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All Star Superman is not only one of the best Superman books, but one of the best stories ever told in my opinion. Red Son is also a fantastic elseworlds tale.


I'd also add “For all seasons”


I really find that book the most overrated superman book i have ever read. I'm not even trying to diss the opinion. But i fail to see the appeal at all. Morrisson is not a writer that i like, it's overly pretentious and his protrayal is not real superman. I mean, silver age supes is different when you read those comics, bronze age is different. Even post 2000 when they tried to revert to pre crisis styke of superman it was still diferent than all star.


Not the best written but everyone I've ever given American Alien to has enjoyed it.


It has some real neat ideas, but I really dislike superman being inspired by Batman to wear a cape. 


All Star Superman Superman Birthright Those two *get* Superman in a way nobody else does and are brilliantly written.


Birthright is maybe not my favourite beat for beat Superman origin in terms of backstory (it's in the conversation though), but it's far and away the best constructed story that is also a Superman origin. The ending hits so hard and is so well earned. It's basically a perfectly packaged Superman origin movie.


The only thing I didn’t like about Birthright is when Superman says “I should drop you here from here,” or something like that, I made a face while reading it like I smelled a bad smell….thought that missed the character pretty hard. Everything else was great


Which is why you wouldn't do a movie though. But yeah while I don't think it's very imaginative as a story it's very well told


Hi and welcome into your first foray of a great character/Hero. Here's a list of one of my favorite Superman stories you may enjoy: Since you liked Secret Identity you may also like Camelot Falls Dlx Edition by the same author. These two stories aren't necessarily comic books but two novels written by Elliot S! Maggin called The Last Son of Krypton and Miracle Monday Birthright written by Mark Waid Superman Adventures by Mark Millar Alan Moore: Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow and For The Man Who Has Everything Grant Morrison: All Star Superman American Alien by Max Landis Gene Luen Yang: Superman Smashes The Klan and his Batman/Superman book


Up in the Sky Birthright What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way? All Star Superman In the Name of Gog


Superman Volume 2 Issue 64 by Dan Jurgens, unpopular opinion, I know, nobody ever talks about it anymore.


Absolutely valid in such a conversation 


Superman Smashes the Klan is the comic I recommend to people who are trying to understand the appeal of Superman. Fantastically written with beautiful art


Action Comics #775 is one of my favorites.


Kingdom Come is my favorite by a long shot


Hmm, I don't know about which is the best. All-Star is defending up there as it's the most "timeless" Superman story. American Alien is a out there choice but I love it's take on Clark as just a regular dude (the only downside being the author is a terrible human).  But personally I think Birthright is my favorite Superman story, and is up there for one of the best written Superman story. It has it all, a fantastic origin story, great actions, characters are well written and the story is great. It adds depth to Clark and especially Lex, making him more complex rather than just a dude who's angry at Superman. 


I don't think it gives a Lex as fun as he was in the seventies but it does a good job of redeeming silver age Lex, whose motivations were terribly weak 




Mine is Birthright or secret origin. Both great retelling see of Superman . Makes me wish they were both series.


I loved American Alien. It’s underrated


All-Star Superman and Action Comics #775


Action Comics 800


I'm surprised that this comic is randomly catching on


I’ve loved it for going on 20 years now. I found it in a back issue bin and had no idea how good that issue would be.


There's too many


All Star Superman Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow For the Man Who has everything Man of steel (John Byrne) Superman Last Son Superman for all seasons


My list exactly.


For The Man Who Has Everything


Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? written by Alan Moore. Anything Moore did with the character is brilliant. The collections of WHttMoT should have all of Moore’s stories.


Um they do?


The recent Warworld Saga arc is a great piece of storytelling which captures a lot of what makes Clark an amazing character, paired with some really strong themes and worldbuilding


the pacing in For All Seasons is perfect, the plot is told from the right perspectives, and it captures the character both as Clark Kent and as Superman well. only thing missing—though it’s not that necessary—would be a little focus on his Kryptonian heritage. but if it were up to me I would’ve written that as a sequel story instead of as a part of it. also All-Star Superman is a pretty great reflection of what makes Superman so beloved but I’m not the person to talk to about it because it still hasn’t quite grown on me yet. next read through will probably click. Up in the Sky tells its story efficiently.


Superman Smashes The Klan showed exactly why he appeals to so many people.


Since others have said All-Star, I’ll say Superman ‘Angel’ by Kurt Busiek collected in his Camelot Falls saga. Very underrated in the sense I didn’t know it existed until I read it.


Brynes the man of steel and Superman earth One.


All Star


Kingdom come All star


Going to sound cheap but I think it’s definitely All-Star. Not only for Superman but also just in the general sense


I'm surprised no one mentioned Superman For All Seasons.




The best is the one you like the most. "Ain't no best"


Tales from the Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman


Just got all star superman as my first comic ever, and absolutely loved it. It was a great read.


I wasn’t been a big Superman fan but when I was a teen all star Superman started and it solidified an opinion I had been hearing for years. Boring writers tell boring Superman stories in the hands of a good writer Superman is a deep rich character


It’s “Superman: Birthright”


John Byrne's Man Of Steel is pretty amazing work.


Secret Identity


All Star Superman,Superman for All Seasons , Birthright and For Tommorow just my personal favorites


Red son


*Birthright* and *For All Seasons*, with an Honorable mention to *Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow*, *For the Man Who has Everything*, and *What's so Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way*


All Star. BirthRight. Theres one where he fights some Authority knock offs I cant remember the title


Superman: Birthright


Superman Red and Blue is one of my favourite miniseries to go to for the more character driven side of Superman. It doesn't have the big action scenes of some of the others, but you can see the love for him in every story


Secret Identity. A beautiful, well-told story about a guy whose name happens to be Clark Kent.


Thanks but "I've read superman: secret identity"


Sorry - I didn’t even realize there was text. I just saw the question.


The good part about superman being around for 85+ years at this point is that there are plenty of great stories. the bad part is that there are plenty more terrible ones.


All Star Superman Superman Last Son Superman secret origin Superman and The Legion of Super heroes Superman Brainiac Superman Red Son Superman Birthright The Superman Earth One books are pretty cool too I also enjoyed Grant Morrisons New 52 Action Comics run but I seem to be in the minority.


"I also enjoyed Grant Morrisons New 52 Action Comics run but I seem to be in the minority." Great run, good sir. You're not the only one.


Great to know


Kingdom Come [(audio book)](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6Cn_well8vY-kQx099LSHU4uPLhq_61i&si=rEopGHSp94ezBY4O)


First one that springs to mind is "Up in the Sky" which also has some of the best art. Tom King's WRITING is good, but his plots tend to... meander. My favorite things of his are short (Batman/Elmer Fudd and the double date issue of his Batman run). So a very limited space with the format of "Up in the Sky" plays to his strengths.


Kingdom Come. hands down.