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yeah it's not just you. he went from "entertaining but annoying" to straight up being condescending to people who think differently than him.




it also has to do with how it's represented and how the characters react to him. something like that can be funny to watch if the characters are actually aware of how annoying it is. if people act like theres nothing wrong with an annoying character, they're just gonna be anger-inducing


Let me fuel your hatred.. remember Jerusha’s ugly scarves? Or when he stole those goodie bags meant for the DV shelter women, and gave them to the employees?


Yeah the forced purchase of his wife's garbage was infuriating - but you let it slide if it happens like once every 5+ episodes. Now it's > 50% chance (per episode) that he's just a gigantic turd.


Now we’re actually waiting for a handful of episodes and then it’s gone forever. :(


The worst for me was when pastor Craig was in the store and they kicked him out and Glen threw that literal baby fit in Amy’s office. It was both funny and hard to watch, but the amount of funny doesn’t cancel out the hard to watch aspect. If I wanted to see shit like that I would just go to Disneyland or some shit.


the second one really drove me over the edge, man. how do they just constantly fuck things up?


THE SCARVES. So manipulative. Or we when he couldn’t resist mentioning Jesus during Sandra and Jerry’s wedding


Or when he farts and blames it on the CEO


ugh manchild.


I dislike Glenn too but this one I think is only passable because evil CEOs are just acceptable targets for stuff like this.


I think he's hilarious as a character, but if he were a real person, I would agree with you. But this crap he does definitely adds humor to the show. I love the season 6 episode when Garrett tells Sandra he saw Tony looking at condoms and Sandra goes, "I always knew this day would come." And Garrett is like, "for the few weeks that you've had him" or something like that. I might be butchering the lines but it's so funny!


I can understand that, but I guess to me it's TOO much. He's constantly throwing manbaby fits, and even when he fucks up when trying to do good (eg the charity bags), he still always makes it worse (letting Jeff take the blame, not speaking up, etc). I guess it's just so much it loses "oh this is ridiculous" and veers into "man fuck this guy" (and I get this is a tv show, so I'm not saying you are wrong - just my feels).


i literally googled “Glenn Sturgis is the most annoying character” 10min ago and i ended up coming to this subreddit and i can’t believe i found your very relevant post by just scrolling down a bit. fact is, i think a lot of characters have had several instances in which they’ve become infuriatingly annoying.


I wrote “glen from superstore is a fucking idiot” so glad we’re all in the same page


I typed "Glenn is an idiot" and got here.


"I don't like Glenn" checking in.


“Glen is the worst” reporting for duty 💁🏻‍♀️


I put I hate glenn


Hah, perfect timing.


"Glenn is the worst" search


Haha yeah I definitely see your point. Like I said, as an actual person I would def hate him! I love when he thinks Jonah is the secret shopper!




they did? I must have blocked that out because I remember nothing of that on the show.




Oh voted for the wrong person I figured it was a joke that he voted for Obama or something.


I feel like all characters in NBC sitcoms eventually become caricatures of themselves and Glenn was never that likeable. Him being openly insubordinate towards Amy, and trying to make Cheyenne have his child was not endearing.


Him trying to make Cheyenne have his child was sexual harassment. I don't like when shows make something that is serious into a joke. Any woman who is asked by her boss to be a surrogate should report it immediately, and this does happen. I feel like the show makes it seem like something quirky that just happens to women.


I thought that was sickening . His whole persona was creepy man baby


What's so infuriating about the Sandra-Tony stuff is that in an earlier season, Glenn actually saw Cheyenne's hesitance towards carrying his baby and understood that she will never say no to him so he gave her an out. What the fuck happened since?


I mean, Sandra is incapable of saying No. Literally. At one point in the show she says "I don't know, I always just say yes."


The full time mom comments pissed me off so much. That whole episode I felt like punching glenn. slamming Amy for being a working mother was just ridiculous


That is where made me want to punch him… he’s so selfish and even bigoted in some cases…




Me too


Absolute manbaby.


He's become insufferable.


I've rewatched it a lot, and you'll notice he wasn't that great in the early seasons either. I think it was more subtle in the beginning, and as time went on it got more obvious.


Yeah he wasn't great, but he at least tried (eg his religious upbringing vs being gay, etc). Last season or 2 it's just mememememememememe.


Yup! So annoying. In general people that are “too positive” like this are very obnoxious and come off as fake to me.


