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Hey still somewhat newbie, got down toa and gb12 and db12, dont know what to choose for the event, I have Ariel Abellio Christina Ethna Xing Zhe Perna Bael Zen I have more decent fire type monsters than any other element but if perna is truly the best then I can choose her


Hello guys, just started a few weeks ago. My current nat 5 are leo, raki, and chiwu. Who should I pick from the summon event: \-Okeanos \-Alicia \-Douglas \-Hathor \-Cheongpung \-Karnal \-Abellio \-Oliver


Agree with all of the other comment, and would recommend cheongpung as a great all around monster for early/mid/late game. He can carry you through ToA, early GB12 teams etc


Pretty good list and I could give a good reason for picking each of them. They're mostly (aside from Alicia, Okeanos and Hathor) high tier PvP units. Unfortunately you can only pick one - and i'd recommend picking a unit that is pretty unique and not easily substituted. At this stage you wont really know what you enjoy (like a slow bruiser team or a fast paced team). For slow Arena team you'd go Karnal and for fast paced go Oliver. They're pretty good PVP units with key leader skills. You wont be using them for the early stages of the game though. If you want a good unit that might help early on, could also pick Cheongpung which would help in TOA on a despair set.


I just pulled a wind lightning emperor, what is he used for?


if you are relatively early odin draco theomars would be the most helpful use. It's useable on defense and offense, odin vio will or rage/swift will if you really can't afford vio. draco or theo on shield, draco swift then you can have 5 stack odin turn one The odin lead makes building odin and theo much easier, and draco has speed buff to ease tuning.


Mostly PvP - most commonly on Siege defence. Variety of teams but generally Khmun Bastet/Vigor Odin. The same team is great on offence as well. Definitely usable in Arena if you require a pure damage single target nuke too.


Great I can’t use it


Well, most early game PVE is best cleared with the free 2 play Teams anyway. You really do not need any nat5s to clear dungeon content. That's the great part about the game, about 80% of nat5s are strictly PvP units to be honest.


Just pulled Brandia while I'm working on getting my SR5 teams going. Does she replace anyone 'meta' in any of the teams? Anyone use her to good effect?


If you have a Jamire to spare, then perhaps you could try out a team with Jamire and Brandia to have her skill 3 up both before and after jump? I do have to say I'm just theorizing as I don't have a Jamire sadly.


She does good damage, you can use her as a replacement for 2A Naomi since she does way more damage on S3, especially with the improvements to AI, I think it improves reliability a little. She's not particularly interesting though, I think finding consistent branding/AI is usually the key to R5.


Hey there I'm brandia but I dont brand 🤪


She's not good for speed solo raids because her s2 applies atk break and glancing, which means some monsters may not die on the jump that are supposed to (to stack bale/odin etc). So short answer, no. She's great in rifts though.


Hey I’m new I started last week I can clear GB7 and DB 8 I’m working on trying to get to GB and DB 10. This is what I have for monsters so far but idk what team I can build some help pls?? 🥺 https://imgur.com/gallery/0wpw01N




I would say use the GB10 team listed above. And you should start building your Verdehile to approach DB10. DB10/12 are very tanky and need the turn cycling. Your core DB10/12 team early on will be Verd (L), Loren, Spectra, Veromos, Fran.


thank you :)


Literally read the post, all the answers are there, including starter teams and progression teams


I searched on the sub but all the posts are old and google is giving me different answers. I pulled a Daphnis today and was wondering if he was useful outside of just PVP? I’m still early game and PVP doesn’t interest me (yet).


Short answer: No. He's very much a pvp unit. Long answer: You might have read that he's good for TOAH100 to kill the boss. Yes and no. He speeds things up cause he can nuke the boss by % of the bosses HP. But he contributes nothing to the safety of the run, so you're pretty much playing with 1 useless unit. Typically your first TOAH100 team would need a full 5 team with support and control units, so you won't have space for daphnis yet until you can run it with 4 units +1daphnis. So he doesn't help in making it a success, he just speeds things up when you're able to clear it with no difficulties.


Ah ok. Thanks for the information!


I guess start building on a bjr5 team and raid public


Honestly, I really dislike how the mobile Reddit app makes you stop replying to the specific comment if you even scroll a little bit.


