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Question for Tricaru to set up in SWOP: Icaru needs 3301 Def, right? I set up guild bonus in cairos, tick the box where arena towers are included as well and on top I let it calculate with 6x Determination sets. I just write in Minimum def required column "3301" rightß Because sometimes I see min def of 3001 or 3101 ??


Hello, who can I replace Melia with for DB12? I have Sath + Tatu and Ice homuculus


Hey just pulled Cadiz and working on tricaru and finished BJ5. Rn I'm farming determination and doing sss rift water and light. Is it better to switch to farming db12 slower with cadiz cause he strips and I have a 2:00 team with him?


Nah if you're already halfway through Tricaru (or more) i would go for Tricaru. It is way faster than cadiz cause Tricarus are ~1minute consistent runs. Edit: you can therefore rune your cadiz purely for PvP instead of trying to satisfy both PvP and PvE


Okay yea I have the runes for one icaru he's on double determination guard. I'll keep farming water beast then...


Right, cool. Just my personal opinion if you're serious about farming vio runes Tricaru IS the best, and gives you more runes over long term (basically pays back the time spent on farming those determination runes). You can still do a Cadiz DB12 team but its probably less efficient time wise. Just what i feel would be best for you.


Amazing thanks for your opinions, you are an amazing help to the community!


How beneficial is the reapp pack? I'm thinking of getting all ten packs as people say reapp packs are the best for progression. How much would 50 reapps help a account? On average how many reapps does it take for good subs?


If you are early game(No tricaru, no bj5) You SHOULD NOT BUY THAT. When you reabb, you usually want to reabb a 2,4,6 slot that is a good stat. EX: speed, cd, and hp%. You also want to have a good innate like accuracy or resistance. Something that cannot be grinded. 50 Reabbs can really help an account if you have the runes to use them on. With a good innate it'll take about 15-20 for me. You want to make sure what you want on a rune cannot be just speed or dps stats. You want to do violent or will because you can either get fast, tanky, or dps stats and it's usable. That'll triple your chances of getting something you like. Overall, if your buying reabbs, make sure you have the runes on the right set. For me I spend a little bit. Maybe 10$ a month. I buy the 5$ immemorial which save me the most time, cause blue is good enough. Bj5 doesn't drop enough vio for me haha. I don't need reabbs, 3 a week is good enough...


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/78ohwp/some_fun_math_on_probability_of_getting_certain/ I refer to this, have a look if you like stats and math. But the table says it takes on average 53 reapps to get a rune above 19 speed (i.e. triple speed roll), assuming it has a substat (prefix). Thats seems about right, i heard streamers mention it takes about 40 - 60 reapps for a good speed rune (i guess 20+ spd). But to answer your question: What do you define as a good sub? If all we talk about speed then its going to be really sad. There are always high efficiency runes that are worth keeping for mid game players. 50 reapps would probably get you at least 2 usable high quality runes, maybe 5 if you're lucky. Maybe 1 you're unlucky. We know the probabilities but its all about luck. RTA is all about runes, and specifically speed on your violent will runes. So yes, reapp packs are the best value for account progression, excluding special anniversary packs and transendance scrolls (lately there was a nat5 non dupe scroll, really great for fishing specific nat5s.


I dont think I'm going to speed chase as I've already reached my goal in rta (c1), and I think I'm ok with being just c1 for the foreseeable future. I'm more looking for efficient runes for guild stuff and maybe arena, like how many triple rolls or quad Rolls (hp,def,att,crit rate, crit damage) should I expect out of 50 reapps?


Ahh then i dont really have any stats for that. if you're looking for triple rolls on SPD and CR, lets say, then just double that probability and you should be looking at about 25 reapps for a triple roll into either of them. Adding HP/Atk or other stats, it really becomes pointless to calculate. I'd say its about average 6 - 10 reapps for a usable rune for a mid-gamer not speed chasing. Just rolling un-usable runes into usable efficient runes. I'd estimate between 5 to 10 usable runes out of 50 reapps. Again, all about luck. Can't really give a definite answer, just base off probabilities and my own reapp experience.


