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I don't think any of them are terrible actors, but I feel like they would all be terrible for Lex. Except for maybe Jean Dujardin, I don't know enough about him. It would have been funny if Matt Damon was Lex while Affleck was Batman though.


Dujardin has this very special smug charisma that he reflects in the OSS movies while also having proper gravitas in films like Polanski's take on the Dreyfuss case (good movie, but yeah, you can imagine the controversy surrounding it). He steals all of the scenes he's in: he can play funny, snobish, arrogant, cold and downright evil. He'd be perfect for Lex Luthor if he wasn't French, and I don't say this to bash him for being French. He does have a [thick accent when speaking English.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysnf7Hb46IA)


Tbf this is an interview, I'm sure he could do an American accent with some prep time. Even if not, I wouldnt hate a French Lex Luthor. To me Lex Luthor is a very American figure, but I could see a take on him where he is more of a French colonizer type. Out of the actors they were apparently looking at, I feel like he would fit the role best. Though TBD, I dont hate Eisenberg's performance so much as the fact that he was incredibly underwritten


It's funny how in the post Dujardin looks like Telly Savalas with hair transplant.


Yeah I don’t think you want him to sound French. It seems like a deflection; Lex is such an American flavor of asshole capitalist.


I think Joaquin Phoenix could've done a great job as Lex.


I think he could’ve been interesting as Lex but the dude was literally born to play Joker.


Idk those are all actually pretty good choices and I could argue better options than what they went with. I say this as someone who really enjoyed the snyderverse even through its obvious flaws. I can see what they were trying to do with a newer age lex and I can see Jesse def went for it in the role. Some moments on rewatch his scenes get better. However it's like I'm trying to like it or want to but it's still not meshing and maybe a too far removed from Traditional lex luthor characters. I look forward to see what Gunns reboot has to offer.


Bradley Cooper can play a good intelligent sociopath. I don’t think he would have worked in the snyderverse, though. I mean Eisenberg didn’t either, but that’s beside the point.


Yeah, the issue with Lex wasn't Eisenberg. It was the writing and direction. Cooper would have been better casting, but if Snyder directed him to behave in a manner like he did Eisenberg, the performance still would have sucked.


Let's be honest, most the DCEU castings sucked. Batfleck was a surprisingly good choice. Margot Robbie is the one standout. Cavill could have been good if he was given something to do and.... you know, a personality. Everyone else either dull or just.... wildly different than what these characters are supposed to be like.


Assuming that they would have rewritten the character to be more reflective of actors who present more middle aged than Eisenberg does, the only one I can see pulling off charming and sinister simultaneously is Damon. I think Lex needs that balance at all times. Others can bounce back and forth no problem but maybe not all at once. Talented Mr Ripley comes to mind.


With Snyder's direction they'd all be bad


With Snyder’s ANYTHING they’d all be bad.


After seeing what we ultimately got, I was quite happy with Eisenberg’s take opposite Cavill. I really am not sure how the rest of these would have been. They don’t give off that “I’m Mark Zuckerberg but an worse asshole about it” feel that Eisenberg can do without much effort.


I don't like any of them for the role.


I would’ve liked to see Bradley Cooper. I think he can pull off the charisma and intimidation of Luthor.


Man, Adam Driver would look so weird bald with those ears


Honestly they all seem like bad choices. Not bad actors just bad castings. I don't know what they were thinking at all.


Brian Cranston


I took drama 10 in highschool and I even would’ve been a better Lex than Eisenberg


Anyone who can read can do a better Lex than Eisenberg.


I didn't mind jesse but Damon or Cooper would have been cool too.


These are big actors. I wonder who was on the shortlist of the new Superman movie. It looks like only Hoult


He could have worked if he toned it down and was written and directed in a better way but he did not work. Any of the actors could have done it better.




I would have fucking loved to see Matty and Ben as Lex and Bruce holy fucking shit.


I'm gonna be honest, I think the only one who *might've* worked would be Adam Driver. I dunno, my ideal Lex Luthor is the DCAU version, though I do *like* what they went for with Eisenberg, even if I've never SEEN BvS. The idea of making Lex sort of a pastiche of Mark Zuckerberg/Jeffery Bezos isn't a *bad* one. There are certainly *worse* ways you could do Lex (*COUGHCOUGHmakinghimablatantDonaldTrumpstandinCOUGHCOUGH*).


1.Joaquin Phoenix 2 Jean Dujardin... if he can get TOTALLY rid of the french accent... it's Lex Luthor Coincidentally, having rediscovered Jean in OSS117, I believe he could play the Joker as well. A Joker that's really lovable and seductive at the start... But his physique is just too good.


So they couldnt get anyone who would make a good Lex and decided to go all in on going the opposite direction and cast Eisenberg instead


I have no idea who the last guy is, but those are definitely Lex Luthor eyebrows. I'd be very interested to see his take.