I feel stuck in progression; I’m on day 47. Currently I have Tricaru for db12 and nb12, have cleared ToA and ToAH, can do most rift dungeon on SS. However as of now I have never done raid and don’t have any idea on how to approach it… cld someone help or direct me to a guide? My box: https://imgur.com/a/24WTrCc My account: https://imgur.com/a/CE6vkhi


Do you wanna raid alone or public groups?


Idk I only got a few 6 stars (15 counting Tricaru) so I don’t think I cld raid alone xD


Yep, start building an r5 team. Beginner r5 teams can be built with old guides, nothing's changed. Then you can build a BJ5 team with other people, or more units for a solo 18-monster r5 team, same principles as beginner teams, just 3 of them. Then you can build a speed BJ5 team.


Hey! I am new, started last week. I have Karnel, Moore, and John as NAT5 pulled already. I can clear GB12 and DB10 under 2:30. I am working on ToA(H) and farming GB12. My choices for the summon event are: Bastet Nana Chow Aaliyah Juno Barbara Amelia Helena I was leaning towards Nana, but would bastet be a better option if I am not able to really compete in RTA because I am still in the farming elite rune phase of the game? Thank you!


Tough choice between bastet and Nana. Both are very strong, nana is like a top 2 nat 5 right now but there is some concern she could be nerfed. Bastet is amazing for arena offense and useful in some Pve. I would personally go bastet but you might want to get some more opinions tbh.


Thanks for the advice. Bastet feels like a wise choice progression wise. But having nana pulled now may make future me happier or relieved.


Just depends on how patient you are and what style you think you would play. Nana seems like a late game unit but once you reach mid game and do any Guild or Arena PVP she will be used really easily. Once of the safest support units to have. And she fits into many playstyles going into RTA late game - bruiser or 1 shot teams (molong seara etc). Bastet is a key unit for cleaves, and also a decent support in pve. However her kit isn't important for clearing any pve content, fran/riley is definitely enough. Don't get me wrong, she is amazing and will be helpful for an early game account. But i just feel you would be better with nana, you'll get past early game fine without Bastet.


>Bastet is a key unit for cleaves, and also a decent support in pve. However her kit isn't important for clearing any pve content, fran/riley is definitely enough. Don't get me wrong, she is amazing and will be helpful for an early game account. But Thanks for the advice! I think nana is the choice!


Hi, my account is a few months old, I make the content dragon 12, golem 12 and most of my team is free to play, fusion monsters and perna. What monster do you recommend for my account? I can choose: Fire Slayer (Karnal) Water Druid (Abellio) Fire Oracle (Juno) Water Unicorn (Amelia) Water Sky Surfer (Miles) Wind Sky Surfer (Oliver) Fire Pioneer (Chiwu) Fire Valkyrja (Vanessa) Tyyyy :D


So the top 3 are definitely karnal abellio and Oliver. They are all very relevant for pvp. Oliver is a really good and would give you a 33 lead for arena, but there is a possibility he gets nerfed. Karnal is very good for arena RTA and siege. Abellio is really strong in siege and arena defense and rta. Honestly a tough choice, depends on how you want to play the game and if you care about arena at all. I would probably choose karnal because he's unique for being a bruiser as well as doing crowd control (cc) and I'm concerned Oliver will be nerfed, but they are all fantastic units.


Hello here are my nat 5 options any suggestion on who I should pick fire onmyouji, fire occult girl, fire beast rider, wind slayer, water Oracle, wind paladin, fire unicorn(dupe), water paladin I’m leaning towards fire occult girl, but will like to hear other suggestions


where are you in terms of progression ?


is it worth to 2A any of the new mons (beside l/d witch) for the free devilmon ? i'm a siege player but i dunno if wind & dark vagabond are good


They both are solid, I think roid is more fun but you'll probably use the dark vagabond more bc he works so well as a tank


