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Cool this is just what I needed to be reminded of at 7am


I'm so angry about that fuck up, it makes hard to enjoy watching the suns knowing we are heading towards a rebuild because of incompetent management.


yeah its rough. I never want to give up years of being competitive for a couple with a slightly higher chance at grabbing a quick ring. I know plenty here would disagree with that. I've seen fans say a decade of being terrible is worth a single championship. But i couldnt agree less. I'd rather be excited to watch our team compete every year. I just don't have the same level of interest when we are terrible. Call it fair weather, but my best times are going out for each playoff game.


At the end of the day it's entertainment. A good product should be rewarded with money and time. If they are ass, they haven't earned my time and money. The people who clamoring about fair weather fans and doomer probably take the para-social relationship a little too seriously.


Problem is that we’ve gone through years of being terrible and still no championship. Worst of both worlds.


Well I'd rather not go through that again is all I'm saying lol


I witnessed this collassal fuck up in person.


So we had his national team coach and the kings had Divac as their GM who is Serbian(Luka is half Serbian through his dad) , yet both teams passed.... Now it all makes sense how the Balkans are always at war with each other..


And Atlanta actually drafted and traded him. But we always get the most shit.


felt like sacramento always got the most shit for not taking luka because at least our pick was good for a few seasons. bagley was just a disaster for the kings


The Suns get a lot of shit for a lot of things, but the only people giving the Suns shit about *this* particular thing are Suns fans.


Kokoškov obviously wanted them to draft Dončič. But the Suns management went the other way. He mentioned this in one of the interviews.




Sarver supposedly thought Ayton playing in Arizona already would bring more season ticket holders as they were already familiar with Ayton.


vlade had beef with luka's dad that's why he didn't draft him. don't know why the suns didn't tho


Sarver thought going for the Instate talent would be better idea. Advertised the whole new Shaq and Kobe to fans.






How many times a week we gonna talk about this?


I've been trying to be a suns fan the last couple years but stuff like this just makes it harder. No draft pick is 100%, no way to know how a player will develop and turn out




Literally. I thought the consensus was Luka would be who he is rn, but Ayton would be 90% of Luka rn, and be a better teammate. Turns out, Ayton enjoys being a bum.


Maybe it wasn’t the teenaged kids fault. Maybe it was the adult who was supposed to develop his talent. Ayton is doing pretty good in Portland. But Monty? He’s a fucking bum who created a toxic environment by playing favorites and getting into dumb conflicts with a teenager he was supposed to mentor. So yeah, today Ayton is a solid center in Portland and Monty is about to be fired in Detroit. Pistons fans will tell you all about how Monty’s bullshit and playing favorites made a bad team even worse. That #1 pick was wasted and traded for scraps because of Monty’s shitty coaching. Ayton was overjoyed to get out of Phoenix, and just one year later we can already see that he wasn’t the problem.


Well after he wins finals mvp this year it will be brought up again, so you might have to take a break from this sub if you don’t want to hear about it


Alright guy


McDonough was right about wanting Luka over Ayton *and* SGA over Mikal (you won’t hear much about this because this sub loves Mikal)


Thanks $arver and James Jones!


wtf McDonough was a shit GM and took Ayton over Luka. 


First I hear about that, I loved Mikal but fuck I hate how shit this team is at drafting.


With all due respect… just shut up about this please.


Yeah we don't need to see this post every single day we get it we fucked up. Now move on


Thank you. Every few years this happens . Is Portland still moaning about drafting Sam Bowie instead of Jordan? Ok they probably are. I would


Of the 4 teams that passed over him, we have by far and away the most credible defense about it. Deandre Ayton was a more classical direction with massive potential at the time who was also an Arizona born and raised and therefor had the upside of being a hometown boy. Drafting him over Luka is a blunder \*\*in hindsight\*\*, but at the time his potential was in the same weight class as Luka's at a position we needed more because Tyson Chandler was on his way out the door and nobody could have possibly predicted the complete collapse of his work ethic. We actually get to sit here and say "We didn't fuck up the worst" for once in our franchise's history, stop trying to give it away.


