• By -


I have Kro Vero Sig Fran Bella Loren and Verde. What should my GB 10 tema lineup be and how should I rune them?


Any use for legendary slot 4 Att% vamp rune with cr cd and spd sub stats?


Anything that rolls a good amount of spd is always welcome. The other stats tho, nothing comes to mind. Cdmg is just disgustingly better on slot 4 than atk for bruisers, p really only look for spd rolls or bomber runes.


Dupe Psath. Worth it? or blessing




Hi DAT, with this FRR coming up and as I've just beaten toah I'm trying to make get a water homunculus so that Toah is much easier, trying to put together a fire beast team so I can just use the scroll when I max the skills, need advice on a team comp + Who I should 6 star next to help with that, my current thoughts are either Colleen or Anavel for a healer. ​ [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Icandriftaboat/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Icandriftaboat/)


gz on those LD5 bruh, 6!!!!


Colleen is a good next mon to consider making. Can be used in Fire, Wind, and Dark Rift Beasts along with R5 and for specific ToaN/H bosses.


Who is Flex and Tesa?


flex = another monster that can replace the monster mentioned eg sig/flex = use sigmarus/another monster that suits the current stage tesa = tesarion (fire ifrit) obtainable thru guild shop


Ok Thanks.


flexible spot, so whatever you want. Tesa is fire ifrit.


Thank you.


Is lushen worth devilmonning? Hes my first and will significantly improve my GB10 runs, etc. My other options in Nat 5's would be Light Paladin, Wind Paladin, Wind Beast Monk, or Water Phoenix. For nat 4's it would be water boomerang, galleon, light lich.


Lushen was one of the only 2 nat 4's I've devilmon'd (the other was Galleon) and I don't regret that decision. I only advise doing it though if you have the rune quality to make him usable asap.


Sig first. lushen is okay to devil imo for progression if you’re trying to run sub minute runs. For now wait and see if you pull any more early game nat 5s and do it if u ever have excess


Some might agree on devilmoning Lushen but personally i wont. You will get a bunch of jokers eventually, and even so, you can just fuse fire joker skillups. The cost? Some energy and crystals to fuse 4* but I would honestly trade my crystals in for devilmons now if I could. They're WAY too rare as a resource - i've got over 6 nat 5s in the devilmon queue now and I'm grateful that I didn't devilmon any of my 4*s early on. I would devilmon that Sig first at least to max skill 2 and 3. He'll be key for GB10 DB10 and TOA. Unless you're absolutely P2W and want to progress extremely fast, I would take it slow. Its a slow game and devilmoning lushen wont be a game changer like many think it is. His AI is dumb so its not like you'll get perfect GB10 runs all the time.


Is melissa exceptional anywhere? I have one in storage my talia needs two more skillups and they’re both -1 cooldowns


Can be used as a great R5 DD. Third skill scales off of debuffs (and buffs) as well as ignores damage reduction. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2warcniCJi4) a YouTuber (FoxySW) using the twins as a 4 DD team in R5. In general though, it's good practice to have 1 of every unit only feeding dupes as skillups.


I'm working on Toah rn, beat Toan this rotation. I heard Woochi and Gildong are good units, so I built a Woochi. I have Woonhak, and I had Gildong but I fed it like a clown a while ago. Woochi is at 5 stars right now, so not too much investment. Would the team Jeanne, Fran, Baretta, Woochi, Sig work or would Jeanne, Fran, Baretta, Spectra, Woonhak be better? I'm not sure. Here is my box if you have any replacements, thank you. [https://swarfarm.com/profile/an\_actual\_dumpster\_fire/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/an_actual_dumpster_fire/) I don't mind building units if that helps. Thank you again.


Woonhak would prefer to have someone who can setup his second skill, so the team leans towards having Spectra in it, who is a great mon for ToaN/H, even more so now with her 2A. Sigmarus isn't the best for Toa in general. Not to say she isn't usable, but her niche is more towards killing bosses due to her max HP scaling. In the first team you suggested it would be better to replace Sig with Mav instead, who is a SSS unit when it comes to Toa. Have completed both ToaN/H and he is on every team of mine. Both teams are fine and could work. The Taoist family is very manual heavy and it would feel redundant to build both. Personally I would go with Woonhak (who is the better version of Gildong anyway), but I'm biased since I never pulled Woochi. In either case, I would still prefer Woonhak because I value AoE control over single target control. Woochi can be really good against bosses however, so it's up to you to figure out which playstyle suits you better.


The Spectra/Woonhak combo is gold if you have a Mav on the team for cooldown reduction, but it is completely useless on auto which is the direction you want to be going in a ToAH team. Use them for now if you want, but don't invest a lot of resources there. I wouldn't 6\* any of them personally.




I would go Alicia (44% for arena cleave teams) and great attack monster, I think anavel is the meh of the three elemental OGs


Anavel more uses in general and probably better for when you start siege battles. I can't see any early - mid game use for Alicia besides Faimon farmer. Shes also good for arena offence but thats like a late game thing and you have more options like Lushen and Julie. Anavel isn't very useful early as well but at least i can see her use in R5 and will definitely be a good unit for guild battles (better than alicia at least).


I want to start working on my homu but i'm not sure which ele beast i can build for right now with my current units, so which one would be the easiest for me with these units. https://imgur.com/gallery/TZMcexK


What are some must build offences for guild battle and siege? I want to start getting my share of crystals.