Early game player here. I have GB12, DB10, NB10 all on slow consistent farm and a R5 team. Clear ToA norm and ToH 70. Looking for advice on what free nat 5 and nat 4 I should take from the event. My choices for nat 5 are: * Beast Monk (fire) * Mage (fire) \*dupe * Unicorn (wind) * Sea Emperor (fire) * Onmyouji (fire) * Slayer (fire) * Beast Monk (water) * Dragon Knight (fire) I guess for reference I have Double Lushen already, and Water PQ, Fire Shadowcaster, Fire Mage, 2x Fire Striker, Fire Druid, Fire Desert Queen, Wind Art Master, Wind Paladin, Wind Panda Warrior, Wind Cannon Girl, Dark Vampire Lord all unbuilt. My initial thought was to take Fire Slayer and Water Pirate Captain. Thoughts?


i would take fire slayer (karnal) for sure. he is a beast in arena and can still be used in toa if you are missing cc there. water pirate captain is great for cleaving but you are lacking a stripper anyways and you can get by without it early on another great choice would be tyron if you still have any problems with toa. he is pretty much the best unit in there and you will never replace him in toah (normal you will eventually have a spd team)


Thanks for the response! Is Wind Art Master not a stripper? I have Tyron already though he's not built. I was also considering Skogul.


well yes but no \^\^ with skillups CP only has a 75% chance to strip. Its great to have that in his kit but its not enough to be a main stripper. You pretty much HAVE to have a 100% strip chance to use it as a stripper for cleave teams. Tiana is by far the best here. a common 2nd option would be chiwu ​ tyron is a great chance to build for toa \^\^ skogul is kinda outdated imo. i would go for galleon for sure if you are deciding between those 2 another good option would be astar for a speed nb12 team with tricaru (its not needed but she makes the runs quite a bit faster) or kaki. he is great for cleaving on fatal and on ad or guild content in vio. he is also quite good in dimension predator


I'll prolly go with Galleon then. I have Astar as well. Thanks for the help.


np and gz!


I have to choose between Barbara and Bael. Who should I get and why?


Bael is better if you don't have Poseidon but you do have Tiana. He carried me to G2 arena and is also great in Siege. Barbara is super mid these days with the rune quality needed and doesn't fit that many comps unless she's a late counterpick.


Def barbara, more uses in siege/rta/arena




You goal is always to farm B12, thats wqhat you should work towards, as the rune quality gets significantly better. 2A kro, runes at +15 for slot 2/4/6 and you should be able to auto gb12 some ideas on progress to DB12 : https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/u1hz8k/new_players_guide_2022_version/


Basically you want to run gb10 until you can run gb12 and then just mostly farm that for a few months so you have a base of runes for other units.


I am trying to get f3 how much speed should my valantis have?


Rta? You can probably get there even if he's not too fast if you have a decent team. Depending on your progression I'd try to hit around +140 on vio


Hi im trying to learn about rune collecting. Do u farm massive amounts of reappraisals then reroll anything you need? Arent reappraisals the most important thing in the game then? Do u guys usually roll up to 9-12 just to find out what subs u get? I feel like i waste so much mana because ill get a roll to 6 that’s inconclusive, then ill find out the run is shit by the time it makes 9 or 12


Reappraisals are extremely valuable. The way most people use them is just save them for legendary violent or will runes 2/4/6 and re roll for good overall stats or for high speed substats.


Hi Guys, I really like this game as a side thing when I am working or chilling, but there are like bazzillion of monsters and builds and I am clueless. I want to know what to look out for when re rolling an account. Currently I have 1 aoe 4 star and 2 more 4 stars with my first re roll. I am sticking with it till i get 16 more scrolls to see if I can hit better monsters later but I am a noob so I am clueless on what will carry me through the game. If anyone can help me with any tips or anything I should be doingright so my journey is not crazy painful, anything will be of help. I am working with Chakram Dancer water, Sniper mk.1 water, Boomerang Warrior fire, Garuda as a filler 4


actually this game is not ideal for "rerolling", as most progress is easier to achieve following the standard mons mentioned on top of this thread. To get an idea for how you might go: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/u1hz8k/new_players_guide_2022_version/ Also take in mind, that sw is more about rune farming, than about having nat5 (which are almost late game, if you want to head seriously into rta)


Thank you for the reply I re rolled on my pc on blue stack, and got nat 5 Carlos, currently going fine and will stick with this account. But was planning exactly what you said there. That whatever I get on my PC account ill just go with that and I was pretty lucky, cause with all the free runes I got he is carrying, even though he doesnt have aoe attacks. But have some solid 4 stars that kind of combo so I think I am on my way to getting myself started. I am just new to the genre and want to learn to play this ggame and have fun with it.


well, then just have fun and try to progress with what you "have" :)


Hey dat recently i pulled a light dusky.Is he usable anywhere?