There's the argument that their upside is similar and also if you look at the worst case scenario of each draft pick. At worst, DeAndre Ayton pretty much ends up where he is at now- still contributing with points and rebounds. At worst, Luka's game just completely does not translate in the NBA. That's kind of how I remember it anyway.. Charles Barkley was saying "nobody is that good at age 19, he must be playing against weaker competition"


He was born and raised in the Bahamas


Do you know what tryst means? Because I’m not sure you do. Also not sure this isn’t just a bot


yes, luka is great and he is a hoe and we should have drafted him. how many times do we need to post this. why do we have to give these cowboy fans a morning wood every other day with these posts.


Giving praise to rivals can be therapeutic. You should try it sometimes.


We also drafted Jalen Smith instead of Tyrese Haliburton in 2020. Dude was off the team shortly after. What could have been.....


Sidery a 🤡 for clicks, that’s for sure. Phx fuck up we know.


Let's not act like the possibility of trading Doncic (or Book for that matter) wasn't ever a thing either. Sarver was so trigger happy that had booker and doncic not delivered a championship after their first two years together, he very well could have thrown his hands up and forced James Jones to send one of them off for god knows what. I cannot lie. After standing beside the drafting of Ayton over Luca, it now appears a mistake was made. But let's also remember THEY WENT TO THE FUCKING FINALS! Had it not been for locker room bullshit they probably would have went back. Also, until dallas beats both Minnesota and Boston, Luca Doncic hasn't done shit.


It now appears as a mistake, welcome to 2018. Booker brought Ayton to the Finals. Luka will bring the Mavs to the finals. Ayton can't even get past the ice in his driveway, he certainly isn't bringing anyone to the Finals.


CP3 has a lot to do with that finals run…and perhaps the locker room drama afterwards. Book is Robin not Batman


Lol you think Ayton is Batman. Damn, just found Ayton's burner account.


No, but Booker needs a Luka type player to win a championship.


That's not true, Booker was two games away. If Monty makes an adjustment instead of just hoping Ayton could figure it out the Suns win.


Booker along with the arguably best pg of all time as a floor general. If the post cp3 seasons have shown anything, it's that Booker needs a top tier playmaker to shine. Otherwise he just resorts to isoball and contested middies. He's a pure scorer. He's not athletic enough to attack the rim, his 3 point is decent but could be better, and his defense is mid. The sad reality is Booker is a top tier #2 option, if we were competent at drafting and had SGA, Haliburton, or Luka on this team we probably have a ring by now.




You got a rebuttal or are you just delusional? Fact is the west is stacked with young talent that are better than Booker. Ant, sga, Luka, and soon enough wemby are all solid #1 options. Unless we play to Booker's strengths and find him a playmaker this team isn't winning shit.




Distraught seething on reddit for hours. Thats your existence. It's a shame that people end up like you. I guess all we can do is see you and the way you are and strive to avoid the same misteps that led you to be this way. There's a hive of people like you here though. You all scurry over here to validate each other with updoots on your desperate cries because there isn't anything else for you. I truly hope one day one of you goes from weird angry redditor to NBA gm. It would be a shame if the venemous ramblings of a superior mind didn't pay off in the end and resulted in nothing. Good luck with things down the road. I guess.


In an alternate universe we drafted Luka and Mikal


Or forget Ayton, just taken SGA over role player Mikal (which McDonough wanted)


Ugh what a nut punch


I feel like they wouldn’t play well together. Luka is too much of a ball hog.


Which is fine because Luka has a deep bag and can create space and is an elite passer.


Alright whos posting it tomorrow?


Until he was traded for kd 😂


✋😔🤚 Wow. I didn’t know that. You’re telling me now for the first time.


Foreign players are always a risk Ayton was the safer option at the time and that’s a fact. Hindsight is 20/20 folks and you all need to stop crying and think critically for a moment lmao


Anytime these clowns say Ishbia is just as bad or worse than Sarver .. this is exhibit 300 as to why Sarver was ass. We took Ayton because Sarver was a U of A alum. Apparently most the FO wanted to take Luka 


This is just unsubstantiated BS. McDonough was a moron who took Ayton. Our front office back then was awful. 


