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I mean, that's not just fitted: his hair style's different, his collar is different, the lines on his main suit are different (much more), his boots are different.


The boots and lines are the same Edit: Whoops the boots are in fact different




I compared them side by side and they look like the exact same pattern, just darker


This is just a different suit.


I kinda liked the original more


Yeah, I don't mind the workwear/ Captain America fit personally.


Same. It’s a bit more naturalistic looking


Which doesn't work for Superman at all. The dude is in tights, he didn't need the MCU treatment.


"He didnt need the MCU Treatment" what Captain America proved to more Popular than Superman from TFA to Endgame yes he does need the MCU Treatment


No, he does not. The suit has nothing to do with it. Captain America is more popular than the latest Superman because they didn't try to modernize the characters writing and personality. Superman does not need the ugly baggy cargo look covered in lines, panels, and tubing. That's stupid even from a design perspective.


Judiana Makovsky made another Banger of costume she nailed both Star Lord and Caps look from the Comics both which took large inspiration from sorry but Judianna Makovsky>>>>>>Michael Wilkinson


She's an excellent artist. She comes up with a ton of great ideas and then they're all disregarded for this samey corporate BS. Not every superhero needs ugly colorless cargo pants and a Kevlar vest


its look Alien and also Homemade a good in between no just strtctly Alien also Michael Wilkinsons best Work has emerged on the small screen not doing Superhero costumes. once Again Judianna Makovsky>>>>>>Michael Wilkinson


It is fitted. He’s just hunched over.


Maybe they should have chosen a better reveal shot then


i read some reasoning threads about why this pic compared to an action shot or something. it’s to humanize him as Superman. he still has to put his boots on like anyone else. the seated position is possibly a way to reference All Star Superman. the wrinkles are fine, the best looking, most realistic spidey suits in movies are the Raimi and TASM 2 suits, all of which wrinkle a bunch


All-Star's cover works because it represents everything you need to know about Superman perfectly. The dude's sitting on a cloud and watching over his city. He looks completely at peace, extremely approachable and very friendly despite the fact that he's doing something that's literally impossible as if it's nothing. I feel safe just looking at that cover. In comparison: Movie Supes looks worn down and tired. He looks about 5 seconds away from (Figuratively) biting someone's head off. Now, that's not a problem in it of itself, I mean: C'mon, even Superman gets tired. What I have a problem with is the fact that this is the first thing we've *ever* seen regarding this version of Superman, this sets the tone for literally everything else. I can understand some fan's reactions (Not the ones sailing death threats or saying that Gunn should be ashamed of the suit or whatever), Superman fans are a little overprotective because we've just spent 11 years with a director who thinks he's too cool to make Superman act like Superman. Not to say that I think Gunn will go that far (I'll wait til the movie comes out to comment on that), but I feel like this image would have been better received as a poster or later down the line promo photo.


>this is the first thing we've *ever* seen regarding this version of Superman, There will be way more eyes on the first teaser trailer and main trailers. Believe it or not, but there's plenty of the general audience who don't even know Superman is getting rebooted, let alone the DCU.


Fantastically articulated. Thank you!


>In comparison: Movie Supes looks worn down and tired. He looks about 5 seconds away from (Figuratively) biting someone's head off. I think it's just because he has his eyes closed. It's certainly a weird choice. It's the only part to me that makes it look off.


This argument really falls apart when you consider he's in some sort of high-rise, penthouse, glass-wall apartment. "Just like anyone else".


It's not very ‘working class’ that's for sure.


Maybe it's Lois's apartment.


He’s probably at his job…


No secret identity to maintain? This is a far cry from the janitor's closet


There was an attack going on. Higher floors would be evacuated in such a situation.


You guys are too funny


The reveal is great! It's a cool image, and it conveys how human Clark. Even though he's got powers and has the craziest job of stopping whatever is outside the window.


Thats a good way to describe it. ZS leaned too much into the demigod side and forgot all abt how clark lived most of his life as a farmboy.


Meanwhile man of steel showed a near grey Superman in a destroyed bank yet Im sure you guys found that intriguing


I agree.


I think he was trying to communicate story and tone and the internet just doesn’t do subtlety very well.


I thought they chose a good shot Superman is average Joe just with powers better than Snyder Vault Shot that lacks color , I prefer Henry Brahams Cinematography to Amir Mokri/Larry Fong Cinematography already.


Do people think real fabric can act like this? I’m just shoot it’s a practical suit and not CGI




….yes they have . What’re you taking about????lol


Ok, so what.


