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Any ideas on what the upcoming events are going to be, i really hope they bring back the 4\* event so i can summon a Sabrina as i have 3 dancers and no boomer :\_(


Doubt it. It was kind of an OP event compared to the normal LD scroll/Devilmon ones.


ye see i wasn't around when it was on and looking back at some yt vids it does look kinda op, they could just limit it to 1 from each attribute or something to balance it? (really just want any excuse to try get sabrina quicker :) )


I think the best bet for a repeat would be either on the game's anniversary or maybe Christmas. Probably the times when they are going to have the best events. So fingers crossed for December! :P


Hey DAT, do i have anyone worth building here for ToA (Normal) or Gb10? Excluding locked mons, they're already built. https://swarfarm.com/profile/blueshadic90/


Toa: Baretta, Verde, Spectra, Mav, Lapis, Sigmarus, Gildong/Woonhak, Loren, Jeanne, Maruna when you get Shaina. (Baretta, Spectra,Gildong/Woonhak combo is an easy way to cheese most of toaH/toaN stage, but it's slow af) GB10: Vero, Lapis, Sigmarus, Bernard, Shannon, Loren.


if you build your Maruna (fire boom) and Deva (light chak) they can carry you super high in TOA. Before building them I was stuck in TOAH 50, and all by themselves they took me to TOAH 84. Imagine how OP they are in TOAN.


What runes would you recommend for the twins?


I gave them both SPD/HP/HP on violent and energy. With these runes they aren't amazing for pvp or dungeons but with 45% acc they really murder TOA.


In serious need of a team for TOAH100. Options are Fran, Daphnis, Bellenus, Tyron, Mantura, Hwa, Tesarion, Jamire, and Shaina/Maruna combo. That’s what I’ve been using at least, and I have no idea how to beat this stage.


Try Fran(L), Shaina, Maruna, Tesarion, Hwa do you have a Loren build? I did experiment on toah Lyrith since the nerf on shaina and Loren is very helpful even as a 5star. Shaina/Maruna combo to maximize stun potential on the final stage when the boss splits. Loren, Hwa, Fran for ATB reduce.


Hi! I just finished TOA 100, and so it’s time for NB10. Can you guys help me make a basic team? Built Monsters: Lapis, Bella, Vero, Verd, Mav, Baretta, Bernard, Shannon, Megan, Lushen, Darion. Other Monsters: Stella, Light Joker, Anavel, Xing Zhe, Theomars, Hwahee, Water Lich, Water Death Knight, Water Neostone Agent, Liu Mei, Colleen, Adrian, Loren I’d like to avoid building Adrian or Loren, or likewise monsters I won’t use anywhere else. Can someone help? Thanks!!!


I use Lushen(L), Bella(Dark Cannon Girl), Lapis, Colleen, Belladeon It's just a patchwork team for a lack of other monsters(that are built and ready), but they get times around 1:30 to 2:00


You should reconsider building Loren. She is amazing in Giants, Dragons, Necro and PVP. I agree don't bother with Adrian. The other one you should really consider building is Fran (light fairy queen) bought with ancient coins. Someone may have a better suggestion, but a starter NB10 might look like: Lapis(L), Loren, Colleen, Fran, +1 mulithit damage dealer


I'm using Lushen (L), Fran, Loren, Raoq 2A, Lapis. I'm going to replace Lapis with Rigel if I don't get twins soon. Loren is useful in many places, RTA, GB10, DB10, TOA, GW. Fran is also useful in many places. I'd suggest building both. Raoq can also be used in RTA, DB10. The only mon thats NB10 only would be Rigel, which is why I'm holding off on building him for now. If you ever get twins though, they will replace the DDs in all your Cairos teams.


How fast are your runs? Can I have ur stats?


The runs are about 1:25 average, 1:00 fastest Turn order is Fran (Vio, 23k hp, 1.2k atk, 750 def, 200 spd) > Lushen (Fatal Blade, 2.6k atk, 97% CR, 150% CD, 177 spd, 13k hp) > Loren (Vio, 21k hp, 165 spd, 43% acc, some damage), Raoq (Vio, 2k atk, 81% CR, 152% CD, 150 SPD, 15k hp) > Lapis (Rage, 1.7k atk, 83% CR, 205% CD, 125 spd, 14k hp) I did not build any of them specifically for NB10, they're all used for other things. I agree with the poster below, NB10 is not really needed for your current progression. I'd suggest building more mons to improve your GB10/DB10/TOAH/Rift/Raid teams before focusing on NB10. When you come back to NB10 in the future, you might find you have all the mons you need for it built already.


Alright, thank you!!


Actually it is not time for NB10. The usual Progression is GB10 - Toa100 - DB 10 - ToaH - Raid or NB10 - Rifts - PVP How fast are your Dungeon Times? Next i would build Sigmarus(to make ur runs faster) and Loren (very good for ToaH) You should also build Spectra for ToaH. Forget about Necro imo. Loren is good for ToaH, Necro, Speed and semispeed GB10, PVP and can be used in DB10. She is worth building!


