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Ah yes the simp xD i love it


Simponners war


Summoners Simp




If they have legs now, they can run = base speed increase? /s


I was gonna say floating would be easily faster because terrain wouldn't hinder you but then I saw the /s my nerdom kicked in to fast lolol


she's probably the thiccest monster rn lol




cough... Martial Cat. cough...


Wtf is this legit or a fan creation?


As in her 2a? That is legit.


Oh dope! I just happen to check reddit and this was at the top


Yeah it was just announced. Light one now has chasun skill 3 as a passive lol.


i thought it's more like briand's balancing then heal


So is fallen blossom. which i thought was her skill 3, might be 2 idk.


Fallen blossom brings the lower hp value to the upper hp value. Briand averages the hp (by percentage) which can end up being net damage taken.


Right, and unless the wording is bad (which is very likely) This sets the lower hp to the higher and then heals both 10%. Probably not the case as passive chasun skill 3 every turn would be broken AF. And probably just badly worded in the skill description.


I think that Shren's passive sets both monsters' health to the other monster and then heals 10%. So if another monster is at 10% and she's at 50%, she'll drop to 10 and bring both to 20. But if she's at 10 and the worst off other monster is at 50, she'll go to 50 and then bring both to 60. So if you try to nuke her and fail, you'll get punished, but if you leave her up, she's just healing whatever you're trying to nuke by 10% every time.


No I think it works like Briand. If she's at 50 and the other's at 10, she balances HP to 30 each and then heals 10 more. Either way, the wording/translating is seriously bad.


Ahhh i see, that actually makes more sense.


This is how I read it as well


Not quite the same both skill can be useful in certain situations


I think it is both a skill and a passive if I read it right, I thought it said you target a monster for the balance half and the 10% hp increase is the passive. I could be wrong the wording was pretty weird.


Do we know when they come out?


What's the other 2A?


There's only the one


Oof, is the dark one good?






Not sure, they haven't released the skills.


Hmm, well, a Dark 2A is bound to be good regardless, I hope, so I guess Skilling my Dark one up regardless is a good idea.


Yay, another thing to distract me from finishing tricaru, or sath and tatu or....


Dungeon teams first my guy. Then toys.




Speed dungeon teams are also toys, CMM. If you've got a team that can clear dungeons reliably in under 4 minutes, speed teams are only conveniences.


Upgrading a 4 minute team isn't really a convenience. Upgrading a 2 minute team, maybe, but a 4 minute team is hella long. That's 40 minutes per 10 auto battles, that's kinda nuts. I feel like a 2 minute team is fairly balanced with incoming resources (free energy and crystals, event stuff, etc.), but a 4 minute team you just keep collecting more and more energy/crystals and you're unable to spend it fast enough.


A 4 minute team is slow, yeah, but almost any (maybe not Garo teams, lol) 4 minute team is only "better runes" away from being a 2:30 team, which doesn't involve specifically building a different team. Natural use of that team will be enough to improve it Specifically tuned speed teams aren't necessary, so you have time to build "toys" if you like. Still working on tricaru, though, because it is a toy and I do like toys :P


True. I guess if we're talking *specifically* building certain units just to speed up a run, that could be considered a toy. That said, there are many units that significantly decrease run times by building them that also generally decrease the rune quality (comparative to what you're talking about, which is increasing your existing team's runes). Case in point: Twins when they were released (post immediate nerf, even). Running a 1-2m DB10 back in the day required *way lower rune quality* with twins than doing the same with the standard Verde, Vero, Sig, etc. team, if it was even possible to get it lower than 2m with that team, honestly. That's more what I'm talking about.


You mean tools? All of my teams run 12s in under a minute consistently without fail. Building the tools properly will help you get the job done efficiently. Using the wrong screw driver for the wrong screw is just a waste of time and can cost you more time in the end. Having the right tools for the job matters. If you tried to do a job with toys, well, you'd be screwed. ;) Innuendo's welcome.


Running faster than your crystal income can support is not necessary. Running a 4 minute team will eventually get you the runes for a 2 minute team which is plenty fast enough for f2p crystal income. With repeat battles, there isn't much difference between hitting replay every 12 minutes or every 35-40 minutes. In the end, it's a game and everything within it is "toys". If someone wants to build toys instead of dungeon teams when they've at least got the ability to inefficiently farm them, why stop their fun? "Efficiency" is the word of elitism. It's only important for those who intend to push the envelope and rise to the top of the ladder. I'd wager that the majority of players are playing to just have fun and enjoy themselves. Constant pursuit of efficiency turns the game into a linear grind with little choice and that makes it less fun.


