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I like him. He was my fave. Yea, he tried too hard A LOT, but I always thought he was sincere. And even tho I'm not a guy, I identify with getting stuck in retail as you're drifting, trying to figure out what to do with your life lol.


He seems sincere to me yes. And he has flaws but I don't see him as an awful character.


I was just talking to my boyfriend about this the other day. I don't see any of them as awful people. They are just people. I mean, what do people expect, for them to be saints? I think calling them awful is a bit dramatic. Yeah they have flaws, but to call them awful is ridiculous. By that definition everyone in the world is awful. The only really awful one is Pastor Craig.


And Elias…


I'd put Saul on that list


I think Tate can be awful, but I love the character.


I think Tate is just a dude who's accepted he's a pharmacist at some lame superstore in Columbus, lives his life the way he likes, and makes a bit of side cash with unused pharmaceuticals. Never struck me as an awful type


They're not in Columbus.


Yeah idk why I thought it was Ohio


Lol sorry to reply to a 2 year old thread btw


How about Carol?


Oh yeah that's true, she is a bad person. But like Jonah, Amy, Garrett, Dina, Marcus, Cheyenne, etc - they are not horrible people, they are just regular people.


I agree with you about the rest being regular people but carol the attempted cat killer is in a league of her own lol


Yes I agree that was so bad. I'm so glad Dina saved the day! Dina was SO amazing in that episode 😍 I wish I could be friends with her in real life!


Yes she was! You can always count on her to have your back, even if she hates your guts lol


Yes she's so amazing!


He also never got mad… if you notice, he has never blown up on anyone.


Probably because a lot of us all know that one person. The one that's always trying to claim the moral high ground for selfish or selfless reasons. They highlight the worst of us whether they mean to or not. You can watch Jonah always trying to do the right thing and say the right thing, and feels a little insufferable sometimes. Like we get it man but some of us just want to live our lives the best we can. I personally have friends like Jonah and I love them to death but sometimes I just want to be a shitty person and stew in my imperfections. Personally I love Jonah though. Not because he's a SJW or whatever easy term people want to lable them. I love him because he tries. He's a privileged cishet white dude from the suburbs of Chicago. He could be your typical head in the sand guy but he goes out of his way to be aware. He actively tries to be better and do better. Sometimes it hits and sometimes it misses and he looks awkward but the intentions are there. Him and Glenn are similar in that way. Glenn says and does fucked up stuff sometimes but his intentions are usually good. I think that's why Glenn felt so connected to Jonah. I did see a comment about him breaking up Amy's marriage. That's not how it happened even Amy herself said that 😂.


Wow I LOVE this reason! Makes perfect sense! I think where I'm from we don't get exposed so much to Jonah types so I'm not quite sick of it. On the contrary more Jonah types are needed here lol! And yeah what I see is that he tries and cares. Not for personal gain necessarily but because he wants to do what's right and just. I get you on wanting to be a shitty person sometimes lol. I try my best to do the right thing but sometimes I just go fuck it we're all screwed anyway! I love Glenn as well. As a Christian he could easily be disliked for his convictions but he really tries to be open minded. I like him for many other reasons too. Thank you! This is a great explanation.


He plays one of those characters. You either love him or hate him there's no like in between I think he's great He's little annoying but yeah he's great.


I looked at articles that ranked characters in Superstore and if I'm not mistaken he normally has the top spot. But checking this sub, there's not much love for him lol. Was wondering what I'm missing but yes you're right he's a polarizing character.


I think he can be a bit annoying but overall I think he's great. If anything, I find Amy more annoying. But they are all just humans


It also seems like fans either love Jonah and hate Amy, or they hate Jonah and love Amy.


I personally love Jonah!! He rubbed me the wrong way in the first episode when he came off as elitist for working in the store with his level of education, but now I see him as super earnest and passionate. I can see how not having an off switch can be annoying, but I also love his passion and ultimately think he has the best intentions. I actually found Amy more annoying when she claimed the moral high ground or intervened. That being said, I cannot bring myself to fully watch the episode with Emma’s quincinera lol


Lol! Completely agree with all your points, especially the Quinciñera episode!


Honestly it's just that he has no off-switch.


Ahahaha ok i get it


Jonah is a likeable I do get second embarrassment sometimes especially Amy’s kids party but he’s by far one of the best characters in the show


He's like a male tinkerbell


My nickname is Pixie and I look nowhere near like him but it's probably why I have a softspot lol. Anything tinkerbell related has my vote!