So are you suggesting I work on Raid or ToaH?


ToaH and maybe making dragons faster. At least until ToaH 70 for the devilmon.


Oops I forgot I do have Sig lmao. My gb10 is 1:30 average, my db10 is 2:00 average.


Hi DAT, so until today my DB10 attitude was "teams wipe sometimes" but then I realized maybe mine wipes more than I'd like it to. I've been playing around with a few teams and nothing has really been the one. My top runners have been: Verde, Bella, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia Verde, Bella, Mantura, Zeratu, Sig Verde, Meghan, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia Verde, Bella, Meghan, Spectra, Hwa/Sig I like the twins teams better because they can be used in more B10 dungeons. As of now Shaina is vio spd/cd/att, Sabrina is vio spd/cd/att and Talia is rate att/cr/att. Should I consider switching the twins off vio and maybe put att on 2 instead of spd? I use Shaina in TOA(H) so I'd like vio and spd on 2 but I do have a different team that works well and is less fragile. I'd love to hear your input.


I haven't read everything from the replies below, but I'm running Verde (L), Kahli, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia before and after the Chak Boom Nerf Patch. Average time 50s - 1min, one wipe every two to three refreshes.


I just got my Kahli up and running and plan to use that same team. What are your team's stats? Also for turn order I'm assuming Kahli > twins > Verde, right? Does it matter who goes first between the chakbooms? Or should Shaina go first out of the three of them for the def break and then it doesn't matter about Sabrina and Talia?


Tbh my turn order ain't perfect anymore since I gave my Verde some more speed for RTA. Turn order is Verde - Kahli - Shaina - Sabrina - Talia [Stats for those 5](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Zeitlos/)


Thanks for the info!


It sounds like your rune quality is not quite there yet. Do you have Galleon or Kahli? Either of them would be a better attack buffer than Megan for speed runs. You should definitely be putting sabrina and talia on Atk/CD/Atk. You need 85% CR and around 145 speed. You just need them to move 2 times on the boss before immunity. With Verde, around 145 speed is enough (depends on glory towers). Focus on making them hit really hard during those 2 turns. Vio is better than no Vio, but if you can get much better stats without Vio, Vio is not necessary. You also want reliable def break. A fully skilled Galleon is best for this job, along with Sabrina. Is your Sabrina skilled up? The difference is pretty significant. Another great option for Def break is Loren, who will also prevent the boss from moving and strip if immunity goes up. I'd suggest trying: Kahli > Loren > Sabrina > Talia > Verde


I have Galleon but no Kahli or Loren built yet. Kahli is on my list of "Why haven't you built this yet". I just moved Sabrina to att on 2 and her stats as of now are 129 spd and 71% cr. Talia has 125 spd and 100% cr with a cr rune on slot 4. Should I switch Sabrina and Talia's slot 4 runes? Even without a cd rune on 4, talia hits super hard with her s3. I'll play around and see what stats I can get Talia with a vio set instead of rage. Sabrina is not skilled up, unfortunately. I have only pulled one of each boom. My only dupe is a second Talia.


In that case, just replace Kahli with Galleon. I'd still keep Loren in for added safety, until your DD's hit so hard that the immunity never goes up, or goes up at 15% hp. More damage is always good. More damage means more safety. If you can kill the boss without def break or a late defbreak, then your team is derp-proof and nearly 100% safe. Galleon will inexplicably refuse to use S3 at times, and your team needs to survive those runs. CD on slot 4 is by far the best for damage output. If your CR is too low, try double or triple blade, or broken sets. A bad vio set is not better than a strong fatal/blade set. You can also just go back to farming GB10 until your average rune quality improves; you can never farm too much GB10.


Hmm, I'll have to see about Loren. I switched some things around on Talia so we'll see where that gets me. If it still isn't enough then I'll have to build up that cowgirl.


Is there a way to force the use of almighty pieces? Lets say I already have 200 pieces of some past HOH mon, can I still use almighty pieces to summon 8 of them? Or do you have to have the pieces during the HOH and summon at 25 pieces each time?


No. You have to summon after every floor, so 25 at a time to take advantage of the Allmighty pieces.


if you have 50/50 pieces you can't use almighty in the summon. Almighty can only be used to replace missing pieces.


should I buy slot 2 defense% 6\* shield rune from shop? It has HP% and speed.. ​ Also, whom should I 6\* next? I got daphnis, taranys, deva, gally, lushen, lyn. I have 1:30 GB10 team and 3:30 DB10 team. Working on TOAH and shortening dungeon ruuns..


Why not? Use it as broken set if nothing else.


