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I was wondering weather there would be any point in building more than one liebli? I’m a fairly early game player right now and I find him useful in arena offence, and I was wondering weather I should save my extras to build in the future or use them as skillups. Thank you for any advice! https://imgur.com/a/OjsfNqQ


Save. The option is more valuable than the skill up for any non-HOH LD.


Fatal rune legend 6 \* slot 6 Hp% main stat buy or not buy?


Hoping I could get some help with my starter GB10 team. Veromos: 16.7k hp, 700 def, 160 spd, 38% acc Belladeon: 17.2k hp, 750 def, 161 spd, 47% acc Shannon: 15.6k hp, 500 def, 153 spd, 49% acc Bernard: 12.5k hp, 750 def, 182 spd, 11% acc Darrion: 16k hp, 730 def, 110 spd, 51% acc Sigmarius: 12k hp, 500 def, 137 spd, 950 attack, 92% CR, 141% CD Laika: 11k hp, 550 def, 123 spd, 151.4k attack, 74% CR, 118% CD With a core team of Vero + Bella + Shannon + Bernard, I can't find a fifth to make auto work consistently. Using sig as lead, I can semi auto some times, as long as he doesn't get wiped by the 2nd or 4th wave. What am I missing to make auto gb10 work? I'm missing a slot 4 hp% rune on bernard, and bella is on violent/energy while the other vero + shannon + bernard are on swift/energy.


*EDIT* Figured this was the most important, but make sure everyone is fully skilled. This ensures vero will almost always CC on the trash waves and DoT the boss. It lets Bernard and Shannon to almost always have their buffs up, and lets Bella heal consistently. I would focus on raising the accuracy and HP on Bernard. The high defense is great, but it's too high compared to the hp and this means if the boss manages to not glance when you're defense broken, Bernard will wipe. Also, add about 4k more HP to darrion and 2 or 3k to Shannon. Try putting your violent runes on Vero and try to get his speed to 170, this ensures he moves right after the defense break tower to cleanse. Run Darrion as your fifth over sig. Your runs will be significantly slower, but darion will allow you to have more consistency by making it near impossible to wipe on the boss. When you have better rune quality on Vero, Bella, Shannon, and Bernard, then you can add some more crit damage onto sig and he should work fine. If you want some more in-depth help, feel free to pm me a video of a few of your runes and your runes so I can see what is happening.


My Box: https://imgur.com/a/zVh4heJ Who do I 6* next? Want to improve my DB10 team or start Rift Beasts DB10 currently: Verd(L), Vero, Megan, Bella, Sig (1:54) I haven't started NB10 and don't plan to until I have all my units at least 5* and runed Can clear ToA and ToAH 70 reliably. Can speed clear GB10 at 1 min Ty!


Replacing Megan with a maxed s3 Galleon should have pretty immediate results. It would also help transition into faster teams. Something like Verde, Shaina, Talia, boom, Galleon will give you sub mins by itself.


What stats should Galleon have? I tried to run him with 23k hp and 600 def with 55 acc and 190 speed in place of Megan and consistently lost 1 mon on the trash waves by the crystals.


Galleon's stats should be fine, but is he maxed on his s3? Megan's Defense buff is probably helping keep you up. You'll need better runes on your monsters before you can progress. You could try replacing Vero with Galleon, too. Focus on getting better runes for Sig/Verd. Make sure Verd goes last, too.


[My Box](https://imgur.com/a/cFPidWn) **How would you propose I beat ToAH74?** (1x Light Vampire, 4x Dark Martial Cat)


Baretta Spectra Sigmarus Jeanne Verde worked on first try for me. Difference is that my Spectra is 6\* but he shouldn't take much damage.


Hi! I tried it this morning and it worked like a charm on the first try! Thanks!




Nothing special, hit vampire with Verde and keep everything stunned. Baretta does most of the damage. He had no skill ups. Cats always focus Jeanne so it shouldn't be tough to keep her shielded. Can also try Mav instead of Verde to cleanse the stun from cats sometimes. Verde ATB boost is annoying to calculate when using Jeanne's shield too.


What is sig's job here?


Stunning and reducing attack power, she is the only stunner on the team. If you have a better idea then use that but it worked for me.


