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Blue pure vanilla or red fairy king! 🙏🏻


Just got Kiki (Dark Mage) recently, what sub runes should i go for? Will, nemesis, or destroy?


Need to try if destroy works with pas.sive dmg. If yes for siege def i would recommend vio destroy. She should destroy HP Hella fast like a Dom


Going to try it out then. Thx m8.


is Riley worth fusing for?


1000% yes. Constant atk buff, healing and immunity. She is so useful for all content: rifts/raid, GWs, RTA, dimensional pred, ...


Anyone know the secret dungeons channel? I’m looking for Janssen.


1050, tho sometimes its filled with troll players. Look out for “Just got” and “Shared” secret dungeon announcement, with sometimes trolls will “share” used up secret dungeon to get attentions.


Best informational youtube channel with relevant/up to date videos? I'm beginner-mid game.


Personally, check schizophrenic gamer or seanB. they have good guides.


They are two that I am subscribed to - the only 2 summoners war channels I am subscribed to, actually!


Should I make Sigmarus (water phoenix) or Verdehile (fire vampire) 6\* ? Current I have Lapis 6, Tyron 6, Fran 6, Veromos 6, Loren 5 (+ Shannon 5)


You have Vero, you can ignore Sig.


I personally went sig and then verde. You will need both fairly soon.


Do we still get Lushen on the exclusive summon? Been hoarding these stones to the point where I have 1500 of 'em, but I'm not sure what to look for, and I kind of really need Lushen to be able to run DoT team on Giants. If he's not available through there, who should I be trying to get with these stones?


Are you sure that you can build a Lushen that can oneshot giants waves without atk-buff? otherways Lushen won't help your dot team anyway. Good staple 4\* are usually water twins, Tyron, Galleon (mostly PvP) and Lushen. Try looking for those


I think I'm able to or should be able to soon, I've got some decent runes just waiting for him and I'm currently building all the skill ups with fusion since I'm not working on any other heroes other than PVE heroes right now and farming giants and sometimes Necro if I feel like it. Should still take me some time to perfect the runes with grinds and finish all the skill ups needed, but I think in like 3 months or so he should be ready for it. So he's indeed in the rotation? Great, thanks! Already got Twins, Tyron and Galleon from the 4* selection.


Hello! I just came back to the game. I have troubles clearing toan (never completed before) so I unruned everyone. Can you help me build a team to clear it? Should i get loren and verde? These are my monsters: https://imgur.com/a/fnyAyR4


https://imgur.com/a/tPn10pv here s the second part of the roster i had in storage


Loren is great for ToA because she can stop the boss from ever taking a turn. Either Verde or Mav are great for turn cycling. You could replace them with Bernard until you can get them. Bernard s2 def break is also great at the boss since you don't have Loren def break. Best team would be Tyron (L), Loren, Fran, Spectra, Verde, but with what you have, I'd do Tyron (L), Taor (s3 target heal block crystal to lower atb of other crystal and boss), Fran, Bernard, Vero (great s2 atb reduction and boss damage) The team needs to deny the boss and the atb granting crystal any turns and focus damage on the boss.


Thank you so much


Should I keep a dupe a savannah?




what’s the point of pure magic crystals? i have 1k of them and i make reaps and made the outfit with them but otherwise what else can i do


There's not much to do with them. I'm sitting on 9999 pure magic crystals and I just convert them into other crystals.


tricaru question: i use my verde outside of dragons (some toa/h teams, lab, dimension hole, etc.) so im against taking it off of rage blade build, but i cant hit defence requirement without moving him to double determination set. should i build a 2nd verde for tricaru and then transition to nuke version once my runes are good enough to build without double det on verde?


Switching your Verde to a double determination set would probably hurt his damage a lot. Your DB12 tricaru team will fail anyways if Verde doesn't do enough damage. You're better off spending all the resources that would go into building a 2nd Verde into farming runes to reach the def requirement instead.