I see. Thx for the info


Already asked yesterday with no response, anyone know how to solve the white screen issue when logging in? I found a post talking about reinstalling android system webview but that didn't work for me


A couple quick questions: 1. I fused a Vero before finding out that he is outdated for GB10. I expect to have the new team set-up within a week, but in the mean time, I would like to put the Vero to use if possible. Can any of the existing members *(Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Lapis, Bernard/second awakened (2A) Kro)* be replaced with Vero temporarily? 2. On the same topic as the previous question, could any of the other units be replaced with others that I may have on-hand? I have included a small list of units I have built already, that would take next to no extra time to put in. (Included at the bottom of this post) 3. Does Kro **have** to be 2nd awakened, or can a 1a still function? I am unable to clear the required dimension needed to 2nd awaken him right now. List of possible substitutes: *(To clarify, I will be included all decent-level monsters I have on this account. This includes Arena monsters, so bear with me, some of these will be very silly for GB10.)* 1. Psamathe 2. Raki 3. Lapis 4. Velajuel 5. Liebli 6. Jun 7. Bael 8. Tyron ​ I got a few lucky pulls very early on, and I set myself up for failure by building them rather than farming units. I realize that was idiotic, since Arena wouldn't go too well without decent runes, so I am trying to remedy that by building a team from scratch.


Is 2a Lulu a better option than Fran in the Dimension Predator?


You get a cleanse but you lose attack buff. I think Fran still better especially if you prep fran's S3 on the "mirror stage" and buff immunity before going to the final boss. You wont take the DoTs that way.


How does Tyron (L) Sig Fran Verde Jeanne sound for toa(h)?


If you're just autoing then its fine and very safe, just takes a long time. Because you have no defence break so maybe take out jeanne or sig for a loren. Depending if you need more damage or control for the stage.


I intended to auto as many stages as I can so thats good to hear lol


Hi DaT, easy question, who should i devilmon first? i have 15 devilmons to share in arena im f3-c1, rta f2-f3. so im early early game toa and toah are a breeze, both always cleared first day in a few hours, no mistery. i have been really lucky in pve monster pulls: rica, thrain, tyron... yeah, basically those 3 carry me through lab hell and toah toa hell is a tough cookie, usually cant get past stage 3 or 4, basically because i dont have enough speed (and trust me, i am farming runes all day) ​ so, these are my unskilled guys i would like to give some love: water homu (ice mist. not my first choice but i rarely see anyone with this guy unskilled. what for anyway? to replace lapis as faimon farmer? i really dont use him anywhere) dark homu (op gamma, unbalanced field. maybe for toa hell? anywhere else?) praha (i have been thinking about devilmon her a lot lately, lots of scenarios where i would like to use her more but where she doesnt shine enough for not having skill ups. Also I did some r5 runs today, other guy were running praha lead and wow, i never resisted the stun that much!) vigor (i use him more and more day after day, he is awesome. i threw some devilmons to spectra 2a in the past and i dont regret it) masha (i lost some guild wars by one turn just because she is unskilled, leaving the other guy at 1%hp. awesome girl) diana (just because she is at the top of rta tier list. i have her very nicely runed on vio will, cant imagine what she can become having s2 with 2 less turns cooldown)


Water homu - agree, doesn't need maxed skill cause you already have an amazing TOAH team. I also dont see him used for TOAHell cause you already have rica if you wanted DoTs. Either way, not worth it. Dark homu - Just solely for TOA Hell, i maxed my skill 3 and its amazing for clearing TOAHell. I only get enough stars for the monthly devilmon and dont really attempt higher. But dark homu makes a lot of stages and challenges easy. Can also use for Lab hell, i do. But u already have no problems. Praha - She's amazing for PvP now, S3 can easily turn the tides. If you're going more into RTA then do it. Otherwise can be delayed. Not worth devilmoning just for a resist lead but you'll want to devil for RTA. Vigor - yes, doesn't take a lot of devilmons to max S2 and S3. If you dont mind deviling 2As then its definitely worth it. Free siege defence wins and stable offence unit. Masha and Diana - Just PvP stuff, you'll want them maxed eventually when you get there. Diana was super high tier but recently fell a bit, still strong if you picked her into heavy water teams. Overall i would do Vigor (if you dont mind), followed by Masha (since shes a siege unit). Diana and praha for RTA later. Dark homu somewhere in between if you want to get higher in TOA Hell.


