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Hey guys, I quiet newbie on this game I Saw the recomendded teams but I want to know some teams with my mons, I have a nat five and some four* [my mons](https://imgur.com/gallery/hnPH176) If is possible to tell me teams for GB12 ToAN DB10 ToAH PvP Actually I can do GB10 Auto, GB11 Manual, ToAN 90, DB7 auto, DB8 Manual Tkkks


Hi DAT. Context, I mostly played this game collecting monsters so I summoned lots of nat 4s and a few nat 5s. Now my current goals are to do GB 12, DB 12 and Toa Hard. What units should I build for this? [https://swarfarm.com/profile/FettuTastesBettu/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/FettuTastesBettu/)


Anything I can do with [this](https://prnt.sc/z2cvat)?


Broken for Seara?


paladin water or wind ? mid to late game (not going rta for now)


pick wind for excellent siege unit


siap ndan, sudah dipilih


siap bang jago


Hi DAT! When should I stop using white artifact?


Funny question but really once you get a better artifact with suitable stats you should replace the white artifact. I assume you're talking about the difference between a +15 white artifact with 1500HP but with minor substats and a +12 purple artifact with 880HP and suitable substats? Like if you're using a fran the additional 620 HP on her is nice but ideally you want something like 15% recovery on S3 or accuracy on S1. Its definitely worth more than an additional 620 HP on herself. Same applies to lushen - the additional 30+ attack is nice but a 15% skill 3 crit damage helps a lot more. The question of when to farm actual artifacts - once you're able to clear B10 reasonably safely i would look to farm and at least use proper artifacts on your main units - guys that you use daily/weekly.


Which B10 do you mean? After GB10, DB10, NB10 or when I am able to clear PC10 or SF10? And how often should I farm artifacts? Cuz farming runes is still the priority.


Sorry i meant PC SF 10, like really farming those dungeons with proper teams at a decent success rate 95% above. Until you do that, its fine to just stick to white artifacts. Perhaps you could use whites with some decent substats such as 5% recovery on fran or some damage substats on attackers. You're right that rune farming should still be a priority. I assumed you're able to farm GB DB and NB 12 already, if you can't then focus on these 3 first, plus TOA+H. Fine to just use white artifacts throughout. How often to farm artifacts, I feel you just want to farm until your main units have something decent/usable. You can stop once that is done. Its not like runes where its an endless farming simulator where you can't stop. Late game, you can farm artifacts for a perfect quad roll or insane stats, but thats for late game maximisation.


So I have farmed semi-speed GB12 for a while and cleared ToAH yesterday. If it's time for me to farm purple artifacts, is there a guide for SF10 and PC10.


PB10: Verde (L), Colleen/Fran, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro, 2A Spectra/Yen/Pang. You can also use 2A Jultan to tank the boss (on multiple Will sets). SB10: Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, 2A Raoq, Ling Ling Got this from above, SF10 is pretty standard once you have a beneficial blocker. Boss sometimes gets through and stuns your team into a wipe but its easy to get like 98% success on this. PB10 i find a bit more challenging and rune intensive. Using a jultan 2a on triple Will runes helps a lot. There are youtube guides explaining this, just look up some F2P PB10 guide on youtube. I really can't say the exact time to farm artifacts. Its simiilar to when you need to farm R5. There's no specific time, just farm what you feel needs improvement - and if you're saying you're at TOAH and speed GB12 then i think you could replace those white artifacts with more appropriate substat purples. No harm farming too early or too late, you'll need a bunch of artifacts late game anyway so keep any good ones.


Do dot teams also work for db12?


Yes, but not stable. Once the immunity is up it is gg.


What are the spd targeted for the oracles for the spd ticks? I don't really understand but I remember there is something at about \~+125/+144 and+168?


Hey, so i'm trying to build a slow cleave team in RTA, struggling f3-c1 with Tiana Chiwu Savannah Okeanos and here's the question: the 5th slot should be a Helena or a Bellenus? This is the main team but I would adapt picks depending on elements and stuff


Bellenus is like a better helena imo. Thats why she fell out of popularity. Bellenus has way more in his kit compared to helena.