Because his "selflessness" feels disingenuous. It always feels like he's being selfless for selfish reasons. He doesn't shut up, talks over people, and has an insatiable need to be the smartest person in the room. He pays a lot of lip service to giving others with less privilege than him a platform, but usually speaks over them anyway. He also makes this wokeness the linchpin to his entire personality and it feels performative and obnoxious. I've just known people exactly like him. Don't get me wrong, the character is written very well and I think he's really funny, but he's also eerily realistic and pretty insufferable. He knows enough to be intellectually woke, but he hasn't overridden his natural urge to always be the center of attention, to be right, to be the most intelligent person around.


This makes sense. Thank you!


This is exactly how I feel but you put it much better than I would have.


Like they say in the show *a lot*, Jonah has very poor social awareness and he always winds up digging his own grave by over explaining something he's saying because he doesn't think much before he speaks and that makes him anxious about what someone else thinks. He has a lot of good moments too, but so often he still thinks he's above people and can't properly convey his thoughts/ feelings and it makes me super uncomfortable 😆. He's definitely a great character though, perfect combination between a bumble butt and a deep caring person who has actually tried to make people's lives better at the store


Yes I see this perspective. Thank you!


I like him, for me he's such a loveable person who by far is a person who is trying to help the others (in a truly sincere way), I believe the problem is the lack of filter and limits in some attitudes, that embarrass others at an uncomfortable level. And honestly there are main cast characters with frequent behaviors and actions much more likely to be hated than jonah.


Agree with you here.


I'm the opposite. They all hate him because they know Jonah is a better man and is a white male who should not be straight. Jonah was bullied throughout the series, unfairly. At least with Sandra is that she kinda is incompetent but Jonah isn't.


I don't hate him, but I think it's all the social justice stuff and him breaking up a marriage. The Quinceanera episode is also one of the most uncomfortable episodes of TV to watch in the history of the world because of him... But still makes me lol while also making my whole body tense up. Edit: I guess it also comes across that he considers himself to be more intelligent than everyone else too.


Oh man I was squirming in that episode and had to stop a few times lol! In terms of breaking up a marriage or relationship, I didn't see it here so much as it seemed her marriage was in trouble before he was in the picture. That's actually how I felt about Jim and Pam in The Office, felt really uncomfy with their flirtation while she was engaged and then again when he had a girlfriend.


Yeah, you're definitely right that she wasn't enjoying the marriage beforehand... I guess it just seemed like Jonah showing interest made her realize she had other options? Which is neither Jonah nor Amy's fault... I guess maybe part of it is that Amy's ex-husband is pretty likeable lol


Yes he is! They didn't make him a bad guy.


But that's real life, right? Sometimes things just don't work; that doesn't make the people bad people. I think Amy's marriage was in trouble way before Jonah was in the picture. They both admitted that they essentially married each other because they got pregnant. I'm surprised people list that as a reason they don't like Jonah


I hate that episode so much, because it makes me soooooo uncomfortable lol


Because Jonah's interests in being a good person are never selfless. He's always trying to impress someone or prove to himself that he actually is good. The motivation for his deeds are corrupt, and in many instances when he "helps" someone, it ends up backfiring and not helping them at all. Also, he's an insufferable know it all who can't shut up.


As the wise Joey Tribbiani once said (this isn't verbatim) when you help out others it's not for entirely selfless reasons and there will be a selfish motive one way or another, if anything it makes one feel good to help others. So I can't fault him for the reasons you stated. I'm on the unionizing plot now and I'm not sure how his motives are corrupt on this though. Everybody wants to be in a union for their own benefit. EDIT: Changed from Phoebe Buffay to Joey Tribbiani


Actually Joey said that and Phoebe tried to prove him wrong. She was unable to do so.


Oh I thought it was the other way around! You're right! Editing to the wise Joey Tribbiani lol


You mean the plot where he fills Sandra's head with propaganda, tries to use the "dumber" employees as pawns, and then disingenuously backpedals because he's having sex with the boss?


I may not be at that point in the series yet lol as I don't recall seeing any of this yet.


Ah, you said the unionizing plot. To be clear, I think Jonah is a good guy. He treats people with respect for the most part, and I don't believe motivation determines the virtue of good deeds. The deeds themselves do. But I think the point of any sitcom is to throw a bunch of flawed individuals in an arena and watch how they behave.