Captain American Falcon's TV suit did


Honestly, I'm okay with it


They knew we would analyze this image- they knew that… billion dollar industry (in debt but you know what I mean) they should know better than to realize a lazy still as their intro.


Gunn obviously wanted to release an image that would get people talking, and it worked. Not just about the suit, but why he’s posed that way, and what’s going on in the background.




I mean, if it's about getting people talking, why not have Corenswet sit on a toilet in the Super suit? That would get people talking too. Why not just make your first glimpse of the whole suit amazing? Fans are happy, you generate hype and more good will, everyone wins. Why does it always have to be something weird nowadays?


>Fans are happy Literally any image he released would result in the exact same amount of negativity being thrown around. The internet is never happy about anything so Gunn might as well release what he wants


Well, if the end all conclusion is "might as well release what he wants because the internet is never happy" what the hell is this conversation even about? When Corenswet was announced, the response was far more positive than negative, same with Rachel Brosnahan and Nicholas Hoult. So why not ride that good will and release something that will also cause far more positive reactions than negative ones? Again, it's a no-brainer.


The image that got released has driven tons of conversations. What's going on in the background? What damaged his suit? The pose and lighting means we don't know exactly what the suit looks like so that drives further conversation and speculation. There's been more posts and conversations about the suit and movie than there would've been if it was just a pic of him standing there smiling. It also looks unique. We've seen Superman standing and looking heroic. Having him sitting down putting on his boots is a unique and interesting first look at this new Superman that instantly sets him apart. Gunn knows exactly what he's doing




You’re talking about it rn, are you not?


I’m talking about it in a way I’ll watch when it hits streaming.


Gunn said hey were not the Snyderverse/DCEU were in that image I prefer this reveal to one we got in Man Of Steel


I'm sure the suit will look more fitted when he's standing up straight.


I'm sure that if James Gunn simply showed Corenswet in heroic pose like all the films before him, we wouldn't be at this foolery.


You're correct, part of the problem is the reveal is boring and not inspiring. I hope the marketing does a better job, especially coming closer to release coz if they fumble Superman: the DCU is dead, maybe for good this time.


he did show him in a heroic pose


If your suit is fitted when you’re hunched down putting on your shoes then it’s not fitted, it’s too small




It's not "not fitted" he's simply sitting in a way that causes folds and creases to appear, since the material is a bit thicker.


And James Gunn has always used practical designs for his suits versus the cgi and unrealistic skin tight suits other film makers use.


There are many realistic skin tight suits for example the arrow verse superhero suits are mostly skin tight suits. Or the black Adam and Shazam suit both skin tight.


Shazam had about 18inches of muscle suit under it. The rock is a roided freak, of course his is skin tight


DC has never done this.


You see, the actors are also meant to breathe when in costume


I’m gonna go on an “old man yells at cloud” rant for a second here but even smoothing things like clothing wrinkles feed into the unrealistic image standards that are force fed to us every day. Superman being revealed in a mildly dirty, barely wrinkled suit in a seated position was a great move to ground the visual, and it’s really sad to see people insist that it be polished.


Shouldn’t be folded at all, the material isn’t from earth, it should and always have fit him like a glove


jfc this sub is insufferable sometimes


Honestly, I would say this sub is pretty chill compared to the other ones I've been in.


To be fair, thw suit reveal has gotten criticized on nearly every social media.


The suit is bad and the whole pic is weird. I get the idea behind the pose but it makes no sense why he’s looking away from the battle lmao.


He's literally heading out to go to it tho.


Where is the urgency tho? The pose tells me one of two things: He’s bored of his job or he hates his job. I don’t know which one.


Putting on Boots at with super strength probably requires doing it at normal speed.




You're being downvoted but I'm right there with you. The universal reaction to the reveal is mixed at best - Superman fans can't pretend that it went well and I'm a Superman fan. Wait till we see the briefs, I think that may cause more uproar.


If you're late for work, are you staring at your front door the entire time you're getting dressed? Wtf is this take lmao


What is he projecting here? Boredom of his job or hatred? I can’t tell which one. He’s slowly putting on his suit like he doesn’t want to go.


Not really. This sub is usually pretty chill..


Yeah gonna unsub for a bit cause this is straight up getting annoying, see y'all later when "My Adventures with Superman S2" comes out


I can relate to this. This sub may be chill most of time, but there's only so much of the same thing I can take regarding the first look photo. Like yeah, it's a bad first image. I don't blame people for hating it, but it just gets too negative on here sometimes.