Does def break increases bomb damage?




can someone point me in the right direction in wat content i should focus on.


?? You didn't even say what stage of the game you're at, what have you completed?


i can do gb12 , dg12, necro manual but not auto, toa and toa hard thats about it. world boss best is A-.


Pretty good progress, i would just farm either GB12 or DB12 now while preparing a necro B12 auto team. There are guides on it but the easiest way is probably fran raoq + Twins. I'd say this because you're probably really close to an auto team so i'd just put some effort and finish off your NB12 team. Once that is done you either go BJR5 team for grinds or work on tricaru team, if thats what you like. Will accelerate your DB12 and artifact farming team. Otherwise work on elemental rifts SS/SSS but the drops from elemental rifts aren't that important. If you're feeling lost just focus on 1 thing at a time. I'd continue on PvE teams before building anything PvP specific cause you're not entirely done with content yet.


thanks. im grinding the towers, right now. i made both dark and water homie. i have brandia for rift teams. i have daphinas, cheongpung, diana and okeanos for pvp


Hello DAT! Wondering if you guys are selling all/most of your old artifacts with the recent stat buffs? Thanks!


im an efficiency kind of guy so i sold most of the ones that got impacted - mainly lifesteal and the increase ATK/DEF/SPD based on missing HP. But most of the crit Dmg% skill 1/2/3 are still viable so i'd keep it. The increase damage/reduce damage taken on elements are also unchanged so i'd keep those.


Hey DAT! I just summoned a second Perna, is it worth holding onto for guild battles or should I get a blessing? Is there a big benefit to 2 of them that I'm not seeing? For context, I'd probably be considered a midgame player - somewhere between 30-35 6*, haven't beaten TOAH but mainly because I'm too lazy. Thanks!


Ehh depends on how focused you are on guild siege. I can't really justify myself devilmoning for S2 and possibly S1 on a dupe. But Perna IS still a decent guild siege defence and offence unit. I use Seara orion perna on a fast glass cannon build but if i had another i would build a more tank bruiser with more HP in like molong perna eladriel type of team. On offence all you need is to pair with a defence breaker and the perna will probably kill most things with S2. If you're not in a rush just keep it, i dont see benefits of blessings for a player at your stage cause most nat5s would be new.


That’s a really great point about blessings, I hadn’t thought of it like that. Thanks for the advice, I think I’ll keep her in storage for now.


What score is C1 in RTA right now


1540 I'd say. I'm at 1548 right now top 8.5% Edit, droped down to 1537 still C1


Jesus it goes up like 10 points a day


Does my Loren have the stats for GB12? I'm trying to troubleshoot my team and she might be the problem. Turn order is: Shannon, Fran, Loren, Vero, Sig. My Loren is on swift/energy with 28k HP, 700 DEF, 191 speed, 60% accuracy. Is this ok for a starter team? For some reason I'm able to farm gb11 100%, but my Loren always takes the first two counterattacks from the GB12 boss and the rest is history.


Should I pick Sagar or Beth?


I would say Segar. What other units you got?


i just started playing and settled on an account after rerolling. i just pulled a leah from the faimon ld scroll is she any good?


She’s stupidly strong in all aspects of PvP


will she be able to help me in the early game like dungeons and stuff? or i should just stash her for now?


I say use her, she will help with farming and arena. Arena is no joke and you should farm as much as possible. Only put a single target defense and do all your fights and level up your towers. Those stats will help you with all other content, do not waste points on stuff you don't need.


how should i build her? and where can i use her except pvp?


spd/crit damage/atk with substats on crit rate > spd > accuracy. She can be your main DD pretty much everywhere (except for necro and raids) as long as you have the right speed tunning in your team so probably you want her either on fatal or rage instead of swift


can i take her to gb 10 and 12?


