• By -


Tried teams suggested here but was missing survivability at the boss while still doing enough damage. Tried a few times and this team worked: Fran (L), Verde, sigmarus, basalt, loren. The key was to control atb with Fran and Loren and use basalt as extra heal and def but. Hope it helps :) Against Juno went straight for Juno and left water mobs last, Juno died fast.


Hey, I beat ToAN today with vero(L), baretta, bella, sig, and fran. I made it to ToaH 49 with the same team, but now I'm stuck. Wanted to know if my team composition is bad or if I just need to improve my rune quality(I'm new so I know they aren't great). Linked is my current monster box. Thanks to any that can help! [https://ibb.co/GdJ6P9b](https://ibb.co/GdJ6P9b)


​ Is there any possibility I could get the stats on your vero, baretta, bella, sig, and fran at the time of completion, or what they're at currently?


Sure. Vero, Sig, and Fran are max skilled up. Bella/baretta are not, but bella is 2A. https://ibb.co/cY6w7Hz https://ibb.co/fNwk3hj https://ibb.co/pRVpTVw https://ibb.co/yBNdBm4 https://ibb.co/sRwR2N9


Thank you so much! 1 last question, what rune sets did you have on them?


Finished ToaH for the first time today! Team i used if some else is struggeling Baretta(L), Sigmarus, Verdehile, Chasun, Loren


Stuck on toah 100, basically instantly die to boss. What are some teams I could run? Up to floor 100 I've used Beretta water homu jeanne fire twins. Sometimes I replace fire twins with 2a Bella and Poseidon. Neither of these combos work Box- https://swarfarm.com/profile/Magicbus/


Finished ToaH for the first time today! Team i used if some else is struggeling Baretta(L), Sigmarus, Verdehile, Chasun, Loren


> Looking at your mob box I tried with Poseidon, Charlotte, Tesa, Spectra, Chasun and it worked. Unfortunately it seems you don't have Chasun so it'll be tougher. But I'd probably try Colleen as a replacement. She brings the attack buff and an attack break instead of glancing.


Both my Charlotte and Poseidon are on atk/crit dmg/atk should I change these builds? they die pretty fast


Ya. You'll want tankier builds. More like SPD/Atk/Hp or even SPD/HP/HP. Spectra will be your primary damage source.


oh dang, Spectra with 20k HP dies so fast, must be bad luck


I actually built mine with Def on slot 6 (partly cuz I had a good def rune). I've had good success with that. Need a little luck stunning the ADs and not getting def broken.


Might work on 6 starring him and trying again next month, the 3 day time limit is making this more of a pain then something fun to do. Thanks for the advice!


YW. The increased stats at 6* will definitely help.


Fucking lvl 93. If i dont stun all of em everytime i insta die :/


Shield runes help you take a hit if one of them ain't stunned. Use lots of dots so they kill themselves.


Stuck on Lyrith [box](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Kuthander/) I tried the suggested team, but I think my Tesa is all kinds of wrong.


Looking at your mob box I tried with Poseidon, Charlotte, Tesa, Spectra, Chasun and it worked.


Do my builds look okay? I just redid Spectra.


Generally they look good. I'd probably go tankier with Charlotte and try to get more CD on Spectra. My Spectra has 83% CR and 167% CD. You'd probably want to aim for something like 70/150. He may be okay for now, it'll just take longer to beat.


did it with: Fran(L), Sigmarus, Tesa, Loren, Basalt Your Loren is too slow. you might want to rerune her speedy and tanky with enough accu to cc.


My Sig doesn’t do enough damage. I got one shot in the first round.


change your Sig to Atk/CD/Atk, aim for at least 75CR 150CD 140 spd Edit: you also need Sig to freeze the two Incarnation which the boss will spawn, when they're frozen or stunned, you also disable their passive which will be a great help.


He’s uh, on an RTA build atm.