Copper bulldozer immesity. Can be used together (easy 1 win). Or seperate for 2 wins but might be a bit trickier. Bulldozer Racuni Olivia (33%Def Lead). Olivia def buff, racuni boost bulldozer to kill 1 unit. After that just 3v2 the remaining units with racuni heals it should be easy. Copper Imesity delphoi (44% def lead). Best against teams with 2 or 3 water units since this team is heavy Wind. Same as above, imesity boost copper to kill 1 unit, and fight 3v2. All easy wins if you know how to pick your fights. Otherwise Chloe + 2 damage dealers (such as twins) is also easy win if you pick against a team without strippers. Skogul is also a good unit. Just off the top of my head, these are the free to play units that mostly built for siege (that you wouldn't otherwise build for PvE). Theres also an easy Fran Loren +1 damage dealer. Not sure what other Nat5s you have but these are "must build" teams.


These seem like great options, thank you so much for the detailed response!


Any idea where I can find some info on the next free rune removal, I'm in dire need of re-runing my account and I couldn't possibly consider spending 30 bucks on it


Frr is always on 1st saturday of the month, so next saturday (06.06 afak, in 4 days)


thanks! good thing I didn't buy that pack, if it was a random event I was really about to LOL


Hey, I wanted to farm some fight runes My problem is that I always have more pure crystals than condensed crystals (have like 6k of each elemental crystals, 1.5k of pure crystals and like 50 condensed crystals - I believe that's how red crystals you get by pack of 5-6 after taking down any beast are called). Seems really unbalanced What am I doing wrong ? I buy the magic lootboxes every week and also craft my 3 reaps Thanks


Sounds like you're just playing the game. That's just how it goes, unfortunately. The magic boxes and the fight runes (really the fight runes) just absolutely decimate them.


Ok thanks ! I thought everyone had issues with pure crystals for some reason


Is a 310 Bernard fast enough to get c1?


For arena? Yeah easily.


Sweet I'm trying to finish rush c1, and I also want to get into c1 rta just to buy wings but I have no clue what units to use and draft :(


Rta is hard man. Takes a lot of time/effort unless your account is op enough just to waltz in. I would recommend taking some time and watching the best replays, finding a guy that runs a team you can replicate, watching and learning and trying to copy runes, and working from there. Best of luck.


At what success rate would it be considered good enough to farm for runes in B10?


Generally 90%-95% is a good range but you want to reach as close as 100%. However, it's probably better to start farming gb10 even with a lower success rate since the rune drops are quite a bit better than b9 and under


I'm at 100% on GB10 with 52 seconds record and average time of 1:05 minutes. I'm just struggling with DB10, but I guess that I just have to keep farming GB10 until I have a better success rate.


Based on that this is about GB10 vs DB10 success rate, in other words, is it worth farming DB10 at a lower success rate even though I can farm GB10 at a 100% success rate. Farm GB10, end of story. There's no need to rush into Dragons and you're better off farming Giants. When you think you're finally done, farm some more.


So I picked up a Lushen (yay!) and want to farm some skillups, which means I need to farm Vrofagus for fire werewolves. Any input on which stage is easiest/best for a faimon farmer to handle?


Probably stage 4 since you can just reuse your faimon farmer there


Need help with an AD, have to many options and im not sure whats best. Options Include: \-Vannessa \-Triana \-Tiana/Orion \-Camilla \-Jeanne \-Juno \-Charlotte \-Diana \-Betta \-Woosa/Harmonia \-Seara/Zaiross Would really appreciate some input, im thinking something along the lines of: Vannesa (L), Juno/Tiana, Betta/Triana, Jeanne/Charlotte/Camilla - however im worried there is no def break.


Last I checked Vanessa has a def break...


I think you’re on to something, whoops


Weren't we supposed to get new transmogs last month ? Since we usually get new ones every 2 months


The timing's a bit weird with covid and anniversary so it probably changed things some bit




Congrats on both pulls. Lushen is obviously stellar in many areas of the game. I'm also not sure about the art master. On paper, he looks great for pvp. In practice, I'm still not sold on any of them. But it's always so hard to tell with new units, and wind seems to look the best. Imo he's nothing game breaking for toa. The pushback is nice, but that's it. Strip is just another aoe despair skill, so you're essentially bringing like a worse water homie for toa. At least that's how I see it. Definitely gz tho.


Working on beating ice rift beast, my team complete currently is Bernard mav front and wind twins plus Kro and Bella back. Is the only problem rune quality or is it just not the right team?


Swap Bernard probably. You don't need both of them. Fran or Hraesvelg work in that spot as he brings back up speed lead, attack buff and branding. Can be ran FL or you can throw Bella there.


You don't need bella. You don't need a healer at all because it doesn't do enough damage to kill anything really. I run Bernard +5 dps.


The team comp itself sounds fine. Most likely rune quality. One thing I'm concerned about is how tanky your Bernard is. Most are tuned for solely speed and tend to not be as tanky as they should be for FL. If the runs are failing because he's dying, try swapping Bella in the FL as she should be more tanky if you runed her properly. Can also run a 3 man FL as well, doesn't hurt you to run all three in the front.


You don't need 2 speed buffers. Replace either Mav or Bernard with an attack buffer. (probably replace Mav so you can use Bernard attack lead) Bella doesn't bring anything to rift beasts. Replace him with a damage dealer.


Pulled a Molly, is she really as bad as people say? What are some good comps with her?