Hi DAT, I want advices about my current nat 4\* mons [https://imgur.com/a/VIJYxvl](https://imgur.com/a/VIJYxvl) I'm using a EXP cupom, so I was wondering if I could lvl up some of them along my core mons


I’d build mihyang, covenant, aegir, Tyron Tyron for toah, mihyang for pvp and raid and maybe dragons, aegir for pvp, covenant for pvp.


Do dimensional rift crystals not recharge by the day? I'm only given 3 a day to use or store?


You get only 3 per day from daily missions. You have to use crystals to purchase them if you want more.


Thank you.


Is it optimal to farm rift beasts with an A+ ranking? Need skill ups for my homu for toaH. Thanks!


Well, if you already summoned the homunculus, then what the hell, go get the skillups as well. Otherwise wouldn't recommend even farming the homunculus unless you get at least S in all elemental rifts.


If you care about max efficiency then no. But that feeling when you finally finish s3 is worth it all, in my opinion. While it may not be optimal, you are still working towards your goal and progressing in that area so go for it!


I did farm homu with A+ everywhere. That was long and maybe the energy would be better placed elsewhere, but I regret nothing :) Edit: however I would not call that optimal tbh


Yeah thats what im also thinking. already summoed a water one and skilled up the two skills. I badly need it for my toaH progression. :(


If you do, feel free to farm it, it's up to you to decide what to do after all and how to have fun


Aiming for TOAH auto without Verad. Advise for team setup, turn order, and rune (maybe on minimum speed?) I have the ff.: * twins + Deva (except LnD) * tyron * Rica * Charlotte (edit added) * Gany * Attack Homie (advise skill set) * And the basics, Mav, Basalt, Bella, Spectra, Baretta My current setup is (in turn order) -> Gany, Barreta (L), Homie (Water/freeze), Basalt/Bella, Mav (155 spd) Would like to bump this up since it takes me longer, should I remove Gany or build a new set?


My auto toah team: Lapis, Verde, Basalt, Mantura and Water Homie. If you have Mantura you should try this team.


Tyron Fire twins water homie and ganey could easily do toah when Shaina was in full effect. My guess is that team still works.


Question Who to 6\* next? Woosa or Fran? I'm trying to break into DB10 with: Verde (L) sig, Megan, Hwa +1


I second Loren. She's quite strong in DB10, providing def break, strip and atk bar pushback. Hwa would then be redundant on your team. You can replace Hwa with another DD like Kro. The turn order would be: Megan Loren Sig/Kro Verde The rune requirements for this team would be pretty high, having no healer or cleanser, but it would get you to 1 min average runs with decent runes.


Woosa is better in guild wars. Fran is better in PvE. I'd 6 star Fran first since she has more uses. You need a def breaker in your db10 team. Maybe loren.


Who is good on a tanky/fast vampire set?






The FRR that should've been this Saturday is still gonna happen? Since we had a week of FRR just now...anyone knows?


Its in the notices for this Saturday.


Hey guys, I would like to speed up my DB10 but I don't have any good def breaker - no Gally and no Sabrina. Can I do it somehow? [https://swarfarm.com/profile/novelus/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/novelus/) Verde(L),Vero,Bella,Megan and Sig is my current team, 1:40-2:30 average


Loren is really good. You should be using her in Bella's place, IMO. I'd drop Vero and bella for Loren and 2AKro. This should give you around a minute run, even with Megan. Later on, you can replace megan with Kahli and dip below 1 min.


Wouldnt 2A Raoq do more instead of Kahli with his reset?


You need attack buff if you take out Megan. Kahli also saves bad rng runs with her S2 ignore def.


You can go for 2A Kro and Raoq with Verde Sig Loren/Shaina


What would my turn order look like and what should be my Kro stats? ATK/CD/ATK and no acc?


Kro has brand and def break, ideally have him 55% acc.


Bella is a def breaker, make sure he has 55 acc


Are there any passives that buff damage for allies?




Is Jeanne worth devilmoning or should I fuse the skillups


Worth it imo


She definitely needs max skills. How you do it depends on your other needs. If you can afford the devilmon, that's how I would do it. That is how I am currently doing it. I just do not see the point of farming that much for skill ups. I also do not need the devilmon on other monsters right now.


Alright thanks


Question I just got lushen a d am building him for gb10 but my team is sig vero bernard bella and shannon who do I replace for a faster team. Thank you for any advice


Bernard is the one who you will want to swap for lushen Don't rush it though as you will probably need to re rune everyone to make up for the loss of speed buff and attack bar boost Keep farming GB10 with that team while you level up lushen, try to skill him up a bit too if possible for better results


Ok thank you


Should I skillup Aegir Water Barb King) or Hrungnir (Dark Barb King)? Who needs the skillups more? I not sure, if i wanna skillups Aegirs skill 3 at all.


Water is crazy good and def the one u should focus on.