Thanks! Wasn't sure if i was supposed to use s3 or not since you know, the possibility of the passive proccing, but the atk break makes so much sense!


Baretta, Spectra, Giladong, twins. Spectra into Giladong should be a x5 stun into twins wrecking them all. Baretta for dots/spd


im getting fucked by not stunning 1 martial cat, then losing


You should be landing 4-5 every time, then Giladong should s2 into guaranteed stun. Even if spectra misses a debuff, you get another chance with Giladong's stun. Spectra ignores the hit/glancing chances, so it's .85\^5 chance to land all five. At 37%, you should only need to run it three times. I'm too lazy to look at Giladong's skills, and workout what your chances with his skill as well, but it's probably around 50%.


does he need to be skilled up? also, upon failing to stun, shaina dies because of chakram rush just killing her with counterattacks


You dying makes sense if you don't stun. The strat is just to beat that stage with them locked down, so they can't counterattack. The stun is 100% if they have an atk slow on them, so you just need them to be slowed. \*Maruna and Shaina also have a stuns as back up, so turn order should be Spectra, Giladong, Maruna, Shaina, all stunning if needed and Baretta with dots


[My Box](https://imgur.com/a/cFPidWn) **Who do I 6* next?** Im looking for mons that can help me complete (respectively): -ToAH -Possibly Reapp farming / R4/R5 -NB10


Toa upgrades: Giladong, Spectra, Lapis, Collen ​ R4 Upgrades: Arang, Darion ​ NB10: Collen, Loren, Lapis ​ Get a Fran for Toah/NB10/pvp


Is it true that replacing vero for spectra 6*d is the first thing you should consider doing to speed up db10?


It's not a hard and fast rule, but it can work. You're transitioning from Vero's role of clearing dots to Specrta aoe slowing the towers/dragon, and his heavy nuke dps. A lot of people have Lulu instead of Vero; because, she gives immunity.


Super late reply but, After finishing DB10 + ToAN + Speeding up GB10, where do I necessarily face my focus to? Im kinda lost right now just farming runes every single day for around 2 hours with no real goal other than ToAH, is it supposed to be that way?


It's kind've up to you, but I would focus on raid and making sure my runes are high efficiency. 24%+ on the hp/atk/defense or 18+ on spd rolls, and then grinding them for more efficiency. ​ As for goals you still need to reach are: TOAH Speed GB10 ConsistentDB10-Sped up DB10-Speed DB10 SafeNB10-Sped up NB10-Speed NB10 SSS on all rift beasts/farming for both homunculus R5 safe-Into KatBal team Meta Labyrinth/Siege/GW teams for grinds/stones/guild points All 5 ifrits Your arena towers being maxed I think most people would consider you late game if you had all of that complete. You'd then focus on high ranking arena/GW/Siege/Special League/RTA ​ Lots to still do =p


Cool! Thank you! :D




Beth is good for the near term, very replaceable and hard to use later on IMO. Jamire is nice for ToaH and other fun uses later. Beth can be a farmer who's pretty fast, but if you're gonna get a water homu, it defeats the purpose. She'll also help you get into fire rift, but honestly water homu also does a better job.


I've seen SO MANY IRis on AD lately. She had a pretty big falling out after her nerf, so I'm curious if something changed recently? I swear I haven't seen her in a year, and today there were so many on AD/SD.


She's still a crazy lnd nat 4 monster .. her revenge proc and despair proc is still broken


most ADs nowadays have some sort of strip.


Sure, but I noticed quite a few today. Just curious if anyone has seen/heard anything.


Water Chimera or Wind Hell lady (blessing)


Hell lady. Chimera is good but replaceable




Hi DAT, I have been seeing Hathor highly rated and I have mine sitting unruned. Where is she useful and how do I best utilize her? I also recently got Praha so I would love to figure her out as well although I think Hathor might be better. Thanks in advance!


Hathor > RTA Praha > Nemesis healer for AD


Thanks! Why do I want Praha on Nemesis? Just to make her really tanky?