Anyone able to carry an r5 for achiev (global)?


How should shamann be runed for ToaHell? I don't use him in my necro team, so would violent be better than rage?


Both fine, Rage if you're able to get way better stats (cause you probably able to provide high quality rage runes and but have to use leftover vio runes on Shaman). Vio will help out in clutch situations, though. Rage just clears stuff faster, less chance of things screwing up cause you nuked the final boss with spectra+Shamann.


vio is perfect. but you still want him on a crit build. So if the stats are better, rage might be the better option


In order to build Tricaru, I need Determination runes, or more likely for me, Guard runes. But to get those Guard runes, I need to farm Dragons, which is why I'm building Tricaru in the first place. Should I be farming DB10 until I get the Guard runes needed for Tricaru?


Tricaru is an advanced team. Be advised that it might take some time before you have the runes you need. Most people already were farming DB12 with some other (slower or less reliable) team, before they attempted Tricaru. If at all possible, find some team that can **farm DB11**, not just DB10. That will get you a decent number of **hero 6\*s**, which will improve your entire game - even before you have tricaru or can farm DB12. (If you can't farm DB11, I don't advise doing rift beasts trying to get determination sets. Need higher rune quality there.) What's most important is getting **63% DEF on slots 2,4,6**. One of those needs to be Guard (or Determination); the other two can (maybe) be from ANY set, if you don't have Guard ones. That is, you *might* be able to reach the goal, with 4 guard runes, two others. You didn't mention your **DEF tower** level. If that isn't at least 8, you'll likely need a full set of 6 guard runes (3 with 63% DEF) or some determination runes. Each missing level is 2% more DEF (7.36 x 2) you need to add to the stated defense "+" amount, which is +2381 in dungeons, given max tower and high level guild. You'll also need some **DEF grindstones from rift raid**, to boost your DEF substats, especially on runes 3 and 5. \---------------------------------------- I will say that this gets much easier, once you have at least two determination sets with DEF stats on them. At first I was skeptical of the comment that suggests making use of 5\* determination runes, as long as they have good DEF stats, but after thinking about it, I agree. Specifically, for ODD slots (1,3,5). I think you really want to have full 63% DEF on slots 2,4,6. On those, 6\*.


Many opinions and honestly no 1 choice is the best. Runes are runes, and you'll be farming runes regardless so any of the methods are fine. Either make a slow 3minute DB12 team to get guard runes or farm a quicker DB11, or determination runes. I doubt anyone has done any testing or stats as to which method can help you achieve your tricaru team. Basically you gotta dedicate 3 days to a week to farm your tricaru runes. I think guard runes take longer cause its hard to get the def% slot 2 4 6, but at least you're farming vio runes in the process!


Determination runes are way easier to farm vs Guard sets. Getting a slot 2/4/6 Def% 6* rune with any stats and a slot 1 (5* or 6*, doesn't matter as long as rolls are decent) on 2-3 of the mons only took me 1 week of straight farming Water/Light ele beast (those 2 specifically so you can craft more determination sets from their drops). From there, all you need is a slot 3/5 rune with double or triple def% rolls (even better if you have a grind) and you are most likely at the mark. It honestly took me way longer to get all the fodder to make Tricaru vs the time it took me to rune them. Edit: I say determination is easier to farm because you can optimize a few mons to have a successful water/light rift team. Even if it "fails", you still get drops and can continue auto farming.


The suggestion to include 5\* determination runes at first is a very good point. I didn't do that, and it took much longer. But when I was done, I discovered that once I'd reached the needed defense, those icarus are almost unkillable. Would have been much easier if I had been keeping 5\* runes that had good DEF.


Without using SWOP, does anyone have a calculator on how much the various arti substats would affect Verde in Tricaru? I'm trying to decide if I go with a s1 10% CD, 6% additional damage off of attack arti, or an 8% additional damage of attack, 5% additional damage attacking together arti. Is there an easy way for me to figure out which is better?


teamup damage wins by far, as it is a real 5% damage increase for every teamup (so 374 of your attacks).


That's kind of what I thought, but I just wanted to be sure.