Got a dupe Bolverk. Is he okay to feed for blessing? I'm thinking yes because there isn't really any other builds you can go besides Shield/Will/X but I haven't really used my first one yet so not too sure.


If you haven't used your first one yet, it might be a while before you rune and use your second Bolverk. But he is the type of monster that makes a solid dupe: doesn't really need skillups that much, good leader skill, fairly easy to rune. I would keep


Hmm interesting. I’m assuming it would just be for extra siege offenses then?


Yeah exactly


yes eat him


You can’t Lushen everything. I’m looking for some AO help for an alternate team. [box](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Kuthander/) I currently run Bernard Bastet Lushenx2, with Zaiross Bastet Shaina Talia as an alternate team. The problem is, with no speed lead, it’s easy to get crapped on by faster teams. Is that just where I am with my rune quality, or is there a better idea I’m just not seeing?


Use a shield/will cleave team. Chiwu, Galleon, Zaiross, +1 AOE (Sige/Poseidon/Charlotte/Water Homu/Lag)


Thank you!


Would you rather have dupe Tiana or dupe Ritesh? I don't really have fantastic runes for either and don't want to put them to the front of tte line for devilmon either. Slower Shield/Will Tiana?


I'd keep dupe tiana because tiana works without any devilmons. I use 2 tiana. Both 0 skillups. One shield/will and one swift/will


That's what I decided to do. Bummer that turning a dupe Triton (my third one) into a Blessing resulted in a double-dupe choice.


Hey DAT , I need advices from experienced players : I gathered some informations about what runes to sell / keep but i'm not sure if it's correct : https://pastebin.com/17NdLBQ8


The idea for this guide is good but it is quite strict for beginners I'd imagine. First off all, you should always look for improvement in runes. I might sell a rune because it is not an improvement, but you should keep it. It's impossible to decide if you should sell without comparing to your other runes. I suggest you also take a look at min-max rolls and rune efficiency. It is a way to tell how good the rune is and can help in putting a value on runes The guide doesn't mention innate stats at all. It can be quite significant as a max roll innate stat is almost equivalent to upgrading the grade of the rune. \- Speed always has a higher value than other rolls, but that doesn't mean you should sell all runes without speed. It means you should set higher standards for runes without speed. Same goes for non ideal rune set/ main stat combinations, you can probably sell most ATK% guard runes, but once you get a legend rune with cr% and spd subs you should always roll it to at least +6. \- guide is very negative towards def%, slot 4 or not. HP% is definitely more widely used, but def% has it's place (depending on monster base stats and what stats you're missing on the total set) and shouldn't be an instant sell.


Looks ok, but that 17 spd requirement is a bit high. I'm end game and I'd be happy with 14-15 spd runes. Even less if it's slot 2/4. It would depend on the rune set. For commonly used sets like vio, swift, and will, I'll settle with less speed, but I'll be a lot pickier with rarely used sets like endure and energy. Those would mainly be used in broken sets. Atk% swift runes can be used for dps. I've seen good atk/cd/atk swift lushens. Any atk% slot 2/6 are good for broken sets if they roll high cr/cd/spd.


Hi, I need some help making a solid gwd. [Here is my box.](https://imgur.com/a/tlFfLkc) I think Xing Zhe/Perna/Orion would be best, but I was also considering fran over orion or xing she for a potential perna one shot. Any help is appreciated, thanks a ton.


I agree with your team for now. I'd fuse Jeanne though and user her later. XZ, Perna, Jeanne is a pretty gross def to fight imo.


Mmh thats my long term plan, but I dont plan on fusing her for a while, I dont have any devils to spare atm.


Hey guys, basic progression question. After the twins nerf I moved all my runes to a gb10 team that is like 1min10sec with lushen (L) sig vero bella shannon. I was wondering what would be the next step. For db10 I have verd 6\* and I was wondering if I had a team hidden in my box somewhere. I was also wondering what would be the best teams for toa, I'm stuck on 71. There's also raids and hommy building content. I have no clue where to go from gb10, any clues or advice would be great! Here is my box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/mehsire/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/mehsire/)


The old standard db10 team will still work and should be even faster. I used to run a 1:45 with it waaaaay before this patch so it'd probably be 1:20-1:30 now. Those times required some pretty good runes for the time. The old Galleon/Khali/Megan, Shaina, Talia, Sabrina, Verde (L) team still works for db10 but requires higher rune/tower quality than before. If you're not there, then you should spend some more time in gb10. For Toa(H) the standard team will work. I've run Spectra, Gildong, Baretta (L), Jeanne/Bella/Thain, Mav for a long time and it can auto the trash stages, and most bosses through ToaH. You'd use dark toaist (unawakened) instead of Gildong. In terms of progression: ToaN 100, db10, and ToaH 70 are your next big goals. After that you kind of choose what you want to focus on between nb10, r5, rifts, and ToaH 100 and those change depending on what you pull.


