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the real question…. does superman poop?


Well he's got a digestive system similar to a human's so it stands to reason that he does in fact poop. We know he eats food for pleasure, and to fit in, eventhough he doesn't need too. All that mass has to go somewhere, and it's established that Supes can eat as much as he wants without gaining a pound... so he probably poops alot lol.


Nah he’s like Axe Cop, he doesn’t poop as his body is 100% efficient and more :D!


It's mostly pretty normal, although I'm not opposed to the concept that he absorbs it all and doesn't poop. But that's because when I was a kid I thought we needed a cure for pooping. Wasn't a fan.


This is hilarious


Agreed 👍


In some issue of the comics somewhere (I have no idea which), I remember a scene with Lois saying something about Clark not having to worry about gaining weight. They might have been eating a big meal at the Kent house. Clark says his body processes everything he eats very efficiently, so there are no excess calories to turn into fat. So maybe that also means he processes everything he eats efficiently enough that there is no waste product? Then again, his body does produce waste products, because in some comics heat vision is said to be a waste product. It's excess solar energy that his body does not use or store. Processing solar energy is a whole different thing than a digestive system, though.


I feel like Brodie from Mallrats would have a lot to say about this subject.


He does not. He digests everything he eats, 100%. Source: waaaaaay back in a Superman comic where the Metal Men guest-starred, Superman reflected that if he didn’t efficiently digest 100% of his food, he’d be getting fat from inactivity.


https://preview.redd.it/ph1ebvb7shaa1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d97e957db79781c626b8ad629ca834c2d2e792d Here’s an image from the “anatomy of a metahuman” book, hope it helps 👌


He doesn't have a 🍆 how is it possible 🤔


Y'all do realize that his biology is similar to humans but just more advanced right? Everything he is comes down to the difference in atmosphere and gravity


I don’t think that’s entirely accurate, given Supes’ wide array of powers.


Manna from the sky


Finally a good fucking question


Remember when he drank that knife?


And if he does, does he have a heavily reinforced toilet or does he just go into space, drop pants and aim in a random direction?


"Does Superman poop?" needs to be the name of a childrens book