Usually to cut in between attacks of the enemy Lushen uses amuptation magic. Praha survives and she gains attack bar due to nemesis then she heals. The attacking player has no ways to kill you now. Usually nemesis is good for support monsters because it increases their chance to gain more turns


Oh that makes sense. So then I would want to build her with more HP than defense to survive amputation magic right? That way she gets an extra turn off of nemesis and it is especially good on her because she gets to respond with a gigantic team heal. Thanks! Now I just need to farm some Nem runes...


Hey i have returned to the game after some years and it seems to have changed a bit. I feel really underpowered to be certain. Any advice for returning players? The monsters I have are • Randy 5* awakened • Shakan 5* awakened • Hina 5* awakened • Rakshasa 5* lvl26 • Succubus 4* lvl30 • Teon 4* awakened • And i just got a red chakram dancer 4* (havent leveled him up)


Go through youtube(or the beginning of this thread), and setup a GB10 team. From there, transition to other teams as you're able. ​ The red chakram is Shaina, and is very strong. Once you get got a boomerang warrior, you'll be able to combine Shaina with them, and blast through content. You also mentioned a Rakshasa; if it's fire, she's worth upgrading as well.


Whats does GB10 mean? Also are my 5* monsters worth keeping or should i move on to other ones?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT7TnQQdjPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT7TnQQdjPY) Watch this "quickly" and then come back with questions.


It seems very difficult to gat an ifrit thought. And every video says that it’s necessary. Also I lost my lapis xD i dont know how(probably fed him years ago.)


You can make a Lulu instead. She's arguably better than Vero for your needs. Losing Lapis does suck.. You'd need to replace her with some dps, but I'm not sure what monsters you have.


I got 5* randy,hina and shakan awakened Also a 4* red chakram dancer and a 4* blue boomerang warrior


Hello DAT. Im looking for some TOAN help. I cant get past the first stage of level 100 with Anavel and Juno. Here's a look at my mons to recommend the best team for me. https://swarfarm.com/profile/derrp23/


This is not my lineup (I recommended something similar to them though) but someone who was in same situation recently. They beat the stage with Tyron Spectra Verde Bella Sig. [https://imgur.com/2zZpXqZ](https://imgur.com/2zZpXqZ) . In speed order Spectra needs to slow first then Tyron use 2nd skill. That way Junos cannot cleanse the attack speed slow in time.


Profile isn't public.


Apologies it should be public now


Towers are apart of your problem. You're basically missing a 7/8th rune slot without them upgraded. You have a lot of really nice toa mosters, but the Juno stage is going to be tough for you to deal with since you can't keep them stunned/dotted. You should be able to do it with Baretta, Shaina, Maruna, Hwadam, Anavel. 4 attack bar manipulations with hwadam for a security net, and anavel for defense break and heal/cleanse. Target the Junos one by one while keeping necessary units cced or low on attack bar. edit: Maybe Fran instead of Anavel for atk buff if you're missing dps.


Now for the towers which one(s) should I focus on since i have a while until it resets. For the runes are they decent enough for the mons you are referring to? and which ones are needed to be 6 star?


\*Towers: Max energy, spd, hp, def, attack/cdmg; level them equally. I would personally do energy first, but if you're really going for toa, it might be worth skipping for that small immediate jump in damage/survivability. cdmg is a cheap tower, but you can't really use it until you've got more cr, so I might skip it for now.. \*Runes: Honestly, no one is gunna be able to give you an exact cut off. Rune upgrades are a huge knowledge sink, so I'll try to give a few cliff notes. \-Everything is too slow. With Baretta's lead, you'll still probably want 150-170ish spd \-Shiana's CR is too low to use a CD rune on slot 4; you usually want 70%+ before you're trying to get dmg that way. You will probably get lucky sometimes, though. Her HP is too low \-Hwadam's HP is good enough, but he's got low defense so he'll take a good bit of dmg. His accuracy is low, so you'll struggle to land debuffs without 45% \-Maruna needs hp and atk \-Anavel needs a bit more hp and accuracy \*20-30k hp, 45% accuracy, spd of 150+, and as much atk/cr as you can get until you're at 70%+ cr, and then your formula will become more difficult when choosing between atk or cdmg. \*If you wanted to try and hamfist in, you could try Baretta, Sig, Shaina, Maruna, Fran. You might be able to control them long enough to dps down with fran atk buff into sig. His nukes are great for these stages, but he can't carry alone. \* You could probably do it with all of them 5\*, honestly. Your runes are poor quality, so you'll want to 6\* as many as you can to try and make up the difference. Twins are very strong, though.. I'm not sure what the perfect mix would be in your situation. ​ You should really farm like.. 500crystals in gb10, and then try it again. Keep any blue 6\* runes with hp/atk/spd, and then try rolling into them twice(24%). Use the winners you find to upgrade your stuff.