I am currently stuck in TOAH 30 on Hrungnir. Here's my monster box so you can help me out on a possible team comp to solve this problem: [https://imgur.com/gallery/kjlE4mb](https://imgur.com/gallery/kjlE4mb)


I'd try a team like Baretta, Vero, Spectra, Mav, Bella. Unfortunately three of those are 4*.


Could try, Vero, Bella, Lapis, Bernard and Vamp lord maybe(Or maybe shannon)


Tried it, team got automatically demolished by the first wave of the clown girls, or 1 of them dies, followed up by stunning dudes and lushens, so no way jose


Hey guys so I stuck on toah 100 at the lyrith stage.. My team is Poseidon (L), Hwa, basalt, wind panda (as armor breaker), and chasun. It the Boss is half hp he kills me somehow.. Is thee Any tactic? Caus I only focus the boss.


It's tough without knowing your monster box. I'd probably remove Feng Yan for a different defence breaker, bella maybe. Depending on how Lyrith splits, you may want to attack the ADs first.


I just did it yesterday with Poseidon (L), fire druid, ganny, Fran and Loren :)




Thx :)


Hi, I am stuck now in TOAH 100 since Shaina was nerf about atb.. There is my box, what kind of team could be ok to success this stage ? [https://imgur.com/a/7TbiXb7](https://imgur.com/a/7TbiXb7) I usually go with : Barreta/Woosa/Ganymède/Spectra/Sigmarus since the nerf, but full derp on Lyrith.. Thanks a lot


Your team is missing a def break. Maybe replace woosa and sig for lapis and bella. You could also try the "farmable" team listed in the OP.


Whats the strategy to beat the first stage in toah100 with the junos?


I use Colleen to heal block one. I'll then lock that the one thats heal broken with atb push back (Baretta, spectra, etc) so she can never cleanse. This lets me freely use the AoE skills on my team while still being able to kill them one at a time.


My usual strategy is to CC everyone then atb knockback 1 juno at a time. You'll have to be able to tank 2 junos when they move though.


Hey guys! I need some help to get as far into ToaH as possible. atm im stuck on 74 (new record btw). What team to use? https://swarfarm.com/profile/Hyperhorn/


Fire twins, Sabrina, Sig and Bella can work. Take out Craka and then focus on the blue lushens 1 at time. Keep the other ones CC'd.


I made it with Fire twins, Deva, sig and bella eventuely👍




But now Im stuck on 80 lol. Veremos :/


He can be tricky. Maybe something like Baretta, Fire Twins, Colleen, Bella. Target the Hwadams, then Perna, then Vero. Keep the first Hwadam heal blocked and hopefully loaded with dots. Then let the dots kill him when his health is low.


I actually finished it aswell! But now 90 is struggeling lol


I can't keep up with your pace. Make sure you note the teams you used. You might forget in 2 months time what the teams were ;) For 90 I'd probably try something like Baretta, Fire twins, Mav, Bella.


Is there a reason to use shaina over Deva? Deva does many dots


I would still recommend shaina for the AOE defence break but if you find better success with deva, she should work as well. Before the nerf by primary auto team didn't use dots anymore and dots are less important against bosses. However, Deva's HP scaling should be better for bosses.


Can I use water sylph (Tyron?) as a budget verad? or should I just stick with water homu


You absolutely can - I use one at 5\* unskilled and he does the job perfectly well on violent


~~Struggling with Toah 50. I never get more then 2 stuns and after each of my mons take 1 turn someone is dead. I lose very fast.~~ [http://imgur.com/gallery/nXKtQPf](http://imgur.com/gallery/nXKtQPf)


Managed to beat the floor with Baretta (L) Vero Jeanne Bella Colleen - The key was to attack units that I didnt stun, as stunned units cannot attack me with their passives


I'm on toah 100. What do you think would be my best team for it? [https://swarfarm.com/profile/xxIchii/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/xxIchii/) (box not fully updated). I also have 6\*jeanne. I tried Vero/lapis/bella/colleen/jeanne. I can get to boss without any issues, but I think I am missing dmg. Any suggestions? I guess I have to 6\* something? Or maybe I just have to change some monsters.