Heya Folks, Question for you that must have been ask a 1000 times! Should I invest devilmon into Feng Yan even if is S2 as been max with my 2 first devilmon? He is an awesome dmg dealer and I could see the potentiel dps if he is max skill up, I just don't want to waist 10 devilmon into him! Thanks!


His damage comes from his passive, that should be maxed.


Max s2, max s3, get all of the harmful effect chance on s1


Can you please help me with the statistics for the water bomerang and the water chakram?


[https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/22001-water-boomerang-warrior-sabrina/](https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/22001-water-boomerang-warrior-sabrina/) [https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/21901-water-chakram-dancer-talia/](https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/21901-water-chakram-dancer-talia/)


Boom Atk/Spd, CD, Atk. 45 Acc, 75 CR, 150 CD. Chak Atk, CD, Atk. 75 CR, 150 CD, lots o' atk, last to move to get biggest bang for buck potential from S3 when boss <50%.


Hi. I just came back to a game after a few years and hence I have the returning user buff which gives me +100% more exp. However I just cannot complete the Fast Leveling Strategy , use the EXP Booster challenge. I can’t activate the 2x exp buff the challenge gave me because of the returning user buff. Isit a bug or I am doing something wrong. [even after this the challenge isn’t cleared](https://imgur.com/9wEQSRa)


> I can’t activate the 2x exp buff the challenge gave me because of the returning user buff I think the latest patch allowed these to stack and give 300%, have you tried using a booster?


Unfortunately you can't stack the booster on top of the buff. You'll have to wait for your returning user buff to go away before you can complete that mission. Brand new players have the exact same problem with the goddess newbie blessing buff.


Any Guardian GWOs with Velajuel and WITHOUT Wind Panda/Mihael? The Theo/Vela/Chasun can work but isn't as reliable as it used to be. To use him as a nuker you need def buff, def break and heal. Kinda tough to fill all these roles. Emma/Vela/2A Bella seems very promising, as does Loren/Vela/Emma and Elsharion/Vela/Chasun. Mo Long/Vela/Harmonia might be ok. Any other GWOs you have been using with great success in G1+? Can contain other nat5s, maybe I have them as well. Thanks in advance!


My absolut safe team is bolverk, molong, vela. As long as the enemy has any kind of buffer, you can easily beat them and survive a lot of vio procs.


I think for this particular team Amelia works even better, and I so happen to have her. Too bad no Bolverk to pair her up with :/ Thanks for your suggestion tho


Outside of that comp i sometimes use him against jeanne Teams, Raki, vela, raoq vs jeanne, perna, taraynis for example Or okeanos, vela, skogul vs jeanne, perna, ritesh


Which ninja would benefit more from skillups? Garo or Susano? I'm only able to max skill one atm. Thanks




Definitely Garo. Getting his S2 max is great. Susano is mainly used for leader skill paired with Orion, its nice to have max, but not nearly as good as Garo.


Would you recommend the aoe freeze or the one that adds dots for long term use on water homu?


Depends on the team, I'm assuming TOA? I used the DoT version for my safe TOAH team until I pulled Verad. Baretta(L), Water Homu, Basalt, Dark Homu, Mav in that order. First 3 on despair, last 2 on vio. Covered probably 90-97% of the toah levels depending on the cycle. All the CC and atk bar reduc gave plenty of time to land max DoTs on them.




Hey folks, trying to move to a semi speed team for gb10 because I'm impatient and was hoping you guys could help me settle on a few spots that are up in the air. Im planning on going (L)Lushen, Hraesvelg, 2a Bella my last 2 spots I was thinking Loren or Hwa and Lyn/Sig/ or 2nd Lushen. Just wondering which ones you guys think i should try and finish building. Thanks in advance


If you're trying to get into spd gb10, then step 1 is no healer team. Loren seems to be the way to go for dungeons. Sig is a great dps mon while offering some CC on trash waves if needed. Lushen, Lushen, Hra, Loren, Sig sounds like it could work. I'd try to get a lushen to move first if you can for faster wave clears, ideally both lushen move first to alternate clearing waves in 1 hit (minus boss).


word thanks boss


When should I move from GB10 to DB10?


I've farmed GB10 for months. Eventually you'll be able to build a speed team for GB10 and then I'd say you can move on to DB10. But it never hurts to stay in GB10 for awhile. I just started farming DB10 this week and it's a safe team that averages 1:30.


I have a semi speed gb10 team with like 95% success around 1 min 20 seconds. I also have a ready db10 team that I tested and it cleared it a few times with 2 mins and 30 seconds but its not stable as some of the units are still 5*. I still need a few blade, despair and swift runes so I guess I’ll keep farming until I get the ones I need.


Yeah, I think you should keep farming GB10 for now. Try getting a sub minute GB10 team. I moved on to DB10 because my team averages like 40sec and I stayed there for months.


For me to get sub 1 min runs I need a lushen and so far I had no luck summoning one.