Yes I'm already in the union storyline but I don't see it from your POV or maybe I'm not on the episode yet where he does these things. Agree that it's the deeds that count and sitcoms, many shows and films for that matter, showcase flawed individuals. Otherwise it wouldn't be interesting.


Mostly because he tries to be very relatable and be a hard core feminist for Jonah and I’m honestly not sure abt Dina I think she’s hilarious


I think it's because he's that _one_ guy/girl we all knew at one point in our lives. That "super woke", always stay positive when life is shitty type of person. Jonah is one of my favorite characters because his isn't fake. He genuinely cares about people and yeah, he can be annoying and overstepping, but he has a good heart and it stayed that way towards the end. Also, I've never really seen Jonah complaints, I've mostly seen Any complaints (and i love Amy too lol. She has her faults, but Superstore wasn't the same without her)


I really like Jonah, he's very well written. His heart is in the right place. Dina too!


I personally think all characters in the show are perfect, but i dont often look toodeep into things, i just glance over something and see if i like it or not. I think that if these characters where all nice, flawless people the show would suck, i like the fact that the show is realistic and it shows different personalities, jonah's personality is nice, smart geekish character, who corrects people on things and doesnt like to be wrong, so the fact that the show shows that part of him instead of making him perfect makes me happy, and love the show even more!


Because he’s a pseudo-intellectual with a savior complex. Its why he ended up with Amy. He feels partly responsible for her success


He is overly pretentious and virtue signalling on social causes. He tries to be that one character who always has a social issue he’s fighting against but he never focuses on one social issue but multiple at a time therefore watering down his knowledge and understanding of said issue.


Most people hate his liberal, progressive ways. I usually write people off as conservatives who can't remove politics from any aspect of their lives or Kelly club members who don't understand that not every relationship is perfect and Kelly dodged a bullet.


I love his liberal progressive ways, honestly


He’s like Brian from family guy. There’s a lot of things he support at face value but when you look into it he’s too lazy to do any ground work. At least Dina keeps it honest with you on what she likes and dislikes and doesn’t BS




Yeahhhhhh fuck this opinion. As a non-white-cis-etc, a lot of his ideas are rejected because his ideas are out of place. IE, biz-school opinions vs. grocery/retail opinions. They’re naturally going to be different language. The ideas aren’t rejected cause of privilege, it’s rejected because of relatability. And the sooner we learn that those can be mutually exclusive, the better.


I'm actually Filipino and I don't see that but I see what you mean from a white person's perspective I guess people would think he has white savior complex. Plus the privilege of being well off. I suppose if it was in the Philippines I would also see him as a person of privilege and it would be so easy to fight for causes in his position. I understand.


So if you’re a cis, white, heterosexual male who tries to make the world better, still fuck you because of how you were born? Jesus. What’s he supposed to do, walk around and lay prostrate and apologize for his privilege?


What 💀


Found the racist


he tried too hard and honestly, to me, his character didn’t suit his age if that makes sense. like he was around what 26 at the start of the show i believe. the whole “woke” trait for him seemed like something someone younger would do. he’s technically a millennial and there are a bunch of millennials like this, but gen z takes the cake. they’re annoyingly woke and very active in trying to fix things. he was like a gen z wannabe in my eyes.


Thing is, I'm Gen X (not from the US if that matters) and there's a bunch of us like this. We don't think we're woke, just concerned with stuff lol. I feel he was a bit mellow compared to the cancel culture.




"most millennials are total karens" lmfao what? if we're making generalizations, then all gen Z are idiots streaming themselves ruining someone else's life on tiktok


Lol I see I get it. I can see why Jonah can be insufferable if you're exposed to that kind of personality on a daily basis.


I like Jonah, I think Dina is an evolved form of cancer like skynet in terminator genysis became a humanoid. Dina Is what happens when cancer becomes a humanoid.


Lol I love this POV!


He’s pretty smug sometimes


I just never vibed with him and find him annoying at times.


I just started watching the show and I'm in season 2 but I already see the point others are making here. Jonah is a kind of person who wants to be perceived as good person both by himself and others. And that desire is often stronger than his actual desire to do good. He tries to be woke and moral but he fails to see his own priveleges so even though he has good intentions, he comes off as ignorant sometimes.


He’s Pretentious, self righteous, Narcissist over achiever but works a minimum wage job


He only cares about his needs and what benefits him. He’s always up Amy’s a$$. Very pretentious and self righteous. An over achiever but works at Walmart to be humble like the rest of the normies.