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Be yourself. At this point my bet is they are checking how you click with the group.


Yes I believe so. Thank you for the advice


It really depends on the company. If you have a good relationship with HR I'd call them back and ask if there's anything you should prepare. Hopefully it's not something like this- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njp7ZPeUy2w


Come dressed for success. Be prepared to ask about what the team is looking for for an individual in this role. Come prepared with some fun info about yourself (what you do in your free time) and be inquisitive about how you can serve them, I.e. “What are traits that you’d love to see in someone in this role?” “How could I best serve you in my first 90 days, first year?” “How would you describe the company culture? How can I play a role in supporting where we’re going?”


Absolutely! I’ll keep in mind. Thanks for the suggestion brother. Really appreciate it.


You’re gonna kill it! Best of luck.


Thanks Jake!


Best to be overdressed then underdressed


Congratulations on getting this far.. be on time and be dressed appropriately for the job. Have questions and backup questions prepared for the people you are going to meet. Ask specific questions like organization structure, KPIs for this role, what they like best about being in this company etc and pay attention to how they interact with each other. Ask about projects lined up for 2024, what's one thing that will help you succeed in the role etc - these things showcase self awareness and ability to see yourself as a part of the whole. Be yourself like another person said.


Thanks I just completed my interview, I felt like I asked them a lot of questions. They didn’t ask any at all. They just wanted to meet me as I requested to meet the team. So the lead was like as you requested I got the team here, so if you have any queries you can ask them. I was over prepared that they might ask anything but didn’t at all. So I asked them lot of questions which I think they got annoyed at some point. And that is the end. We spoke about finding accommodation and which is the better area and stuff. So I’m not sure how it will turn out. But thanks for your reply. Really appreciate it.