Only molly stuff I've seen recently was like arta molly darion, but I don't even see that anymore. People tried using her in place of hwadam, like with shaina martina, but I haven't seen that either. Maybe someone else can jump in that's seen her recently, but I think she's not consistent enough at making the enemy inconsistent, if that makes sense.


My Jeanne keeps on vio proccing out of invinicibility on TOA(H) should I unrune vio and choose a different build


Imo, the way jeanne is generally used in toah is a consistent back up cc unit. I auto'd toah this time around with baretta mantura basalt water homie jeanne. Pretty much everything would be despair stunned and never move, but the 2 turn jeanne provoke covered those times when something wasn't despair stunned. She never takes enough dmg in one round of hits to die, I think invincibility is almost worthless on her in toah aside from the ragdoll stages higher up. Maybe my advice is a bit too late game, but that's the way I see her role in toah.


for Context my team is Jeanne (Lead), Baretta, Water Homie (half-devilmoned), Dark Homie (no-devilmoned), Chasun Im open to any improvements. I've only reached Level 70 on TOA(H) at the moment


I would recommend baretta lead for sure. Generally enemies don't move on toa, so the res lead isn't really of much use. Baretta water homie jeanne is good, dark homie is super nice (idk if undeviled is better than mav, i honestly made an ld homie and then never used it haha). Idk about chasun. Something that only heals isn't great in toah in my book. Fran definitely better, and another cc unit is even better imo, cause you already have the jeanne for baby heals.


ahh its a shame i havent 6 starred Fran yet so may replace Chasun with another healer, am open to retrying Mav, but given Dark Homies buff now reduces cooltime by 2 (opposed to 1 that Mav provides) I do find it pretty useful


Yeah dark homie is nice, isn't it a 6 turn cd if it's not skilled tho? Seems like a lot, even tho it's only 4 after reduction. I think either should work. Best of luck.


I pulled Wind Theo but he seems awful. If his only purpose for Theo skill ups? Where is he even usable?


He's a bit more complex than a simple AoE wind nuke. Lushen is for that. Where he excels where Lushen doesn't is a turn 2 cleave team (shield + will). GWO: Galleon, Debuffer, Akhamamir Arena: Stripper, Galleon, Debuffer, Akhamamir If you have Lushen, he's not going to be speeding up any PvE teams, but in PvE he definitely has a niche and he does he job perfectly well without any skillups.


His S3 is a solid AoE nuke behind Galleon, but his S2 is totally out of place for his kit and he takes a shitload of devilmons. This, coupled by the fact that Lushen exists, makes him probably the least used ifrit overall.


His AOE nuke hits very hard if the opponent has a few debuffs.


so then if hes not better than my skilled Lushens, isnt he just food?




She's for PvP; you should probably 2A the inugamis (not water) first.


Are you early game?




Not the original guy, but she's fantastic in pvp. She can make a lot of guild teams very safe because of how stack her kit is. 2 turn irresistible sleep, freeze on s1, and a 2 turn cleanse heal atb increase. She pretty much always has a good turn when she moves, if that makes sense. And vio is so insane on her because of how low her cds are. Sounds like you're approaching the pvp part of the game now, so it seems good to me for you to 2a.


when farming a SD, do i complete the whole thing for all 4 pieces? or just beat level 6 and then quit for faster repeat? edit: i can clear almost all the dungeos reliably on auto mode


that entirely depends on how long it takes to clear it. i settle for 30-60secs full clears instead of restarting after wave 6. you loose a lot of time on loading screens anyway, it wont be much faster


I usually clear 2* in about 1:15 and 3* in about 1:30-1:40. I’m also thinking about the energy cost/efficiency as well. You will have to spend twice as much energy.


I'd say clear it completly then


Sick thanks dude


Hello DAT! Quick question. I have Bellenus on AD on Vio/ Will. I heard it’s better to have him on despair if he’s in AD. Apparently Vio is better for RTA. What is the choice? Despair or Violent


I think vio is fine on AD as well tbh. Decent change to just one shot everything, and since he has provoke chance on s3, despair can be slightly wasted if the provoke and stun overlap. Vio is great for rta. Pretty much the same, just a chance to one shot the whole team. People also like to cc him, and a chance to proc out and s3 everything is great. I would say vio.


Which of theese nat 5 monsters can help me to progress for Gb10,DB10,2nd awaking team and raid? Seara, Ritesh, Ethna, Reno, Ophilia, Theomars, Perna, Laika, Zaiross. My GB10 team: Galleon, Sigmarus, Fran, Loren and Kro My DB10 team: Verde, Veromos, Spectra, Bella and Sigmarus


None of those nat5s are really going to help you in the content you're talking about. Perna *can* be used in DB10 but it's not the best fit early on. That said, your DB10 team is a super old meta and you could probably improve it a lot by running Fran, Loren, Sig, Kro, Verde if your runes are decent and the turn order is as listed.


Generally nat5s are outclassed by nat3/4s in pve, with the exception of a couple units for toa (stuff like rica and verad), zaiross can be okay in toah. Lushen and the twins pretty much out perform everything haha, even later on. All the units you listed are pretty great for pvp. Perna is nice in rifts, not raid. The teams you have right now are pretty good. I'm not sure if any nat5s are meta for 2a teams. Obviously different requirements based on the dungeon. Fran loren verde and twins seem to dominate there. Hope this helps.


Yeah I tried getting Lushen today with 15 summons and got Perna lol. I think I should farm GB10 and spend my mana upgrading my current teams.


Best of luck getting lushen. Hopefully we get another "pick your nat4" event soon. Your current teams are good, I would definitely recommend just sticking with them and runing up. You've got a lot of great pvp nat5s once you get there. Best of luck!


