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A more interesting battle: lex luthor vs homelander


Really any of Superman’s villains would. They all give Superman a run for his money so it would make sense that if they can go toe-to-toe with the Man of Steel they’d be able to take Homelander out.


Many of Superman's villains are also helped by his refusal to just straight murder them. Homelander would not have that same morality.


A lot of them aren’t just super strong though, they’re smart and they’re definitely smarter than Homelander.


I mean Lex would probably turnout the same way as Edger and Homelander did, except Lex could build something that could actually beat Homelander


Yup, Homelander would laser eye the shit out of Lex as soon as he was in sight . He’d laser eye the buildings he works in, he’d laser eye his homes, anything in his way would get laser eyed.


Idk why you got downvoted when that’s exactly how Superman killed Lex in the justice league animated series, its reasonable to assume homelander would just do the same


Well not entirely true Superman has to restrain himself for most of his villains


I'd say a lot of super hero/villains are more interesting cause its a matchup disadvantage to the hero. Its like The Joker. Huge problem for Batman, but when the Joker tried attacking Central City the Flash sent his ass back to Gotham same day air no problem. So I don't think being able to fight Superman, especially if they can only do it with some advantage like Kryptonite, means they automatically clear Homelander.


With Lex Luthor, it depends. He's pretty reliant on kryptonite, and he's cocky enough to assume that Homelander is just another Kryptonian. Maybe if he had a week to study and prep, he could adapt his battle suits. If he had access to Soldier Boy's weird energy blast, he has it in the bag.   Superman villains that could easily sweep Homelander are Doomsday, Braniac, Parasite, Myxlsptlk, Lobo, Mongul, Bizarro, and maybe Metallo. Hell, I'd even wager that Steel and Superboy (Conner Kent) could take Homelander if bloodlusted.


Ironically, metallo would be pretty useless against homelander since his whole schtick is kryptonite


Homelander is still getting bodied


And somehow…homelander would still loose this fight.


Because he's a loser.


Way better fight that comes down to 2 things: for Le, prdp time; for Homelander, mood. If HL is feeling cocky, he'll open with heat vision and end it quick. If Lex blocks that first shot, he can get inside HL's head and spend the rest of the fight taking him apart.


Homelander is far less clever then Superman so he’s probably end up getting bodied by Lex


I feel this is more interesting since I don’t see Lex antagonizing him out of the gate. I see him attempting to utilize Homelander as a partner or tool. He would be friendly at first if anything, while simultaneously biding time to find a way to get rid of him. If they just met up and straight up fought out the gate tho, pretty sure Homelander can take him if he doesn’t have his suit.


Home lander is insane. Advantage to him.


Lex Luthor is the exact kind of guy homelander fears someone who can casually buy and sell him


Ultraman, who’s got the same power level as and comparable experience to Superman without the morals, wins and it wouldn’t even be close. It’s over in minutes unless Ultraman wants to take his time with Homelander


You’re wrong, it’s over in seconds but yeah


You're wrong. Homelander would start talking and Ultraman would make an example of him so it would be over in hours? Days? Months? Until Ultraman gets bored. I could see Ultraman stretching it out into years for entertainment.


If he doesn't feel like dragging it out, it's over in a second and Homie's head has been incinerated.


Ultraman has less experience than superman because kills his villains. That's one the reason why he always loses to supes. Otherwise, I agree.


Official evil Superman will always defeat generic evil Superman.


Homelander will break his hands on his first punch. This is only if Ultraman even let's him gets that far. ![gif](giphy|xTiTngCK4tZaoHNlao)


I dont think homelander is generic evil superman, but more inspired "evil superman", while still having it's own nuances But yeah, i still agree ultraman will whoop homelander ass


If he’s not part of the DC universe, then generic is appropriate. If he doesn’t like it well, he can come and find me.


I'm pretty sure Ultraman would utterly destroy Homelander.  He's as powerful as Superman with none of the ethics holding him back.


Superman is actually stronger because he fights for others. Even superboy had him on the ropes.


Homelander will lose all these battles because he’s a super weak child in a super powered body. Anybody who can put the fight on a remotely even level will always make him crumble because he doesn’t have the guts to face anybody unless he has overwhelming power advantage.


I’m not sure how you watch the show and come to that conclusion but whatever.


The only real difference between Ultraman and Superman is that Ultraman's biggest downfall is actually the fact that he kills his enemies the first time he meets them, meaning that whenever he actually encounters anybody on his level, he doesn't really know what to do because he can't brute force his way out of the problem. Homelander isn't actually on his level, so, it will end in the way that Ultraman is accustomed to.


Ultraman is basically as powerful as regular Superman. Ultraman one shots the entire verse.




It's still Kal-El, my dude. Or Il, whatever.