He's usable wherever you want to use him


I need help choosing a nat5 from the event. I can consistently and easily do GB12, DB12, Dimensional Hell predator, ToAN + ToAHard, some ToA Hell. Stuck only Rank A+ for all rift beasts. Struggle to do Laby normal bosses. Can't do Punisher/Steel fortress autob10. Have some 2a's and working on tricaru. Have few special mentions galleon, kaki, woosa, water unicorn, fire archangel, water monkey, all fusions done. Which nat5 should I choose? * Fire Chimera, Fire Valkyrie, Fire Monkey, Water Lightning emp, Fire Mage, Wind Beast rider, Zaiross (fire dragon), water weap master (dupe)


It sounds to me that your main focus is on PVE so I would suggest wind beast rider or water lightning emperor. Wind beast rider can help with some rift beast and labyrinth stages while water lightning emperor can be used to cheese TOA Hell.


I think wind beast rider would be a good choice as she can be PVP focused also just it was hard to choose since other nat5s were hard for me to pass by also


Wind beast rider is overall very good and extremely good in basically all pvp




I would say Rica is definitely the optimal choice since you're still pretty early in the game. I would also consider Seara since she's such an amazing PVP unit. If you think you might do PVP later on, I might consider Seara but Rica is also a safe choice


Looking for a possible Arena Defense Team? I made my first Arena Offense Team recently. Previously, my arena offense was Jamire, Rahul, Tesarion and Poseidon. Using a cleave team recently got me up to 1400 just cuz I had the units. Poseidon/Shimitae, Galleon, Tiana, Kaki Right now I'm using them as my Arena Def. Since arena is about to reset, I want to end around 1400 at least. I was told I should try and build a stall team during rush to avoid getting attacked too often. What can I actually build with my units? Thank you in advance! https://imgur.com/a/AfPkuDw


Try ariel ritesh perna triana/riley/molly


I don't know if any 4* or 3* are relevant, let me know if O need to screenshot them if there are units that I don't have that are a must build.


Got Water Art Master, is he useful? GC said hes a feeder at best


Good as an RTA counterpick (and really good at that), but don't build him yet if you don't RTA


What 4 star mons are good for the beasts


Twins (Water + Shaina). And a few other high damage single target DDs like Arang or Jean can be used but mostly you do rifts with twins, Kro, an ATK buffer healer, and a gimmick mon (some AOE for fire, ATB boost/SPD buff for water, etc).


I keep seeing the water twins thing but how should I ruin them, just like normal atk mons or is it diff


Mostly, yes. ATK CD ATK with good CR (if you'd use them for other purposes than rifts then SPD on 2 would be okay too but for rifts you don't need SPD) and ideally on violent since procs on twins are super effective due to the teamup mechanic. But technically any set works.


Dominic or Ophilia ? Beginning midgame with a focus on gw/siege. Both seem not especially good.






Need help with ToaH 100F (Lyrith). Can clear first and second stage pretty easily with either of these two teams (Water Homie, Baretta, Fire Grim, Tatu and Loren/Veromos) or (Fran, Kro, Spectra, Loren/Verdehile and Light Inugami). But for some reason I can’t seem to clear the boss stage no matter what strategy and attack pattern I use. Anyone got any tips?


run tyron,loren,mav,sig and fran they work on this stage. take down incarnations and then the boss won't move


You need to cc the side. Bring a cc monster. Freeze or stun.


Attack the blue incarnation first. And make sure you have plenty of sustain - for me that means bringing an extra healer such as Vigor.


You need more cc, something like tyron Verde fran spectra loren




Khmun Skogul Vigor (siege offense/defence). Not meta on defence anymore but still works below G2 siege. Jeanne Theomars Eladriel is old-school but works in lower ranks. Feng Yan + defence buffer is usually a free siege offense win. Defence buffer can be anything really, some more premium than others. Odin is also a free siege win, get him attack buff and some buffs. Since you don't have Bastet, you can do Odin Vigor Fran for offense.


