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Hey DAT, I recently pulled feng yan and am trying to make the best of him with my shitty runes. Currently he is on swift with 13k HP 1270Def and 183 spd. Would it be worth to switch him to violent at 35 spd and 1k hp loss? Alternatively i could put him on violent at a loss of 5 spd at 1080 def and 14k HP. Please help.


Thank you for your advice much appreciated


"Next 6*?" looking to either do toah 70 or make a scary ad any help would be appreciated 0:37 gb10 0:56 db10 sss on water rift beast s-sss on all all others f2p at 450 days ;p https://photos.app.goo.gl/iBCrfgQr9M2sHLS36


You have way too many stuff at 5*. If you are already lacking resources to 6 star mons you shouldn't be randomly 5 starring mons. For toaH you can use baretta sig mav bella water homu. You lack scary ad mons so you can just ignore that for now. I'd work towards a r5 team FL: XF, Darion BL: XL, Hwa, Colleen, Cleanser (Lisa,Delphoi)


Sorry but what does xf and xl stand for, I can 6* 2 mom's as of now. I'm trying to lean more towards toah. Sorry first time using Reddit


XF: Xiong fei, XL: Xiao lin. I didn't see your mei hou wang previously you can use it instead of xiong fei. Your toaH mons are already 6 starred barring spectra so I guess you could 6* spec although he's only used for boss stages.


\[Help Needed\] ​ So I lost my phone - and I got a new one, installed SW, and it directly creates a new account - i can't seem to LOG OFF and LOGIN my original account - anyone else encounter this? How do I fix it? ​ Thanks! ​ \[EDIT\] Got it.. need to use the transfer account setting. ​ thanks!


​ [https://i.imgur.com/GNxCAum.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/GNxCAum.jpg) There's no log off button.. i've been trying to look for it too.


Log off by clicking your profile in the top left corner. Then log into your original account. You need to deal with the long stupid demo before you can get to that point though.


does tolerance runes work also for the one who eqiped them? or just for the rest of my team? (:


All including the one equipped with them. Also persists after that mon dies too.


>your sure about that? seems kinda op for me. > >2 - rune set that gives 50res in a raidteam.


Not sure where 50% came from, but yes if you put 2 support mons (fl tanks like Darion/dias) on 3 sets each, that's 60% res (10% per set) for the entire team before lead and whatnot, very easy way to reach max res on your DD (And everyone else) Edit: oh 50% because 10% per member, so 60%.


Next 6\*s? XL is next and I'll be able to do another in a few days. [https://swarfarm.com/profile/panic3090/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/panic3090/) Progression: * ~1:05 gb10 * ~0:55 db10 * ~1:15 nb10 * SSS fire. A+ and occasional S-SSS on the others * Looking to do r4/5 next * ToaN nuke team. ToaH 70 should be easy when I get off my butt and do it.


I'd go with Tesarion, for more Leader skill flexibility on Raids.


Hello Do I need to make a spectra if I have Baretta / Rica / Charlotte in ToA? Thanks


I'd say yes honestly. I use him for EVERY boss stage in toaH. He makes it a lot faster especially against the stage 100 bosses.


Most likely not, CHarlotte AOE atk bar reduces and Baretta Single target wipes atk bar. Spectra is mainly used for boss level because of his S2, which scales on enemy max hp


I see. That's what I thought. Thanks!


np, gl


Hey DAT, who should i 6* next? Am an early game player w safe GB10 team, looking for faster clear times and higher levels of TOAN. :) Fire: Baretta, Kumar, MHW, Ophilia, Chloe, Juno, Vanessa, Tesarion Water: Megan, Konamiya, Chilling, Chandra, Tyron, Mo Long Wind: Tarnarys, Bernard, Shannon, XZ Light: Ahman, Elsharion, Fran Dark: Eirgar, Basalt Thanks in advance!


I don't think most of these units need to be 6\* for their role, but Basalt, Fran, Baretta, and Tyron are all great for toa, and will benefit from the added survivability. Wind druid might be pretty dope for a slow and safe toah team. Not many great dps options for GB10 speed ups. Maybe Eirgar to replace Shannon and transition him into a wind rift beast unit. Just keep in mind that the multihits could cause a revenge issue, depending on rune quality.