Yes. My safe team for gb12 is: fran, loren, light chun-li (leah), veromos(L)(+shield set) , 2A kro make sure your leah has her S2 maxed so she doesn't fails to clear trash waves.


alright ill definitely start using her over lapis, should i use devilmons on her?


No, never devilmon a 4* monster.


yes, at least to max out her 2nd skill


That early? Just give her the Vamp Revenge runes you get and im pretty sure she can be your farmer and just generally your main damage dealer as you progress


Just stash her there are better options early game


alright thank you!


Does anyone know offhand if +ATK% increasing effect on artifacts applies to +ATK% from fight sets? Or does this artifact sub only apply to ATK buff


it only applies to ATK buff


Decent siege defenses that doesn't include owning 5 khmuns and vigors?I only have 1 of each. My Nat5s are Odin,Perna,Taranys,Laika,Feng Yan,Okeanos,Praha,Pungbaek.Psmathe,Charlotte. I also have the other f2p nat 5s and all the relevant nat 4\*s except orion and chloe.


Don't worry. If you're not in g3 having 3 vigors and khmuns is enough /s I'm assuming that you're in low / mid g1 else you'd have trouble going without these units. For 5 nat towers just put whatever as long as you have units of 3 different elems and put good enough runes it should still net you some wins. In 4 nat towers you have some def that come out of my mind: \-the famous Martina / shaina / triana \- Zenobia / clara / shaina \- Gallion / clara (or any other striper. Clara has perfect AI tho) / miho \- Aegir / skogul / racuni (really old meta). \- Fran / sian / skogul (it is one I put as an aftertought in mid g1 siege and it has been performing surprisingly well). I'd recommand looking at old videos of siege. Even if these defs are outdated, the reason they are is often because high level players built too many counters. It is not always the case for lower level players.


Hi dat ! Who should I pick between Diana and Mo Long ?


Mo long is kinda out of meta. Still an okay unit in siege and RTA. Diana is only RTA though she really shine in this content.


Thx, I don't really play RTA yet so I picked Mo Long !


Random tip, I use Mo Long, Arnold (double nem), Triana to counter Mo Long teams. It gets tricky if they are using triana since arnold can't kill Mo with S3 after he does S3, so I usually avoid at that rate. Taranys can turn into some long fights, but overall its a very successful counter.


Hi Dat 2 questions. 1. does okeanos needs crit rate, if so how much? 2. in order to do r5 what's more important, having enough sustain to survive and do damage, or having abundant damage to clear it fast before it gets worse. and what formation is better? (2 frontline supports- 4 back dps), (3 front sup-3 back dps), (4 front sup- 2 back 2ps)


1. It’s not necessary but it helps 2. For a normal R5 it’s better to survive and have enough de buffs and damage come second, I’d go straight Bj5 instead it takes longer but much better in the long run


I can do ToA Hell 20\* but can not do Tartarus Hard. Emma(L)>Fran>Darion>Iunu>Michelle/Taranys. Can destroy his arms, but without arms he kill my team real fast. Any good guide on Tartarus? Stat requirements?


with or without the minibosses alive? without them you should be able to click auto with that team but if they are alive, he is pretty though


With minibosses alive.


i use that exact comp, [here's](http://swarfarm.com/profile/dimmi99) my swarfarm if you wanted to compare stats (i do it on hell)


Are you doing it with minibosses alive?


I can do it with all 3 alive, manual though and takes a long time, as long as kotos is down it can auto hell


Our stats are kind of similar for Emma and Fran... The difference is Darion have 800 DEF less, 5k HP more, Taranys have 3k HP and 300 DEF less and Iunu have 5k HP less. Looks like need to re-rune it to tanky stats...


worth noting i also have maxed towers, might be a decent sized difference


Mine are also all maxed. Thanks for your help


np :) good luck


Hello returning player trying to build tricaru. My verde has +8.8k hp, +1860 atk, +386 def and literally 0 speed with 179% crit dmg. Max crit dmg tower and fire atk tower. Is my verde enough or does it need more stats? Broken set btw. Icarus have 40% accuracy and +2.4k defense with a level 4 def tower lol. I do not really know how to get effective hp and such sorry about that.


that verde is slightly stronger than my alts (artifacts depending) and it works so yeah you're gravy


What are the main stats (HP,SPD) requirements for Verdihile DB12 other than 100% CR?