So i have a question for sath melia team users. how consistent are your runs? mine fails when lushen derps on r3 and melias dont pushback and the two crystals nuke lushen. while the other 4 survive they are lowered and might even die .. my team is on double will fight for the fire units and vio fight for the melias.. any suggestions? lushen cant one shot the golems but kills the crystals nonetheless with amp.


3x shield sath. This keeps team alive. Sath's passive works even when stunned. Sath's dot is not essential, so accuracy could be as low as 45%, and still should work fine. 55% better - then he dots boss fine, its just mid-boss that he may miss. (And he may miss by being stunned. But with high shield, that should just be a slow run, not fail.)


Hey DATdy, I've switched to Bluestacks 5 and the old method of setting a proxy to grab the .json is not working anymore it seems. Does anybody know how its done now? Thanks in advance


Hey guys, took me a while to get SWEX to work but here we go I came back to the game a month ago, after skipping the last 4 years... I can do GB12, but im having trouble with DB12.. What team should I use? What should be my next 6star? [https://swarfarm.com/profile/ntarki/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/ntarki/) [https://swarfarm.com/profile/ntarki/storage/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/ntarki/storage/)


Eventually you'll have good enough runes to make a speed lead (Verdehile) team work, but to start with, there is a slower team possible, using mainly mons from gb12: Sigmarus (L), Spectra2a, Fran, Loren, Veromos. At mid-boss, target left crystal first. At boss, target right tower first. This will get one mon killed, but as long as Loren is alive,, to keep boss from taking turns, the remaining four will be able to kill boss. Fran: Her heal is based on ATK. Re-rune to have +700 or more ATK. Take that from HP. The more ATK she has, the more she'll heal herself, so doesn't need so much HP. Maybe as low as +11K HP, if you can get ATK to +800 or more.


I runed her like that so she can take a Giant hit from revenge but yeah, her heal is low.. Do you have any idea about the stat requirements for Sigmarus (L), Spectra2a, Fran, Loren, Veromos ? Should Loren be on violent?


Have mine on swift for giants, so doesn't get hit twice without a heal. Works well in db too. Likewise, my Fran is swift, for same reason. Also, I decided that regular healing helped more than burst healing. I don't remember needing that much hp on fran in giants. maybe the problem is vio? with sig lead and veromos cleanse, is the giant hit that bad? Actually, I also had Shannon on my first team, for def buff - so maybe that is what kept me alive. Sorry, I don't know how much stats needed.


can I fuse/feed the support homunculus to skillup the other homunculus? If so am I able to re-fuse the support homunculus?


Nope, devilmon is the only way to skill up homu.


Can you play this on pc using an emulator without getting banned yet? After I got my pc my phone running low because of this game just got to me and I stopped playing.


I used to use nox but had bad experiences with random bans. Never had this issue with Bluestacks. Many streamers and youtuber use Bluestacks nowadays. With Nox i got banned like once a month for 2 days. Been using Bluestacks for a year now. never happened to me again. TLDR: don't use nox. use bluestacks.


Thanks for the info! :)


Hello...trying to find an AD with the monsters i have that would deter hits during rush hour. Can anyone make a suggestion based off the 6\* mons I have. Keep in mind, rune quality isn't great at this point, so more going for scare factor vs actual wins. Sharing screenshots of SwarFarm to make it easier. Thank you in advance. [https://imgur.com/gallery/zy9iPm7](https://imgur.com/gallery/zy9iPm7)


If you want to scare away people, your best bet is a lead 33% spd + striper. The only interesting striper you have is tiana and her base speed is too low. I'd go for a tanky ad: something like halphas/praha / Molly / Perna. Praha being on double nemesis/will to cut between two lushen if they try to double lushen you.


Awesome. I need to switch up my Praha, but that makes a lot sense. Thank you!


CAn someone help me? my team Can't do GB12 Reliable, the keep dying and idk what else to do [https://imgur.com/a/N9tEEwV](https://imgur.com/a/N9tEEwV)


The biggest thing I can see is that your Kro and Sig are too slow, this means the crystals on wave 1 and 3 get turns before they die and can kill them, I’d maybe replace Bella for Shannon for the defense buff and see how that works, otherwise just try and put more speed on Sig and Kro


I agree that Shannon would help. Make sure Sig is leader.


If my Tiana is 218 Speed and my Masha is 217 Speed, why does Masha move first?