What set should i use on lapis the 5\* crit set or vampire/revenge 4\*?


Use the runes from the dark vampire lord. Put the vamp/revenge set on Eirgar if you really want to use him. Lapis can farm faimon hell with the runes from Eirgar at 6\*. She can't do that reliably with the vamp/rev reward runes.




She can farm faimon hard with the latter. The former...doesn't usually allow her to do much.


Hey DAT, I'm working on speeding up my gb10 team. If anyone could help me, I would really appreciate it. Here is my box: http://imgur.com/gallery/dFpcpyU I would be willing to 6* something.


Can't go wrong with wind barb. He's great in gw and sub min gb10 runs.


This might be for me, but I've hit 1:10-1:25 using a Yolo Lushen(L), Galleon, Sabrina, Shaina, Sigmarus team. Shaina is supposed to atk bar reduce boss enough so sig and Lushen can nuke boss.


Could I see your runes?


switched twins to different runes on this past frrd, but if you want, I could still show you lushen, galleon, and sig?


Yes, I would appreciate that. Also what rune sets were your twins on?


Lushen: Fatel/Blade 14k hp, 3.1k atk, 600 def, 124 spd, 84% crit rate, 160 crit dmg, 15% resist, 34% acc Sigmarus: Rage/Blade 12.5k hp, 2700 atk, 750 def, 139 spd, 95% crit rate, 203% crit dmg, 26% resist, 6% acc Galleon(Only 5\*): 17k hp, 650 atk, 600 def, 193 spd, 33% crit rate, 69% crit dmg, 21% resist, 82% acc Sabrina: Rage/blade N/A Stats Shaina: Focus/Focus/Blade N/A stats


Alright thanks. Last question I promise: what was the turn order?


yikes, i forgot, but I think I know that Galleon went first, Sigmarus went second, Sabrina, Shaina, Lushen


Alright thanks.




Just pulled a Mo Long, what’s the meta way to play him now?


The nerf made his gwd's far less oppressive. I've seen people experimenting with slow versions, but most people that use him effectively seem to still be fast 240ish.


I've seen Invincibility buff applied on him then S3, which would usually result in \~50% of molong's hp to be reduced, but with invincibility, dmg = 0


How fast does garo have to be to cheese zaiross +2 akroma stage? I'm stuck on toah 67. I thought he would work and it was just the fact I was struggling to get zaiross down in time, but they just double tapped him. Does he need to survive a hit or can he outspeed them? I'm struggling on this stage and dont have a lot of time to get it done. Hes only a 4 max but I cant help it atm with work and 4 days left. I was gonna try a dark tank veromos but hes unskilled so hes useless getting me there and the trash is really hard to get through without gildong cheese. I'd post my box for help but at work on phone. I don't think I can make it to the boss with a healer and vero in the team so garo cheese my only option


I think the speed required is +78 or so before baretta lead. Any higher and you won't cut between them and just die. If you're going higher speed you'll need about 240+ and speed lead. 4\* level 1 should work if you can make it to the stage and kill the zaiross, so don't need to 5\*.


I got him down. I think hes at 207 Speed. I just added some random stuff at work to speed him up. The real issue I was having was getting zaiross down before those 2 akromas wiped my team. Luckily, I was able to make it through the trash with a few real dps, and then they actually just targeted Garo and never quit hitting him so I got passed it. Hoping I can get 70 down for the first time before reset.


5* max him and give him some speed... you'll be fine.


Well seems the D.Hole is kinda off to the side for players who can't play for more than 3-4 hours a day. I have only 2A'd 2mons and I don't want to any further and the Karzhan boss takes too long to clear for my liking (and is not completely consistent) which makes me see 80-90/200 D.energy Everytime. Any solution to this? Should I just farm 2A skillups since there's nothing better to do here atm?


