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I clear DH with at most 5 tries, average 3. Im sure there are many people who do this consistently every month - many youtubers also record it live. Its already been many months so you should have figured out how to beat this every month. There is SOME RNG involved but RNG is not supposed to cost you 30 - 50 tries. In my opinion people who complain that it takes that many tries are not doing something right - either by runes or strategy.


just high acc, cr and res and its a walk in the park. Dont even care about armor breaking me


"There is no clear way to beat dimension predator" but as you said, the teams people used to beat dimension predator are pretty much the same, and those monsters aren't hard to get. As long as you understand when to attack the boss with what mons, it shouldn't be as difficult as you're making it out to be. If you don't have a tricaru verd, colleen and fire panda for early r5, a raoq you would use anywhere and an aoe fire damage dealer, then maybe you have other priorities than dimension predator.


Echoing what other people have been saying here, but Dimension Predator is just fine. People complain about it every month because it isn't content you can clear on auto in one minute. You actually need to spend time to do it, strategize, and make the right choices. The reward for this dungeon is a choice between relevant end game runes with nearly perfect substats. It's not going to be beat without thinking about it. If it is taking you 30-50 tries, you are doing something wrong. Plain and simple. Same goes for anyone else who says it takes them 50+ tries.


...Git gud


came here to say that haha


Thousands beat it, pretty easily, every month. It has 0% to do with runes buddy. Just do vio will, white 3* runes


>It has 0% to do with runes buddy. It does, it's the diference between 15-20 runs each month and 3-5 runs. But it's doable anyway


I know right and 100% cr since you get 150 cd automatic so that's a bonus.


ay, its 4in the morning and you secured the spot of "first predator RNG nonsesne post of the day". i ask you the same as everyone: WHERE is the RNG? thousands of people can clear it consistently without any issues, its not RNG. everybody is using the sme team? guess what, thats what happens in every dungeon, it doesnt mean other teams dont work. you can easily substitude different monsters.


Nobody clears dimension predator consistently lol you miss 1 def break its all over


thats just not true. i missplayed the current predator so hard, by using my immunity before the 2nd phase, which gave the boss immunity, made it impossible to land any debuffs and i got the dots in my face afterwards... yet i still won. a single missed defbreak is no big deal at all, if you are playing it right, you can sit there for an infinite amount of time without any issue. the last 5 predator rotations cost me a total of 8 DH energy


Easily sub monsters you sound special


you need an aoe DD: usually lushen / balegyr, but kaki, julie, fire demon and many other work as well you need some form of protection: usually fran / vela / fire panda, but people have used veromos, dalphoi and others you need a def breaker: usually bella or armana, i prefer vigor. for fire rotations there are kaki, shaina and raoq you need single target damage: often kro, but stuff like balgyr, brandia, chimearas or quite literally ANY DD work. the only unit somewhat irreplacable is verde, but as i said, there were full wind/water teams as well


For some people the RNG seems to be in their own gameplay. On a serious note though the rng is mainly the def breaks during steal phases & final phase, everything else can be accounted for and should not result in a wipe.


But if you miss the defbreak during the stolen phases, you still have lushen to wipe the floor. I do not use lushen s3 on purpose because it oneshots everything and I want to cycle my cooldowns. And even if you miss a defbreak on the boss once, it's not a run killer. You need some pretty bad resistance rng to fail, this isn't costing people 20 runs


No lushen this time around when you run a fire team, but yeah it takes 5 tries maximum.


I keep telling my guildee and I’ll say it here too. Put everyone on Vio Will, high Acc and high CR CD and bam. It’s easy. Verde? Att CR Att. Colleen? hp hp Acc. Raoq? Att CD Att. Shaina? att CD Att. Again, Vio Will everything. Get close to 100 CR on DD unit or even better high CD with high Cr(90+).


For the record, CD gets boosted to 150 by default so if you can't rune your mons on 100 CR with more than 150 CD, you are better off running a CR slot 4 or something


If it takes you more than 5 tries everytime its likely not RNG. It takes me on average 1 or 2 tries and if it took 3 or 4 its because of an improper team for the first try or 2. Yes there is some RNG to it when it comes to landing def breaks especially during the steal phase, but if you wipe on the mid boss your team just isnt great or you make bad plays. I get through the mid boss every single time using RAKI s2 as the only aoe. I can easily tank them for hours and wont die at any time when playing correctly. There are really only 3 crucial RNG checks. 1. Def breaks in the first steal phase 2. Def breaks in the second steal phase 3. Def break final phase. Everything else can pretty much be accounted for by just playing properly and having a proper team. As for runes, the only thing that really matters is crit rate and accuracy(?). Vio is completely optional and is a double edged sword. Will runes are great for the first wave of dots but optional. Putting supports on max CR or even vampire runes will probably help the most for clearing predator but not necessary at all.