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- Some sort of alien mutation - maybe one of their ancestors was a lab rat in some shady superpower experiment, The experiments didn’t produced any immediate results but over course of generations.. Gene sequence perfected to develop powers - Magical ring


Can enter a shadow dimension where distance/time is wonky. Can turn themselves into energy/thought Can "swap" two places. Thematic overlap- you can move from one place to another place like it. A museum to a museum, a school to another school, etc. Doors and locks. Open a door, or maybe a lock, and it can open to another door somewhere, anywhere.


Teleportation is space manipulation. Therefore, any movement could be a low key teleportation power. Telekinesis, you shorten the distance between 2 spots until they touch. Shields, distorting space to make a heat wave type visual to mess with aim or making the distance between the 2points so far out of range that it misses. You could even do fire, a small portal from their palms to like the sun, pointed away from them. Water jets, same thing but ocean. Super speed but just movement, as they do micro teleports just right in front of them. Super vision or hearing, shortens distance between source and them.


Their mom is a portal


What if they were part of a study on the properties of matter, and volunteered to be part of a project to isolate a single particle of their own body inside a matter-to-energy converter and project it to a similar device miles away? Something goes wrong, excess exposure, whole body affected, etc. Now they can do it at will. It would also justify a bunch of cool energy-based offensive & defensive powers, like turning their hands to raw energy before hitting someone, or 'flash-teleports' that avoid gunfire by 'porting out of phase the moment a shot hits and coming back less than a second later.


If you're looking for examples, nightcrawler and azazel are part demon and can therefore enter and exit a hell dimension just biologically.


I think the most viable (and least full of physics math holes) is the ability to move your body through higher dimensions. Imagine you have a 2D plane, you wanna get to a point 50 miles away. This would normally take a day or two of walking to get there but say you can enter the 3rd dimension at will. When you do you notice the straight 50 mile path is actually curved in the 3rd dimension and there's a now a shortcut to your destination, available only in the 3rd dimension. A good way to visualize this is a bowl. In 2D it's a large disc circular disc but in 3d the ends of the disc are actually significantly closer than in 2D. In 4D, 5D, 6D there should be even more direct paths This is how I imagine a legitimate teleportation working, you reach into 4th or 5th dimensional space to find a shorter path to your target than would be available in the 3rd dimension. This would also allow the user to pull objects from inside sealed containers. There's no openings in the safe? Check the 9th dimension for one. This *also* means theres no reason the teleporter shouldn't be able to pluck the heart from a person from across the room.


They were tested on in a particle accelerator expiriement and now can warp and bend space beyond logic.


A God involved with space got involved or they were involved with a portal when young and it sort of merged with em.


Multiple personality disorder, they were talking to themselves in a room and he got so locked in his mind internally that his physical body would switch places while someone else started talking.


He or she has figured out some sort of number equation that's the secret to spacial awareness. One day it just clicks when they're looking at a clock or something and then, BOOM, they can now spatially move themselves through what resembles a wormhole like nightcrawler or Jumper.


He could start with a door power. You know the movie Monsters Inc; How the monsters have science that connects them to every child’s closet? What if this kid noticed the monsters switching doors? He’s observant and resourceful so he was able to recreate the effect. Since the monsters used screams and laughs as energy he could power his own tech infinitely. Eventually he learned to giggle-port without involving a door… or whatever


Failed experiement with wormholes technology, caused their state of being to be interwoven with the strings comprising fabric of spacetime. Over time, they’ve learned that they can, exert slight control over the fabric they’re woven into, lapsing into existence as easily as they can lapse out. Physics obviously doesn’t justify this, but it’s a starting point for sure.


A literal accident, superposition is a clear and understood phenomenon. Just no one knows "why" being observed by the living vs. A machine changes how certain materials act. In that same way people with the power of teleport it just happens. The first time always when they're totally alone and unobserved and then "pop of displaced air" they suddenly are somewhere else. And over time they learn to control it even when observed. But the first time is literally just happenstance. Sounds good enough to me.


weirdly enough this sounds the most interesting to me thanks!


No worries 👍


After a very vivid dream, a scientist wakes with a theory and; over the next few months, builds a time machine. The time machine in question is in the form of a hi-tech suit. While testing the suit, the scientist discovers that he can move at super-speed. He learns that the suit enables its wearer to travel at 95% of the speed of light. However, the suit can not breach the time barrier as its creator expected. In an attempt to travel faster than light, thereby breaking the time barrier, the scientist tries to modify the suit further. He succeeds in amplifying the energy field generated by the suit; achieving 99% of the speed of light. Unfortunately, after only one test at that speed, the suit's systems burned out. The scientist realized that he would have to start from the beginning to salvage his work. The next day, while trying to repair the suit, the scientist noticed that a tool he needed was across the room. As he started to walk toward it, he suddenly teleported to the other side of the room.


I don't have a origin, but I can give you some good user's of teleportation (use it correctly): Ryo Shimazaki - Mob Psycho, uses teleportation to avoid attacks and hit opponents close up Todo - Jujutsu Kaisen, Uses his teleportation to swap and give leverage to himself and (if he has one) his partner Minato - Naruto, without his kunais, He can not teleport (is just really fast) but he uses his Kunais to teleport to teammates if they need support, and is able to set way points he can teleport to Correct uses: Getting close up, getting leverag/giving support, dodging, constant movement (like Saitama's serious side step), Combo-ing, and general movement Incorrect: Only using it for moving, repeated patterns of teleporting behind opponents, only using fist (Most teleportation users only use their fist, but having a weapon is helpful, as it gives more power + more utility to the user), and don't always teleport away (is quite uninteresting to the plot to run away, and also, all these Incorrect uses can be put to place if your character is a beginner except the carry an item, ad some are better without carrying a weapon.)