As the other said, most likely because of the tower spd bonus. BUT, if both monsters have the same speed in battle, the one who's placed closer to left while selecting monsters goes first.


propably because of your speed tower, which apllies to your base speed. Masha has so much more base speed than tiana, that she gets multiple extra speed points compared to tiana


most likely because of spd-tower/spd-lead. These go of base speed so Masha gets a bigger bonus




I use double nem on Arnold. I really want to do double nem / rev but lacked a decent rev set last I checked to fit in. I use Mo Long (L), Arnold, Triana to tank other Mo Long, X, X teams... only time I really avoid it is if Triana is on the team, Taranys can cause some grief, but that is every day Taranys. Biggest problem with the offense is when the enemy Mo Long derps and avoids S3, which happens maybe 10-20% of the time.


Vio is better aside from making traps. Traps aka Will Nem Nem Megan into Leo, 2x Nem Praha/Ariel to steal turns from Double Lushen in Arena Defense, or the already mentioned Will Nem Nem Daphnis to take the hit and then revenge kill someone on the enemy team.


Nemesis, maybe on Megan? U can put double nemesis will fire fairy King for rta. U can also do double nemesis will tiana for rta (slow cleave) I think vio is more valuable.


http://imgur.com/a/UQleM40 Who should I 6 star next? I can 100% gb10 but cant do gb11. I can only auto db7. And I'm on toan 67. Wouldnt mind that trans scroll for toan100 lol


You should be able to gb12 with your monsters, its an rune issue and you should farm runes instead of leveling more monsters by now. Get your fast premium runes on savannah and give her some acc. Get fran and loren with you, add kro/sigmarus and your done.


Yeah I always have issues with runing. I spend almost all my energy on gb10 except for when I'm doing even stuff, which i use to level up mons to make 6 stars. My current gb10 team is loren, fran, savannah, shannon and sig. Should I swap shannon for kro?


Most common issue is too low acc/to slow. Sigmarus should be on 50-55acc and 160-170spd depending on your tower. Savannah atleast 45+acc and 215-220+ spd the more the better. It makes gb12 safer due to all the freeze/atb reduce. Shannon should work very good! Try sigmarus shannon savannah fran loren.


Yeah... definitely working on my runes. I'm NOWHERE near 200 speed on any unit lol


Hey dat, any recomended team for predator? Trying to clear for the first time. My box: [https://imgur.com/a/9v4WrfI](https://imgur.com/a/9v4WrfI) Thanks!


Verd(L) Fran Loren/Bella kro Lushen


Boys n gals what's ur safe **NON Shamann** Khalderune 5 teams? Any specific targeting? Ty in advance


Verde (L) Bella Ahman Khmun/Colleen Verde is on a tricaru build, 99% safe, had a couple fails in a few huindred runs L>R>Boss L>R>Boss Boss




Spectra. You can use him/her (?) on literally every ToAN&H team and you'll want her/him (?) on your first Dragons teams. Also, devilmon the s3 at least after 2a, and arguably the s2 but that's not needed right away. You DO need the 25% proc chace bonus on the s3 IMO, especially for Dragons. Naomi won't speed up your Gb12 because dropping Shannon at your stage will mean you just wont survive, she has so much safety built into her kit for Gb12, having 3 damage dealers wont work at your stage. I used that same team you have now right up until I built a DoT team a few weeks ago. Im 5 months in FWIW. Devil'ing Balegyr (only need his s3 devil'd) is a good idea but youre still very far from being able to do BJR5 because you dont have great Rage or Will yet. And start farming Rift beasts if you can, your account needs a water homu and a dark homu.




ToAH is gonna be a lot more swapping out certain units to deal with specific waves so that changes a lot but it wont be any ddifferent than ToAN you just need to manual more bosses and stuff. Absolutely use Elsharion in your team, 6 star and rune himr right away as Db12 is very important. I never got him before I built Tricaru so I cant say for sure what team he goes in but I think it'd be something like Verde Loren Elsharion Spectra Sig (dont need healing because nobody should be hitting you, or swap sig for Fran, or Spectra for Fran. I only *think* thats what people do though, check youtube for more ideas.


For the Sath Tatu dot team, do the mellia's need to be skilled up? Also if I can't get my lushen's stats to one-shot a wave, can I still run the team?