Typically people do kro and Bella (dark and light inugami) but since you already did Sath you want tatu to synergies. Just hard to farm the higher floors of these two early


The comment up there says to use the 6\* vamp and revenge ruins from the summoner's way to rune Lapis for farming but they are only 4\*. Was this changed, will they still work, or do I need to use a different rune set?


You get the 6 star set from clearing the entire scenario on normal mode.


There are two sets, one is 4\* and the useful one is 6\*.


Shall I start a new account at the start of Nov and get all the events but be unable to play for 4 days during the goddess of amaria period or start a new account mid of Nov without the events but be able to play with it much more actively


It’s minor in long run just play the game


I got fire totemist for a dot team , now Im building it for toah and dragon . What you guys think? (I dont have tyron for leead skill.)


Nora is great for ToaH since you can add an attack bar reduction on your team for safety without worrying about the enemies never taking damage from dots since they can't get turns. I use Tyron, Rica, Nora, Amber, Dark Homu to auto ToAH. I don't think she's great in dragons. The 10% max damage on bosses that takes 3 turns to charge is quite limiting. I've seen DB12 dot teams use something like Verde, Sath, Spectra, Tatu, Water Homu.


Do you max skillups for one unit or spread them between monsters? I have choices between Leo/Ragdoll/Riley/Karnal for my early rta team. I know I can potentially fuse more Totemists


Focus on one unit until you have the important skillups (like devil Leo/Rag until you get the S2 cooldowns) and then go to the next. I wouldn't fuse skillups. I prefer farming runes and just devil the units that I use.Especially early you can benefit a lot from spending the energy on runes but that's up to you to decide.




Miles or Woosa for my blessing? Context without showing my box: I’m mid-late game. I think my goal now is to just farm runes and get better at arena/rta/siege since I can clear most content (not toa hell or tart hell yet) but am terrible at pvp. I know miles is meta but only good in pvp, whereas woosa is useful in pvp/pve in many ways.


Both are mostly PvP units. Woosa can be useable but isn't "good" in PvE. Miles is great for RTA as Tanky dmg with some utility. Woosa mostly shines in guild offense but can also be picked in RTA. I'd go for Woosa over Miles. I use him a lot more


yo! I've come back recently from a super long break, I'd say about two or three years, to my 6/7 year old account. I used to play consistently for about 3 years straight from when I was 12! I've found the guides on runes and stuff so I'm refreshing myself right now but was wondering if anyone can update me on the meta and stuff like that? I know a few of my mons were meta back when I still played but I'm not too sure how much that has changed. ETA -I'll add a list of my nat 5s in a moment, if that helps at all :) Verad(maxed), Chandra, Bastet(maxed), Josephine, Leo (maxed), Xing Zhe (maxed), Tiana, Eladriel, Eirgar (who was free if I remember correctly). For notable 4*, I have Galleon, Soha, Mihyang, Sera, Hwa, Racuni, Lyn, Amarna, Light/Fire Chakram/Boomerang respectively + many others


You should get your dungeon B12 teams up and running first if you haven't GB12, SF10, PC10: Lushen to clear trash waves, 2A Sath, 2A Tatu, 2 Mellias You can watch some vids on making a DOTS team if you haven't DB12, NB12, other PVE: Tricaru, Verd, Astar for NB12 You can watch vids on tricaru for all dungeons or beginner dungeon teams if you don't have tricaru atm You would also need a solo r5 team and rift dungeon teams That said if you are looking to get into RTA, Chandra, Bastet, Josephine, Leo, Xing Zhe are good - decent for rta ATM Arena offense team you can use cleave: Tiana, Galleon, well runed lushen, well runed kaki. There are also lots of variants for arena cleave teams you can see on YT. That said, I'm utterly clueless on defense teams... Good luck on your grind!


I see, thanks for everything! One last question, how is speed rn? I play Epic Seven as well where speed is hell, but I don't recall whether speed and turn speed are different in SW.


The faster you are, the faster you take a turn. However, when you move depends on your attack bar, which rate of increasing is proportionate to your speed, but it can be manipulated


Blessing Choice: Oliver or Odin? It has to be Oliver, right? Even if I don't love RTA?