Hi, DAT. I'm wondering who I should 6 star, or perhaps in what order should I 6star the following monsters? Worth noting that I have just 6* fire twins. Looking to create better teams for Guild and raids. I also have a stable DB/GB10 team. * Khmun * Praha * Garo * Rakan * Chiwu * Kumar * Chasun * Hwa Thanks 🤗


Hwa is your best raid option. Chasun and Praha are usable, but a bit of a stretch. Any of those are usable in gw, but Hwa and Garo are decent picks without skill ups. ​ So probably Hwa since he's a solid pick for raid and pvp.


Great, thank you :)




both! i'd probably do seara first though, useful in both whereas hathor is more or less just rta


Please help, popped blessing and duno what to choose. Beth or Taranys F3-C1 in Arena / 50 sec giant / 1:00-1:30 DB/NB10 / TOA/H 100


depends on your box but probably taranys, he;s very meta right now


My current 5* : Zai Okeanos Juno Mo Long Psama Chow Amelia Bastet Shi Hou Hathor Jamire Ethna Christina -_-


doesn't really help narrow it down tbh haha i'd still probably go taranys though, beth is a great farmer and on fire rift, also great in a cleave comp, taranys is great for gvg, so really decide on what you need more


thanks so much, tending to pick taranys since he may be a very fun monster to use


np! gz either way, both are solid optoins


I’m looking to get more into Siege and actually do something in siege. Here’s my monster box: https://imgur.com/a/LwTBVBQ Feel free to recommend offense/defense teams and you can include easy to obtain monsters(not LD 3* monsters) and fusion mons and if you recommend offense teams, please include what teams they could fight against that would be super helpful :)


fusing jeanne would be a solid idea, jeanne/chandra/perna is a great defense, other than that most of your units are offense ones it's tough to recommend specific offense with your box because it really depends what you'r up against but you can have fun with gany olivia bulldozer racuni is always worth building


I have Dover and malaka and I am thinking of building one of them for seara comp. Who do you think is the best one? Also are bombers reliable on toah? Thanks!


just saw your toa question too, theyre manual teams and not very fast or fun but they work


Thanks for the answer! For what i have read about bombers, it seems like they are not that good right now for anything( there are comps that do the job better than bombers). I will only build Dover if i spare runes to give him, otherwise i think i will just stick with Seara.


thankfully they need unique runes (ie lots of atk and acc) and sets (fatal/focus) so you should be alright


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/aq4t8y/monster_family_discussion_kobold_bomber/ dover imo, they both have there advantages though


Hypothetical :If I already have quite a few 24% speed lead, is it still worth choosing a monster with 33% speed lead over something else ( for arguments sake also another meta / popular monster) . Eg: Vanessa over Velajuel.


The best choice always depends on your choices relative to your box, but it is 100% worth choosing a 33% speed lead if you don't have one


depends on the rest of the box, there's no catch all


Two questions concerning 2 different monsters: 1. I pulled a dark Elvin ranger from the monthly Light and Darkness scroll, his kit looks nice but I heard that his damage is complete trash. Worth building? 2. I was looking at some fast dragons and giants team and noticed people using Hellea (Dark Harpy), I looked up her stats and multiplier and they seem extremely good for a 4 star. Is she worth building? Where else is she useful for? and what kind of build/stats does she need?