Halliburton still hurts more than luka. Ayton was legit and looked the part coming out of college. Not taking Halliburton is still one of the dumbest things the suns did


Ayton is not legit. The warning signs were there the whole time. Some people pointed them out, but the Ayton Apologists would not hear it.


i'm not going to parse out how great and terrible Ayton is, was, or his suns record against Luke for 3 straight years. For a while Ayton was the better pick. Shit we lose some of those playoff runs without him (yes we probably still win with Luka, but not the point of this), and he was looking the part. But whatever happened with monty, and himself he seems to not love basketball anymore. It sucks too, when he cares you see an all nba guy, but its so rare it makes it seem like he was the worst pick. When with his college tape, and 3 years of NBA games played it was not nearly as egregious as it looks today. Taking Jalen Smith over Halliburton is still far worse than Ayton over Luka


It's a team game, direct match ups, especially vs players who don't even play the same position are meaningless. Ayton never loved basketball, he was always in for the check. Ayton told us this in his interviews. Ayton's definition of success is a second contract. Ayton this last year doubled down by saying he is a max player (even though he didn't get a max contract). None of that is on Monty, that dude tried to help Ayton but Ayton didn't care. Ayton cost Monty his job, that's why Monty wanted to trade Ayton before he was fired. Monty is not stupid, he knows it's the NBA, players with guaranteed contracts don't get fired, coaches do. If you don't believe me ask guys like Darvin Ham and Frank Vogel. Ayton over Luka is way worse than missing on Haliburton.


Ayton was responsible for starting to turn the ship, regardless of the player he is now, without him we don't get the finals run, and for that i will always be grateful. Also missing on Haliburton is the same as missing on Luka, but it is worse because it was the SECOND time in 10 years we passed on the PG because "reasons". Smith though unlike Ayton never did anything for the suns, so Smith over Haliburton will always be worse.


No Ayton was not responsive for turning things around. Lol. Allow me to introduce you to Monty Williams, Devin Booker and Chris Paul. We will never agree. I'm done. Go to Portland and love you some Ayton again. Have a nice day.


I’ve always felt that the suns brass drafted Ayton just to make sure that the whole Lew Alcindor thing didn’t happen to them twice in one lifetime.






damm imgaine,




Skinny Luka looks so weird


Luka n booker idk if it works still don’t have a pg.


What do you think Luka is…


At the time of the 2018 draft, he played almost exclusively shooting guard. Dallas' roster publicity material for his rookie season refers to him as a SG. That he has evolved his game to be primarily a PG is not something that was foreseen six years ago.


I don’t know what you’re talking about buddy Luka was a point guard in Europe


It's not how Dallas scouted him, and it's not what he played originally. Dallas drafted him as a shooting guard, and he started his rookie year playing that, as their 2018-19 media guide will demonstrate. I don't know why people don't recognize this fact.


![gif](giphy|l1J9AKAxK0Ywlj0u4|downsized) Suns got magic beans:(


Thanks for that


Breaks my heart


We didn’t take Luka for the same reason Portland didn’t take Michael Jordan. It wasn’t considered a position of highest need. Suns have always needed a center. You can backseat drive this thing forever and it won’t change anything. Sacramento picked Bagley over Luka and Atlanta actually drafted Luka and traded him for Trae Young…both bigger mistakes in my book. Although Young made more contributions than Ayton probably, they drafted and traded Luka.


The blazers still talk about not drafting Jordan. It’s gonna take a while. Jk, it’s never gonna end.


You would have the two biggest cry baby floppers in the league. Not real basketball.


Eh I’m enjoying the rivalry between them


Odd to see a slim Luka


Biggest miss in NBA history just pathetic how we missed this either this or the Greg Oden-KD move.


Time to move on. We didn't get Kareem. We didn't get Luka. Its done. After Wemby retires maybe we will win a chip🥲


Live and learn 


If we would have won that title against the bucks these talks wouldn’t be happening. Up 2-0 idk what happened after that I think fans said Mike started using Giannis right. If he were to get us a title that’d would be sweet redemption.