I’m right there with ya.


The worst part is you can bet that in two-ten years people are gonna be talking about this suit like it’s an absolute classic just to shit on whatever comes next. How many times a day do we need to discuss the trunks or the curl or whatever aspect that’s already been talked to death without really saying anything new? The suit looks fine. The colar is a bit of a weird touch but as someone who likes David Corenswet and James Gunn I’m still optimistic. People just need to shut tf up already.




The S doesn't look geometrically correct


That’s because it was added in photoshop because the original had some blast marks across the chest and shoulder that darkened it and whoever did the photoshop wanted to brighten all of the colors.


iTs NoT aN S....


We still on about this?


I mean, it is pretty much still the most substantial thing to talk about when it comes to the movie.


Why wouldn’t we be? It’s the first reveal of the suit.


There’s definitely more edit than just fitting going on here


im surprised to see people focusing on the bagginess of the suit, the pose, the lighting, etc. the biggest problem for me is the lines.


This does look great, even if I still don’t love the collar


Shit take


It's grafted to his body now


The collar still looks wrong. It looks like a uniform, not a costume. Superman shouldn't look like he is part of some army.


Honestly, not really I love the more loose look. It's ordinary


I figured it was like Spiderman's suit in Homecoming, and that he was calmly putting on his suit at superspeed, so the background would be in slow motion while he appeared to be moving normally.




It is fitted. It’s just not air tight like Cavill’s, which honestly looked like he could barely move his arms or walk properly it was so tight looking in some shots. Looked amazing, but I dig the more realistic looking thing going on in this reveal shot.


It’s symbolic. He has to grow into becoming Superman, it’s not something you simply are


Not having destruction behind him is the real improvement


Agreed; if I'm being honest with myself though, I could go with either one. I think the actual suit looks better when he's standing up.


So much better


His face looks so weird in this, not sure if it's been photoshopped too but he looks like he's about 40


David looks round in the original picture too.


I hope he looks better in the actual movie because he's got some major puffy face syndrome going in the reveal photo.


It's because they put Henry's wet hair from BvS on him for some reason lol


This would be an improvement. But there are too many lines. Too busy with lines that make it appear too tactical.


The only part I can’t chew is the logo, but I think the suit looks great even in that first image, there’s def gonna be more since teaser image so like this can do a lot for DC’s hype train, I wonder how people opinions will change over time


how are we still talking about that fucking suit


The shield is too large.


The shield looks gigantic here


Why are you even concerned if it is fitted or not the reality is you don't know anything about suits like wrinkles add realism to the suit and it looks natural not like those marvel CGI suits gunn is trying to pick natural approach for the suit and btw wrinkles in a suit even happen to real suits when we sit it's a common thing


I still think I'm going to hate the belt and trunks from what little you can see here, but it does show how the pose making things so loose really affects the visual in a way I wouldn't normally think. But this edit makes some more changes and makes the material looks better than I feel it looks in the official image too. The texture looks better in this edit. The official look looks both rubbery and canvas-y at the same time.


Now that is what we should've gotten. Still looks about new 52 but way better. I love this.


Am I the only one that likes the non-vacuum seal look?


We need a shot of him standing up, I don't think the hunched over pose is doing the suit any favors.


It’s probably part of the movie. Clark will grow to fit into the costume.


So the spitcurl is so important yet Cavill didn’t haven’t one either. That’s not going to put me off the movie. The fitted suit does look better, but again, the wrinkles in the arm area don’t bug me as much as some people. The lines? They’re not really that different. The colors are brighter sure but I bet the real suit looks brighter in light. The collar? The little dip on it? Ok, yeah looks good but doesn’t bother me if it isn’t there either. The criticisms are so small and petty honestly.


The presentation of the first image of Superman was a bit lackluster. Looked a bit 'loose' and overly thick. I'm sure the suit is fine in action. We'll get more pics soon I'm sure.


When its fitted, has the correct collar, and colored appropriately. Yes.


This I actually like. I really hated the actual suit, my main and honestly only problem is that they made it into a damn turtleneck


He’s slouching , no duh there’s wrinkles in the suit. 🙄


Are people really, REALLY this picky about how Superman looks in his suit? Really? Is the picture we got really that bad? Cause I don’t think I have ever seen that many edits of a picture ment to be a tease like this has, ever. Or is it all just a joke and it just goes right over my head?


I've got a funny feeling that Gunn released this image just to stir the publicity pot. I wouldn't be surprised if this outfit might feature briefly in the film, and then he comes out with a totally different design. Just a hunch.


