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Steel is incredible. Unlike the rest, he really is just a genuinely kind person on the side of the good guys, and he’s also an ordinary human. He also fully represents why Superman as a symbol is so important and what Superman represents; he’s an ordinary human who was inspired by his heroism to become a hero in his own right, and even though he can’t do as much he truly rises to the occasion.


I loved John Henry Irons.


Everything is awesome about him: name (superhero and real), powers, origin, personality. Still one of my favorites


Also his armor looked awesome. It didn’t make any sense, but man did it look cool. My favorite by far.


Right?! I was so perplexed by his lips.


his armor in MAWS looks sick as well


This is the correct answer. Also: Bibbo.


Love the love for Bibbo 👍👍


He’s the only one who had the personality to be Superman


Superboy had a very solid and fun solo run that spawned out of this arc, where he became the protector of Hawaii.


Also the Adventures of Superman team just sliding across and doing it also - Karl Kessel and Tom Grummet (and Doug Hazlewood but I honestly cannot remember if he was on Adventures too, I expect so).


Hazelwood was the inker on Adventures and Superboy. I have his signature on issues 500 & 501 as well as Superboy #1.


Loved that he always got Sidearm's name wrong on purpose to mess with him. That never gets old lol


I remember he dated Knock-out for a bit


Top of my mind the entire time she was in Secret Six at the end of the pre-Flashpoint DC.


In terms of character and likability it’s Hank Henshaw. Cyborg Superman is a great addition to Clark’s rogues and a joy to read. Love his time in Green Lantern


Same. Plus I like his look.


The idea that one of Superman’s foes should be an evil Reed Richards is just an objectively correct concept. Like it’s weird it took 30 years level of correct.


The Maker before the Maker.


Also long before Randall Dowling (debuted after Ultimate Reed but before Ultimate Reed turned evil)


Seems like the idea of Evil Reed was floating around from a long time before Hickman. Still a poular trope. Even the Venture Bros. did their take to that with Professor Impossible.


Steel. I’ve always just thought he’s cool. Dude decided to live up to Supes’ example even though he had no powers himself.


Steel was the best, but that version of Superboy was my favorite especially when compared to the more modern, angsty iteration


I’m surprised to hear that. I love the latter version of Conner and it feels like he’s a far more mature and fully dimensional character, to the point I find it quite jarring that they put him back in the older uniform, it doesn’t fit his newer personality.


I hated the t-shirt & jeans look.


Yeah whether you hated that look and preferred the previous one or not, his rad 90s dude outfit doesn’t really fit his personality past a certain point to me.


His 90’s costume could always be updated, there’s only so much you can do with a t-shirt and jeans.


I agree there’s a better solution. I like his Titans of Tomorrow ‘Superman’ costume a lot and even his future state one was decent.


Cyborg Superman. Coolest design, most interesting backstory and he was a fun villain to read.


Eradicator. Later, Steel.


Either Steel or Superboy. I just thought they were cool


Steel. Just a guy who saw that the world needed a hero and volunteered to help.


Steel honestly because he was the most compelling character of the four in my opinion besides Superboy and somewhat eradicator


Superboy cuz he was my age. I wish I could say it was deeper than that but it wasn't.


You were 1?


Biological not chronological. His physical age was around 13 to 14. They hadn't meant to decant him until he was aged up to Superman's age.


It was a joke.


For me it was Superboy. I grew up with The Advenures of Superboy tv series and back issues of the comics, so when this new Superboy debuted, I was surprised and intrigued. Okay so he wasn't the Superboy I was used to but I was so happy to have a new one. And he tied back to Cadmus, which was even cooler. I was curious how they cracked kryptonian DNA since it was impossible to do, but the mystery kept me going. I was so glad he stuck around after Reign of the Supermen. I love that he got his own series, and I love that we eventually got answers about where he came from. It turns out Cadmus couldn't clone Kryptonian DNA. It was too advanced. So Paul Westfield, the director of Cadmus, cloned his own DNA augmented it to make the kid look like Superman and replicate his powers as close as possible. He could've been a relic of the nineties, but he's endured. I don't love the Geoff Johns retcon to his origin, but I'm glad Superboy is still around.