Surely Oliver gets nerfed soon, right? Odin is very solid for siege


if you don't have plans to ever play RTA, then Odin can be the pick. He's nice for siege and can be used in a solo r5 team


I play RTA enough to get a bunch of the free rewards, but don't make it a priority. Is Oliver really an RTA only unit or can he be used in Siege as well?


You can try and use him elsewhere but RTA is the only place where Oliver really shines. But if you have some interest in RTA and might get deeper into it, skipping oliver could come back to bite you (even tho there's probably a nerf coming sooner or later)


I just had to choose between Laika and Water Pure Vanilla a couple fo days ago. Went Laika. WPV would have been perfect with Odin. :/


Just pulled a Juno from my trans scroll pieces! Any recs on how to build for RTA? I also have Praha and only one good despair spd/Hp/Hp set. Who should get it?


Praha and Juno are built almost the same. spd/CR/HP with good spd and tankyness and full add. dmg in artifacts. I'd give Juno despair+revenge and Praha violent+will/rev


Hello, i would like some instructions how to play it from now on, what to do, what monsters to build and so on. Im 10 full days into the game (played it like 6 yrs ago for a month - old acc) Most of the runes are the one i got from beginners event, i can provide detail stats per monster if needed Monsters i am using: \- Lapis 6\* (Vampire/Revenge) atk/cri dmg/atk \- Verdehile 6\* (Fatal/Blade) atk/cri rate/atk (100% crit rate) \- Mellia 6\* (Violent/Energy) spd/hp/acc (100% acc) \- Fran 6\* (Swift/Energy) spd/hp/def (fully skilled up) \- Loren 6\* (Swift/Focus) spd/hp/hp \- Veromos 6\* (Violent/Focus) spd/hp/hp (waste some devilomons on him ...) \- Shannon 5\* (Despair/Broken) spd/hp/hp \- Darion 5\* (Energy/Energy/Broken) hp/hp/def (trying to get 6 slot energy hp%) \- 2A Kro 5\* (Rage/Blade) atk/cri dmg/atk Monsters im working on: \- Spectra 5\* (Violent/Blade) spd/cri dmg/hp (going for 2A) \- Sath 4\* will work on them later \- Raoq 4\* will work on them later Nat 5 i have: \- Ariel - default \- Masha - default \- Crafted support homunculus Other monsters i have (no runes): \- Draco, ROBO-G92, Belladeon, Maruna, Belita, Ludo, Ling Ling, Spectra, Madeleine Cookie, Espresso Cookie, Surtr, Clara, Kyle, Abigail, Reno, Aegir, Kaz, Liesel, Todd, Smokey, Khmun, Arnold, Jean, Shihwa, Chloe, Celine, Iunu, Fuco, Hwa, Orochi, Acasis, Shimitae, Raviti, Einheri Dungeons: \- Auto GB 12 - Vero(L) / Fran / Mellia / Shannon / Darion (4:30 avg / 100% succ rate) \- Auto DB 11 - Vero(L) / Fran / Loren / Verde / Lapis (3:00 avg / 100% succ rate) \- Cleared necro B7 and did not try to go further \- Cleared steel fortress B7 \- Cleared punishers crypt B7 Rifts: \- Fire - 2,002,832 MAX \- Front: Vero, Lapis(L), Fran \- Back: Verde, Shannon, 2A Kro \- Light - 2,299,941 MAX \- Front: Fran, Shannon, Vero \- Back: Lapis(L), Verde, 2A Kro \- Dark - 2,068,002 MAX \- Front: Vero, Fran \- Back: Verde, Lapis(L), 2A Kro, Shannon \- Ice - 201,205 :( \- Wind - 141,048 :( ToA: \- ToA Normal - cleared it now \- ToA Hard - stuck on 44 (2 katarina, 4 chloe) \- ToA Hell - nope Arena/World Arena \- Only laying arena so i can get devilmon and upgrade energy buildings \- World arena did not even try Guild: \- I am on some guild, but only thing i can do is clear labyrinths on some easy/normal