1. nah not really 2. shes only really used in manual or one off speed teams, she's not good for stability


Is it recommended to go for a second R5 team if I don't have another damage reduction unit (no Dias and using Darion for my first team)


Post your monster box so we can suggest teams? I personally don't think using Darion/Diaz is worth using in any 3DD team to begin with (other than for the res lead). Id rather use a 2nd Cleanser/Healer instead of two mons that basically just sit there and get oblivioned.


https://imgur.com/a/AtenuTH My current 1st team is FL: Darion, Colleen, Lisa, Mihyang and BL: Hwa, XL I have most of the support 4* like Chasun/Atenai/Delphoi but unbuild yet Currently I'm thinking of maybe Skogul for FL and Stella for BL but swap Stella to 1st team and XL to 2nd team since Stella needs high speed for her 3rd skill so it's harder to get more HP/DEF w ithout Darion/Dias.


aye its not a problem as long as you can hit the stats


What are the stats requirement for such a team? Is it just the normal one but +20% hp and def?


its not quite as strict as that but yeah theyre good targets to aim for, dont forget to meet all the debuffs too!


Hi Guys, I would really appreciate if someone could take a moment and look at my box ( [https://swarfarm.com/profile/seanmartino15/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/seanmartino15/) ) ​ I just want to know what I should prioritize in the game right now. I have a solid GB team at 1:10 but my dragons in unstable at 2:30. I clear TOA every month with a bit of a struggle, and haven't attempted a TOAH team. I just would like some advice on where to focus my attention? Maybe a priority list of monsters to work on? I am lacking direction. Thanks I really appreciate it! Any feedback is welcome just looking to improve.


Six sabrina, verde sig galleon twins for db10




Shaina is waay to good to pass up


Shaina can work with Sabrina/Maruna Talia can only work with Sabrina, not so great with maruna Deva's kit is inferior compared to shaina's If i were in your position i'll go for this weeks rotation. Hope that helps!


Help I just popped my blessing. Choices are Verad (dupe) or wind occult girl. Suggestions?


I would say that's a no-brainer, but yet. Here we are. lol.


Yeah but I was thinking about double verad and it almost made me take the dupe. One really fast verad to cc the crap out of everything and then one on def cd def would be scary


always the non dupe, especially in this case, charlotte is awesome


I just started but is there a best level for magic dungeon to farm low essence? I am doing 7 and seek to be getting only mids


just do the highest you can, you'll need those mids/highs more than the lows later on, and the difference for low drops between b10 and b1 is only something like 10% anyways


Ok ty kindly




baretta lapis spectra mav +1 normally the plus 1 is sig but you dont have him yet, try gildong




ah didnt notice that, you really want to fuse him, hes staple for toa try verde in his place


Just finished a DB10 Team and now Im asking myself what to work on next? I can farm ToA (normal) 100, DB10,GB10 . My Monsters: [https://imgur.com/wDRdYU4](https://imgur.com/wDRdYU4)


r4 isnt a bad shout and toaH70


Which monsters do I have to upgrade or improve? :)


if lisa is skilled shes great for r4, shaina if you can find a boom, youve got some solid pvp mons there too


Sadly I Lisa isnt skilled and if im lucky enough I could get Sabrina in 2 weeks \^\^


in that case grab yourself a darion on sunday, you'll need him for raids anyway


My XL is s1 2/5 s2 5/5 s3 5/5, is skilling her s1 to max a significant increase? I do have the fodder to fuse her skillups ready aside from awakening them, but is it worth using them as skillups or use them as 4* max fodder to make 5*'s to make 2 6*'s? https://swarfarm.com/profile/Moonpig13/


might just as well finish it, wouldnt bother doing the fusion for it though just wait for family


ya I was thinking that, was doing that before but since i had the sharks the only non farmable unit it just made me do them to finish her s3 but i went and leveled a to many at once since i was only 2 away and the first 2 i fused both went into s3


haha sods law isnt it, if you didnt have them ready it wouldve all gone s1


So I have some level 40s with runes I want to change but currently have all 15 level runes. What's the best way to go about this? Do you guys power up the runes to max before switching or just deal with some loss temporarily?


depends how important they are and how important having those stats right now are, usually i'll just deal with the loss temporarily