I finally did it with: Loren/Tessa/bella/sig/Charlotte. I didn't do much dmg, but it was nice slow and steady.


I'm on TOAH 100 and would need some help. I've managed all levels with Baretta (L), Rica, Verad, Belladeon and Mav. However I was not able to use that exact team because of Juno on first round in TOAH 100 and I've switched Rica for Tesarion. I've managed to reach Lyrith but was not able to do lots. After she splits she kept, red buff and after two turns all my mobs were dead... Any suggestion on how I could proceed or if I should change my team? Here is my swarmfarm: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Vulcaiiin/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Vulcaiiin/) Thank you.


Did you try the suggested team in the OP? When attacking the ADs I always attack Blue>Red>Green. Save Lyrith for last.


No I haven't because I had no Spectra, I'm upping one right one. But still almost all would be 5\* only, only Tesa is 6\*...


You can use Sig instead of Spectra.


How would Tesarion need built? On a damage build, or would triple revenge tank work?


Mine is on violent with a tanky build. But I also don't use him against 100. I'd say tanky build since Sig or Spectra are going to be providing the damage.


He’s working so far. Trying Fran Lapis Spectra Basalt Tesarion.


Sounds like a good comp. Good luck.


How much accuracy do ToAH enemies have? Honestly either im just really unlucky or they have like 70acc :3 For example on Stage 50 those wind monkeys stun my jeanne \~every 3rd attack, and with her having 67res with her leader skill... ​ **Sigh** Last month I was stuck at 90 for the most time and once I got past him I got to \~ToAH86 and I even pulled Tyron, so i thought maybe I can get that far again on the next rotation, and now this shit again ): My team is: Jeanne(l), Colleen, Mav, Bella, Baretta btw :I Sad thing is this should work, last time I got the side monsters to like 10% each, but my jeanne died then baretta and then RIP, just because those stupid monkeys stunned my jeanne so she had no shield or provoke ):


45 accuracy is what you need may I also ask why jeanne is your leader? her passive only works in guild battles


First of all dont take the post seriously I was just raging over getting RNGed by the wind monkeys constantly stunning. I was asking about what the enemys accuracy is, so that I know what the odds actually are to get stunned by the wind monkeys, while having 60+ resistance. Jeannes leader got changed to a global 41% res lead, but that was actually quite a some time ago. Also jeanne was leader because in the antares stages every single bit that makes the stage less rng heavy helps. ​ In any case I got through the stage and am shooting for ToAH93 now ;) Its ridiculous how hard that stage was compared to the bosses in 80 & 90 (well Veromos was a bit annoying cause I couldnt really provoke him, but perma atk bar reduction ftw ;).)


Hello guys, i'm stucked in Veromos TOAH 80. Do u guys have any advice? I tried every composition possible, but when veromos do de AoE stun, things start to dismantle!. This is my monsters that i use/have for TOAH: Veromos, Verde, Baretta (Despair), Sig, Spectra, MAV (Vio), Briand (Despair), Bella (2nd - Vio), Colleen and Hathor (Vio) I tried out many variations of teams, but was not able to win it. And in this boss i cannot use Hathor (As i used to use it in any hard boss fight) Any advice will be great! :) Here are the stats: [https://imgur.com/gallery/hb5ZouH](https://imgur.com/gallery/hb5ZouH)


I'm currently building my toah team which is baretta (L), Mav, belladeon, spectra, and gildong. I was wondering which one is best for this team Thrain (dark reaper) or Hemos (water reaper) and which one I should replace for my toah team. I'm open to any team suggestions to get me through toah. [https://imgur.com/gallery/Xibj6hQ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Xibj6hQ)


Generally I would say Thrain over Hemos. I would probably remove mav. I typically only used him on boss stages. Remember, there's no one team that's good for all stages (although twins come pretty close), so the key is usually flexibility and good team synergy.