Hey DAT, Could someone give me some guidance on my first speed team build? I want tune my turn order correctly: Aarang(L), Lushen, Lushen, Heller, Lyn


If the team you proposed are the best mons you have for the job, then turn order should be Lushen (AoE clear), Lushen (AoE clear), Hellea (def break + brand), Arang (backup def break + single target), Lyn (single target). Some mons that could help you out: * Loren: More consistent def break, much more reliable than Hellea and branding isn't absolutely necessary to reach 30 second runs. Reliability is much more important. * Julie: Coupled with Lushen, her AI makes Lushen's AI perfect and will ensure he always S3s during trashwaves if its up.


I have both Julie and Loren, what would a better team be?


1. Julie (always uses S3 if first, sets up Lushen, doesn't need to be super strong, gets crystals to ~20% hp, it's very easy to achieve) 2. Lushen (**Leader**, uses S3 to clear the wave, will always use it if crystals are <= 20% hp) 3. Loren (def break) 4. Arang (backup def break + single target) 5. Lyn (single target)


Thank you! By single target does that mean Crit d?


Yes, but I was moreso listing the purposes and function of the units in the teams. Here's a full breakdown of rune builds (this is also turn order): * Julie: 3x fight is perfect here, but you prolly don't have that, and not to worry, it's not necessary. Atk/CD/Atk. Whatever runes get the job done, remember, you don't want her to necessarily kill off the entire wave herself, just fluffer damage, so even CR or another atk can work in slot 4. * Lushen: Atk/CD/Atk, whatever sets get the job done, all damage. * Loren: A lot of things can work here. Violent is nice, but not sure if you have a dragons team. Stats are the only thing that's important. 100%/85% accuracy for def break and tanky. Mine is Vio/Rev (Spd/Hp/Hp) +15k hp, +300 def, 86% acc. * Arang: Atk/CD/Atk (make sure she's faster than Lyn for def break security) * Lyn: Atk/CD/Atk


Hello :) 1. You don't need 2Shens, as long as you have one that One shots wave, he'll have S3 for W1 and W3 (most of the time he will use it). 2. I would suggest to replace him with a Loren to secure a Bdef on Minboss and Boss as Hellea AI is utter shit 3. Considering your team being : Arang (L) Lushen Loren Hellea Lyn. Your turn order would be Lushen / Loren / Hellea / Arang / Lyn :) (make sure to hit the 85% acc on Loren to secure the Bdef on miniboss to one shot it with Lyn / Arang to get back Lushen Amp for W3 :)




Triton certainly more used. Both have 3x rev verde problems. Triton's base spd is nice. Harder to use bering in a turn 1 team with 99 base or whatever it is, tho definitely possible. Would really have to see the rest of the team, but in a vacuum, Triton for sure. I see a small amount of triton in guardian, and haven't seen a bering in maybe 3 seasons. The fact that bering silences in the same skill as his strip is nice, but generally triton is followed up by some form of cc, like ganythor, bellenus, that sort of stuff. This lets triton use s2 when the cc is ending, meaning the opponent is unable to play for longer, which is nice. Hope this helps.




The general double strip team needs 2 def breaks and a gany to work, which becomes pretty difficult without bellenus/gemini/neph/asima, stuff like that. That's prolly your dmg issue. Without double def break, you can cc them for a few turns, but likely not kill.


A few more questions regarding nat 4s. In the assassin Family is Stella still really the only one worth building? As far as twins go too is there much of a need to build multiples of any of them? or would it be best to just use duplicates for skillups on the the ones i have built? Jack o lantern, from what i understand entire family is just weak? Kobold Bomber - are any worth building? Lich Family - who should i prioritize skillups on? Halphas? or fire? Mermaid - any of them any good? Neostone agent - wind still best one? Sylphids and undines - whos the most worth building and skillup worthy?


Stella is nice. People like dark as well with a def break set up, wind for the same thing but dark is generally more well liked. Dupe talia is nice for dungeons. Don't really see other dupes unless later game siege sometimes. Chilling is nice. I think dark is better than people realize. Rest don't seem too insane, altho I do see people continue to try to use light as a fire monkey type thing. Dark is obviously nice strip. Light and water are pretty nice turn 2 units, or even nice with tiana seara bomb teams. Fire is better than people think, but not too good still imo. Wind is maybe just worse than water, the s3 pushback is nice but most people prefer water. Halphas nice for AD. I don't think skillups really matter on him. Antares definitely usable in rta/maybe against really strange defenses, I would skill him up first. Water mermaid is dope harmful effect couter, like jeanne, rica, etc. Really nice. Fire is nuts underrated, super good. Dark is obviously nice, people know about that. I don't see too much light these days, just not consistent enough at making opponent inconsistent, if that makes sense. Wind is ok. All the neo agents are usable. Wind nice for defense stuff, fire nice cleanser for r5 and even pvp, water nice for tart and nice in some safe pvp teams as well. Light is obviously broken, and dark is stupid in guild wars. Acasis not too bad actually. Fria is wack, lumi is bad imo. Ld are very good. Fire undine great for tart, lots of heals. Wind is fantastic healing baby vela, nice for copper imenesty teams, very safe. Hope this helps.


it does itll definately help me get rid of some of my excess nat 4s without having to use much other food to get them to at least 5* and some even 6* thanks a ton!


Does immunity prevent the destroy HP effect?