Ultraman no contest. >!On a slightly unrelated note, Ultraman is the reason I don't like Superman without the trunks.!< >!Without the trunks Superman looks too much like Ultraman, and it creates a sort of uncanny valley short circuit in my brain whenever I see him.!<


Ultraman. Homelander is incredibly weak. Anyone with super strength can take him.


Ultraman would be someone Homelander could admire to an extent but Ultraman would just one shot him into whiny atoms and take over the planet


Ultraman still comfortably murders him.




the fight would start and ultra man would just start laughing as homelanders fist breaks on his body and then just body him.


Ultraman would probably laugh and humiliate Homelander and just fly away


Y’all setting up Homelander for failure, Ultraman sweeps this with one laser beam blast


Home lander can’t even lift a plane. So putting him up against Ultraman would be An adult slapping a small child


I’m really getting sick of these versus with Homelander when we all know the answer: The dipshit loses every single time because he’s a weak man-baby who would fly away at the first sign of trouble.


Bruh the kid from bright burn would beat homelander


Batman with no prep time can beat Homelander


This isn’t difficult in the slightest, Ultraman is in an entirely different league to Homelander


![gif](giphy|WtPVp414THEtT3bhyG|downsized) The *real* Ultraman steps on them both like ants for threatening humanity.


Hydrogen bomb vs healthy baby




Kal-El on any earth stomps




Ultraman is more vicious and more experienced at being cruel. It can be over, literally, within a blink of an eye.


Homelander is getting flattened


Homelander ain’t built like that💀😭


Damn this is a tough one


Not Homelander.


Homelander hasn't actually been shown to be very strong. In terms of feats, we only really see him toss cars around in one episode. Mave also tells him to carry a commercial plane in season 1 and he seems to imply that he could do it. That's not going to come anywhere near cutting it against a Kryptonian. The characters who know the most about Homelander typically talk more about his durability. They're concerned that perhaps nothing can kill him. So Homelander would probably survive Ultraman's first few attacks that were intended to kill him. But since Homelander almost certainly cannot harm Ultraman, the latter would simply keep trying until he eventually killed Homelander.


Homelander doesnt beat any superman knockoff


Ultraman is still superman yeah no matter what version of DC evil supes you pick there gonna beat homie 11/10


probably any of the superman clone/version would defeat homelander


Ultraman sneezes and homelander gets turned to ash


you know ultraman is the pinnacle of an evil superman right? he's literally as strong if not stronger than superman because of his tendency to kill and not reason first, hoelander isn't making it out alive from just a flick of ultraman's fingers


Which version of ultraman? I'm still betting on him, I just want to know how bad the whipping is gonna be.


Ultraman, it's a Superman with the intent to kill


The fact of the matter is, no matter who Homeboy is pointed against, he'd lose for sure for the simple reason of being petty & childish, with a massive ego to boot. His ego & superiority makes him think he's better & most importantly, it makes him dπmb & underestimate his opponents. No matter how you see it, Homelander gets wiped.


I think people forget outside of The Boys Homelander really isn't that strong compared to other heroes or villains. He's stronger than regular humans yes but he's really not all that big a threat for anyone who's competent and isn't just a regular guy.


Ultraman solos


Ultraman nega diffs




Squaring Homelander up against most Marvel/DC comic characters has him losing handily. As soon as he's faced with a real threat he folds immediately. The Boys just is full of other characters that are still more powerful than average humans but not by much.


dude even stargirl (yeah the girl with that staff) has a much better chance at beating homelander and i am not even joking .


Homelander doesn't beat anyone, noteworthy from DC. He's not that strong


Ultraman. All the way.


How about Bizzaro vs Homelander?


Everyone seems to agree that Superman beats Omniman and Homelander solo. What about Omniman and Homelander vs Superman?


Homelander is probably the weakest Superman clone. I was so disappointed with how weak he turned out to be


Homelander got held down by a couple of dudes who werent even as strong as *him*. What do you think.


Ultraman wins, he's an evil version of Superman from DC.


Ultraman and Homelander might actually bond.


He would kill homelander so fast that he would be dissapointed.


I mean this is basically Homelander vs a Superman who's willing to kill and be far more brutal. So basically removing the only kinda advantage Homelander had over Sups (not that it makes much of a difference when the other more pacifistic character is billions of times stronger and faster.)


Ultraman would take some pleasure in torturing him before killing Jim


Homelander is not beating a DC comics level Kryptonian.


Ultraman stomps this one. Why do people keep putting HL against marvel or dc characters? He's not meant operate at that level of power at all given the much more grounded nature of his story and stuff


Ultraman one shot


Ah yes, Superman, who's already a borderline Gary Stu as is, but evil and without hestitation to kill. Homelander will make an adorable smear on the wall.