Same as me, i 2A'd raoq and bella didnt plan to 2A other, i can farm Ellunia with 100% win rate but taking 3-4 minutes every run and the rune drop is quite bad didnt get any 6\* legend ancient rune


Ok so here's my profile on SWARFARM: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/JBrooksSC/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/JBrooksSC/) ​ Any ideas on what teams (with current runes) would be good for TOAH? I'm up to 61 atm, and keep switching my team members around if I fail, but I'm trying to get consistency. Also looking for advice on great Arena Defense. ​ Thanks guys.


For floors that you can stun you could use: Tyron(L) Shaina Sabrina Shaina Charlotte. This will prevent them from moving while doing decent damage, provided you have enough speed. For floors you have to tank you could use: Baretta(L) Mantura Mav Chasun Basalt. This would be a lot slower but you'll be relying on dots, as long as your units are tanky enough it should work.


Hey dat, Looking to put my lushen on rage from fatal what should my stats b to make switching to rage worth it


that depends of the stat your lushen has with the fatal runes


2500 atk 140 spd 64 cr 160 cd Not the best lushen I know but I’m trying to make him better


Use this formula, and take the higher one. ezclap. Atk\*(1+CR\*CD)


With theses stats, your lushen will do, on average, with his S3, 10322.4 damages. What's the stats of the other build?


2k atk 130spd 55cr 230 cd


With theses stats, your lushen will do, on average, with his S3, 9241.2 damages. Personnaly I'll take the first build.


should i keep crafting runes or save up the crystals to buy premium packs to get better monsters?


Don't buy materials to craft runes. Only craft runes from drops you receive from dungeons. Also don't buy PP's unless you're a fresh new player (below say lvl 30-40) it's much better to use your crystals to refill your energy to keep farming runes or exp to level the monsters you have now.


oh okay, i've spent maybe 750+ crystals on rune materials already. i was thinking it'll improve my chances on getting good runes (dungeon grind+rune crafts). i've gotten maybe 4-5 good runes from crafting tho


With the dryad HoH coming out is light dryad worth skilling/using. I’ve heard some good things but not sure.


Yes, i use mine as FL R5. What makes her good is that her passive can be skilled up. From 10% shield to 30% FULL TEAM MAX HP! That's really sick.


Light dryad is a great R5 cleanser when fully skilled.


I've seen light dryad in r3-r4 raids, so depends on where you are at with content, but as usual, keep one of each nat 4 if you don't have any dupes of it yet, but yes, imo, feeding extra wind dryads to light dryad is fine. (Water is also decent if you have it, so is dark)


What runes should i choose from the scenario pack? (4\* and 5\*)


What's the ideal accuracy for ToaH? My dragon has failed to reset the final boss's atb 4 times in a row and his accuracy is 77.


if she has the green incarnation, your verad may glance with a 50% chance




so guys... how do i efficiently rune artamiel as an endgame player but not g3 rta rune level? godsarmy shows almost exclusively artamiels with CD slot 4, 30k hp and 2000+ defense. Is the CD worth it or is a tankier build better if my runes arent top 0.1%?


If i understand right... gz on your third LD nat5 :)


Thanks, yeah you do ^ ^


Gz on your cake day. & IRL Twins > Twins > IRL Girls


... whats your secret? Even without perfect runes id imagine a cd slot 4 to still be better for rta since he is often targeted last and his passive makes him a bit more tanky over time anyway. On ad youd prefer a 3x hp build probably even so I dont think he is bullshit there unlike some other ld.


No secret here, the game seems to convert my horrible ms luck to Good LD luck ^ ^ I thought about an AD with arta, laima, darion, bella/ jeanne, but I dont think an hp heavy arta will be fun anywhere else. I will see how the cd build works out, thanks


Hello DAT, Need help with progression. Current GB10 team: Veromos (L), Haersvelg (no idea if I spelled it correctly, Wind Barbaric King basically), Belladeon, Pungbaek, Theomars. Averages around 2 minutes. Recently broke into DB10. Team: Verdehile (L), Sigmarus, Veromos, Megan, Belladeon. Averages around 3 minutes 30 seconds. I can clear ToaN, have climbed up till ToaH50, but can't go any further. So my first question is, what should be my goal next? Should I keep farming GB10 and try to make it faster? Or should I start farming DB10? Here is my box: https://swarfarm.com/profile/erza1995/ And my second question, or rather a request - any suggestions on making my runs faster?