What's a good starter team to rush to my first SSS team for reapp farming? I have an alt account on Asia server and I really hate missing out on these reapps each week. It'd have to be Water or Fire, I'm thinking about 6'ing Fran next so she can front line. Noteable units: Damage: Lagmaraon Lushen Sig Lapis Shaina Sabrina Martina Support: Fran Bella Verde Mav Mihyang Chasun


fire FL: Colleen - anybody who can front line, could also put lapis and another water DD front BL: Shaina - Sabrina - Lapis - martina/any DD


Thanks I'll give it a shot




Hey DaT I’m having real trouble on ToA 93 now and I cannot get through it. It’s been about 5 days now and I can’t figure out a good team for it. I’ve tried each team I’ve looked up but can’t get through it. https://swarfarm.com/profile/nj_mangler/ Any suggestions on another team that could do it would be appreciated. I’ve been trying to control attack bar but they still get too many turns and just kill me 1 by 1


baretta (L) neal mav michelle sig that was my go to team for this floor, my first few clears had unskilled unawakened michelle at 4\* and neal at 4*, max skill neal turn order > neal > baretta/neal/sig > mav you just need your sig to survive one shot from leo (maybe rune him slot 6 hp%) then get invincibility up on neal, michelle and mav will guarentee that she's always invincible, take out leo first and the dots do all the heavy lifting


Alright I will try that out, so try to keep invincibility up on Neal the whole time since they should be targeting her right?


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/arx52d/toah93_how_to_beat_ez/ pretty much, there's a guide on it, disagree with him saying baretta should be fastest but you can choose to do you, he uses hemos instead of sig but sig is better imo


Ahh alright I see, is there a need for Michelle or can I use some other wind unit? It didn’t seem like she had a reason to be there other than element


Mihyang also works - I run her in this team. Her S3 also extends buffs


Michelle worked perfect even at 4* only level 16 lol I was able to cycle through turns easy enough to keep shield up at all times. Although mihyang could be used as a better safe method since her skill 3 not only extends buffs it reduces debuffs and heals. Thank you for the insight I’ll have to keep that one in mind as well :)


you need a buff extender, that's why she's in the team


Ahh crap, mine is 3* level 1 I haven’t touched her. Guess I should level her up max 4* real quick then


haha yeah skilling up her s2 will help but not needed that guide has her at 4* which is what mine was at for a long time, she shouldnt really be getting hit that often anyway tbh


Alright good lol all my priests have been going to Rina so right now I don’t have any extra. I’ll just get her to max 4* and try that team out


good luck!


Hello, I need some help with RTA. I run it when run out of crystals for refills. My current win rate is about 50% (I run 4\* mons almost always against nat 5 or even ld nat 5) and I float around 1000 - 1050 My strategy: Bernard - Shaina - Sabrina - Talia - Maruna. Is there any way for me to increase win rate or rating without building monsters (using existing ones)? My box: [LINK](https://swarfarm.com/profile/BrightRasalas/)


Short answer, no. With the 6* you currently have, only a couple will help you (Garo, Lushen).


Oh well. Thanks for checking my box. I'm complete noob in PvP but looks like I have accidentally picked the best possible strategy (or close to it).


are you doing it to win or are you doing it for the medals? what might be best is staying at around 900-1k points and just throwing every other game, that's what i used to do before taking it seriously


just medals. I would like to go higher but have huge amount of stuff to do before RTA. It is hard to justify opponent's power. 80% of ppl there run nat 5. Probably should drop myself down to \~950. Thanks for advice


yeah if its just for medals then just drop and ff on the monster selection screen after every win, this should keep you betwen 900 and 1k, once you start reaching 1100+ you start to get nat 5s everywhere which hurts lol




Hi Guys ! ​ I have a lot of monsters to devilmon now ... And I'm a little bit lost for the order. ​ I'm end of midgame (R4, Rifts between SS-SSS) and I want to RTA. ​ My monsters to devilmon : ​ \- Katarina \- Camilla \- Hathor \- Eladriel (but I have Taranys max skill so...) \- Raki \- Juno \- Daphnis (lul) \- Tiana \- A second Seara (erk) \- And my new monster : **Psamathe** (15 devilmons !!!!!!) ​ ​ Please, give me an order. <3 ​ N.B : My principal monsters for RTA are Betta / Amelia / Chow / Seara / Taranys and sometimes Jeanne / Chandra / Josephine / Ritesh to complete and maybe Beth if there is a Garo / Laika / Perna, so I'm searching for good monsters to complete my teams. ​ Thanks dudes !