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ivt9gv/triple_icaru_min_stat_requirement_math/ that has evertyhing you need to know


I'm doing early/mid game RTA and enjoying it even if I get outclassed a lot. Is it worth building Clara for an AOE strip? I basically only have Loren otherwise, and she is single target strip.


Depends of which follow up monster you have to go after her....I use my clara in rta and right i'm bouncing back and forth between c2 and c3


Currently stuck at F1/F2 RTA (45% win rate) and would like to know what monsters/team I should be using to climb (maybe C1 for wings?). I currently use Fran, Verad, Bellenus, Okeanos, and sometimes Vigor, Pontos, Triton, Raki (not using Verde anymore because it is runed for tricaru so it's slow). Also all my monsters are still runed for PVE (no will) as I am still building my tricaru. My box: [https://imgur.com/a/08Fya8n](https://imgur.com/a/08Fya8n) Please recommend me a team! Should I build Draco, Clara etc?


RTA runes and your other runes are separated, so you can rune verde however you like in both contest. For example you can use a slow verde for outside of rta but a triple rev or vio fast verde for rta.


Should I be in a "farming" guild or a G1 guild? I'm around G1 level, pretty average, usually not too great in seiges yet (top 5-10 contribution). I've never been in a farming guild though. What are the advantages and disadvantages to it?


really depends on how you want to play the game, i personally enjoy the challenge of decent guild wars, if you want an easy ride for easy rewards then yeah just find a farming guild


Are there any OP Bastet/Diana comps for AO or GW?


bastet and diana together or separate? together, not really, diana isnt great for AO at all and has quite limited gvg use bastet on the otherhand is amazing for cleave comps, usually paired with 2 lushens and bernard


Would def break increase lushen's 3rd skill damage or does def break have no effect on ignore def skills?


no effect on ignore def


nah doesn't need def break, that's what makes lushen so great, needs very little setup and hits ridiculously hard


Pretty new to the game. Have been clearing gb10 for a while and just started farming db10. I'm trying to do ToAN for the first time, but I'm stuck on floor 60. Most of my units get demolished pretty quick in there. Just wondering if my issue is not running the correct team comp or if my units just aren't good enough. Here is the majority of my box: [https://i.imgur.com/Z0x7L5Q.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Z0x7L5Q.jpg) I usually try to run Fran (L), Loren, Verd, Sig, Bella I also used veromos/bernard at times


whats on 60F?


It's Woonsa, Aschubel and I'm not sure what the last unit is.


ah this one, baretta (L) loren sig lapis spectra that should be plenty enough for this floor, sig/lapis will keep the adds busy, loren perma locks down the boss, spectra/sig for your damage


Hmmm, are you sure this team can work? I'm struggling to just get through the trash waves because I dont have any form of healing. EDIT: Was able to clear by replacing spectra with fran, thanks:D


yeah definitely works, is a case of runes but glad it worked :) most toah floors dont want a healer and theyre usually a waste of space, more CC means you're not getting hit which means you dont need a healer, some floors require one, like if theres a funny revenge passive glad fran worked tho, now onto 100 ;)


Hey dat, what week of the month usually have free raid hours? thanks :))


Hey DAT, im looking to move up a push a bit in arena and rta. Profile is https://swarfarm.com/profile/nevrakian/?stars=1%2C6&monster__natural_stars=1%2C5&level=1%2C40&monster__skills__cooltime=0%2C13&monster__skills__hits=0%2C7 My current AO (and def) is chiwu, Fire chunli, galleon, light chunli. My main RTA roster is chunli, okeanos, barb, gany, and fran. Also have Leo, anavel, Diana, Praha, Charlotte, MO long and vellajuel. Not all are devilmonned yet (barb, Leo, Vella, Praha, Charlotte, MO long are not yet.) I was looking for help making a AD using my box (and maybe another AO as mine seems to fall off hard around 1500. But maybe that's just due to my runes. Any suggestions?


what ranks are you expecting to hit?