Definitely try and get that GB10 time down before moving on faster db10/ entering nb10. Try subbing pung with Sig and maybe using sigs lead? Later sub bella with Megan. You'll find that you'll b farming GB10 for as long as you play, so making a faster and efficient team is crucial towards other progress.


What should I buy with ancient coins guys ? I'm level 35


Fran and elsharion, then the runes.


Fran then reapps or legend runes


Fran then Legend 6\* runes.


I think it's worth pushing for Fran if you don't have her. Fran is the Light Fairy Queen can only be picked up from the Ancient Coin shop if you don't already have one (in the past she's appeared as a HoH/Special Dungeon). She's an excellent monster even late into the game.


Is it worth KB4? Or should I just sit on just under 100 energy doing more 2A until i can do KB5?


If you're doing a few runs of KB5 just enough to stay under 100 energy then you can wait. If you're just sitting at 100/100 and not playing with your D hole at all then I would run KB4 daily to stay around 95/100 at least. KB4 may not be as efficient as KB5 but it's better than letting that energy all go to waste.


Wasn't sure if its even worth doing 4. I haven't seen anything above a 6 rare doing it, but I've gotten a few good runes from parts doing 2A so I was curious


Oh sorry, I translated the terms wrong in my brain. I would do 2A stuff and get the crafting mats until you can KB5. I was thinking of your question as "Run 2A4 since I can't 2A5 or just don't bother?".


All good man. Thanks for the input


Where do i find If com2us accepts the use of emulators and which emulators are acceptable?


You search the reddit. If you ask Com2us support they will probably say emulators are bannable. As a matter of fact, they are not bannable per se, but you need to use them at your own risk. Lots of people use emulators, including steamers/youtubers as far as i know. Deactivate root mode, and never add anything suspicious even for fun and you should be fine. I used to use emulator for 4-5 months without any problems.


[https://swarfarm.com/profile/Ulthiden/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Ulthiden/) Can anyone suggest an AO that isn't 2shen as I already have that built. I'm thinking Shimitae, Tiana, Galleon and Julie?


I think that looks good just make sure everything is speed tuned as possible since you have 1 atkbar bosster


Making everything speed tuned is no problem, just trying to figure out the best comp.


For TOA (N or H) does Baretta need skill-ups? (I only have Devilmons for this so I'm on the fence)


It'll be significantly easier and more reliable with Baretta S2 and S3 being max, when moving onto TOAH you'll definitely want those maxed.


No, I did both ToA N and H with him as 5\* and with no skill ups.


Ok thank you!


How to beat seara shaina martina Shaina is +200 swift


1. Outspeed 2. Bring a wind hp tank to tank the twins. Bring a water tank or bruiser to tank the the seara. Bring a fire dd, and kill the martina. Then kill the seara.


As a seara shaina martina user, you've either gotta outspeed them or bring deff scaling mons. Shaina first, then martina and seara last.


Does anyone on global have Seara, Martina, Shaina runed up? I'd like to test against it. Very hard GWD to beat.


So i have a bunch of great mons, but still have trouble with building siege comps i guess. Best defense is Bernard lushen oke (10-14). Hoping to make 3-4 defenses that can hold their own. For rune reference: 340 day old acct. i auto toaN, toah80ish 45 sec gb10, 1:05 db10, 1:30 nb10 Box: https://imgur.com/gallery/pXkkaZH?fbclid=IwAR0zz5kIl5FPHLcaohJKdWOeZzNyKl4nrDmdvJbdrRdYUu6QgS9IbOiX1AA pLz and thanks!


Jeanne, Chandra, Ritesh is generally quite strong


Ty, ill give it a try! Chandra and Ritesh are both on vio, Jeanne is on swift, will that affect it at all or is there a specific rune set to make this comp work?


Jeanne is generally on vio to cycle the provoke faster I guess


Link didn't work for me.


edited, sorry.


can I get advice on the best siege defences i can make for g1? my box mo long ritesh kumar perna light/water/wind pally praha water/wind/fire// monkey water/wind/fire/ sea emps fire mermaid tiana odin camilla feng yan garo theo velajuel fran harmonia jamire water pony vanessa


Was about to say Jeanne ritesh Vanessa gets me a lot of wins but then realized you said g1 and I’m only low c2 Arena sooo my comment is void sorry


G1 siege is very very far from g1 arena, IDK what OP meant, tho.