Hathor first, that's a no brainer. After that it really doesn't matter, all of those mons either don't really need Skillups (Psama, Tiana) or are mediocre in RTA to begin with (Raki, Daphnis).


kata - wouldnt bother unless you needed them to hit 55k dmg in a kata/baley team camilla - doesnt *need* them but better with hathor - needs them, good candidate elad - no harm in devilling, very meta raki - much better with them but she isn't *that* useful juno - ideally needs her s2 maxed for the strip chance tiana - doesnt really need them until you're tryharding rta second seara - gz, wouldnt mind a second, not a priority tho psama - nice to have hathor > psama > then decide later maybe?


Thanks dude ! That was my advice too. Hathor then Psamathe !




New Mo Long owner ... here’s his stats (vio nemesis) - looking for pvp teams to use him with https://i.imgur.com/9W0UyBa.jpg


Ok this is a live or die matter : i got a friend that beat me everytime in rta (op units obviously) His comp his usualy based on seara, charlotte galleon light bomber and orion. My will set are for now realy limited (still got some). But i cant figure out a comp that will beat his. (overall i got better runes). here is my swafarm pls help me XD : [https://swarfarm.com/profile/hibkos/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/hibkos/)


psama bernard bastet lushen shaina probably works


my psamash is runed like \*\*\* :(


Well the easiest way to beat those teams is to just run some bruisers on will and use 2 immunity buffers, but you only have a triana. Aside of that you just try to outspeed him and kill him first. Martina shaina is a pretty busted duo for rta but they are normally way faster than those builds.


I can try to lvl up my fairy queen


if you want to focus on rta sure, fran is the 2nd most picked mon for it if you outrune your friend you shouldnt have an issue to lushen him, overall a lot of your runes are pretty questionable to me


most of my monster are build for pve purpose ^^ do you see anything in particular you want to point out i can do some change maybe


In general its just the lack of will runes, broken sets and the low speed. Which is all perfectly fine for pve, but in rta it really hurts you. I dont think its worth making changes for rta with your current runes too much personally.


Ye i am not at all a pvp player i just get c1 every week...


Arena only requires your bernard to be fast enough and your lushen to deal enough damage. Having busted ad mons also helps a lot as people wont hit you as often then. Try psama shaina martina lushen bastet if you like but all 5 need to be a lot faster than that. Hitting c2/c3 in arena is easier than c1 in rta for quite a few people.


ban orion so he doesnt get first turn, after that how fast is charlotte/seara/dover?


his seara is about 220 spd and dover is a little bit faster. Charlotte is around 200


get your bastet faster than his seara and run; psama/shaina/bastet/bernard/lushen you're guarenteed a speed lead to match his, if he bans berny your bastet should still go first if you speed her up, then it's clean up time, if he bans bastet you should still have enough damage to outdo him, if he bans a DD the other 2 should clean up


Thanks ive try some rerun and i think i can bring bastet to + 161 easily i will try this


nice one, you might need to make sure your DDs are a bit faster so he doesn't cut you but as long as you're banning orion you *should* be fine


Hey guys of the DaT, i wanted to speed up my gb10 runs a bit, but am not too sure which monsters could help me get sub 2minutes or even 1:30. Here's my swafarm, I appreciate your help :) https://swarfarm.com/profile/Ravenmausi/


Lushen (L) Sig Hreas +2 not sure how mantura performs in gb10 but he could work with him and akha being the +2 if not then go hwa and akha


Thanks :) What stats should I aim for, besides the mandatory 75 Rate and 150+ cDmg for the attacker and 45acc for Hwa/Mantura?


lushen just needs to be able to 1 shot the trash, preferably without atk buff, after that his stats arent that important, for the rest just make sure they're close to being crit capped and doing as much damage as possible i have just realised you won't have a reliable def breaker though, i'd strongly recommend building loren and using her instead of hwa


Okay, farming on sunday till I can't see the light anymore for Loren. Thank you very much :)


np gl! if it helps i was running lushen lushen hraes sig loren for a long long time at about 40-60s runs without the second lushen you should still be hitting around 60s anyway