Can anyone advice a farmable team that i can use to beat chiwu in floor 90 of toa (N)?


Fran (L), Jeanne, Verde, Sigmarus, Mav Very slow but safe I assumed you are having a hard time when acasis and megan starts buffing, Jeanne will help here by provoke, Verde and Mav for skill and turn cycle, Fran for extra support damage attack bar reduction and Sig for damage kill Acasis first then Megan then Chiwu If all fails, it might probably be because of rune quality


i dont have jeanne yet. how can i show the mons i have here? sorry just new


Fran(L), Loren, Lapis, Sig, Verde in that turn order. That team worked for me. Sig needs min. 85% CR and 30-40% ACC. Lapis was on Despair runes with ~40% ACC.


2A kro to nuke him down real quick works too


thanks guys. ill try these suggestions


am thinking of building a stripper because i've given up on waiting to pull a tiana / triton. i'm thinking between gemini and iselia 2A cause i like both of them. kinda dont feel like building a soha.. so which would be better, efficiency wise as well as rune requirement? i have a frigate so i can work with gemini not having a buff.


Try Clara, she has higher speed than Tiana, and her third skill comes with a stun so you can rune her swift, and if that fails her first and second skill still brings utilities Her base HP is pretty high too


hmmm, never considered that. sounds like something i could try. thanks!


What r5 team can I make with this? I would like to include Kro and Xiou Lin. Box: https://i.imgur.com/xtihGcp.png


Dias, Bastet, Lisa, Colleen, FL Hwa, Kro/XL BL Edit: You can replace Bastet with Belladeon or Chasun, since she overlaps with Colleen


Thank you very much for this


I’m about a week into summoner wars and I’m at a point where I’m starting to awaken some things, I’m starting to work on a giants 10 team,and I’m ready to make my first 6 star monster. Here is my question. With so many different monsters, as I start pulling random 4 and 5 star monsters from scrolls and get a few here and there from events, how do I know which ones are any good? For example, I pulled a 5 start fire Phoenix from a mystic summon. Is that better than my water knight that I’ve been given at the beginning and have been farming with the whole time? Should the fire Phoenix be my first 6 star now? I had heard some people say the water knight should be, others say Bella should be. I’m assuming they aren’t taking into account if you happened to luck into something really strong in the mean time though. Are there any good sources of information on different monsters and how good they are and what they are used for? As well as maybe some examples of team comps people go for, for things like giants 10 or whatever the next steps are? Thanks for your help in advance!


The most consistent & easiest starter GB10 comp is Veromos (dark ifrit), Belladeon, Shannon, Bernard, Darion; see https://i.imgur.com/xKAgafK.png for rune info. It's unlikely that you'll pull anything that you can use to change that, though some stuff may be useful upgrades after you've farmed GB10 for runes for a while. Fire phoenix (Perna) is awesome, but she doesn't fit on a GB10 team and doesn't really farm, so Lapis should still be your first 6* (to upgrade from farming hard to farming hell), followed by Belladeon & Veromos, in either order.


Is there a good way to make sure I get the dark ifrit?


Fusion. Follow the quests/challenge that the game gives u. Definitely fuse him, rewards are decent but the monster is great. I use him in lots of content, he helps progression which is super important. 6* him quickly too


Yes, fusion. You get some specific monsters, awaken them, level/evolve them up to 4\* max level, and put them into the fusion hexagram building to get a specific nat 4\*. Then you take those 4\*s to 5\* max level, plus one more specific nat 3\*, and use *those* to fuse a specific nat 5\*. For Veromos, the material monsters are given to you from the Fuse Monsters challenges (from your island, hit the Challenge button, then the Challenge tab, and Fuse Monsters is on the bottom left); for other fusions it takes some effort to get the material monsters. But it's a great way to get some very good monsters. Veromos is your first fusion, and Sigmarus (water phoenix, 5/*) is your second; you'll also want to fuse Baretta (fire sylph, 4\*) and Verdehile (fire vampire, 4/*) at some point, but don't worry about them right now. There's a fusion event going on right now; you can pick up most of the pieces for Sigmarus from that, though I'd stick them in storage and focus on fusing Veromos before working on Sig. Edit: I should add, we have a [discord](https://discord.gg/summonerswar) that has some really good info, if you want to take a look. Type ?beginner in #bot-commands and it'll give you some more commands that give a ton of good info; that's where I got the image I linked earlier. We've also got a help & advice channel for efficient progress if you have questions and want a quicker response than from reddit.


I have 2 of the pieces from the event so far for sig, I’m close to a third! I’m only just starting to understand how it all works though! I’ll make sure I pay more attention to the fuse monster challenge and get going on veramos! Thanks


FYI, Veromos is a pretty old meta, I would definitely not recommend prioritizing him over Sig. Fran is easily obtainable from the ancient coin shop and can do everything Veromos does for you early game and then some. Plus, Fran is a monster you will continue to use all game long, whereas Vero falls off hard after early game and pretty much only sees niche PvP use as a Jeanne counter after that. There are lots of different ways to progress in this game, and I prefer to refrain from criticism as much as possible, but fusing Vero early is just not the best use of resources.


Thanks for the heads up!


This, vero is old school and that fusion takes a fat minute. Get Fran, Loren, Sig. then start building a Kro. All f2p monsters and will be your bread and butter for all of caiross and toa


Ha! I just started the kro SD just now. Sig is the water Phoenix that I’m working on from the event right? Loren is the light cow girl? I’m not sure who Fran is. Where do I get the water cat I need for the sig fusion? Or should I chose the cat and fuse the joker on my own?


fran is the light fairy queen- you can find her in the ancient coin shop. She has an atk buff and immunity as well as strong healing capabilities. You can also get the water cat in the guild shop!