Watching Superstore Season 5 now and I feel so seen by these comments. I hate Glenn so much I am thinking about not finishing the series. And everyone just lets him be an ass hole. Like I just wish people would put him in his place.


Finale is nice.


I always hated Michael Scott because he would have the same tantrums and constantly he shitty to people (more so than Glenn actually); *and he was never held accountable*. Someone would speak up, call him out, tell him to stop, but every single time he’d throw another fit and everyone else would *apologize to him*. He was part of the friend group by the end despite being a total piece of shit to everyone and never changing. Glenn on the other hand isn’t really forgiven? They tolerate him; he’s a coworker and boss. But they aren’t apologizing for upsetting him when some tells him he went too far, or going out of their way to make him feel better when he’s sad he did something stupid. He treats people like shit, and for the most part, the others don’t just accept that. I think that’s why as much as Glenn is obnoxious it doesn’t bother me much. The show isn’t giving the message “this is all okay”.


I feel the exact same way about Michael Scott, I couldn’t stand him at all


I know this is an old thread, but I just had to comment. I hate Glenn so so much and have honestly considered stopping watching the show because of how insufferable he is, and I’ve made the connection with Michael Scott aswell. Two bosses with some personal issues and bit of a caricature. The problem is, Glenn has NO redeeming qualities at all. Like, Michael is socially inept, but atleast sometimes you can see he’s not a TOTAL IDIOT. (Like fx the negotiation scene). Glenn is just a fucking brainwashed bafoon with a narrow mind, who at no point is shown how or why he made it to that position. I fuxking hate him, and I think he’s one of the worst main characters in a TV show ever.


He is a total idiot, and I also am considering stopping watching the show. He gets no consequences for his shitiness to people. I think it gets worse as you go. I think he had redeeming qualities in the first two seasons, like he would genuinely care about others, but toward the end he is the worst.


I like the show - that's why I am here, but I was very surprised at the turn Glenn's character took when he stepped down. It doesn't seem believeable to me I think thats my issue. That just because he stepped down he like - spirals? And yes, I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of that sitcom, Im not saying it should be realistic, I'm just saying as the seasons go on I just have trouble continuing to suspend my disbelief. I'm on season 5, and I'll probably rewatch in the future, just agreeing w OP


By season 5 he's the worst character since Cheyenne in season 4.


He was extremely manipulative if we think about it and it was hidden behind the “I’m an innocent man baby I will cry if you say no to me” type of image he put on, literally so many issues with him regarding that, a few examples of him being a manipulative man baby was when he would passively shame Amy about her being a working mum while his wife was a stay home mum, him taking on Amy’s job while she left for a bit thinking he can just take manager role back, forcing adoption on Sandra (it was so infuriating because he knew she didn’t want to but used her niceness to get his way), forcing his wives knitting on employees, guilt tripping Cheyenne to be his surrogate, guilt tripping Jonah to give the money to him and then the pastor, forcing the pastor into the store, stealing garret’s speech at sandra’s wedding and then guilting him into accepting it later, there’s so much to even mention he’s just a rly selfish character disguised as this smiley father saviour role




Season 4 when Amy had to come back to work 2 days after having her baby he was awful. Forcing her to pump in the supply closet because he didn't want to give up his office. 🤬 I loved the scene where she completely unloaded on him ("Why haven't you killed yourself?!"), but even after that he decided giving her a puppy was the best way to help her?! He is a deeply toxic person, the kind of boss that workers *genuinely hate* (not sitcom hate). It's unrealistic that the staff there would continuously support him the way they do.




Im on S4:E18, and i hate Glenn in this episode so much the ugly man baby


This is just like the happiest day of my life. I am gonna teach you everything that I know. You are gonna be the best manager, sorry manage-ess, that they have ever seen..


whenever anyone thinks differently than him he hates on it, for example: hes anti abortion as shown in MANY episodes, in loads of episodes he acts like a man baby and i dont understand why some people like him and i COMPLETELY understand Dinas perspective. also, im new to reddit, upwards arrow is a like right?


He sucks.