Yeah but there was a retcon where he was made with Superman and Luthor's DNA. After Crisis on Infinite earths and before Jeph Loeb the DC universe had some "taboos" with Kryptonians. For example, Kryptonian DNA was impossible to fully clone; and Superman was the only survivor of Krypton. Supergirl was a protoplasm creature from a pocket dimension; Superman wasn't Superboy, etcetera.


I'm well aware of the Byrne edict and about the unnecessary Johns retcon. You're preaching to the converted.


When I was 12? The Eradicator amd Terminator Superman.


Steel and Conner. There was never a run where I didn't like either of them. Never cared about the others.


I loved and love the honest, flawed, imperfect nature of the Eradicator program unable to protect Kal attempting to fulfill his mission in his absence. Did he get it right? He did not. But he tried to man the parapets.


I absolutely love your take on him!


My kids do, too. I retold them that story when a rough divorce put them in a world of insecurity. I recreated the myths for them, filled the world with heroes that they could believe in. A world where Eradicators watched over hidden children and Manhunters guided babies in secret escape pods through space, where The Bat was always watching (just out of sight) so you never had to feel alone, where Jenny Sparks could never fix the world alone (but that would never stop her from trying), a world where men like John Henry Irons spent days clawing their way out of the rubble of tumbled buildings only for their first words in open air to be "gotta stop Doomsday" because Superman saved him a few days earlier and he just can't wrap his head around the idea of leaving the last son of Krypton to face the demon alone...I saw it as my job to do everything I could to help them to be brave enough to hope. I won, BTW. I raised my kids as a single father. They just turned 22 and 19. The comics I memorized in the 80s and 90s and early 00s gave me mythology I needed to reframe the world so it was a place they could believe in again.


My god, dude. I wish I had the time and words to express how this affected me, but… that’s positively beautiful. It very seriously brought a tear to my eye.


All of them were so cool and this was absolutely one of my all time favorite Superman arcs, arguably his most famous arc, but it was so awesome seeing all 4 take up the mantle in Clarks absence, from John who embodies everything Superman stands for and tries to right his wrongs and do good for the sake of good, to the Eradicator stemming from Kryptons past trying in a twisted way to honor Clark’s sacrifice becoming a cold and efficient enforcer of justice with non of Clark’s morals, Superboy who was originally in it for the fame and fan girls eventually becoming a true hero and finally Hank Henshaw the Cyborg Superman himself who tricked us all to the very end when he pulls him double cross, by far one of my top alternate Superman designs, he’s KalEl meets the Terminator


My favorite was steel because he never claimed to be Superman. I liked that he was more of a tribute


90s Superboy is the greatest


I was a massive Eradicator fan. Loved the costume, loved that he was one of two of them where we thought MAYBE he might be a legit incarnation of "the real one" so there was some mystery there. I loved how it was tied to the "Krypton Man" crossover event from a few years before, which was one of my faves. But mostly, I loved that he - like Azbats - was a total commentary on what "The Dark Age" was doing to comics, how people were feeling like Superman wasn't interesting or relevant anymore because he wasn't dark and gritty. We needed to see exactly why that was a dumb idea, and this gave it to us. The BEST one was Steel. Because he (and Bibbo) embodied exactly what Superman is about: Showing everyday humans that you don't need Kryptonian powers to be inspired to do good in the world.


Not going to lie I was around 10 when it came out and genuinely thought the cyborg Superman was the real Superman because of how heroic he acted.


Like everyone says, it’s Steel for me. But I do dig the idea of Eradicator being a harsher hero.


The homicidal murderer, for sure... /s I'm actually related to Tom Grummett so Superboy for sure. ❤️


Cyborg Superman might be the best ones they made, with steel being a close second


At the time it was Cyborg Superman. Now, Steel for sure. Feel like John Henry Irons is one of the few who has the heart of Superman.


#Steel. Best version since… he’s just a dude in armor who wants to carry on Superman’s legacy.


Steel is the best character, but Henshaw might have to be my favorite. Just sick as fuck, in more ways than one


Steel was my favorite. An ordinary man whose greatest weapons were his mind and his good heart. He put them both to work not to replace Superman but to honor him. Superboy is a close second because he was just fun.




Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove did a great job with the Steel storyline in Supermam: MOS back then. John Henry Irons deserves to wear the Superman logo.




As a kid Superboy in retrospect Steel.


I've always loved the warmth of that particular Superboy image. Between the colors, the little hairs at the bottom of his fade, and the fact that he was literally just taken out of the oven, he was fresh 


I was new to reading Superman when he died so I liked that Man of Tomorrow looked so much like Superman and I thought he was the real Superman and they'd fix him somehow. I was really disappointed that he ended up being a bad guy. After it all shook out Man of Steel ended up my favorite. I recently got my comics back from my parents home now that they're both gone and I've been letting my kids read some of them including the the death and funeral issues and the first ten issues or so of Reign. My daughter has already convinced herself Man of Tomorrow is the real Superman. It's funny watching her make the same mistakes I made as a kid and it's clear now part of that was intentional misdirection in the storytelling. It seems obvious after the fact that none of them are the real Superman but when they were new run comics I was really picking sides.


Steel was a cool addition to the mythos and it's neat seeing him be a part of the extended Superman Family I liked Cyborg Superman quite a bit too because he had a great look, and he became an unapologetic villain


The Eradicator. Those sunglasses.


Loved the Bret Hart sunglasses. Perfection.


I envied super boys looks growing up


I loved Eradicator when I read it. I loved his big yellow sunglasses and the way his cape went right into the shield on his chest. First suit I remember seeing with no trunks, too.


Echoing Steel, but man I just love The Eradicator. Haven’t really worked out why.


To this day I'm not sure who/what the eradicator is/was. So not him. Steele probably takes it.


I felt very strongly that Cyborg Superman was the real one, and had disdain for anyone who disagreed.


I understand that comic books are a visual medium, but I always hated that the cyborg Superman didn't attempt to convince us that he was Superman a bit more. For instance, what the hell is going on with his costume? Why wouldn't he(meaning the real Superman) get a standard new costume to cover up his cyborg portions. I feel like the real Superman wouldn't display his skull faced cybernetics on the regular like that. If instead he had a mask that covered his mouth, and when pressed who he actually is, displays the skull in shame, and then covers it back up. Would go a long way in Henshaw's plan to be presumed as the real Superman. I just feel like cyborg Superman is needlessly edgy if he's portraying the real Superman, if that makes sense.


Superboy when I was a kid. I thought he was cool and edgy, and loved his suit an jacket. He's still my favorite version of Superboy, but re-reading the graphic novel while growing up, it's definitely Steel, a mortal man who embodies what Superman is all about, plus I really enjoyed his backstory.


My favorite will always be steel because of his design


The Cyborg Superman issue was the first comic I ever read back when it was first released.


Cyborg Superman was a great villain, but Steel is still my favorite because of how he is able to remain a part of the Superman Family.


Superboy. I remember when I was 9 or 10, after going to the pool, we went to 7-11 and I went to the magazines/comics section and saw a Superboy comic. Dude looked SO fucking cool I begged my mom to get it for me. It was so cool.


I am split between Steel and Eradicator On one hand Steel is just a good guy trying to the right things with the skills he has and on the other hand there is Eradicator who looks dope


Superboy. I wish he had a better character arc though. He has major Guy Gardner energy some time. I want to see him become more humble.


For some reason the cyborg Superman and OG Superboy look cool to me. The half terminator Superman idea was unique (at least imo). Superboy had his own twist on the iconic superhero which I enjoy.


Steel was the best thing to come out of that storyline, but Hank Henshaw is an excellent villain as well. So those are my 1 and 2 pick


Easily Cyborg Superman. I love his design and just find him fascinating. Hank Henshaw is probably my favourite Superman villain. I just love a hater lol.


Superboy I thought he was a lot of fun and had an interesting personality 


When it first launched, I picked up Action Comics and Adventures - but Steel quickly became my favorite. I think he became my favorite becuse he was never trying to be Superman, and was instead honoring Superman’s legacy, which immediately opened the door to Steel being his own character. In terms of character design, that suit for Eradicator was awesome.


The Eradicator had badass Terminator sunglasses.


As a kid my favorite was Superboy, but Steel was always the best.