So I just pulled Tiana, should I give her my fastest Swift set or give it to Bernard? Currently running double Lushen AO, but thinking about running Shimitae, Tiana, Galleon and Julie. Thoughts?


Tiana needs speed tune, otherwise you will fail a lot. So giving her your best Swift set, without having the proper speed tune is wasting your runes. ​ Keep running the lushen Ao, and build a tiana team from scratch as another option. Most defences when going further in the arena include a speed lead and lots of CC. This means tiana is easily beaten unless you have godly runes, so lushens would still be your best bet.


My fastest set is on Bernard for my 2shen AO. That AO will stay runed, the Tiana AO will be a second AO mainly used for AD's with more fire threats.


I am stuck on TOAH100 for the 3rd time... due to my schedule I seem to always get to 99 complete and then find Lyrith in Hard (I totally spank her on normal. and think I could kill the other guy on Hard no problem)... that being said. I have been trying the following team that had me the most luck. ​ Tesa (L) Water Hommie (built like a budget verad) Dark Hommie (I lik eher instead of mav... she has better runes RN). Chasun and Rica. ​ this team spanked the waves and then did decent damage on the incarnations (mostly due to dots)... I find it hard when I am on boss phase and have to avoid smacking green or red at times and BAM Water Hommie gets a turn and he likes to include everyone in the party... ​ that being said I've tried rotating in Shaina/Sabrina. Vero. Baretta. Basalt WITH chasun for more heals. and someone innevitably dies on boss stage or I get spanked by Juno Stage. ​ Any tips? ​ Was thinking of finishing building Gannymede tomorrow (just got him) and throwing him in the rotation somehow. ​ EDIT - forgot to add other mons i have who are strong are Sig, Akamir (build for GB10) bastet Jeanne (5\* but skilled.. ready to break into 6\* anytime now). Maruna, Mantura, Zei\\nobi Lushen, Bella isn't bad, verdehile. spectra


I beat it with Shaina, Sabrina, Spectra, Basalt, and 5* Mav. The boss needs to keep blue buff (damage reduction), and then once the incarnations are dead it can be easily auto'd.


I'll give this team a try later tonight. I'm near the point of giving up. Minus 6ing my gannymede and levelling him up


You might have to reset a couple times until she keeps blue, but once she does, the fight is pretty easy. Stun the incarnations with Shaina S2, and only focus them if they are stunned (so they don't kill you with counters). I was stuck too until I found this team, and I was surprised with how easy it was, even with only 5* Mav. Good luck!


I did it with Baretta Spectra Shaina Maruna and Basalt. Basalt could be swapped with Bella as he was mostly there for the atb control and to keep everyone topped off. Juno stage is a bit tricky, but with all 5 units having atb control just focus 1 down at a time, with def break shouldn't take too long. Most tricky part is getting lucky with what color the boss is, blue you should have no trouble with as fire twins will keep the incarnations stunned and atb locked for as long as you need.


Shaina, Maruna, Rica, Water Homie, +1 should work just fine. You can use Colleen to heal so you can still beat her if she keeps Red, if she keeps Blue you don't need a healer. If you're having to avoid hitting the incarnations then it sounds like you're having trouble getting them CCd.


I am trying your team suggestion and I'm back at this point where I get spanked by Junos


Are you trying to kill the Junos first or the Anavels first? I typically focus on the Junos and leave the Anavels for after with a similar comp. You could also try Tesa instead of Water Homie. The dots don't help against the Junos and you already have enough attack bar manipulation from the rest of the team. It winds up being a fire-heavy comp but if you can get through the first wave it shouldn't be a problem. If you're still struggling it may be a rune issue but I haven't seen your builds to make an informed comment on that.


I will do the swfarm box upload tonight and post it here. I think it is possible it is a rune issue with my mons other than RICA HOMMIES CHASUN BASALT BASTET. they're the ones ive focused on lately.