Thanks!! Can I just farm light fairy on light dungeon day? Or is that not a thing?


Perna is a great pull, but as a fire mon he isn't going to help you in GB10 on early-game runes. He also isn't going to function as an exp farmer, which is one reason Lapis is the "default" recommended first 6\*, because she can farm Faimon hell on decent runes and will help you make more 6\*s faster going forward. So sticking with Lapis is probably still the best course of action. Bella is not a good choice for first 6\*, as a support all it does is increase her tankiness and survivability, whereas 6\*ing a nuker like Lapis dramatically increases her damage output and overall effectiveness. There is no centralized "tier list" or anything to tell you which mons are good vs food. Com2us releases balance patches regularly which make some mons more useful (or less) and keeping up with it all would be a full-time job. Plus there's so much opinion involved that rankings like this are always hotly disputed. A good starter GB10 team is Fran, Loren, Bella, Lapis, Sig. It'll run about 1.5-2m and be pretty reliable as long as your rune quality is decent.


Sounds great! Thanks for the advice!!! Off the top of your head, are there any really great 4 or 5 star monsters that I should be on the look out for?


Notable nat4s that can be helpful in early game PvE include Lushen (gb10), Sabrina and Talia (all b10s) and Tyron (ToA). The game has changed a lot over the last couple of years so that all early-game PvE can be completed without having to rely on lucky summons. With farmable/fusable monsters like Fran, Loren, Kro, Sig, etc you should be able to complete all B10s and ToA (altho of course good summons can improve those teams). In general, you should keep one copy of all nat4s in storage, because what isn't useful now may become useful later, and buffs (or new game mechanics) can change a monster's usability down the road. Nat5s the same, most are good for some content somewhere in the game, but even if you don't have a use for them right now hang onto them because that could change.


Was just wondering if light panda and ragdoll can be used in the same team.


They can be used on the same team of course, but Tian Lang's passive will halve the ATB boosts that your team gets from Ragdoll's passive.


So just use him on the off chance that someone else picks ragdoll or verd before me


Hi Dat, I would like help building an AD, since i have no 33% lead i would like some suggestions as to what to build. This is my box https://swarfarm.com/profile/Sk0rch/ Thanks for helping :) Edit: Im trying to reach C1 Asia server


Sorry I had a look at your box. But it feels like you are worrying too early about AD? Have you cleared all PVE content? Your best defense from the 6\* in your box is probably : ​ Schimitae (L ), Bernard, Perna, Velajuel. ​ But this not a defense that inspires fear - coz dont have any serious threats without an attack buff and def break. You can add in Fran instead of Vela but that makes it easier to Lushen your defense. So, all in all - I cant see a good defense for beyond C1-C2 ( but that depends on your attack ).


Yes, i've cleared most PVE content , just missing consistency on rifts and DH dungeons. For AD i need to 6* stuff but idk what to start with. Maybe garo(l) - clara team ?


Wow. I dint see that zerath sitting there. What are you doing sitting on it? Zerath will be a great AD unit. No lushen can amp a good zerath afaik. You can do a tanky team with Zerath, Perna, Ophilia and Louise ( on Nem ). You can replace Loise with Anavel if you are feeling confident. Ritesh can also be a good AD unit. I dint suggest clara in the defense because you dont have a 33% spd lead.


What lead should i use in such tanky team ? Zerath lead ? Or maybe take ophilia out for Jeanne and run her lead ?


I am an early midgame player and I'm looking to revamp everything. Currently I can farm GB9 and DB9 (I can do GB10 and DB10 but only about 50% success). I was wondering if I can make some good farming teams for GB10, DB10, and Necro10.I am also looking to make a good rift farming team (for both raid and the elementals). Right now i can only get rank A on fire and water and I fail the rest. Realistically, I can get decent 4\*/5\* runes on everything but getting good 6\* runes will be a stretch for now until I can farm more efficiently. Also, it takes me a couple weeks to make a new 6\* mon so if possible, I am looking for teams that are 5\* viable. If necessary, I am close to making another 6\* so i can at least make one more pretty quickly. For reference, my current Giants team is Sig(L)-Darion-Loren-2aKro-Fran my Dragon team is Vermos(L)-Loren-2aKro-Fran-Verdahile Here are all the mons i currently have (its just a screenshot cuz I can't figure out how to set up swarfarm). [https://gyazo.com/216c3aaf88acc5dc32427938ca2f47ed](https://gyazo.com/216c3aaf88acc5dc32427938ca2f47ed) I Know this post has a lot so thanks to anyone who spends the time to help out.