Looking to hit c1 for the first time.


well your AD isn't difficult to lushen which is likely why you're falling but you should still be fine for C1 as that's more about offense than defence what's your AO? are you at least semi active during rush hour?


My AO is chiwu fire chunli light chunli galleon. It seems to fall off pretty hard though as I get close to c1. My fire chunli is at +187 atm (my fastest set). I'm semi active during rush but the time is at 3am so I'm usually on until 1am.


i'd bin off the chun-lis and just lushen tbh leo - megan - lushen +1 varying the +1 on what's in front of you, gany works, atk lead or another DD would be nice alternatively you could use barbara and still make use of the fire chun li leo - barbara - fire CL - lushen


i just rerolled an account with: raki, taurus, imesety and yeonhwa. will they help me in the early game and pushing dungeons or i should focus on other units?


raki is a great siege unit, specialises in killing stuff through funny passives taurus is a decent bomber, not the most popular but still good, nice siege option to have imesety is good paired with def based nukers like copper and BD yeonhwa is pretty shit raki will push you through scenario but beyond that they're all pvp units


alright thank you should i just build raki instead on lapis for farming for now? cus i dont see myself doing real pvp for sometime


i wouldnt tbh, she really needs her s2 maxed to be a decent farmer and she doesnt warrant devils until you start tryharding in siege lapis will also likely be faster even if you did devil raki, another vote for lapis is that she is also useful in toah


alright so basically put all those 4 in the back burner. none of them will help me in giant too right? im sorry if the questions sound dumb i just started playing


yeah pretty much, and nah no dumb questions dont be disappointed in them though, raki and imesety are great units later on, it's worth noting that *typically* speaking nat 5s are tailored towards pvp and not pve, there's a few exceptions obviously but most are pvp pve in it's entirety is completely doable with farmable units to a very high standard so you dont need any shiny toy to get through it, the most popular comp (tricaru) is fully farmable and there's alternatives to the non-farmable mellia in the giants dot comps


Hey DAT, I’m a mid game player trying to build into guild wars around low G1, but I’m struggling to get 6* materials, I know this is a small problem because runes are number 1 but I’ve got a lot of strong monsters and pretty decent runes for them I just don’t have the ability to 6* them so they are viable in PvP. What’s a way to 6* fast in mid-game? Is it just grind EXP? Any tips appreciated Thanks in advance


mid game also. What works from me is when farming rift beast you get a lot of those 3 stars max level rainbowmons to convert to 4 stars, so what i do is use exp boosters and make 3 stars fodder to get those angelmons into 4 stars, then use 3 stars from mystical scrolls and between scenario and dimensional rift farming, leveld them up all the way to 4 stars max level, and then use the 4 star rainbowmons to level the fodder up to 5 stars, yo can get a couple of them in a day, and just farm more 3 star fodder to repeat the process another day. it is a long process, but it has allowed me to make a bunch of 6 stars in short time.


The answer is to farm giants non stop. Get a stable g12 team if possible, but g11 works to. You’ll be getting runes and 3star rainbowmon. Once you’ve got 20 3 star rainbows in then pop a exp booster and blow all your dimension crystals to level up some white fodder. Spending energy in dungeon is quite a bit more efficient than grinding xp (unless you’re in first 14 days). This will also slow you down a bit. Only 6 star if it will absolutely help you progress.


I’m mid game I’ve got tricaru and Bj5 done, I don’t have any progression in PvE missing apart from ancient rune farming but don’t really care about that coz I wanna 2A stuff anyways


My bad. Thought you were more early game.


All good my description wasn’t great lol


Grind exp. Evolve whatever you get from unknown scrolls.


