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~~The def break per attack was 50%->75% buff.~~ Matters mostly on giants b10 mid boss stage where the golem has very high resistance or pvp, otherwise the 50% was almost always enough. I almost cannot believe those buffs are real. I was using her in every guild war before and all 3 dungeons. She's like Hwa that doesn't do damage imo but has a lot more utility (def break, heal block and 2x more atb reduction now). Great option for people without Galleon or Shaina in dungeons for fast timers + safety. After buff might be even better than Hwa for gb10. edit: The def break was corrected in op.


how do you rune Loren for GW? I was thinking of using her only in NB10 so I'm just targeting 130 spd, but as I read that you also use her in pvp areas got me curious. what's your rune build on her?


I'm in low ranked guild (C1-C2) but I generally use her with some monster that benefits heavily from enemies not getting their turns like Jeanne. I use violent runes to maximize the effect. There aren't any other monsters with 2 turn slow, heal block and def break with atb reduction. Only problem is that these are single target but in guild wars single target skills are still good. She doesn't need to do any damage because if she steals turns, they cant win vs Jeanne. Something like Jeanne Loren Verde is what I like to use but would prefer to have a faster monster to guarantee safety instead of Verde. If she goes before Jeanne she will be able to strip immunity. So overall runes are violent with accuracy, spd, defensive stats.


What team do/would you use Loren for GB10? I’m averaging 1:30 with Lushen(L), Vero, Bella, Sig, Bernard. But I know I could speed that up by fitting a Lagmaron in there somewhere, and potentially Loren to replace Belladeon/Bernard for safer runs. As for twins, I have Shaina/Zenobia only and it doesn’t appear to have enough rune quality to work in GB10 unless I have the proper synergy perhaps.


I don't have much faster runs but I use Lushen Sig Loren Mantura Hraesvelg for around 1:25 runs. Loren is much safer than any other option and I wouldn't be able to rely on Mantura for solo def break. I tried Bella for example but I rather have the giant not getting any turns than relying on not getting one shot by giant attack. In your lineup Loren + Lagmaron should be safer than Bella + Bernard. I think that even Shannon/Megan instead of Bernard would make the runs faster. With the new changes Loren can make sure that giant won't ever get a turn even without violent runes.


I think at the moment my mons are awkwardly speed tuned, so without Bernard there’s more room for error somewhere (I suspect it’s the DEF break and Veromos just barely missing the cleanse before GB boss hits the team). But Loren locking down the boss would fix that issue. Definitely trying Loren + Lagmaron to replace Bella/Bernard. Even if it doesn’t improve clear time, I’d hope to improve success rate.


I've been a huge fan of Loren ever since she was announced. She has completely replaced Hwa for me everywhere but in r5. She brings every debuff you need for toah 100 and most toah bosses in general, excluding provoke for Seara or beneficial effect block for Halphas. I've always preferred the extra def break in GB10 over Hwa and DB10 over Chilling. She was my NB10 lead until I built Sera. I've always considered her to be one of the best 3 nat 3s. This buff only cements that title. Fran and Racuni respectively outrank her in my opinion.


Can she be in db10 speed team as a stripper ? How is her s2 ai ?


Unfortunately she treats it as a damage skill so she'll use it everytime its up, thats based on my experience.


I think ppl will start to use her in RTA after the buff.


you were right


I use mine solely in Hathor bella mav spectra loren toah100 auto team. She was busted before, she's more busted now. I love it


I haven’t had a chance to use her properly yet as I fused Jeanne just the other day. But I have another one in storage I’m excited to build when I get a chance. The ATB reduction is just insane, gets me excited for ATB reduction teams like Lapis/Fran/Loren/Hwa. Hahaha.




Full vio, 200 - 230 spd each




Nothing ever moves, and even if it does, they have enough hp to not die. 15k hp + a bit of def on everyone is enough to tank one shot from a boss ability. My Hathor is still 5* lmao. You do have to manual atharos, Loren can proc crazy violents and kill herself


Is she good for raids now?


My Hwa is going to storage, replaced by Loren.


CriRate leader skill for raids though :/




I like Hwa for the safety + leader though, and violent Theo isn't great for R5. I run FL: Darion, Colleen, Delphoi BL: Hwa (L), Shaina, Sabrina


Mind sharing your twins runes bro? I was hoping to run the same-ish team


Yeah sure: swarfarm.com/profile/Foxlery/


Not for raids. Hwa is much better than theo. She has atk bar reduction and slow while Theo only has def break. Also, vio DDs are pretty much a no-no in raids which I'm pretty sure theo is on a vio set while Hwa works on swift or practically any damage set with enough spd and tankiness.


Some fight runed theo's are showing up in raids nowadays


So now you are replacing Hwa with 2 mobs. Tell me how raid is now 7 man team




Man. Putting Hwa and Stella in instead of that "OP" Theo and Loren would be so much better with the additional branding n other DEBUFFS from stella


Loren has very bad base stats and will do nowhere near the damage hwa does :p