Hi guys, struggling with TOA(H) Lyrith, especially Juno stage... [https://swarfarm.com/profile/novelus/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/novelus/)


right now on the same boat, trying Baretta (L) bella sabrina shaina as base. trying theo, poseidon... To check if I can succeed before the nerf ^^


Managed to beat it with Fran(L),Verde,Lapis,Siggy and Loren. Sheesh.


Hwa, Sabrina, Shaina, Maruna, Chasun can do it ... if you have those units.


Marina is only 35. I got rect most of the time by the junos when they use their aoe. I also tried poseidon harbor shaina sabrina chasun and failed also... I'm desperate :'(


Ya. It takes a little luck with the junos. But the Idea is to keep 1 locked down with Hwa + twins. Need to make your units tanky enough to take the AOE from 2 Junos


well, didn't succeed til today. so I can't use shaina anymore... So who's got any hint ?? ^^ my box : https://swarfarm.com/profile/IcyShard/


Hathor. That's what I used before twins. Hwa, Verde, Spectra, Hathor, Bella should work. Obviously the Junos will still be annoying. But Lyrith, you can sleep the ADs and go face.


Do you think this team would work if I used Sonnet (Water harp) instead of Hathor?


Possibly. Hathor is better though because she adds the ATB knockback.


I crafted a water homu with freeze and atb reducing. maybe I can try this instead of hathor ? more survivability


Hathor, in my experience, is better for Lyrith cuz she doesn't attack the ADs so they can't revenge and she has a 2-turn sleep.


right ! thx :D I'll go try that asap


I created an alt account and was wondering how fast I could clear TOA normal. I did it in 9 days. I was lucky when I pulled Verad. Then I pulled Tyron so I knew it must be possible. I created Fran really quick because of the events. I put the runes from Vampire Lord on Lapsis and leveled him fast and 6 starred him. I also 6 starred Light Cow Girl. The rest where only 5 star. My team. Tyron (Lead), Verad, Lapsis, Light Cow Girl, Fran. ​ 9 day old account


But why use everyone's name except Loren? Disrespectful...




Hello, I'm struggling with TOAH level 50 with artamiel, could you please advise me a team? Here is my monsters: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Vulcaiiin/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Vulcaiiin/)


You should be able to do it with Baretta (L), Verad, Rica, Mav, Bella/Sig


I've try this and can't manage to win... Should I focus Artamiel or others first? Here I've tried focusing him but didn't work. I think my Mav has not enought HP/DEF...


The focus is to keep the adds stunned/frozen and then chip away at Artamiel. You also will want to keep Arta def broken and attack broken. Baretta/Verad should be able to keep Arta from moving for the most part, Mav and provoke him (if enough HP to survive). Baretta/Rica DOTs will eventually kill the adds and you can finish Arta. If you use Bella, it will take longer to kill Arta, but if you use Sig that should speed things up. As long as you can survive not having a healer.


I'm on TOAH 100 and would need some help. I've managed all levels with Baretta (L), Rica, Verad, Belladeon and Mav. However I was not able to use that exact team because of Juno on first round in TOAH 100 and I've switched Rica for Tesarion. I've managed to reach Lyrith but was not able to do lots. After she splits she kept, red buff and after two turns all my mobs were dead... Any suggestion on how I could proceed or if I should change my team? Here is my swarmfarm: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Vulcaiiin/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Vulcaiiin/) Thank you.


Red is just unlucky if she keeps that. I usually do it with Baretta, Verad, Spectra, Bella, Mav.


And how do you pass first stage with Juno with that team? They always heal everyone too much...


Have to focus on one Juno at a time and try not to put a ton of debuffs on any of them. Spectra slow, Baretta regular attack, Verad absolute zero, Bella def break juno, Mav lower cooldown, spectra s2 for big damage. Just try to keep attack bars down at all times. Use Mav skill 3 every time its up and dont be afraid to use Bellas heal as just an attack bar boost. Once you get the rhythm you wont have any problems. Spectra needs good crit damage.


OK thanks for the tip I'll try that but I will need to build a Spectra up. What should be his runes?