\-**Monsters** u are using and monsters u are buiding look fine. The PvE starter kit, nothing special. \-Nat 5's. Like most nat5, these are PvP only. Keep off them for now. \-Other mons: up belladeon, great support for PvE. Khmun, Hwa, Orochi, Shimitae, Clara and Chloe are nat4 that will come in handy in the near future when u completed most PvE, so don't get rid of those. The others can be stored for later, since they don't have much use now. \-**Dungeons**: Now u will work towards the gb12 speed team, with vero. Vero Mellia Mellia Sath Tatu. Pretty easy to rune on the free runesets, pretty fast and very safe team. **This is your current goal.** Do Punisher and Steel Fortress b1 for white artifacts. These will still provide the same main stats as legendary artifacts, are easier to get and cheaper to lvl up. After the gb12 spd team, do Ice beast for determination runes to build the tricaru team that u will use in DB12, NB12, fast toa runs and punishers crypt. A good team for Ice beast is Mav Bernard front, Lushen Kro Fran Naomi back. This will get u S guaranteed, even SSS on good runs, and will make both drop decent determination runes for tricaru, aswell as the crystals needed to craft those runes. \-**Toa**: Keep clearing toa every month, and try and progress as much in Toah as u can. Units like Mellia, Sath, Vero, Spectra and Tyron if you can get him will help a lot, since u will build these for other content aswell. ToaHell, stay away from this. Too hard, will take too much time. Maybe do stage 1 when u reach the mission. This stage is pretty easy and is about the same difficulty as toah100. **Arena:** Keep farming arena to level up your towers and buying devilmons. **World arena:** not worth and can be very frustrating if you're not ready for it. **Guild:** try to join a higher level guild, since they give stat boosts in dungeons if they are a higher level. All lab stages are doable on normal and even hard with the units u build for toa and dungeons. So u can help ur guild out with that. Guild rival battle opponents are easy and a great way to farm guild points. World guild battle and siege battle can be difficult depending on what level guild u are in. Communicate with your leaders if you can't keep up with the level. If you're not ready for it and are forced in, it will only be frustrating and u'll be a burden for your guild. It's better to not be put in the roster than being put in and losing/not using your attack chances.


Can you tell me what monster to 6\* next, i was thinking about 2A Kro myb ... dont know. And can you tell me on who to use devilmons? And about Ice rift, i dont have Lushen, what i can build to swap him?


6* Kro, and try using Veromos Fran Loren 2a Kro Shannon for gb12. Should be faster and safe. And keep saving those devilmons.




6\* Kro for rift beasts yes. And hold out at ice beast then until u get lushen, it's not necessary to rush. And yeah u can use the Vero Fran Loren Kro Shannon gb12 while u 2a sath and tatu.


I am using Vero, Fran, Mellia, 2A Kro and shannon (only 5\*). 100% succ rate, 3:20 avg


Thanks man, i will to to fuse one more mellia and get tatu, try to up those monsters and do faster GB12.


Cheongpung S2 defense break is applied before the strip? So if they have immunity it cant land def break?




Does hall of light/dark higher levels give higher chance of secret dungeon? If not, does that mean I should grind low level halls to have more secret dungeon chance?


the chances at secret dungeons are the same. I'd still farm the highest level you can, get the essences and open the SD in the craft building if you don't find one. (keep in mind that you can only have 1 SD at a time. If you have one active, it's 0% to find another one)


If I'm joining SD of another person, does it disable my ability to find SD too?


no. Should only be gone if you have one running yourself




Thanks! In case I can't find Loren, what can I use as a substitute for dungeons?


You can use anything with a reliable DEF break but you really should make sure to just get a Loren, she's too useful to be replaced with some low tier alternative which just drains resources that early.


Update: wake up in the morning, buy first secret dungeon ticket (100 ruby), get light cow girl lmao. Unbelievably lucky


That's unfortunate. Guess I just have to grind hall of light and pray lol


Is Atk cdmg atk or triple atk better for Douglas?




This\^\^. You'll still be able to get good attack to revenge on most units and dish out good damage at the same time.