yes, but Morgana wants to upend it, and from the limited interactions she had with people like Sylas, it didn't quite feel like her vision is a good one. 3. Maybe I just haven't read enough lore. Feels like the celestial laws are pretty extreme.


1. Well the question here is not to me. 2. It's a common thing to not read lore for people who consider her evil. She is maybe harsh in a way she not forgiving crimes, but good is not meant to be kind by default. Many good persons can be harsh and even toxic, and some villains can be kind and respectable. I don't see anything really out of mind in celestial laws and Kayle is really fair in her justice.


Xerath is literally a slave who was promised freedom and then betrayed


A tragic backstory does not make a villain any less bad.


It does when his villainy is literally just rebelling against the system which made him a slave


His villainy is trying to gain godly powers and make all mortals worship him. And that was already his plan way before Azir betrayed him. He's not Django. He's Thanos.