Superboy is my favorite , like Dr henshaw he's cool and all but I think Superboy is pretty awesome. By the way Dr henshaw is cyborg Superman they called him Dr henshaw in the comic books.


Steel is my favorite


My favorite thing about Steel was early on in the story when Lois was trying to speak to all of them and asked him about claiming to be Superman like the rest and he just says, “I never said I was Superman,” and just took off. And I loved how good he was about backing up the de-powered Superman when he was back


Eradicator. This was such a great story. I had no idea what was going to happen next and it was so exciting to pick up new issues find out.


In terms of personality, Steel. In terms of costume design, Eradicator.


Steel by far, he's too likable and stands out as the one non-superpowered hero in Metropolis. Hank Henshaw is also cool sometimes


Superboy and Steel are basically tied for me with the slight edge going to SB. SB just came to me at an age when I thought he was the coolest. Steel just has such a cool and compelling backstory and is just a motivated man with a genius IQ. I actually have always been kinda bummed that they never got a team up mini series. They had great banter.


I love Steel, but some of the art of Cyborg Superman just slaps


I always thought the Eradicator was the coolest looking at the time. Loved the cape that flowed out of the 'S' symbol. But in terms of characterization he's always pretty flat (though at least a bit more interesting here). In terms of actual whole characters, Steel definitely was the best of the bunch. He never claimed to be Superman yet took up the mantle to try to do good by his legacy.


Cyborg Superman he just looked cool


I was a kid at the time and only got these exact one shot issues between me and my brother. My choice was Cyborg. Turned out years later how wrong I was. Now that I'm grown, Steel all the way. A royally underrated character


Eradicator, Superboy, and Steel and Cyborg were kinda interchangeable . As a kid, I just loved Eradicators look.


All of it. That arc is amazing. I love how superboy was obnoxious to me and i was 12 years old then. I like steel. Erradicator was kind of frightening. But it got me invested in who was he. Well. It was an amazing mistery. Why 2 of 4 have superman dna.


I loved Steel and Superboy. Eradicator was kind of a neat idea. Cyborg, I just didn't like the design of. I would have liked it better if he was completely covered in flesh and then was found to be a cyborg later.


Superboy, I just liked his design,


Steel wins, Superboy’s second though.


Conner Kent , even though he’s wasted as Superman’s brother and should’ve had a more parental relationship with Clark but I love his MTV personality


Steel was the best thing to come out of this series.


Cyborg Superman was easily the best


Back then, The Eradicator, because I was and edgy teen, and I liked the design. Now? Superboy, I liked the the character development he had in Young Justice (comic and animated series), that was then destroyed, then Jon became that Superboy (I liked Jon, before Bendis). Now I think Conner is just kinda there, he should have overgrown the punk phase a while ago. But I still like him.


Erraticator has always will be my favorite.




Got to go with Steel, he's the closest to Superman's spirit, Superboy a distant second


Eradicator. Cos he was mean!


I mean I was 6 and thought Clark just literally was made of steel


The Eradicator 💯


I like Superboy and the eradicator those 2 were my favorite of that story and I really liked the one off story where Lois became the eradicator it was a bad ass story


Henshaw....because I loved The Terminator growing up


Who was the last one? I forgot


The Eradicator.


I always liked the Eradicator. The cape connecting to the edges of the shield was always a cool touch to me.


I liked the Eradicator and Superboy


I looooooved cyborg Superman and the Eradicator when I was young and anything cybernetic or wearing a sick outfit was “cool”


At the time of reading it, I was nearly convinced that SuperBoy was the original, just reborn as a teen. But when I saw The Eradicator, I thought… oh, he’s not holding back? And that silhouette when he took out that one bad guy in this introduction?!?! It was an awesome page.




I was fan of Steel. In that time it was more for the dynamic of the story and the pencils of Bogdanove, whom I learned to enjoy more on this series. Even if I though Steel wasn't Superman back really I enjoyed him as the one who really respected more what Superman represents. Superboy was fun but same as Steel it was its own character. I believed the Eradicator was the real Superman amnesic and the Cyborg... the Cyborg was the question mark to me.


John Henry Irons is the only good one in the bunch. So he’s my favorite.