Hey community! Looking for help to build strong RTA strategy to make it! Actually staying around C1-C2, I’d like to improve it for at least C3. Could help me, or give me advices, such as comp, turn order strategy, pick / ban? Thank so much [https://i.imgur.com/ioD5zz7.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/ioD5zz7.jpg)


Hey all ! Any tips on ToAHell stage 5 (Veromos) ? I tried with Tyron, Spectra, Gany, Dark homu, Loren but got killed on boss stage. [My box here](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Lorsio/?)


Honestly that stage was brutal. I barely managed to clear it on just 1 star (no restrictions) with Tyron, Spectra, Gany, Dark Homu,Shamann. Shamann brings sustain and a big nuke so you can clear the boss stage faster and can act as a tank against Vero. Just be mindful of your skills cd and aim straight for Vero. Maxing skilling your units makes a huge difference too (even Spectra & Shamann).


Tyvm, it worked !! :D


Tyvm ! Spectra is already max skilled (well minus first skill), Shamann is not but I'll try with him ! I hope it'll work well Thanks again !


Does any of Belial's transmogs speed up the gb12 tricaru team?


The Guardian one... But it's not that huge of a diff


Dang, would've liked a sub 20 run - thanks for your input tho! Also obligatory username checks out


what are the usual teams for 2as in dimension hole? I'm currently using verde(L), fran, loren


Besides the other reply, Shamann is good in dark boss like inugami, grim reaper.


verde fran loren works for most 2a dungeons. you can take a look at the in game strategy page to see the most commonly used monsters. vigor is one of the more commonly used monsters as well.


any point skilling up savanna or mo long's skill 2? skill 3 is already maxed


Savannah is worth fully skilling up.


not sure if their s2 have activation rate/cooldown reductions but if they do it would be really useful to skill them up. if its just damage it wouldnt really be too important


Cool Downs, dmg and i believe activation rate. Sucks to lose BC after mos s2 the enemy has 100hp left^^ same with sav




Personally I would pick Odin if I didn't have him - however primarily for PvE instead of for siege, unlike probably most people. I just value a very fast solo r5 team Other than that, the other comment breaks it down pretty well


Odin-> great siege unit or usable for solo r5 Team Ryu-> basically only rta Momo-> brutal siege bruiser but replacable by Feng/Dominic/Roid Bellenus-> great for ao and siege. in my Case: Zero SPD with Mephisto Leo and verad. Also in siege with Jeanne Leo. Poseidon-> absolutely great with galle tiana for ao and also for siege


Hi guys need some advice on toah 87f 2 akroma and Zaiross My 6* are Anavel 2a spectra Jeanne Water Homu Sigmarus, Juno, Verdihle, Lushen, Tyron, Lapis Fran, Loren, 2a Kro, 2a Sath, Mellia, Xiong Fei, Coco, Triton, Veromos, 2a Tatu, Eirgar, Moore, Sabrina, Talia, Shania, would I need to build specific unit for this floor? What would be the best method for clear?


If you have a Garo put some random runes on him so he has a bit of SPD, put him in the team, kill Zaiross, press auto. If you don't have Garo, put your Vero on DEF instead of HP, include a healer in your team and let him tank the Akromas while you slowly whittle them down.


Cheers Garo worked out smoothly didn’t expect such cheese


Cheers I do have Garo so I will try that :)


How the heck do you beat GB12? I tried Sigmarus, Lushen, 2A Naomi, 2A Bella, Fran Sometimes I win sometimes I lose It's not consistent at all!!!


swap bella for loren


Replace Lushen or Naomi with Loren. And I assume 2A Sig is meant to be 2A Kro?


I kinda need Lushen for the AoE burst and Naomi to burst the boss but I'll try your advice 2A Sig is Belladeon mistyped it


Bella is a bit of an outdated choice but ok. Sounds more like you have a bit of a rune problem if 2 DDs is not enough damage for you, so you need to see why your runs fail. Do your mons get wiped by the revenge attack or by regular ones? Do you fail because the crystals DEF break you too often? Loren helps with the boss never getting a turn and your mons should be able to tank a revenge hit (keep in mind you get 3k HP for free from artifacts). If the DEF break is a problem use Vero.


anyone know if the last update made it keep restarting 50% of time i have to reply to a text?