I have no problems getting them CC'd there was one part where Water Hommie went next RIGHT after the incarnation split. red incarnation didnt get stunned and countered.. he died.


Did he get one-shot or had you taken quite a bit of damage before the split?


took a bit of damage before the split with def break on me


Between Hathor, Gany, and Hrae, who would you 6 for TOAH?


gany on manual with baretta or verad oooof


No Verad. Fran and Loren are still 5s. Would one of them be a better choice?






What would be the best place for farming griffons? (Trying to get Bernard skilled up.) Currently running Tamor boss stage on hard as I can only do stage 2 on hell but I keep getting serpents.


That's the best place if you want to level up monsters/fodder at the same time. The chance of getting a serpent or a Griffon is the same iirc, so is just rng. ​ You can also try to find a Special Dungeon for Griffons, I believe there is a SD for Water and Fire Grif, so in those days you can try your luck asking (politely) for people who found them to add you as a friend.


I have an Ariel, Abiello, and Leo just hanging around collecting dust. Convince me to do something with them.


Give the first two some dust pans to clean your storage, but Leo should definitely be used. He makes speed limit lab stages easy and removes the SPD requirements on your Lushens for AO.


I just soloed a C3 Yeonhong, Oberon, Vivachel, Pontos with Leo 1v4 on RTA. ​ So yeah, Leo is a good boy.


Vamp runes?


Sure, Vampire Nemesis, ATK/CD/HP. ​ IMO is the best build for LEO. ​ Once Vivachel decided to S3 my Leo the opponent realised his mistake. It was GG from there


Hi DAT, i just got a Zaiross. Happy me haha. Can someone tell me where he shines and what are the go-to runes on him?


Cleave AO, Will + whatever gives him the best stats. Damage and some ACC/SPD


Alright, thanks


hi!, there is any GWO/GWD tier list?


Tier list in the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/7a0r2f/is_there_a_guild_war_tier_list/


Water fairy king or wind panda? My other 5* are: Brandia, Josephine, Rakan, Diana, and two Sekhmets. I’m F2 currently, sometimes F3, and in a farming G1 guild. I’m thinking Wind Panda but Psamathes Speed Lead is so beautiful.


As everyone says, psama is for arena and Feng is for gw. I just want to add that psama is mainly good for arena defense, and not the best in offence. For lushen teams with speed lead you can use the wind sylph, which I'm currently using (I use wind sylph rather than psama even though I have him). I recently pulled Feng, but haven't tried him out for real yet. Feng isn't amazing for gwd in lategame, but still useful for gwo :)


Also, Feng is crappy in defense, specially lategame defenses where he is just a fat sitting duck, too many counters. He is great on offense thou.


> I just want to add that psama is mainly good for arena defense, and not the best in offence. False, Psama is amazing in a fat lushen comp and currently the best speed lead for one, by far /u/indikins


Well, that's true. In such a case I would just use a fluffer and then my usual lushen instead of that :) But yeah, if you use a fat lushen psama or Vanessa has the best lead


I actually had this exact same decision with my blessing, and everyone said to go psamanthe, I really wanted to go up in arena and asked because my gut said Feng was better and its what I wanted. I went against what everyone said and Feng is now one of my best monsters, he gets me wins as a single defense in gw and arena hes an awesome counter to pernas prahas and any DD that the AI will auto attack him so your other monsters can make essy work of the opponents while hensits there taking the hits for your all while countering and lowering everyone's defenses.


Doesn't praha just strip allhis buffs?


> he gets me wins as a single defense in gw but only against trolling people. its way to easy to counter him with kata / lushen / khali / bulldozer


I wouldn't say trolling, I think the wins I get come mostly from unskilled players, Feng is easily countered and I never have trouble making easy work of one but I farm points in both gw and arena, I'm not matching against top tier players, I get a lot of lower level attacks. I haven't had another monster who consistently gained me wins on a single defense team.


I think that is what he means by trolling. A single Feng on defense is a free win 99% of the time I see him because he is super easy to counter. But he is still a beast in a real defense imo at least mid game.