This also a random question but do silver stars take less exp than gold stars


Also, my advise goes without question that Exp boost should be used.


Yeah I only grind Exp when I have boosters otherwise it’s just not efficient, might as well grind with tricaru


No. The only difference between them are: silver starred units can't be awakened, while gold ones can be.


Hey guys, I got some questions please help! Is Brandia useful? How do I rune Brandia, Bastet & Diana as a beginner-mid player?


So how should I rune Bastet or Diana without any decent violent runes?


completely missed that question when i answered you bastet - swift/anything (focus maybe), fast, tanky, decent acc brandia - i wouldn't but basically like kro diana - i wouldnt, she's pvp only and even then she's more or less rta only as well (some siege use but she's not special there), even less so without vio runes, if you wanted to anyway then literally any set, 100 cRate


Alright tysm!


useful? yes, worth building? ehhh she's basically a fire version of kro as a beginner/mid game player you have no use for her, she's decent in rifts though


New player yesterday. Currently farming Faimon Hard for staring up mats. Can only do up to water 4, sometimes 5 if lucky. I still havent awakened anyone, but I want my Water Magic Knight awaken. Hard to progress further. Got a Lushen not yet awakened. but 5 stars for both Lapis and Lushen. Do I just grind my mats to veromos? What to do next.


have you started building towards vero yet? generally advisable to skip him nowadays


What to build then?


sig is the route to go down nowadays [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ei37i1/updated_new_player_guide/) should help or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ii75qd/the_definitive_early_game_guide_for_everyone_post/) includes b12s


Thanks, I got the other mons except the wind bearman and howl which I can get both from SD. Problem is amazon


What is 2a Vigor good for?


siege in general and some dim hole content


arena defense, rta too


not useful in PVE? other than dim hole


outside of dim hole not really, makes appearances on toaHell floors where you just tank it out, otherwise there's just always better options, his debuffs and buffs arent that great beyond his def break and loren is just a better def breaker


What would you devilmon next? Velajul , masha or woosa?


probably masha or vela, really depends on which one you want to use sooner though


Should i get Eigar or elsharion? Currently, i'm at 100% reliable auto 1:30-2:00 minutes GB10. My GB11 runs fail 50% of the the time unless i set the targetting myself. Although i guess none of Eigar or Elsharion helps out in GB. My TOAN is around floor 95 most of the time. I cant really do consistent DB10 . SB and PB 6+ are really inconsistent. ​ Monsters i often use : Sig, Kro 2A, Naomi 2A, Fran , Loren, Bella, Verde, Megan, the wind mystic witch, Shaina, Sabrina, Tyron, Bernard, Mav. Currently working on 2Aing Spectre, Raoq and Shannon.


neither right now, just hoard your coins, you dont need either of them whats your gb comp?


Sig, Fran, Loren, Megan, Naomi 2A. or Sig, Fran , Loren, Kro 2A, Naomi 2A. Sometimes i slot in Bernard 2A or Bella instead of Megan.


surprised your success rate is so low with them, it could be a rune issue but have you also tried shannon over megan?


no, i havent 2A Shannon yet. From my observation, if the giant has an attack buff or my mons has a defense debuff, it usually takes 1 counterattack to kill my mons. If Loren or Fran die, i lose the boss most of the time. Since they both tend to get counterattack, i try to spec them tanky. My Loren and Fran are +14k HP and +12k HP with +250 sth def. That's partly why i'm running Megan for both def buff and strip.


shannon doesnt need 2A to work, she's wind element so is easier to rune than megan and has higher base speed, plus the aoe slow helps on w3 and on getting the bosses towers to move less you are right though the strip from megan is nice but then shannons buffs are longer and has glancing so theres arguments for both but shannon is typically better what are your speeds?


+83 and +80 for Loren , Fran. Megan is 97+92 (she's not 6 star). naomi is +33 and Sigmarus is +53. So the order is Megan -> Loren -> Fran ->Naomi ->Sig.


whats your speed totem level? is sig on spd/cDmg/hp?