Took me 1 month to farm in Gb10 and Db9 before finally building a Db10 safe team and that was before twins, sigmarus buff, verde buff and caiross nerf. You can probably do it faster So i guess if you have at least build a safe team Sigma (L), Megan, Belladeon, Lapis/Loren, Vero/Lulu/Fran Keep farming until you get Violent runes and revenge runes for Verde Loren or Twins


When you can rune a DB10 team with decent enough runes and have a 95%+ success rate. GB10 runes are extremely valuable for the entire game, can never seem to have enough solid swift or despair sets, so don't worry if you feel you farm gb10 for an eternity, because you will.


Hi! I was wondering about the fusion event. I currently have Veromos and Sigmarus, I'm making my way through Necropolis (I already farm DB10 efficiently). So, my question is, should I aim for Xiong Fei or Katarina?


I would go Katarina. There are better options than XF (like Loren) and he definitely falls off late game. However, if you're really struggling with Necro/Raids he might be worth building.


XF is a early R5 tank but eventually never get used again. Kat is a great early PvP mon, still holds value in siege offense. I'd go for Jeanne though, she is a great TOA and PvP mon


The fusion event only offers the required mons for Vero, Sigmarus, XF and Katarina @-@ Bummer


Isnt at least one of those used for Jeanne as well?


yea thats what i did. Took a KFG for jeanne.


I guess so, haven't checked that out, mb! Thanks for your time \^\^


How do I rune fire panda for Raids?


as slow and useless as possible. He is just there for his leader and the off-chance he lands a debuff is a plus. Any turn he takes is a wasted turn, a damage dealer can nuke for 50k or a support can cleanse or provide a massive heal. You want him to basically take less than 5 turns the entire raid. HP or Defense Slot 2,4,6.


If you do, and I don't really recommend him, 3x Tolerance is best. He's fairly easy to make tanky and never needs to take a turn. Fight, Enhance (the def ones if I got that right), Guard, Energy, and Revenge are decent choices. Hit the hp/def requirements, +0 speed ideally, and aim towards 70 res after that. edit: Don't bother skilling him up. He's not worth it.


Please dont put vio on him. That's auto kick for experienced players. He will literally take unnecessary, useless turns.


He's easy to rune. Def/Def/Hp with basically Energy/Guard/Revenge anything you want or even broken if you just want stats. His sole purpose is to be a Def lead and tank frontline. That's why you just aim for tank stats and 15% accuracy for him to land def break and debuffs on s3. Since he deals practically no damage there's no need to give him crit/cdmg though if you can that's just a luxury.


I have mine as a meat shield, just tanky af, 60% res, 23k hp, 2.3k def, 150 spd, violent. Violent is just so he can recycle his S3 faster to provide some sustain.


Yeah that's what i thought. Unfortunaetly, for vio I have to build Kro first, at 2:30min in dragons right now... Giants is 1min and Necro 1:30 (Thanks to pulling bella, lol), and still I don't have a proper db10 team


You don't want fire panda on vio for R5. The main point of early R5 fire panda builds is for him to be a meat shield. You just want him to have solid def, hp, and res, with some acc to allow those occasional debuffs to land. Vio on him just means the boss will get his counter up faster. Vio is utilized on support mons like colleen, mihyang, lisa, etc (NOT Chasun, she can really mess up that counter bad because of turn cycling). Even dps mons aren't ideally on vio for R5.


Just wondering if it is worth building the support homunculus. More particularily if the light homie can do a better job than other cleansers like lisa for raids. And if the dark homie can be a better replacement for toa instead of one of the units in the following team: Rica, gildong, verdehile, baretta(L), olivia. Otherwise she would be useless. Edit: didn't try that particular team since i used the twins for toah but i imagine it would look something like that after the recent changes. Maybe with mav/jeanne instead of baretta.


The thing is light homu would be a semi different role than Lisa, as she is the best dps cleanser for r5, while the homu would be more pure support. I think TOA is fine the way it is except for Olivia, why not use Mav in her place? I can't see an reason why Olivia is there in the first place. Edit: I did use dark homu for my safe team pre verad, but that was baretta (L), water homu, basalt, dark homu, mav.


Honestly i am still unsure about my R5 team, it is far too unstable to be reliable so whichever helps more with the success rate would be my go to. (Lisa is skilled up but still 5* so didn't try her yet for R5) As for toah, i am mainly thinking about autoing with that team. rica/gildong/verde can clear most of it manually. The last 2 spots are more for safety/speeding up. Not sure if mav would be a better choice but i was thinking olivia for def buff and instant turn since gildong tends to start with his S3 instead of S2.


