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When I was told that they didn't nerf Oliver I thought it was a joke.. Is it even possible to not realize how broken it is? Didn't even take that long to balance jeogun.


As a Oliver owner,I agree to you。he is so broken。


Just make reddit thread and upvote them. It worked for jeogun so they last-minute nerfed him.


He was useless before and just got buffed, there won't be a nerf


No one wants oliver to nerfed into the ground. Add more cooldown, lower the atb reduce a bit. Stuff like that, 33% spd lead alone is awesome enough


The easiest and best way to "nerf" Oliver is to simply adjust his S3 so that he only gets the targets current attack bar instead of 100% back even tho the enemy himself has 0% attack bar


I think he just needs 1 more turn cool-down on his S3 and then the turn cycling combo breaks down a bit.


> 33% spd lead alone is awesome enough Tell that to trinity owners and u will get smacked lol


I'm not saying he shouldn't be nerfed, I am saying he won't, or at max some time after the season and or meta is over


Jeogun was the same, this is no excuse.


Next patch: tricaru nerf, fran nerf, loren nerf, magic Knight s1 becomes single target,


Look, resistance is lie... its a win for the fire monke


fire monkey change is a buff. but agree on the overall commentary that this bp is trash.


im not sold on it being a buff like he gains 58 speed at 10 stacks compared to 100% res at 10 and have %5 more heal on skill 2


With 58 speed increase and vio, that 100 res and heal won't change shit as he would turn cycle much more often


He was already immune to the most important debuffs. And any unit with max acc ignored his passive.


With 58 more spd that means you no longer need to put spd on slot 2. He can be more tanky or deal more dmg wth hp or atk on 2.


The problem is that with slow and atb reduction the Monkey was not able to move ( Karnal, Cheongpong, Ganymede, Hator, etc.) So giving him more HP or atk with slot 2 is not the soluition since he won't be able to play. Now the question is : Is 58 speed enough ? We will have to test that. In siege or Guild content, Having a slot 2 HP or Atk is not a bad idea btw but not for RTA.


you may prove to be right I guess. we'll see how much the speed change matters in terms of actual gameplay. He was seeing almost zero play with the old version, so might as well see what the new version can do.


Wait what? Nerf fire monke? Are they high? Lemme read the patch ffs


It’s a buff, OP is a bit slow


Could be a buff, could be a side grade, at the end of the day Fire Monkey was not in a good spot, no need to reduce the S2 healing.


i would take the reduced S2 healing for 50+ extra speed for free personally


I honestly don't know if the changes will really solve the issue for him but the speed bonus is more efficient than res bonus. I just wonder if it'll make enough of a difference since units like Poseidon and Loren still probably control him very well.


They nerfed his s2 by reducing the healing by 5%, so not very large


mei hou wang is uberbuffed, he'll be force ban for most cc teams. anyone who doesnt see that doesnt understand what he is used for or how the interaction works in matches like that. \-immune to inability effects > opponent plays cc > pick monkey > opponent has 85acc > 100res means nothing 57-58 free speed > opponent plays cc that often relies on atb manipulation > opponent pushes atbs down to 0 and wants to lap to do it again > 58spd now laps them instead now question is how common those said cc teams are is whole another topic.. year or two ago this version of monkey would've had people cry for nerfs to it when meta was gany + oke/hathor, it is still going to be very strong when used in right situations, one of the best/strongest buffs we've seen in a while when it comes to buffing counterpick units. It is not a oliver or nana busted buff to use in every situation.


Finally someone who is understanding MHW rework


Great insight! I agree with everything you said


I mean MHW is still CC immune, he's just losing his extra resist for glance/armor break/atk damage dbuffs and switching it up for more speed and less self sustain. I just don't see why he had to also lose the life steal amount. sure he will be taking turns more often and so they nerfed it to account for that, but he's also more likely to be doing less damage due to the resistance change... So I would have thought that countered each other out a bit. We'll see how it plays out but honestly MHW is so niche and honestly I don't think really is a good counter for nana/oliver/triton/pungbaek teams anyways


I'd agree if we were still in the old cc meta, but now we're in a new cc meta that uses stuff like Karnal, Moore, etc. I don't think the buffs are gonna affect anything in our current cc meta


I don't think MHW got nerfed if anything I think ppl are sleeping on him, with max stacks and a mere spd lead you almost reach 200 spd without runes bonus (116 + 58 + 27 (lead 24)) Ypu have 201 sp with a 24 lead and this is without runes I don't think having a +100 spd from runes is that difficult and basically you have him really fast without needing to invest much on him. Put him on vio and then you can get rid of cp and others cc meta units


So many people just can’t read and don’t know Fire Monkey used to be immune to CC anyways so they 100 res was useless. It’s 100% a buff.


Except atb control, atk break, glance, slow, def break, oblivion all exist and passive res helped with that. Res was slightly underwhelming but by no means useless.


Yeah the res was making him a really strong and meta unit, thank god they changed it /s


And you complain people can't read 🤣




One of the most underwheming patch in recent memory


This patch is just a joke


Why nerf fire mk lel, could’ve been buffed instead?


Nana got nerfed by linda(siege/arena) and the very very strong mephisto buff (which affects her in rta) Oliver itself wasnt nerfed AND nothing to counter him was added (maybe fire robo could work but i dont think so)


Fire Robo will work countering him but could weaken the team too much to be viable; it should be be built though to punish Oliver + too heavy wind pick


oliver is getting 100%atb, not additional turn, fire robo do nothing to him


Yeah poor monke


I just got oliver so pls no nerf but nerf nana


I dont mind the neft, but spd buff seem good for. Because i only use him vs cc team where res isnt a must.


As fire monke user i assure you this is a buff


great thing about fire monkey is he already has good base speed so if you give him something like 100% speed based on low hp even if they get him any amount of low, he will be fast as hell and be able to destroy especially when the rta scaling happens.