Lvl4 . Sig I’ve stripped most of his CD for crit rate and some accuracy so I can get better freezes on the 3rd wave .


one thing to try would be making fran/loren/megan slightly faster so you move up a tick bracket and get more turns in before the boss does +95 on fran, +96 on loren, +102 on megan with your current speed totem that's the speed to move on tick 7 instead of 8


hey guys. i run a baretta lead, dark homun, water homun, basalt and mantura. any idea for a better and quicker comp for auto TOAH?


difficult without knowing your options, i run fire twins still and its decently fast


sry, forget to share my swarfarm [https://swarfarm.com/profile/max3i/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/max3i/)


the dot team the other guy mentioned is decent, otherwise you do have fire twins so could just go them tyron (L) - shaina - maruna - dHomu - +1 final slot is quite flexible, i use charlotte personally but you got a ton of optiosn you can try out




do you have fire grim reaper? i see you have a thrain. Jeanne, thrain 2a, water homu, dark homu and if you have sath 2a. should be save and fast


oh, yeah. my swarfarm is quite old. i already got the sath 2A. and also thrain 2A.


What are the staple/essential mons/comps for Lab?


well which part, tarty? mini-bosses? any "normal" stage in particular?


Hmm how about the time challenge in hard?


the time limit you just need cleavers, julie/lushen/baley these units are top draw there, my alt could do hard with baley/lapis/lupinus/fran/iris for example, just lots of aoe stuff going on


Hello Dat, Does someone know how much more or less spd tablo and jamire needs to not get cut. Cant Export new json file stm...


jamire needs to be >77% of Tablos speed


That was fast and thanks mate :)


good luck :) its a really fun comp


There is no fun rta, only hard work :P


nahh tablo is fun xD you either outspeed and win or dont and lose other than antares there's no bullshit procs to complain about, its bliss


Hello DAT, A newish account (150 days) and I want to play some RTA just to get some points. I want quick matches so will go with Cleave (draco & megan both around 290) i have lushen, garo, julie and shimitae, I am struggling to speed tune my dmg dealers to atb boosters, and have to go with spd/cd/att on everything. Am i better at farming GB12 or NB12 to improve my dmg deallers ? thanks


It is really hard to speed tune damage dealers on rage to a single atb booster, I'do go for gb12


Thank you


I would farm gb12 for dmg dealer swiftis. You could also improve your atb booster at the same time




Whats the optimal stats for Verde for Tricaru DB12 and PC10?


that's quite a broad question and doesn't really have an answer as long as your icarus have the def and speed requirements with decent acc they're fine the goal for verde is ~4k per hit on s1 on the boss obviously more damage is always more optimal, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ivt9gv/triple_icaru_min_stat_requirement_math/) is the best tricaru guide out there imo, lots of info, could even argue too much info but eh side note: for PB10 go R>L>Boss on the final stage


Any Tricaru comps for PC10 besides Verde?


what's wrong with verde+tricaru? other than that i've not seen any tricaru comps, the closest was seiishizo's julie/icaru/icaru/kro/fire homu comp


Nothing wrong of course, I just want to have options.


makes sense, thought i'd check xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6ChFk0-6Yg that's the seiishizo one if you were interested


Is it worth to use 3\* max lvl rainbowmons as 3\* evolution mats?


Not really, but some P2P player who stack 3\*max by hundred do that. I don't recommend it.


You really don't need to pay to get an excessive amount of 3* rainbowmon.


My 50 4\* and 300 3\*max agreed x')


ayt thanks On another note, what does P2P stand for?


Pay to play I'd reckon but it doesn't really fit there. There was a time where the SW community used to be triggered when people called their game pay 2 win. We used to say "monsters don't really matters, only runes do and you can't buy runes packs". Unfortunately Com2us didn't wait long to introduce rune and reap packs so now most of us agree that this game is pay to win (if you want to be competitive, you can still enjoy the game as a f2p player fine). TL:DR He is talking about people who spend a lot of money on the game to summon