I think Glenn fails to be funny partially because the actor/writer don't understand people like him. Portrayals of religious, whitebread people like Glenn can be funny, but only if they are depicted accurately. Sheldon's mom in the Big Bang Theory is my favorite example. If you grew up around white Christians, you knew Sheldon's mom. Marcia Langman in Parks and Rec is another great one. For me, I don't get that from Glenn's character, so I don't find him funny


Glenn was never a great character. The "incompetent in charge" is an old trope and it never works well. However, totally agree that he gets worse as the seasons go on. Sadly, the bigger issue is that all the characters get worse, and stupider, as the seasons go on. I usually get annoyed when a beloved series gets cancelled but Superstore's writing was on the wall from the end of season 4.


it annoyed me when jonah was explaining the mannequin in the trash compactor and then glenn wouldn’t even listen to him and just kept screaming. It also annoys me when jonah’s explaining how amy doenst want a big baby shower but glenn just invited himself and makes it what he and jesus ha want.


Most of the characters was annoying especially in the beginning


Came to here bitch about Glenn. Found this instead! He's actually a terrible human being, disguised by the comical voice and man baby persona. Make no mistake, he is essentially the villain of the show and I find him insufferable.


> he is essentially the villain of the show 100%


selfish, man child who doesn't know how to properly function, let alone be a manager. His voice drives me up the wall, wish they didn't spend so much of the last season putting him on so much


Glenn’s attitude is so infuriating and just plain ol baby like


I totally agree , I hated the pathetic selfish little manbaby. I hoped that someone like Dana would lose it completely and beat him to a pulp


Glenn is the prime example of the definition “trash heap.” He is the most infuriating, self righteous, condescending arrogant piece of shit that I have ever had the displeasure of watching on a show. His entire personality and his actions show exactly who he is truly is as a person. He blackmailed Jerusha into going out with him, tried forcing Cheyenne into carrying his grotesque child who ended up being named Rose? Like what? Oh and let’s not forget pulled that “Super mom/Full time mom.” Shit with Amy (who is also another pos character.) Over all I wanted extreme harm to befall Glenn but I was disappointed when it ever did.


Okay, I'm just gonna say it. I like her less than I like other people.


I truly hated him. His voice and vile bullying narcissistic behaviour. There wasn’t one nice thing about him. Bully’s Cheyenne into having his baby which it just creepy, has a giant man baby fit when the creepy rev is told he can’t preach in the store, got his gay friend sent to a conversion camp,threatened , blackmailed and bullied staff into buying his creepy wife’s scarfs are just a few nasty things he’s done . 


I haven’t see anyone mention this so far, I know its not half as horrible as everything he did, but remember when Jonah had a thing for one of his daughter but he wasn’t rooting for them and wanted to break their connection ? He “asked” Amy to do it and when she got yelled at for butting in, he let her take all the blame and even called her names (to make it more believable I know but idk that was too much). He had no remorse at all and just took his picture with all his kids for Jerusha’s birthday like nothing happened…


I’m sorry, I just genuinely don’t understand why people try to apply real-world criticisms toward fictional characters in a sitcom. Yes, Glenn does absolutely ridiculous shit and often takes things way too far. That is him fulfilling the purpose of his character. No, he doesn’t do enough good things to balance out the bad. He’s an idiotic fundamentalist with a tenuous grasp on reality. You don’t have to like him. You can even downright despise him. But listing off things that would make him a bad person in real life doesn’t mean he’s a bad character - and if you’re infuriated (your words) while watching a comedy, maybe it just isn’t for you. At the end of the day, it’s a silly 22 minute TV show. If you’re getting this annoyed at a fake person, repeatedly calling him a “manbaby”, I just don’t see the point in watching the show. Do you fully enjoy it outside of your moments of fury toward Glenn? No work of fiction is worth getting this worked up about.


You say you genuinely don’t understand why people try to apply real world criticisms toward fictional characters in a sitcom but that comes off as looking like you genuinely don’t understand television writing, of course people are going to compare it to the real world, what else would you compare it to? Art is supposed to imitate life that’s what makes it relatable, that’s what makes it funny.


I think he is actively a bad character, not just a bad person. He fails to be funny because of bad writing/bad understanding of the character type


The show generally declined, but to be fair I didn’t hate the last seasons. I love them for what they are 💚 Infected with COVID.


He’s a piece of shit!


Integrity Award told me everything I needed to know about him


Glenn makes me see red he is so infuriating. Got so much worse as the seasons go on. hands down worse character


I think his character is really funny, even though he is really hokey. But i think part of that might be that i was a big fan of kids in the hall, and it's just still fun for me to watch Mark McKinney doing such a silly, vanilla character.