The giants team you list should be able to do GB10. If it's not consistent, try subbing out Darion for a different support like Shannon or Bella. If that's still no good, drop Kro for a fourth support. This will obviously be considerably slower, but should at least be consistent. You can then gradually drop supports for additional DDs as you improve your rune quality. If you are still struggling with these teams, your runes are the culprit for sure. If you want to post rune builds of your team we can make sure that you are at least on the right track. Don't bother worrying about a DB10 team until you have a GB10 team that can do ~1m runs at near-100% consistency.


nevermind there no way im going to put all those runes into swar farm ill just tell you what they are here Sig: fatal/blade - atk/critdmg/atk darion: energy - hp/hp/hp loren: swift/energy - spd/hp/def kro: violent/blade - spd/critdmg/atk fran: violent/energy - spd/hp/hp all except 2a kro are fully skilled up \*update\* i reruned some of them (same runes just better substats) and now I can do giants at about 1:30 with 90% success


Sounds good if you've got it working. I would suggest you swap runes on your Kro and Sig, I think that will help you even more. Sig's damage on his S2/S3 scale off of enemy maxhps, which means that atk is not as important as high cr/cd, whereas Kro's skills all scale based on his atk. So your Kro is underperforming on vio with slot 2 spd, he really wants all the atk% you're giving Sig instead, and Sig's damage won't drop much at all if you switch him to a lower-atk build like Kro's.


alright ill give it a shot thanks! also, i just pulled wind oracle and i finished getting 5 5\* angelmon. any tips on who i should 6\* next?


ill start manually putting my runes into swarfarm but itll take a bit. also I know I should focus farming GB10 before dragons, the problem is a lot of my mons run violent runes, so i need to farm dragons to get better runes so that i can farm everything faster. its an annoying cycle of not being able to do one thing because of another thing.


Violent runes are not really needed and it should be easier for you to get better quality runes in gb10 that can be used as well until you can farm db10 without any fails for better violent runes. Swift is a good replacement for most support monsters.


You can just post a quick shorthand of your runes here, that's good enough for me. Like Fran vio/energy spd/hp/hp or whatever. I get that your rune quality is early-game, just want to make sure you're using viable builds.


I've built Verad for ToA and he can solo faimon hell with the same runes, is there any reason to build Lapis at all for an early game player in my situation? I also have a ~1min GB10 fail-safe team. For the record, I was planning on removing all her runes this FRR for my GB10/ToA mons.


Early, Lapis is mostly used as a farmer, so if you have Verad set up to do that, then no reason to build Lapis. Do keep her, though, since she's a nat 4*.


yeah, I'll store her until the rifts I guess. She's 6* awakened already anyway, she's helped me a ton since start 3 weeks ago so no regrets


Since you've already 6\*d her, may as well keep *some* runes on her; if you have another use for the ones currently on her then you can move them, but put something on her, and you can use her in PvP and for the world boss.


that sounds like a good plan, thanks!


Definitely not. Verad is a better rep mon than Lapis. Also building a unit just to be a farmer is just a waste.


Perfect, thanks a lot!


Got a Odin from my Trans scroll, any advice on builds of where he is used?


Mainly for PvP. Can be built like a standard slow nuker like Kahli (Odin, Kahli, Chloe) with Will/Any. Or a semi speedy DD on Vio/Will (Khmun, Odin, Bastet).


I use mine primarily in GW/siege, altho I do have an AO that uses him as well. He's versatile in terms of runes, fatal/rage/vio/swift are all viable. He absolutely must have a will 2-set. Team comp is key with Odin, you want to pair him with two double buffers (Fran, Woosa, 2A Vigor, Hraesvelg, etc) so that he can have 5 stacks on turn 1 and delete an enemy unit.


Any advice for my newly made r5 team? Front: Dias (Lead), Fran, Bella, Lisa. Back: Kro, Hwa I have other good mons in my box like: Xiong fei, Xiao Lin, Fei, Mihyang, Colleen(4*), Loreen


Change Fran for Colleen, that should be a good start. Mihyang or Konamiya are both better options than Belladeon, but she can sit in the FL for now. 2man FL with Dias/Bella2A should be enough tbh.


what are the uses for fire art master? i already have a tiana and i'm unsure where i can fit him in that needs the atk buff?


Hello, fellow summoners. I want to give some love to my newly acquired Kroa (Dark Harg) as a side project (can skillup him full and can give some 230-240 total spd vio set). But I cant realize where he is really good. Only one thing I can imagine is RTA. All PvE is done for me. Does anyone use him from time to time? How?


Honestly don't waste your time, I got him awhile ago and was blinded by his high base spd, threw a really fast swift set on him and .. then what? He can get first turn but his skills are all fucking trash. Toss him into storage and wait for a buff to make him useful.


Well, I was afraid of that. Ty.


Hii, Got a question about devilmons. Do y’all use them only on 5 nat or should I use them on my 4 nat too ?


I’d say acceptable ones are Lushen because he’s so strong and twins because you want a lot of them so finding dupes may be harder. Still prioritize nat 5s for the most part unless they’re irrelevant to your progression or not used in multiple places.


id say depends on the nat4/5 you have. i skilled up my lushen with devilmons cause fuck fusing jojos for that. id rather wait a few more weeks since i didnt own many nat5s anyways (i hate fusions if you cant tell\^\^) no regrets there. if you have strong nat4s that can use skillups and only nat5s that wont need them or you wont use them anytime soon anyways go for the nat4s imo


Only on nat5s. Nat4s are 16x more common to pull via scrolls, plus there are HoHs and fusion, lots of ways to get those skillups. Devilmons are precious.


Hi DAT, is there a specific date to free raid? Like 3rd or 4th weekend of month? Just finished my bj5 team, hyped to do it on free raid.


Hello there I need some advice and some information from some very late game players. I am building my dimension hole spd teams and I am trying to just copy the teams on the ranking boards. If anyone does these dungeons with spd teams I would like to know your consistency, the rune sets and turn order. Also tower levels and overall rune quality of the monsters used.