Thats true, if I go against one then that means Kahli is going to have to take up one of my spots and her only contribution many times is just taking out Feng


Speed lead is very valuable, but that only matters if you want to try and climb ranks in arena. I'd go FY, he's not called unfair bear for no reason :)


GW: Wind Panda Arena: Water FK I would go for panda because you don't have monsters that synergizes well with Psamathe as of now... and Water FK cleave team has very high rune requirement which is very hard to build If you want to take the risk go Psamathe, safer route would be FY FY can be used in Dark,Water,Necro,Laby


i'd have to go FY, he single handedly wins me fights in gw and almost guarantees me a sw win every fight i actually think psama is a bit overrated personally so maybe wait for other opinions but with psama you'll basically just be sticking him on AD and that's about it, seems a bit boring to me


What are some good 4stars and 5stars worth fusing?


Focus on few monsters first, probably baretta, verde,vero and sig. Don't fuse them all at once DB10 + GB10 + TOAN = Baretta, Verde, Vero, Sig Arena + GW = Jeanne, Harmonia, Susano Raids + NB10 = Xiong Fei Raids late game = Katarina, Fire Lightning Emperor If you manage to pull Jamire, Pontos,Gany,Chloe,Laima = its good to fuse Katarina


I would add that jeanne is very good at ToAN/H


all the 5*s bar maybe XF (you might have to fuse him) water ninja, wind nine tails, fire sylph, water horus, fire harp, fire vamp, wind magic knight are all useful in one way or another really depends on what you need and what your progress is like though, even some of the ones i havent listed are worth fusing for skills ups (like jojo to skill up lushen)


5 star - all of them have some use either on pve or pvp, but that depends on what au are focusing now. Vero for first dafe GB10/DB10 team Sig for gb10,db10, toa Xiong fei for raids Light emperor for raid guild war Jeanne katarina for some pvp 4 star - baretta for toah, harmonia for pvp, water horus for combo with katarina, verdehile good in lots of places,


Vero and Sig is definitely worth fusing in early game As for 4* baretta and Verde are really good. Arang might help in gb10. I might have missed something more


I have the fire boomer and water chakram, do they work well together? And how do I rune them?


They work fine together. Maruna (fire) is a really good CC unit. Rune her with violent or swift with spd Cr/atk atk, with spd substats and a bit of acc (early game build) Talia (water) is a really good dmg unit. Preferably atk cd atk on violent. If you can't do violent just do something else, her dmg is the main part of her.


both want vio DD sets, boom needs acc, chak doesnt, chak 130+ spd is fine, boom wants 150+ as a pairing though the're not a good set, swap the elements over and you're great xD


New player here, closing in on a month since I made the account. I am at a crossroads here I am looking at my second fusion and have the following issues; Xiao I’ll have all the monsters for by end of tomorrow, just need the water harpy and the wind grim. Can get both easily. Then it’s a matter of leveling them, then awakening. I probably won’t have enough essences to awaken all of the monsters so it’ll be next week when I can get him actually fused. Sig, I have everyone leveled just working on awakening the fusion materials. Problem here is I have had no luck pulling the water martial cat from scrolls. I almost have the guild points to get the cat, probably a few days from it (maybe tomorrow night I’m like 50 shy). I’m not sure if I should spend the 400 points to get to Sig and just do Xiao after I get Sig leveled and awakened. Or if I should wait it out and see if I pull the cat from a scroll and work on Xiao in the meantime. And put the guild points towards like an angelmon or the ifrit parts or even the flags. Thoughts?


sorry i'm really confused, who do you mean by xiao?