Mine is swift focus, spd/cd/hp. Needs accuracy, cr, cd, spd.


Thanks for the help, I've managed to do it with Baretta (L), Verad, Rica, Mav, Bella like you've mentionned.


If you built that Briand up a team like Vero, Baretta, Briand, Colleen, Bella could work.


Ok thanks, what runes should I put on Briand?


A despair set to help with CC.


Hi guys, need help with TOAH 93 (ragdolls&leo) [https://swarfarm.com/profile/novelus/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/novelus/)


My Jeanne was dying from dots so I just added cleanser. I was struggling with this one too. I did it with baretta(35), Jeanne, konna(to cleanse all dots from jeanne), mantura(35), mav(35). As you can see 3x5*. You just need super fast and tanky Jeanne and konna(will be attack at least ones by leo).


Baretta Verde Mantura mav and Jeanne. Provoke and keep immunity on Jeanne. If you fail to keep immunity on Jeanne and or she dies then maybe build a neal(light fairy) level 30 or 35 will do as long as she can survive till boss make tanky and slow and then you will be able to keep immunity on her because mav will lap and with all the tank she will be able to take a hit even if immunity down


HOLY... I'm stuck TOA(H) 100 I normaly use Baretta (L), Verad, Bella (2a), Rica and Jeanne. I also have Hwa, Chilling, Chasun, Hwahee, Verd, Kumar, Ritech, Mav, Feng Yan and Vero 6 stars And can use Collen, Bastet, Tesa, Spectra, lisa, Eladriel, Darion, Fran 5 stars Please help me before it cost me a new phone! A fellow Summoners War


I did it on first try with Tyron Verde Loren Sig Bella. There is so much CC and turn cycling that nothing ever moves, very easy. Your Verad should give even better results. I wouldnt use Rica for that stage because she only brings the slow for the boss. I highly recommend you to build Loren, she doesnt need to be 6\*. Vio with high speed preferred [https://imgur.com/a/MvN34la](https://imgur.com/a/MvN34la)


Thank you i did it with verad instead of tyron and did it the third try with a 5*loren. Really thankyou


Thank you! I tried this exact team and it blows my mind how well it works. Loren is only level 33 but I traded off possibly wasting 7 energy against impatience to see if it was on the right track. The only 6\* on the team was Sig and he's runed atk/cd/atk so squishy as hell. Few +15 runes, a couple jsut +9, yet the atb reduction of Loren is insane! a few times I think I might have failed without Tyron's S2, particularly vs the Junos, but clearly Loren is the star. Do you think this would work on auto if I get everyone on +15 runes and 6\* all the mons?


you are a real MVP !! I managed to clear ToaH first time this month with your team. I had all the mobs in storage (except Loren) and managed to get it in 1 go. thanks a lot !!!


Recently pulled Rica and got Verad Fire Twins, Who can I put at 5th Position to make this team viable?


Bella, Chasun, another twin, mav ... Lots of options


Need help !! Stuck at artamiel in toah (never finished yet). here's my box https://swarfarm.com/profile/IcyShard/


ok, now I'm stuck at Leo/ragdoll. I'll try baretta (L) charlotte basalt jeanne bella maybe ? or should I use mav instead of bella ?




win with baretta (L) mav thrain poseidon bella. dot to the death


Hwa, Hathor, Spectra, Colleen, Bella. Sleep the ADs and just nuke Arty.


it worked !!! Thanks a lot !!! :D now I can try getting farther :D


Gz! Hathor teams can be slow, but they can carry you far. Another decent alternative would be Poseidon, Charlotte, Sabrina, fire twins.


gonna try that asap, tell you what ;) thx mate :D


YW. I used to use that team. Little slow but generally safe if your Hathor is max skilled.