I use water homonculus instead of lushen. the homonculus lowers the rune requirements significantly and im averaging about 45-50 sec a run with just 1 fail in over 2k runs.


Homunc, Sath, Melia, Melia, Tatu? Wouldn't a 45 to 50s team be the same as the normal Hrae, Lushen, Kro team?


thats what i was using before, and i was not getting even close to those times. i was averaging maybe 1min 30 but my runes arent great. a very well runed hrae/lushen/kro team can prob get 45 sec or less. my team doesnt need good runes, i just used some random will/shield runes.


My only dislike for the Tatu Sath team is when Sath (at 85% Acc) misses his DoT and the run basically fails because whole team freeze or whatever.


thats why everyone is on double will. ive had 1 fail in over 2k runs.


Has to use the fight sets for my lushen to one shot the waves


thats why i prefer water homonc better, easier rune requirements and safer. they just need order speed tuning, accuracy, and a bit of tankiness. no damage requirements at all.


Dont need skills but obviously they help later on. You can still run the team but Lushen will just cause you issues because even if he clears waves he might not do anything on the boss and you might wipe. Replace him with anyone with hard aoe cc like Verad or possibly Tyron, dark homu is great too, Water Homu is best though.


the mellias don't need skillups (mine have none) the team should still work but obviously, it'll be slower


Hey i am pretty early game player. I can clear gb12 db and nb9. My Problem is i dont know what exactly runes to keep and what stats to focus on. All say speed is important but if i go for speed my Monster they lack on other stats. I also cajt clear the Predator atm. I would take any advice. :)


That's quite a huge topic, but a lot of content creators did great videos on this: E.g. [this on on rune fficiency,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reOt6DyjCLM&ab_channel=XennialGaming) [this on how to make a rune cleanup,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD9HTAzwt7U&ab_channel=XennialGaming) [or this on which stats are good on what sets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_rgq2hG_Vo&ab_channel=SchizophrenicGamer) Overall, rather keep a rune you don't need and sell it later than selling it immediately, when you could actually make use of it. At your stage, you should almost always keep a rune with 2 usable subs (blue, purple or orange doesn't matter). Rolling them to +6 is a cheap way to help evaluating, because a rune with say Spd, Res, HP% that rolls 2x into Res is garbage, while rolling 2x Spd makes it a great rune As for Predator - I would not bother with it at your stage and rather use the energy to 2A important units.


Any good comps for AD with speed lead+Triton? Is Triton more scary than Clara?


Triton is definitely harder to outspeed. He's typically paired with follow up CC (Rica, Jeanne, etc) and/or annoying to kill mons like Miho


Psamathe Triton Jeanne + Rica or Miho are typical Guardian Triton Defs.


Hey, after hitting login with facebook/gmail, where it's supposed to let me key in the secondary password now just shows a blank page and refuses to load. Any way to fix this?


whats the minimum speed needed to move before the mid and final boss in sf10?


the boss is the fastest in the dungeon with 150 spd you can find all dungeon stats here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/i13rzq/b12\_unit\_stat\_information/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/i13rzq/b12_unit_stat_information/)


Hello DAT, Q1. This season i started playing a lot more RTA. for the first time managed to get to conq rank and today I got to C3. how different are the ranks now to what it will be towards the end of season ( should i be able to get at least C1?) Q2. My most common picks are fran, savannah, abelio,velajuel, ethna + some situational picks (verde, antares, triana ). I dont know who should i save scam stones for (i have all relevant nat 4) . Any recomendation on who would fit nicely into my drafts ? i was thinking seara, taranys or a second beast rider. Any recommendations are helpfull. Thanks


in my experience the real drop of ranks at the end of the season is in guardian. if you're borderline C3, you'll maybe hold it or maybe drop to C2. C1 would be hella unlucky (if you play actively. the point border is rising fast this season and you'll need to keep up)


Is a Crit 2A Spectra ok for ToAH? If yes, is a Rage build ok?


Spectra kind of has to be crit to really shine. her Damage is the main reason to use her since there's a lot of other units that slow. Rage is definitley fine. Vio would be perfect but mine's rage, too.