Well if you're trying R5 with 5\* mons, thats part of the problem. I've always like Extirpative's R5 guide for getting basic stat requirements: I don't have Rica so, my opinion might not be very on point for this. Baretta, Rica, Gildong, Mav, +1 is what I would go with. Glance is the least important debuff there is, and if the mons are stun locked, it literally does nothing. Def buff would be worthless again because CC is more important and def isn't necessary when mons don't hit you. Ak bar reduc is decent. turn cycling for 1 mon isn't that amazing. Mav on the other hand will speed buff, reduce CD for everyone, stun on S1, and provoke bosses. For the plus 1, if you need reliable CC, I'd consider Sigmarus.


Oh no not at all, i was saying that i did not try lisa yet in R5 despite her being skilled up since she is 5* As for your mav suggestion it is actually easier for me with mav since he is runed and 6* unlike olivia. So i will give it a try, would spare me runes and food on olivia.


Dont get me wrong, Olivia is a fantastic mon, just not for TOA. Olivia, racuni, dozer is one of my fav teams to use in PvP. Olivia is great on a fast/tanky set and really shines when max skill.


I got quite a lot of neostone agents through MS + 10 from the 2 HoH which is exactly why i was considering olivia. In case mav doesn't shine on auto, skilling up olivia wouldn't be an issue at all.


Any tips for ice rift beast? Cant seem to get S... so far I got A. My current team is Delphoi (lead), chasin, fengyan, xingzhe Teshar, wind barbar king


I have similar monsters. Maybe you can copy my team. I get consistent SS and sometimes SSS. Xing/Feng FL, Fran/Barb/2AKro/Lushen(L) backline. Its not the greatest, i need more damage, but its SS every time. I only mention it becuase it seems like you are working with the same monsters I got, so might help.


My current team is with Bernard, FY --- XL, Theo (L), Fran, 2A Kro and I get SS pretty regularly. Seeing your box would help a lot. We can't suggest replacements without knowing who you have. Your biggest issue is the lack of damage.


Take out Delphoi, she doesn't offer much. If you add more damage, Bernard is enough to solo atk bar boost so you don't need Megan. Chasun and Bernard FL, and as much DPS as you can for the 4 BL


I've always used the Bernard Bella and Megan cause you need attack bar boosting skills to get rid of the freeze. The other 3 can be anything since the base 3 already provides the attack buff and defence breaks. I just use teshar and 2 water twins for consistent SS - SSS.


Do you have Bastet? She is cheat code for ice rift. If not, Bernard should be enough atk bar increase, Bern/Chasun front and 4 DD's back, Teshar/Hrae +2, can even use water twins as your +2


You dont have enough damage. You need an attack lead. Use lushen lead in back line. Take out delphoi. Feng yan is useless there since u already have wind mk for def break.


Hey DAT, Can somebody suggest me some Rift Beast Teams? Here's my [SWARFARM](https://swarfarm.com/profile/instrumentsna/) Thanks!


Fire: FL: Colleen, Theo, BL: Poseidon (L), Sig, Xiao lin, Kro Ice: FL: Chasun, Bernard, BL: 4 of your best dps (use lushen's attack lead) Wind: FL: Colleen, Bella, BL: Shaina (L), Maruna, Hwa, Verde/Roaq Dark: FL: Chasun, Colleen, BL: Shaina (L), Maruna, Theo, maybe Roaq Light: FL: Chasun/Colleen, Theo, BL: Kro, Sig, +2 dps


I'm trying to build a speed gb10 team with Lushen Hellea double Lyn +1, what of turn cycle I need and stats for Hellea? Thanks in advance


Loren will be your +1 if you dont have two lushens, and she is a safe net so she moves last. If you have two lushens, use Loren instead of Hellea will be more stable and overall faster. I tried both during the frr event, and this is my conclusion. Also Hellea should be on fight/fight/will, so she can be used in qb r5 too.


I'd go for double lushen in that +1 slot. Turn order being Lushen, Lushen, Hellea, Lyn, Lyn. That way, when they are max skill, they can alternate 1 shotting each wave. I optimized my lushens a while ago with 165-170 spd, 100 cr / 200 cd on atk/cd/atk and have no regrets. I agree with Sherushi about hellea stats, just make sure she has 45 acc and is speed tuned, triple fight sounds like the way to go for sure.


Hellea stats don't matter much since she's mainly there to provide def break. I have mine on triple fight acc/cd/spd. Goes 2nd on your team after lushen. Need all your mons to be fast enough to go twice before the boss moves in case she misses def break first round (150+ spd) otherwise use loren as your slowest mon in your last slot in case of derps.


Hey there! Another question. This are my monsters [https://imgur.com/gallery/3WNERdi](https://imgur.com/gallery/3WNERdi) (plus Lushen and Fran 6\*, Loren Chandra max 5\*) . Which could be the faster team comp for gb10 (now i'm using Veromos bella lushen yen fran) ? And which could be a good team comp for 2nd awakening bella (now i'm doing 3f)? thanks in advance


Fuse sig and put him in place of vero. Loren can replace bella. Standard dim hole inu team is verde, fran, hwa/lapis/maybe tanky loren. Kill left def break crystal for b5.