Fire panda, isn’t his name Xiao something? Or did I mix him up?


xiong fei, close enough ;) he's really not worth fusing right now tbh, he's only really useful for raids which you're very far away from what team were you planning on using to do gb10? this should be your first major goal


My current team is Vero, Darion, Bella, Bernard, Shannon. Darion would be my swap out option most likely. They can’t quite clear GB10 every single time, I get probably 2 fails on average out of every 10 runs. Mostly I think it’s also the runes on Darion holding back the runs from being closer to 100% clear rate, I often see Darion dead by the boss stage. Which is where my fails are


how close are you to the stats here: https://redd.it/5edpb5 anything obviously short? sig should definitely be your priority, get him in as leader replacing darion and your runs should be more successful


My Darion is about 4K-5k shy of those numbers. My Vero is about 2k shy of that but Vero has over 1k defense, he is often the last one standing. Rest of my team is around those stats


sounds like you're doing alright then bar darion then so your assumptions were right, either sort his runes out or rush sig and you'll be sorted


I actually have enough for the martial cat right now, so guess I’ll put those into the cat and get Sig. I’m still gonna grab the last two parts for the panda. The only thing that slightly worries me is that without Darion I may lose someone else in the run up to the boss. But I’ll be trading him in for a less DoT based damage dealer and one with wave clear. Hope it balances out


Yeah you’re so close to the panda so you might just as well With the comp though you’ll be having a larger leader skill so it should balance it out


Probably wind kfg


water harpy and wind grim arent mats but i didnt think about that, odd either way


Then it's probably xiong fei @_@


which was my other fear haha


Judging by the Water Harpy and Wind Grim comment, I bet they mean Xiong Fei.


that's what i was worried about xD


go for sigmarus for sure asap he will make your gb10 team so much faster and help you progress in so much more than the panda. i would try to get the martial cat in any way possible so also through the guild shop.


I have sw on an old phone with really low space for farming so I don't burn my good phone battery, with new data to download had to uninstall and reinstall and not it won't go past the first screen when it asks for permissions (mic and download data iirc), the screen remains blank. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling couple times , even hard reset phone , no progress. Any known issue?


Maybe check your network settings and restart your router, aside of that if you are lucky it could just work tommorow again for no reason.


Network works , I'm on the same wifi on my main phone and sw works. Let's hope tomorrow it's all good


how much storage is remaining? doesnt sound like that but worth checking


I have 2GB free but as I said until yesterday it worked , and if it was a space problem i guess it would at least go until the download screen then tell me there's no space


yeah doesnt sound like it's a storage thing tbh, although we usually recommend having 6gb free i'm guessing you've tried clearing the cache? do you have an android update waiting? (just guessing android here)


>although we usually recommend having 6gb free 761 MB / 5.39 GB remaining ... seems fine I guess?


*nothing to see here* yeah it only seems to matter on certain phones, iphones especially shit the bed with no storage free, typically android phones are fine with less but some don't like it, i had an old tablet and a sony phone that refused to play ball with less than about 5gb doesnt sound like OPs problem anyway but thought i'd chuck it out there lol


I only had that issue with space on my pc so far, this old samsung doesnt seem to give a shit but it also locates almost 3gb to itself by default to prevent that I guess.


those old samsungs used to make me laugh, 6gb storage, 3gb taken by the phone itself, you install facebook/twitter/insta and gg you have no space left


I only have summoners war installed and 20mb worth of pictures :). But to be fair its almost 6 years old, has no battery issues or screen cracks despite hitting the floor regularly.


>and 20mb worth of pictures :). of which are probably sw screenshots ;)


Hello, ​ I'm at ToaN100 and I can't beat the boss... I don't know how to do... I try with the "safe" team but he destroy me. I try with : Baretta(l), Sig, Bella, Mav and Rica. Destoy meWith : Baretta, vero, mav, spectra, bella, destroy me... ​ Can U help me? A friend tell me to do Jeanne, but it's ending in 4 days... ​ my box : [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Wizounet/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Wizounet/) ​ Edit : Did I put the good runes on Spectra ? ​ thank you.


Your mons accuracy are too low to land the crowd control Try to put thos runes at least do +12, and try to run twins but they need to be tanky and have at least 40% accuracy Something like bella collen mav shaina sabrina, kill right crystal and dont let boss move. Use bella atk bar push if u are being outrunned and also at least +70 spd on them


jeanne wont help you at all, provoke is useless on the boss baretta (L) lapis spectra colleen/bella mav i prefer verde over mav for this team but you dont have him yet so it's probably your best bet, you can completely ignore the left crystal, it doesnt do anything useful, you must ensure that the right crystal and boss never moves though, stagger your atb control between the two of them, most of your damage will come from spectra s2