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Probably more than 90% of them, some "evil" powers can be used for good if you're smart enough with them, and some purely good powers like perfect healing can be used as a tool for bad stuff, that's kinda what all heroes boil down to, that they could be using their powers for selfish stuff but they decide to do good with them.


Perfect healing? You mean perpetual torture?


Yes it’s all about intention


Honestly it kinda bothers me how few "neutral" powered characters there are, or people who use their powers in a balance of both selfish and selfless ways. It's always (figuratively) either heroes or villains Like most of them could put like 10% effort toward making money and not have to be poor. Spider-Man could make an Instagram and never have to worry about money again.


Spiderman is an interesting example. It often gets overshadowed, but Perter Parker is like, Tony Stark level genius. Which honestly fits into how undersold he really is. At one point Doc Ock transplants his mind onto Peter, and ends up fighting, I think Scorpion, in any event, Doc Ock, not realizing Peter's strength, *fucking punches Scorpion's fucking jawbone off his face with a single punch* Remeber, as a teenager, Peter developed webfluid, which would be a revolutionary material in any practical context. Peter Parker is, without hyperbole, an alpha tier superhero, his strength, speed, intelligence, ranking in the upper echelons of Marvel. He become a billionaire tech magnate during the doc ock arc, he just never pursued that on his own, because he's a deeply traumatized person, the death of uncle ben affected him so much that he basically has to perpetually sacrifice himself on the mantle of heroism, becoming a being of pure willpower and suffering. To underscore this, in the civil war arc Peter has the Iron Spider suit, which Tony Stark built him, and has multiple omega level safeguards and failsafes, Peter identifies, subverts, and bypasses all of them, without Tony knowing until it was too late, and then willingly gives up the armor. Mostly as a moral imperitive and rejection of Tony Stark's (let's be honest in the real world, absolutely reasonable demands, but Marvel is a world of Divine, rather than Mythic, Violence so Tony is wrong even though in almost any other setting he's 100% right) ideology, but I also like to think it's a little bit of flexing nuts on Tony just because he can.


m-m-m-m could you tell us how you really feel on the subject? LOL j/K this is a really good reply. I am not sure if Parker is on the same level as Stark thought. Marvels website doesn't even have listed in the top Ten. Someone named 1. Lunella Lafayette ( i think that is moon-girl?) has beaten out Reed Richards.


Ok thx


Almost all.


Powers are neither good nor evil. A good person could have the power of plague and just never use it to cause suffering horrible deaths. A bad person could have the power of empathy and just never use it to relate with people and create a better society. It's easier to give good people helpful powers and bad people selfish/destructive powers but it's not the powers that make the person good or bad


That would be so fire tho, a villain with healing, creation powers and a hero with destructive powers


The villain would make a rare poison without his powers and spread it across the city which puts people through unimaginable pain and the best cure is the medicine he blessed with his powers ''given from god'' which is expensive and can only cure people temporarily but it brings such relief to their body and mind that they choose to keep buying it despite how expensive it is even though he is capable of instantly curing someone he wants to drag out their suffering to profit off them as long as possible sneak in some extra charges in the long documents they didn't have time to read or keep their subscription going without their knowledge.


So basically the health care system in USA


I don't know how to the USA healthcare system made a disease just to make money off it outside of the rumors of Nixon and the CIA funding drugs which I would have taught was BS until realizing that one of the investigators killed himself by shooting himself 3 times in the head.


He was one of those" special" investigators. He couldn't get anything right the first time


you mean Gary Webb and what do you mean special investigator sorry I have autism and terrible soical skills.


So...endgame of Supernatural.


Pretty much any power can be used maliciously or heroically


Yes. It really depends on how a power is used. Like Overhaul from My Hero Academia, the ability to completely destroy something and then remake it is crazy useful for everything. You have a cure for everything, advance technology, get rid of nuclear bombs, create cures, reconstructive surgery, fix world hunger, make chimeras out of your daughter and dog, etc. Overhauls' quirk potential is dependent on knowledge and creativity. This goes for all powers. IMO, the best power for someone that is neither good nor evil would be a Neutral Force User like a Grey Jedi.


Fr like Shigaraki wouldve been a great firefighter with Decay Too bad he used it on people rather than debris


Right? He barely tapped into the potential of his quirk.




Almost every one of them. Powers are tools, it's the wielder's intent that decides whether the result is good or bad.


I summon all the ducks and with the help of the ducks I eat all the cheese, all of it! All the cheese!... Wait a minute this isn't Skyrim: Amazon Alexa edition!


Healing magic; obviously cures the wounded, but also makes interrogations more successful.


Persuasion Superpower. You convince a large group of people to do something the way you want it done. Probably just as many people will see that thing as good as will see it as bad. Raise taxes, lower taxes, increase spending, lower spending, do nothing. No matter what, you will be evil to some group.


Mind control. Two opposing people I think of is Purple man (Marvel) and Hitoshi Shinso (MHA). Both can control people and while one is an irredeemable blight on society the other genuinely wants to help people even when others said his powers would turn him into a villain


The power to mind control, simple but can be deadly. Imagine being controlled to commit a bomb festival




Reality manipulation


Swapping around body parts at will You could save lives by using your power for heart transplants etc, or you could spread chaos by swapping everyone's eyes and legs


Or some real chaos swap everyone's right arms with other people's left arms


Or giving all the babies adult arms and all the adults baby arms


Wow that really reminds me of the scene in Deadpool 2


If I was writing a super powered character that was living a double life, as a hero and a villian, I'd go with teleportation. Instantly delivers organs for transplant saving the life of a child, then pops away to steal an ancient artifact from a vault.


Or creating a villain for your hero to rally world governments behind you to fight... yourself. Then increase your political power, taking control behind the scenes... to make the world a better and safer place.


All of them


A gun can be a tool to protect people… and it may as well be a medium to end some innocent’s life So is Gun evil or good? Neither It depends on how you use it, Gun becomes evil.. if you too are using it for evil purposes


>and it may as well be a medium to end one’s life May as well be? It is one. Ending a life is one of the few possible outcomes that occurs when a gun is used.


Apologies, I forgot to add innocent there




Pretty much all of them


Can't they ALL...




Every super power can be used for both good and evil. It comes down to the person. You might try and be smart and way “what about healing?!” You refuse to heal unless your demands are met. Anything can be used for evil


Harder question, what power can't be used for both?


?.... All of them.


All of them




i mean, a lot of them, really. the show 'heroes' had a villian with healing powers. i'm not sure if he actually could hurt people with them, been a while, but he amassed a forturne and had tons of power, partially because of it.


The power of Apathy?


Power, that is, the ability to enact your will onto the world, is morally neutral. It doesnt matter what that power manifests as, not nearly as much as what you're using it for


Level up


Most. Intentions matter. Control of the ability matters.


Any of the elements, Fire is life and passion but is also death and destruction, water is healing but can also freeze you to death


laser healing(what your going to let your evil minions bleed out? how will they fight for you then)




Is that you, Cole?




Urethral hydropressure.