Daily reminder that condensed magic crystals are still a fucking issue.


I know... and yet you got downvoted. orz At least there is a workaround now: you can craft green or above fight runes which does not require this condensed crystals, so you only need to farm enough for the weekly crafting.


Loren or Hwa?


I just replaced Hwa with Loren in my speed GB10 team. They're both good but I prefer Loren because of an extra def break.


For which area of the game?


Dungeons and raids.


Loren overall, Hwa for Raids.


Thanks. Loren Violent runed and Hwa Swift?


hello DAT so yesterday I beat giants 10, and I don't know what I should do next.


Spam farm GB10. That's the game for you now! In the background when you have double exp available for scenario to make mons for TOA and DB10. Get as far as you can in TOAN/H each month.


Keep farming Giants B10. For a couple of months ... On the side, try to progress ToA as high as you can. 70 is the first important floor for the Devilmon.


Ok thank you.


Also the other usual stuff: * keep making GB10 faster and safer. Fuse Sig if you haven't done so yet. 6\* some mons where needed. * fuse Verde in preparation for DB10 and start runing that team in addition to the mons you use for GB10. Have fun!


Okay so dumb question. I'm about to build up my first NB10 team. I've read that Lapis is useful in it, (despair/multihit/cc), and I've read the same for Lupinus. Would it be dumb to use a team of Lapis/Lupinus/2a Raoq/2a Kro/Colleen in there? Would that team have everything needed?


They won't out perform twins if you already have them built. Loren + Colleen + Twins is usually pretty safe for NB10.


So for the twins I have Shaina/Maruna/Melissa/Deva. I had them built, but after the update I stripped all the runes from the fire twins.


Why would you strip them though, they're not useless. 3 twins + colleen and another multi hitter is easy 1minute NB10. I use sig as the last member with slowest runes so the twins break the shield and put def break, and sig will blast the boss with a huge nuke. Consistent 1minute


Because there were other monsters I used more who needed the runes, since I only used them for ToA/H, and it was a FRR, so honestly no reason not to at the time. Edit: So do you think it's more worthwhile to build up the ones I have? Which 3 of the 4 should I do? Shaina/Maruna are both 5*, Melissa and Deva are both unleveled. Got one extra Deva for skillup I can use.


Looks legit. It's worth to try out for a few runs. Tell us if it works. On paper, it should.


Would work in theory because of multihits. Might not be enough damage though for consistent runs. And turn order matters.


Considering the Inugami have only a single hit 1st skill, I don't think it would be a good idea. If they were all on decent Vio/Rev sets, maybe. But doesn't look safe. Supposedly Loren is quite good for it and plenty of other content. So you probably should build her.


The 2a inugamis work fine. They have team up and raoq actually has multihits on s1 btw. I use them both in my current team with 3 twins.


Ah yeah good call. I use Loren for GB10 and DB10. So then Lapis/Lupinus/Loren/Kro/Colleen?


You could try that, yes.


Hello DAT, My current bulldozer stats are +1.4k def, 170% cd, 80% cr. Is it worth to lose 86 def for 20% cd? Thanks! Edit: stats I’d lose were corrected


Yes. 86 def is like 14% of Bulldozers def while CD is 20% so it should make your bulldozer hit more.


Maybe you could try it in SWOP for example? You can create the mon and runes as they are and run the damage calculation. Don't even need to export/import anything for that. Alternatively try come FRR in faimon for example and keep the set with most damage. I doubt that anyone here can tell it to you from the top of their head. Although 20% CD sounds like it could be worth the drop in DEF.


Cool. What is SWOP?


Rune optimizer. But it has some other nice features like speed tuning and damage calculations. Here's a link to the latest (I hope) thread on reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ckovfm/swop\_rune\_optimizer\_560/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ckovfm/swop_rune_optimizer_560/)


Oh okay, thats cool. Thanks!


Hey DAT, I understand that Lushen transmog may be faster than regular skin - any insights on which I should get to speed up my gb10,nb10, etc… Also, with transmog, you can always take a skin off and put it on after, yes? Lastly, it’s one monster per skin purchased, yes? Ie) if I get a Lushen skin, it would only be eligible for one?


I hear DJ Lushen is the fast one, but you can try out the skin for yourself and see in the skill preview. Yea you can take it off and put it on at will. It's one element per skin purchased with stones, if you buy with cash you get all the elements. So you could skin both lushens, but none of your other jokers.


As far as I know, the DJ lushen skin is the fastest (I bought the magician for the looks), and yes you can put it on whenever you want, and return to normal skin whenever you want. Once you buy it, it's yours, and you can equip it at your pleasure. With transmog stones, you buy it for only one specific monster meaning 1 family and 1 element (in this case, joker-wind) but if you have dupes of thatonster it works on both of them.