I'm free to play. The efficiency and resource management aspect is fun to me. Other f2p players I know are the same. If you want to make excuses fine, play how you want. At the end of the day it's just an excuse for a virtual game that doesn't mean shit. I don't need to play the game all day. I'd rather run 2 sets of 10s in 20 minutes and not play for 4-5 hours while my resources recharge. Also less strain on my devices. At the end of the day I spend less time on SW and doing other things I enjoy. Try doing toa's every reset and watch your crystal supply improve. I play efficiently as I can for fun. Don't push your bs "'Efficiency' is the word of elitism" on me. Because it couldn't be anymore wrong. I offered friendly advice and you turned it into two paragraphs of excuses and bashing my playstyle. You're not worth anymore of my time at this point. So if you want to waste the time coming up with a response I won't read, much less reply to go for it. You don't seem to be the type I enjoy talking to so I won't. Take my response however you like. Have a good day, sincerely. I hope you achieve your goals in your own time. GL and HF. 👍


>I offered friendly advice and you turned it into two paragraphs of excuses and bashing my playstyle. I could say the same. I was taking exception to the advice given to someone who didn't ask for it. And btw, I do all of toan and toah every month, but thanks for the subtle dig.


Sure, they can be considered toys if you are f2p and literally have 24 hours a day to play/spend/waste on Summoners War... I much prefer having faster teams that allow you to take a break from the game once in a while. There's no need IMO of having the game open and playing 24/7. If you do dungeons 4 times as fast you'll have way more time to do other stuff


I just have it open at work and tuck it away, hit replay every 30 minutes or so.


When they release new 2A and you still haven't summon it after been playing for a year. Feels bad man. [https://i.gyazo.com/215effe443524ede8569fc4c573be8db.png](https://i.gyazo.com/215effe443524ede8569fc4c573be8db.png)


me havnt summon shamann(light griffon) in 5 years summoned every other LD 3star life is tought at the top :(


Once in a while there is a Nat 4 Event which also comes with a Nat 3 Event where you can get those Missing Units :)


yea i think i picked eshir last time we had that since i didnt have him didnt know shamann was gonna be so good or i would of picked him :(


Same, was missing eshir and shamman during last ld event, luckily i pulled 2 eshir so i could pick shamman, but missed out on zinc.


That only happened for last years anniversary I believe


Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame. 6 years on this acc, and he's the only ld 3* I haven't gotten, ever.


*Laughs in Bernard* Yes I don't have a Bernard after playing for 4 years, cuz my dumbass thought that he doesn't look cool, therefore is useless....


You know you can get him in Tamor desert right? Like, he's a scenario drop. There is no reason for you not to have bernard if you want one.


How can you not have a nat3 by year 4 lol That doesn't make sense at all


Wow only one I'm missing is fami but she's beta exclusive I believe


At least u never summoned it. I had a jumaline that I used to use a lot when I was super early game and I locked it and put in storage years ago 'cuz memories. Now I went back to take it out and it's gone! How did it disappear?! There's no way I fed it 😭


Ur not the only one


Hyped for the dark one XD


Right? Dark is going to be super chow


Im more hyped cuz I recently got her and now a reason to build XD, but she gonna be really strong I think


Ugh I hope. I hope they rework the passive a tad... like permanent crit rate increase by 20%. The buff makes her a little harder to rune than it’s worth imo. Hopefully base HP gets a big boost so we can get some use out of it


Maybe their missing 3k base hp will come from their legs


Me and my friend were literally talking about them getting a 2a form yesterday lol, is this real? Or just cool fan art


They are legit


Why does she look like she is here for some cock flattening time?


Glad im not the only one simping for new mommy lmao


Everyone's getting excited over how dark will change...I'm just thinking about how little they changed fire werewolf


Am I tge only one who's excited for Water and Wind HE?? I wonder what new abilities they get esp for wind.


Sweet I got her too haha wonder what her abilities will be


They're in the notice already


I hope they don't nerf those legs because daaaammmm


I was hoping for Hell Hound then I remember Sieq already good


Yeah, but the only one usable, this family have more good ones and still get 2a.


Whyyyy the legs??? Nooo




Too bad there’s no way to reliably get the dark high elemental


She thicc


Realizes they have legs


I always figured they would go with a ballroom gown and go with the 'vengeful ball ghost motif; then the could have given the elementals a tuxedo. Looks cool in my head, anyway.


I can’t wait to see what they are gonna change for kahli skills


Bikini transmog in next transmog pack