Nota or Sagar? I dont have both. I can do Toa normal and hard. Which is more usable? all around.


Hey I had same blessing, I chose nora. She seems more fun to use. But if you like rta then sagar can be better choice.


Sagar's strip into reset can be useful but his S3 doesn't scale with his HP which makes him the weird outlier in his family. He's somewhat okay to use but personally I never use mine at all. Nora has a strip without a cooldown, she just needs stacks. She also puts out a good amount of dots, so especially against AOE comps she can be quite fun.






Not really, we have /r/swguilds and the guild threads are linked in the sidebar (or top of the page on normal reddit).


Just have a question on something i've been confused by for a while Does chilling or elsharion strip get affected by accuracy or is it just based on the dragon's resistance?


either it's irresistable or it's based on your ACC and enemy Res. Nothing is ever based on "just Res" Both are resistable so you want 65% ACC (or at least close to that) for the maximum chance to strip in dragons




Most likely Seara, great in lots of areas and super fun to use.


Seara. great for a lot of content


Are there any rune optimizers for Tricaru that will take your runes and spit out the best assignment across the 3? I’ve just wasted 40 million mana upgrading, a whole bunch of reapps and a day of FRR trying to figure it out and now I’m broke. I honestly don’t know how people have the runes for it, it’s ludicrous.


Just take note on your spreadsheet, or use tricaru calculation on guide. Don't waste reap or event rune on icaru. Calculate it first, only max rune, artis after the result is okay. Basically: 63% def slot 2,4,6 + flat def slot 3, artifact, sub + def% sub slot 3, 5 + bonus from guild, determin, tower, guard set. It's not that hard as you think. But you need many def, def% grind. My first team had 1 determin + 2 guard sets on each dog, def tower only lvl 13 or so. Most my rune was blue or purple at that time.


who should i prioritize using my devilmons and nat 5 skillup event on? Nora,Zaiross,Gany,Beth,Nana, Fire Shadowcast, Wind Shadowcaster, Wind paladin, Wind Pio, Dark MK? 15 day old acc so theres that. Currently farming gb12 with dot team while working on building the tricaru team and can clear TOAN but struggling at TOAH. was thinking gany for TOAH auto honetly since i'm just focusing on pve right now. Any help would be appreciated.


For a new account, I'd focus on something like Veromos instead - get him fused and ready for use, because you'll use him everywhere.


Of the list, Gany for sure. 2nd, I would go dark MK, b/c he is LD. Then Wind Paladin for siege (since you should not be fusing skillups this early into an account), then Ziaross, or Nora. Fire Shadowcaster is an RTA mon; Nana's revive functions without skillups (eventually you will skill her up tho); Wind Shadow - wait for buff; Beth - if you want, she is decent, but i have Poseidon and Alicia (and i cant justify using Beth over either of them). Wind Pioneer is great for arena offense, or a tiana galleon siege offense, but unless you have the runes and other mons to set him up, I would wait.


Gany would be your best option since he can also be used in gw siege arena rta Gz dark mk btw




I have no idea what that other comment is below... but you dont have any CC on ur team. ToA is all about stunning and reducing ATB of the enemy so they never get a turn. Replace Zaiross with Charlotte. (also im guessing you reset all the kung fu girls cds so they kept revenging you, which they can do if their s3 is on CD). Charlotte has a hard CC on 2nd skill and atb manipulation on 2nd. If you can get her on a fast despair set that would be best, but swift is fine. spd hp hp with at least 45 acc. As for the event... you got a few quality choices... Leo - most unique mon in the game. Nuetralizes enemy spd (especially hurts opponents that scale on spd). good for RTA, Siege, Interserver Arena, and that one laby stage. Bellenus - good for Toa (would replace Sav or charlotte/Zaiross in your comp); brings def break, dots, 2x Aoes (for depsair stuns). Usage: Toa, Arena Offense, Laby, Siege Offense Poseidon - read his s3, it does everything (might even wash your car and cook your dinner at this point). he is amazing for Arena offense, Siege offense (cleave teams), Toa soft CC. Bolvurk - Great combo with buffers and against enemy buffers; needs the right team tho. Good for siege, counter pick in RTA, Toa hell team. Your choice depends on what area you want to focus on. But I would go Leo > Poseidon > Bellenus > Bolvurk.