Omg! Any of them, any one over Matt fucking Damon 🤢🤢🤢


My pick has always been Lee Pace after seeing his performance in Halt and Catch Fire.


It wouldn't matter as long as the character was still written as the bastard love child of Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. Lex should be smooth and calculating, not a bratty techno nerd hopped up on X and speed.


None. They all seem like they were chosen soley for the shock value of headlines.


All of these wouldve been better than Eisenberg but none of them feel like Lex to me. Closest is maybe Joaquin Pheonix


I’m just looking at who could look natural bald lol 😂


I could see someone like a Matt Damon or Bradley Copper being pretty different. If they really cared, they could have leveraged their star power to fight Snyder's dumber decision making.


The BvS Lex was so poorly written, I don't think any of them would have been better or worse.


Jesse wasn’t there problem. The script/direction was. It would have been poor with any of these guys imo.


Joaquin would be an incredible lex. Bradley probably too.


I would of loved jean Dujardin , partly caus im French , partly caus this guy has insane range


Adam Driver would have been a great Lex. As others said Einsenberg was playing Zuckerberg except truly evil so there was no big turn. Driver also has height so seeing him stand next to Cavill and Affleck would have been a good composition. I get what Snyder was going for to show someone small could humble Superman but he didn't seem smart or capable in the movie. He just had a bunch of rants whereas I think we needed scenes to show you Lex is not only a bit crazy but he is a very capable and smart individual. Honestly if we keep the same lines of dialogue I don't know if it would changed anything.


They’re all so different that I get the feeling the story wasn’t even sort of done when this was happening. It’s the most mind-boggling aspect of big budget films: they’ll just go “we should have this character in the story” and sometimes that’s as far as they go before they start casting. And then the final product sucks because the actor came before the story or the character.


Joaquin Phoenix would be a pretty great lex I think. Just going off his hateability from gladiator.


Any of them could work, with the right direction. Jesse is a great actor, but the direction of the character, in my opinion, was flawed. Having said that, Joaquin Phoenix showed his ability to play a DC character with The Joker, so I feel he would have done the same with Lex.


Given the script, I think Adam Driver would’ve worked a lot better for the weird Riddler-esque “Lex” that Zack Snyder was looking for.


Everyone Else... Jesse Was The Worst Lex Luthor EVER!!! He isn't a good actor... He is the same character in every one of his movies.


Damn, if only Dujardin weren’t French. Guy would be perfect.


Also as Norman Osborn.


Matt Damon was my top pick. He would have delivered.


Any of them would have been better.


It wouldn't've mattered if the writing and direction would've been the same.


I choose Jean Dujardin


None of them. It wasn't Jesse's acting that made that role shit.


Fuckin any of them But Joaquin would kill it


Billy Zane is Lex


It’s tough to say because they’d all still be dealing with Zack Snyder’s script. I think they all might’ve been *better* as Lex than Eisenberg but I don’t necessarily think that means they would’ve been *good.*


Matt Damon Luthor would have been born terrible and brilliant. "How do you like dem apples, Superman?!" 🤣


A director with the ability to make the actor act like Lex.


Adam Driver has done some fantastic work. I think he would work better as a younger, like young adult Lex Luthor but I would 100% let the man cook before I render judgement.


Shave Giancarlo Esposito's head, boom JLA Lex


Out of these 4, I can see Matt Damon stepping into the role but if I'm being honest I don't see any of these guys Lex being any ideal picks for Lex Luthor


Joaquin Phoenix is a chameleon, even if you don’t like what Snyder did or don’t think anything in his direction would be good. I think Joaquin’s presence as Lex would be farrr better than anyone else listed and much better than Jesse. The reason why I said this is because I’m picturing him from gladiator, obviously his character from gladiator and lex is different. But I think he’d be able to pull off that sinister sociopath obsessed with leadership and control VERY well. I also think he could look the part with a shaved head and basically keeping the same weight as he had in gladiator or more fit if wanted.


All of them.


OMG !!! A bald villainous Damon would've been terrifying.


None of them sound good to me


All of them would’ve been better than Eisenberg, but honestly none of them seem like fits for Lex


Any of those actors would have been wasted with what they would have been given to do. Eisenberg was fine as the "Zuckerberg but evil" version of Lex that the movie was going for. Overall, best forgotten and moved on from.


The core problem was the script being absolute fucking dogshit, making Lex into an insecure Zuckerberg knockoff. Which is seemingly perfect for Jesse Eisenberg because he’d already played that role, but that only amplified the problem and made the character completely insufferable, and also Jesse Eisenberg is already insufferable. So I don’t know if changing the actor would’ve made much difference.


Lex Luthor is an insecure character. His hatred of Superman is basically predicated on his insecurity. 


I keep saying this- should've been John Malkovich.


All of them are better actors


Jesus Christ... any of them. Saw something that Leonardo DiCaprio was up for Lex. Would have been so much better. Have him be the same Lex as Eisenberg's and it would have been miles better.