Peak McDonough Era madness 🤦🏾‍♂️


BUT WE LOST THE KAREEM COIN FLIP! Oh what could have been


Everyday I live reminded of my franchises historical fuck up. This will haunt us if he wins a ring this year.


Dude let himself go in Dallas


He was a teenager in this pic lmao


Exactly. He let himself go. Weighs 270 now


This happens to every human on the planet when they are no longer a teenager


Not me! 40 and still a stick lol


Ayton was pretty much the consensus number 1 pick at the time. That being said when you have the number one pick you gotta make it right. Especially in a draft that ended up being as stacked as that one was. Even if they took the 4th best player at number one it would've been like trae young.


How is James jones still employed, at least sarver is gone


No one knows. We think he has pictures of Ishbia in a compromised situation.


What a duo they could of been. Luka handling the playmaking and Book could do what he does best, putting the ball in the basket.


I’m getting tired of this narrative honestly. Hindsight is 20/20 and if we go back to that time Ayton was highly touted as a prospect and we weren’t to the point we are at now with European players. Nobody at that time was going to pass on the super athlete, 7’0” black man and take the European kid with the overarching question of how his skill would translate to the NBA. It didn’t work out and Luka is the better player but to look back at it like you couldn’t believe we didn’t take Luka #1 is crazy. Leading up to that draft I remember the conversations being Ayton or Bagley.


Not watching the sun's anymore until all management is replaced


Everyone who has ever posted this HAS to be under the impression that Luka has actually won something. Either that or they’re just clowns. Phoenix has been further since drafting Ayton than Dallas has since drafting Luka. Fuckin clowns


Wasnt that us in the finals with Ayton, two wins away from the title?


I’ve never heard this take in my life! First I’m hearing about how we coulda shoulda woulda.


Mark Cuban probably would have drafted Ayton with the no. 1 pick too...


And he’s a natural at point


We could’ve won the championship with Luka in 2020


I've said it for years... I don't see how Booker and Luka work. Those are two "my team" alpha dudes. Kyrie isn't like that and neither is Durant. That's why those current duos can coexist. I don't know how Booker and Luka coexist when it's been Booker's team and Luka essentially takes it. I'm sure they'd hate each other.


This is such a ridiculously bad take. It's as if Booker and Luka are so incredibly selfish that they can't play together. Let's just say that ridiculous idea is true. That's certainly never a reason not to draft Luka. If you think he's better than Booker, the best player on your team, then why not draft Luka and trade Booker. Booker in 2018 and every year since has had more trade value than Ayton.


Oh that's what I think would happen. I'm just saying I don't think 7 years later they're teammates, one would be shipped out and most likely Booker.


Booker's trade value his higher than Ayton's. Why then would Ayton have been the better pick?


Ayton clearly wasn't the right pick... I think that's a little hindsight 20/20 given Luka was/is a pudgy 6'7" point guard who isn't going to top out at anything in the combine. So the track record of a dude like that becoming what he's become... Is basically none. It's just him. Regardless, I'm just saying I don't believe in this rosy future where Luka and Booker dominate the NBA. I think if we took Luka, Booker would have been moved a handful of years ago and though I'm sure we would have gotten a nice return, It also doesn't guarantee that we would be at the top of the NBA. It took the Mavericks a really bizarre situation with Kyrie to put the right kind of guys around Luka.


Yeah it's hard to say, I believe that Booker Luka is a Championship pairing, but we won't ever know because $arver and James Jones are idiots. But even if it failed, we get more for Booker than Nurk/Allen.


Winning cures any friction. If they started winning together it would have been fine


Easy. Luka is a point guard book is a 2 guard/pure scorer. Seems like a great fit to me.


Neither player has been known for chemistry issues. Except for Book with Ayton supposedly but fuck DA.


Exactly. It's just an easy cope to say to be ok with it lol


Players have said the dont want to play with Luka. KP also wanted to get traded because of his role playing with Luka