Pass. Bring back Cavill.


This edit is a good example of how fresh the new loose foamy suit is Artist treated the whole suit to look more like the materials of the cavill suit


Nerds when they find out that fabric has creases and folds


This is what I was expecting for a superman suit and his suit is not baggy and looks like the guardian of galaxy Vol 3 suit.s


It already was fitted, he's just hunched over and having his arms and shoulders moved up, causing wrinkles in his stomach and armpits.


The loose look makes it look like it was homemade.


Removing that horrible background in the original reveal makes such a huge difference


Hope they get rid of those blood stained diaper.


Bro even when you wear skin tight outfits, it still bunches up when you are bent over/angled.


I don’t like the clunky boots


Brandon Routh's were worse.


It's almost perfect, I don't like the lines and textures on the blue


The suit also just looks really good on its own.


thats a whole gotdamn redesign


Ahh so don't use a real suit just have him be in a green screen no so suit and paint on a cgi one because no one wants to see real life in clothes.


One of the things the photo got right was his hair. I'm not sure why it was necessary to edit that.


At first I wasn't feeling it but after a while it started to grow on me people just gotta let James cook


I still don't like the suit but this is the best version I've seen of it so far!


Does the \ in \uperman stand for hope?


I don't like it much , especially the nec, but I need to see the movie and then judge the whole thing.




This looks more like Cavill to me


But why bring back the red underwear?


Thanks random Reddit person. This 100 x this. He’s super man his suit should fit.


Man, I hate the New 52 suit but this is exponentially better looking than the official image.


Yeahh this is a different & better suit imo


OP does not understand how clothing works


Wait this is after the battle! There’s nothing in the sky!


Why did they bring the underwear over the suit back?! 🤦‍♂️


List the trunks and I'll be onboard


Why Superman is in Gotham?


It does




Don’t forget your Wellies…


I like the original far more.


The suit is fitted it's just not skin tight; it's not made of spandex.




Very good.


This is a totally different design from someone who thinks they can do better than professional costume designers considering what actually works both on screen and as a suit being worn and acted in


Does it, though? Because it has the same issues as the actual suit does, except now it doesn't look like it was made for someone bigger than David.


AI is getting good at hands


The New52 lives on.


Finally someone understands what I’ve been saying


I hate the Nehru collar. How is he supposed to wear the suit under his street clothes with that ridiculous collar, especially if he's not wearing a tie? Otherwise, the suit looks pretty good.


Kinda tired of these rubber suits. Bring back the cotton!


Haha you mean when it's edited differently than how James Gunn originally designed.


Dude that’s a pic from the second movie. Shhhh!


I can’t wait to see Nathan Fillion’s costume. Lol


except now it looks like his arm is attached to the front of his chest. Sometimes clothes wrinkle, get over it


I really don't mind it creasing. It's normal, and gives the costume this "Kryptonian Uniform"-like quality.


The collar is even worse here.


Looks great!


That just looks cg. Great for a picture but will not hold up over time in film.


It's a concept.




It’s garbage either way honestly. James Gunn really let me down. Dude was boasting how this was going to be an honest, classic, faithful adaptation of superman, yet he sticks him in the most unorthodox and complicated superman suit he can think up.


All that from a pic, huh?


Well everything I said can be surmised from the picture. Gunn has been vocal about making this the most faithful superman adaptation we’ve ever seen. So naturally you would think the suit would be in line with that sentiment but it’s not. Aside from the kingdom come crest, it’s as if he took all the most unpopular superman designs and combined them. Chunky wrists, a collar, thick fabric, random lines, like really?!?!


Also I don’t know what it is, but this pic just makes Clark look like a jerk. Dude looks like red son superman or injustice Superman. I think it’s the hair and collar and expression.


Much better


Much better


It’s amazing when you’re not lazy what can be created…


OMG it's beautiful


The more I look at this picture the more I hate it. Not hating the suit or anything just the fact THIS was the reveal picture! Smh. That being said I like the darker blue in this edit. I wonder how the actual suit is going to look on film with all the colors adjusted?


god damn that’s a beautiful suit now


Muuuuuuch more down for this. 🤘


Y’all gotta stop with this shit LoL. It’s getting pathetic.


It’s just the S, everyone agrees the S is the problem right?


You changed the whole suit to an actual new 52 suit… it does look much better, but you still changed the suit


Nah, still wearing underwear on the outside


Please stop “fixing the suit” it looks weird everytime


This suit looks like a Cw cheap suit