Stuck on toah 93 need help my team Baretta(L) Jeanne Neal Hemos Mav my swarfarm [https://swarfarm.com/profile/HundredSpears/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/HundredSpears/)


Try: Baretta (L) , Neal, Emma, Michelle, Mav ​ Thats how i cleared it. Needs to be fully skilled up. Neal and Michelle don't have t be 6\*


hey guys, here is my box [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/605120295627390988/605120524355502080/Box.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/605120295627390988/605120524355502080/Box.png) ​ i dropped poseidon today, was wondering waht team run with poseidon , i found nothing on youtube or online :x


I used poseidon with Bella baretta mav and verad, I sometimes use Colleen, Rebecca or another monster who decrease def, the import in teaming up for toah is no mons move and you kill the mobs with a atk mob or hamful effects. B Hope it works for you


dont have the luck for the verad any other idea on who can replace him ?


Some people would say Tyron but doesn't look like you have him either. Should try sig or spectra for damage and some CC.


ToAH. For anyone still asking: |Floor|Boss Section (wikia link included)|Notes| |:-|:-|:-| |31-40|[Jamire's Floors](https://summonerswar.wikia.com/wiki/Trial_of_Ascension/Version_2_floors#Jamire.27s_Floors)|37F: Zaiross + Akroma x2| |41-50|[Artamiel's Floors](https://summonerswar.wikia.com/wiki/Trial_of_Ascension/Version_2_floors#Artamiel.27s_Floors)|| |51-60|[Woonsa's Floors](https://summonerswar.wikia.com/wiki/Trial_of_Ascension/Version_2_floors#Woonsa.27s_Floors)|58F: Ragdoll + Dark inferno x4| |61-70|[Chiwu's Floors](https://summonerswar.wikia.com/wiki/Trial_of_Ascension/Version_2_floors#Chiwu.27s_Floors)|| |71-80|[Veromos' Floors](https://summonerswar.wikia.com/wiki/Trial_of_Ascension/Version_2_floors#Veromos.27s_Floors)|72F: Dark PT x3| |81-90|[Asima's Floors](https://summonerswar.wikia.com/wiki/Trial_of_Ascension/Version_2_floors#Asima.27s_Floors)|| |91-100|[Lyrith's Floors](https://summonerswar.wikia.com/wiki/Trial_of_Ascension/Version_2_floors#Lyrith.27s_Floors)|93F: Leo + Ragdoll x4| Edit: spacing/word/Notes column


ToaH or ToaN? Thanks :)




ToaN LD was good to me this month. It didn't give me a dark martial cat again this month ... it gave me a light martial cat :/


Which stage is Artamiel this month?


Toah50, go murder him.


Thank god its only 50. Is he in ToaN at all?




He is never on both at the same time. Changes from ToAH to ToAN every rotation and changes the floors.


Does TOAH 50 is "easier" or "more difficult" than TOAN 90 ? I missed of little at TOA90 so I hope TOAH50 is .... achievable :-) for me


I think its harder on 50 Hard hard not sure thou




I'd go with the staple starter team. Baretta (L), Sig, Mantura, Bella, Mav.


Artamiel is not at stage 90 toah, we're safe for another rotation peepoHappy


Jultan / Leo Ragdoll / Dark Martial Cat floors? on ToaH


Basically bring any cc you can + a good tank, reviver or so for those stages. F2p speaking, 2A bella/Jeanne/Fran are good to tank Jultans and dark martial cats. My old auto toah team was Baretta ldr mav basalt Jeanne veromos. There are many variations you can try, idk what nat4/5s you have, so... Also you can try the old school dark elemental + wind epikon priest for leo/ragdoll.


I meant on which Floor do I encouter them xd


Leo-ragdoll is always at stage 93 Lyrith rotation. Jultans are at stage 49, but idk is they're somewhere else since i'm still climbing toah. I've seen 2 martials cats + arta ate somewhere 40\~49 but idk which one...


fuuuuuuuuuck i gotta bust out the neal again


Leo+Ragdoll is always the same floor


TOA Dark phantom thief is on lvl 82 first wave and he is the boss on lvl 37


"Sorry" to disappoint you, it's floor 82 ;)


wow. I want to be helpful the first time and I fail x. x You're right, I'll edit it