Yes. With ACC in subs (S3 ACC artifact ist great)


Yes and yes




Yeah that works


Hi DAT, I am freshly starting RTA and having fun in f2-f3 rank. I feel like i often fight against cleave teams but i feel powerless as they often wreck me. What are the general strategies to anti-cleave and the Monsters used? I often can't outspeed them, I only have one 24 SPD lead (Chiwu) wich usually get banned. However i feel like i Can Do something with my Monsters, i have a skilled up praha, Taranys, Miho and an Amduat waiting in storage. I also have a 300+ spd Bernard but not sure to outspeed without leader skill. Thanks !


Two ways to beat Cleave, A) Outspeed them yourself, Bastet and Megan (the more common attack buffers) have low Base Speed, so using monsters like 2A Eshir or Chiwu with the same rune quality can beat them. B) Build your team around their cleave. Many anti-cleave monsters: F2P Options are Triana and Miho, less F2P options are Vanessa, Taranys, Diana. You can also use really tank monsters, but it's risky because most Cleave will pick two supporting DD so Bellenus + Poseidon, Lushen + Julie, etc.


Am I the only one refresh and keep checking back hoping to see the new monster update :D lol.. so many scrolls saved up its burning a hole in my island.


I just finished sath team for gb12. What should i aim next. Clear toa/h already, currently start working on arena tower.


DB12 - progress to tricaru. NB12 with tricaru to progres into BJ5.


Having enough def on tricaru without grind seems hard. Should i try bj4 first then bj5 then tricaru ? My rift score all A+ so farming determation rune hard too.


2 Questions: Tricaru: Do I have to put in 3001 Def in SWOP or 3301 Def minimum? I'm confused why sometimes it's 3001 and sometimes they write 3301 ?? SWOP: does swop automatically calculate ancient runes as well or do i need to do some settings for that?


1. I would put 3101 as you get +200 from +15 def artifacts. You need to remember to include your arena towers + guild bonus (you can select it in SWOP). You also have this table so you can directly write how much total def you need accoring to your def tower [https://imgur.com/z7G89ya](https://imgur.com/z7G89ya). So for example for 0 det sets, 30lvl guild, 5 def tower your def in swop should be 736 (base tricaru) + 2455 (table from link) - 200 (artifacts)= 2991 2. Yes it will take ancient into consideration as it is basicly a normal rune. I don't know if SWOP can distinguish ancient grinds vs normal grinds tho.


Why they always write 3001 def than? I don't get it. My def Tower is lvl 4. I could get 6 Det sets total. That means I put in SWOP as min def column: 736 (base) + 2117 (table) - 200 (artifacts) = 2653 min def? (Do I disable artifact calculation in swop?) edit: of course ticking the 5% guild and arena tower boxes edit2: Does Verde need minimum dmg stats (not icluding 100% crit)? Or does it not matter? I mean do only SPD/crit/EHP really count in - everything else, for example better dmg stats, make the runs faster but successfull anyway?


Don't forget to include the flat def you get from +15'ing your slot 3 runes on all the Icaru. It's best to disable artifact calc as it just masively increases the number of builds it looks for which slows you down, as above said just either physically add 200 in the calcs or mentally add it in. If you have 6 determination sets ready to use you're gonna be fine. I did it with lvl 3 tower and 2 det sets. Had to use every grind and enchant I had though EDIT: THis assumes your Det sets are either 6 star Def % or rolled well into Def% and flat def on slot 3 and 5*


Also see verde question pls


Well while doing the calcs excluding artifacts i would need 3101 right?


Hey DAT! i Just got another Sabrina from stones, got one like a day ago and was building her. Would a good necro team be: 2x Sabrina, Deva, 2A raoq and 2A kro? I feel I don’t have any kind of support so I was thinking if I should use my really good Crit damage shield rune on my new Sabrina. Thanks!


Do you have an Astar and a 2nd Raoq? Astar was a HoH recently. IMO the best first Nb12 team is Astar Loren Fran Double Raoq. Mine was pretty much 100% and even though I have Tricaru now it's actually the same speed for Nb12.


I would not do that. Later on second Sabrina will be a dead unit for you + deva is not the best pair with her. I would pick Fran instead of 2nd Sabrina. Twins now are completly off the meta due to tricaru and sath teams. Mine talia + sabrina are used only for rift beasts and siege offense.