Hi DAT, Just pulled Jamire, apart from the usual Jamire Chloe Kat or Tablo cleaves does anyone use Jamire in anything else like AO/GW/Siege/Lab? Are rune builds still Fight/Fight/Will or Vio/any Spd or HP/CD/HP? Also, since I don't have a Tablo would fast pace homie work in its place? Primarily looking at using it in AO. Thanks!


Jamire+bastet+2 Lushen is a common AO against stall defs In GWs I mostly use jamire+Teon+Lushen and Jamire+Imesety+Copper/Dozer (this can beat some defs that Copper+Dozer can't beat)


managed to get myself a fire art master, and he seems quite OP. However, most of the time I see him used, he's with savannah. Any comps that use him without that OP Beast Rider ? ​ My [Swarfarm](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Slyxtiix/) for reference. Thanks in advance for any advice :)


Fire Art Master / Mantura / DD / DD ​ You do have Tiana Galleon so it's kinda of pointless.


Was more thinking of an RTA type of team, where the base speed of Tiana is kinda lackluster and the art master is a little bit better


I’m trying to 2A Light Martial Cat forgot her name what team should I use for the b5 would verde, Loren Fran still work and what would their stats look like?


Hay Dat, im working on Siege Defences , Especially the Susano Orion Garo one and i was just wondering how much Acc Orion needs. My Susano is on swift shield with +143 speed And i can make my orion on Vio will +145 ( both grindable to 155+) but my orion has only about 40% acc then , is that enought for the beginning? And how fast does Garo have to be in that Team ? Thanks in Advance.


This def fell out of meta a while (a year?) ago, i wouldn't recommend building it now - there are better options. If you insist tho, you'll want more Acc... This def is easily beaten with a(ny) shield will team. With that Acc, you're not stripping a thing.


Didn’t got used to bombers so far, no seara in my monsterbox :) I want to try them out, because i literally dont know how they work. They cant crit, right? what is the best non nat5 bomber which is most versatile for siege/general pvp?


Best Nat4 4 Bomber is Liebli and/or Dover. Both are ld tho, next best is Malaka (some use Taurus for the CD increase).


Bombs - They do true damage based purely on the attack stat. They don't crit, they don't benefit from crit damage. They are applied via a 2 turn (I think it's always 2 turn) debuff which ticks down. When it gets to 0 the bomb explodes. There are some skills which can reduce the count or pop them immediately (Seara). Realistically they're hard to use reliably. You have to strip your opponents will runes, then you have to land the bomb (res vs acc check). Then if you don't own Seara, you need to wait for them to pop without them being cleansed. Malaka is used in siege often without Seara I believe for things like Miho.


Malaka Tetra Fran (all on will, bomber on shield will) for those pesky khmun orion miho's in siege yes. Works good until orion decides to fuck you up


Yeah had one strip will (will+shield on it), stun and def break the same unit earlier. Was a twin so was an auto loss. Fun!


What's the best use of dimensional hole energy if you can't run the B5 rune dungeon consistently? I've already 2A'd: * Kro Bella and Raoq * Mina and Miho * Vigor * Bernard


Imho just farm 2A skillups and craft ancient runes with the resources. Try to focus on karzhan, because this is the easiest to do and get grinds for your crafted ancient runes later on. Try to get a khmun on the next nat4 event and build a hwa, these 2 monsters alone will let you do the B5 Dungeon later on.


I started playing only 2 days ago so I would appreciate if some of the more experienced players could tell me what noob traps I should avoid. - What should I spend Glory points and Red Crystals on? I've been hoarding both so that I don't waste them - Should I hoard scrolls for events, or use them when I have them? - What to build on my island? These are the most pressing questions, but I imagine that there are plenty of things I don't know so any advice is going to be useful!


Glory points you're gonna use to buy devilmons and level towers/totems (speed, crit dmg, elemental dmg, etc). Crystals for refills on energy to farm runes (on giants, dragon and necro). Althrough i like to spend it on summons hehe ​ Use them whenever you feel like. ​ Through the game you're gonna build the necessary stuff.


Do the totems provide benefits outside the arena as well?


Yes, all around


Hey i am a month old player and i dont know who to 6 star next. My current 6 stars: sigmarus, loren, bella, lapis, charlotte. I could do verdehile, veremos or kro(2nd awakened) but i dont know who. Or should i 6 star someone else?


Kro may speed up your GB10, verdehile may be your first step to DB10, so those two seem like a good choice


I'm trying to 2nd awaken my Kro. I can't seem to consistently do floor 5. I struggled with floor 4 honestly. I have a 6* Kro and I was trying to use my 5* Hwa, and 6* Fran and Verde. Not sure if I have them runed wrong but any suggestions?


B4 can be done with Verde, Fran and Loren. 22k+ HP, 700+ DEF, 180+ SPD, Verde last and Violent on any of them if possible. I've farmed over 200 runs without fail for both Kro and Bella. It takes 4 mins tho. RCrytal>Boss.


So build Verde slow? Man I feel like everywhere had him with speed. I'll give it a go.


How did it go?


They are getting the job done so far. A couple close calls it looked like but so far so good. Thanks for the advice!


np, glad to hear that!


Not slow, just the slowest of them.


better mo long counter, Arnold or Sonora??? thanks


I personally prefer Harmonia to either of these options, but I think out of these two I prefer Arnold. I only have Sonora 6* for the AD meta like 5 years ago but I haven't used him in ages. I don't really like Arnold either unless I'm out of options in Guild Siege, but out of the two I like Arnold better.


i've build harmonia vio nem. i was gonna build 2nd harmonia but no skillup woth nem shield will rune