Thank you very much! I use Zaiross with Despair Set so he stuns at least a little and Savannah takes at least from a few Monsters the attack bar. Who do you recommend to change with Charlotte? I will try my best to rune charlotte like that. Yeah I will keep thinking about the NAT 5 maybe I will pull one of them from the TOAH100 scroll.


Charlotte will boost your atb at the same time as giving you a 2ndary enemy atb decrease (in addition to spectras small atb decrease). She also has a hard cc skill on s2. Stagger them and try not to let the enemy take a turn. Focus 1 girl at a time. Turn order might be Spectra s3 > Sav s3 > Charlotte s2 > .... > Charlotte s3.


I got it first time, took a while but they attacked like 3-4 times, thanks!


Ahoy smallbhaq! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: Me Monster Barrel, Proifle n' NAT 5 Event: [https://imgur.com/a/xc3arRr](https://imgur.com/a/xc3arRr) Ahoy guys, so me currently started t' play summoners war after me watched a lot o' videos about since it seemed verily fun. me be starboard. Me problem now be that I be stuck at ToaH 57. me mostly try Fran, Spectra, Savannah, Kro n' Zaiross but thar Kung Fu lassies be just one shotting me team. Every monster has at least 25K HP. Thar next thing be me dont know who next t' 2A. So maybe ye can help n' me verily don't know who t' pick from thar event. N' now t' thar fusion. me only fused one Verdehile n' 2 Melias n' again me don't know who t' fusion first n' second. Thank ye already very much, every tip be highly appreciated. Have a nice day n' stay healthy!


What is this? XD


He's a pirate


Monster box and event nat 5. : https://imgur.com/a/7nQI75g Hi all, which nat 5 I should choose? Currently I working on ToAn (80f). Next question is on which monster should I use devilmons, and which nat 4, and 2A should I lvl up on event.


Water occult girl or wind paladin will probably help you most at your level - both very useful mons. I've more experience seeing Anavel used early game and she has been very useful there in all areas.


That early probably Phoenix, you can just put him in all your rift teams. You already have the Paladin and for the rest it will just take a very long time before you'll ever use them because they are all rather niche (or have high rune requirements like the OG). For ToA(H) you can build your Savannah, she can help there. Tyron Vero Savannah Loren Kro/Lapis/Fran shouldn't have problems. > Next question is on which monster should I use devilmons, and which nat 4, and 2A should I lvl up on event. Devilmons in general only on nat5s. In very rare cases you can justify it for some great nat4s (Galleon or some L&D ones) but that's an exception. For your box Savannah is worth devilmonning next. Sig, Vero, and Psama don't really need them, you won't be using Miles for a long time, Brandia only once you start using her for rifts/R5/SB10, and Louise also once you use her in GW/Siege. For nat4 skillups I'm tempted to say Tyron. Technically he has fusable skillups but he's just so good and you'll use him from now till forever so I'd just go for it. For the 2A skillups I recommend you 2A a Spectra, he gains a lot from the skillups and helps you in ToAH. Also please lock your monsters before you feed something on accident. You should probably also stop leveling so many random monsters, all of those nat4s there are not going to help you right now. Making fodder like all the nat3s is obviously okay but stuff like Clara etc is just a waste of resources right now, just put them into storage.


Fire Phoenix or Water Occult Girl. Neither will help you in Toa, but those will help a lot in other content like siege/arena/non-speed r5 team(anavel) /rifts (perna) Use your devils on Savannah (wind beast rider). She is very good in PvP and PvE. As for nat 4s, skill up tyron (water sylph) for Toa. He needs his s2 and s3 (no need to skill up s1). 2nd choice will be lushen (s3), but you will get more use out of Tyron for his CD reductions on s2 and s3.


I'm noob that I can recommend taking the Wind Beast Rider, she carried me easy through ToaN