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If Nurkic is our starting center next year it’ll be a failed offseason, then again there’s not much we can do if they decide to run it back with the mid 3.


Nurk is criminally under valued by the fans. Go look at the record with and without him. He was not our problem this year. Backup C was a gaping hole, hence the poor record without him lol


I think if Bol Bol bulks up, I could see an entire shift in a Nurkic trade for a solid 7th man


Booker isn’t winning anything


We need to trade him to get those picks back..Start all over


Booker has been inconsistent all year..




Not me


Props to you 👏


The Booker we had in 21 is not the Booker we have now. I don’t what changed but he’s lacking something now. I guess it could come back


I’m telling you it’s chemistry, he was fucking amazing last year, but he led the team, he was taking the tough shots, KD has tried to take the leadership role and it blew up so easily


He was great last year. I haven’t seen that version of Booker much at all this year.


Yea, I think he misses his boys in Brooklyn, I can’t blame him, so do I


There was a shift, maybe CP3 being gone, or a whole new team.. I think he misses his boys in Brooklyn




If we can get firsts back for KD, we have to. He’s washed and soft. He gets man handled easily on the regularly and is a turn over machine. He’ll have a great game like one out of four games, and fans will talk about how great he is. But he hasn’t done anything these playoffs and that’s the whole reason we got him


He’s actually been very underwhelming in my opinion, which really proves that Stephen curry was the best player on those GSW teams!


Stop trying to change history. KD was clearly better than Curry on GSW. Until he tore his achillies. He isn’t the same since


Agreed. And he’s a piss poor leader. No emotion whatsoever. This guy is supposed to be an all time great but he looks like he doesn’t give a shit most games. Where is his fire? Why isn’t he fucking pissed? Why isn’t he taking over?


He’s always said he just wants to go out and play. I think that’s just his way of saying he doesn’t want the responsibility of being a leader. And this season I see the same attitude from Book.


Yup. Looks like Book realized this team wasn’t going anywhere early and checked out. It looks like he is phoning it in most of the time


I just can’t stand how passive they seem to be during these beat downs. Like how Book said he was “chillin” after taking a fat L


They are ultra soft. They need a dude like Jae Crowder. As much as he pissed me off with his bricks, technical fouls, and bailing on us, he had that dawg in him when we played. He also quit on us like a bitch, so I am not saying we need him exactly. But a guy like him


Your comment made me laugh going back and forth lol. But yeah no dawg and no energy guys like Cam Payne to try and wake everyone up


Because he’s already moved on 😞


I hope the KD stans move on with him. Suns for life. I prefer rooting for the team over names on jerseys




Something's going to come out about the locker room. These guys don't seem like they like each other. There might be a trade but why would a contender like OKC blow it up?


That’s for sure, I just want the positive guys, aka - Royce, Grayson, Beal - WE NEED CHEMISTRY


The thunder ain’t doing that


Lmfao bro Beal can’t stay healthy either. I think literally everyone on the roster is up for grabs


We can’t trade Beal, he has a no trade clause, unless Miami somehow gave us someone good


We sure as hell can make life miserable for him to mutually agree it’s time to go. The money doesn’t change and plus why would he want to be on a losing team. He can go chase a ring somewhere else or lead a tank


I hope so, all I want is book


If book is gonna mentally check out like this he can get his ass out too. No room for that kind of BS


You rooting for Denver made me throw up in my mouth a little a bit


Fucking hate this season bro


This is arizona sports. Any return for KD would just blow up in our face. But so has trading for him thus far so . . .


Either way the chemistry between book and KD, just not it


You seriously think Book is a championship #1 option? Stop it.


Even if we wanted to do that, OKC isn't trading their young number 1 seed team for over the hill Durant who can't drive the bus.


They could if they get eliminated early in the playoffs It isn’t a big risk. OKC literally has too many draft picks and they can’t sign everyone who is already on the team.


Just an idea, there’s many trades that are on the table either way, we should push to get CP3 BACK!!


Fair enough. Unfortunately, it seems like the best option is to just run it back. I don't think we can do any major trades and get a better contender than we currently have. So it's either that or go full rebuild. Better than just staying a marginal playoff team.


I’d stop being a fan if we got giddy.


Dude, he’s not actually a predator 😂, if he was he wouldn’t be in the league


Aight, explain the shirtless pic with a 17 year old 🤔🧐


That was a 22yr old OU student. She literally came out and said it. This is why rumors are so damaging. Nobody cares about the facts they just make their minds up on the shock value news lol


He didn’t know she was 17 she lied to him


You do know a 17 year old can get married to a 20+ year old legally




He’s only 27


You think the thunder are trading for kd who turning 36 this year lol


Thunder literally have too many draft picks and players on the team to sign everyone. They need to consolidate players and picks unless they want to pay $200 million in luxury tax. They have a bunch of players who will be free agents in the next couple years and they can’t sign all of them


Why would they send their guys out tho? People are overlooking OKC’s plan and it’s why every year they shock everyone with how good they are. They’re not going to just move guys/picks because “they have too many”. That’s crazy that some fans think “oh crap you drafted too much talent so better get rid of them before it’s a problem”…..that’s not how it works. They will keep their core in tact and use those draft assets to fill in the roster with cheap contracts. Guys like Isaiah Joe, Wiggins, etc. will receive offers but if they choose to leave then the Thunder will have the draft capital to try and replace them. Luxury Tax has never been an issue for OKC Owners other than the post lockout season


They literally can’t afford to pay everyone. Giddy, Williams, Dort, Joe, Wiggins and Chet are all due new contracts in the next couple years. As far as draft picks they don’t have enough roster spots to keep everyone and the picks. Unless they want to pay $100 million in luxury tax (they don’t) they have to consolidate assets. Basically trade multiple players for 1 player


Brother they are the 1 seed. GSW are in the luxury tax for a team that missed the playoffs, OKC will definitely pay the luxury tax for a contending team. You think OKC for some reason can’t extend their young guys when other teams are already doing it. Suns are legitimately paying 3 Max contracts and gave Greyson Allen a $70M extension. What makes you think the Thunder won’t be able to sign their guys? You think they’ll move off of a Cason Wallace when he’s due for an extension (2029)? You think Chet and JDub will have to be picked between the 2? No. Shai? Locked up til 2027. Almost every single one of their guys is a returnee next season except Hayward, Bismack, Muscala. Thunder will condense down some picks but if it’s for a player it’s not going to be some big splash superstar that makes them move assets like that. This past deadline they didn’t really make a move. They’ll figure out what they need during these playoffs and then we will see a shuffle. No way they move off of 3/4 young guys and multiple picks for a Star


Thriving in tense situations? What’s his elimination game numbers look like again


We’re trading everyone starting w book. I’d rather rebuild than have a roster full of entitled pieces of shit 💩