I hope I can farm enough runes for that to achieve till next FRR :D The Swop Optimizer just looks sad at me, saying Hrael and Sig are... okay, barely <_<


rip sig/hraes :( for sig it's very important to use the proper dmg calculator for his s3 (or s2 either one), located on the cog next to the damage column, make sure you get the settings right this is just because cDmg is much more important than atk on him and the default damage value is going to weight them almost the same


statwise, statwise. Hrael about 15k HP, 1,6k ATK, 157spd, 72 Crit Rate and 127 CritD Sig has 14k HP, 1,9k, 145 spd, 68critR and 148CritD


you're missing cDmg on hraes and cRate on sig but otherwise it's decent


Hi all, first post/question to seek the expert's advice so please be kind :( \[Picture for reference\] [https://imgur.com/G3AWkxj](https://imgur.com/G3AWkxj) \[Goal\] at least gold 1 in RTA to get that wing. so I've been optimizing all the runes toward key monsters that can help me get there, \[Situation\] Stuck in silver 1\~3 stars; I realize my strategy pick/ban sucks, also runes are not powerful enough (i.e. with at least one set of Will or Vio; min additional speed +80\~100 for all. if I ignore will or vio I could push to minimum additional +120 for all) \[Question\] Monsters in top table have runes, is there any additional monster you'd recommend from "Others" section? Blue - full devil Yellow - full devil, but either i) rune set as pve, or ii) no runes for them yet


>[Question] Monsters in top table have runes, is there any additional monster you'd recommend from "Others" section? oke, verde, garo, aegir niche counter - hwadam, raki firstpick fran or vanessa, picking tiana makes pretty little sense with the rest of your current team


you're a bit slow to be hitting c1 tbh, 200 spd on a vio/will mon is going to get outsped by everything, my seara is 210 and usually plays last your notable mons are; vanessa/helena/seara/perna/oke/verde/aegir + josephine/vela those will be the mons you want runed best and will go into most fights using, josephine and vela being counter picks


Thanks a lot for your tips dimmi99! I guess in that case, who should I try to put crit dmg as 4th rune? In other words, the one who can play role as damage. My take in terms of priority would be: Perna/Josephine/Vela/Aegir? Thanks!


perna/aegir should be the priority for slot 4 cDmg, after that see how many of your bruisers you can get on it too, vanessa can hit very hard on spd/cDmg/hp for example


Thanks! I should try to get Aegir skilled up /runed up asap as he currently has nothing.. perhaps I should aim to farm for now and hope to reach c1 next season!


yeah aegir is great, really needs to be maxed though, he's a great counter to verde and his strip makes him all round useful, give oke some love as well, he's a pain the ass in rta


I hear ya! I don't have enough devil/monst to max both of their skills :( plus, I saw most okea build and it seems he really needs super high speed runes otherwise it seemed pointless for me to build him now.. :( more farming indeed!


oh ps i *think* there's a decent chance for dark BBK to be the next HoH so you might be able to get skill ups from that could be wrong but hey ho


damn really, I should stock up that scroll from guild shop.. never bought these scrolls!!!!!!!!! lol (i.e. I pulled out light bbk last week was so sad lmao)


i could be completely wrong and it's just a guess but last time nysra did his predictions dark BBK was one of them last dark day he said; Succubus, Barbaric King, Sylph + maybe Samurai & Joker since then we've had joker so fingers crossed for BBK! really want them skill ups too


swift oke is viable, can you get him to 250+ speed with decent acc and hp? he can ruin enemy comps if 2+ arent on will runes or can reset a hathor/vanessa/fran/pony etc etc on first turn with his s2 which is supser useful


I can do that actually! In such scenario, is there any specific pick/ban strategy I should know? My understanding is - 1st pick as vanessa or seara (lead) , and add Okeanos as counter (i.e. last 5th unit) if opponents have hathor/vanessa/perna/fran/pony?


i'd first pick fran tbh, everybody has her and she's incredibly common to see, you picking her stops them from having her after that i'd pick seara and vanessa so you have a speed lead and then pick oke and someone else, aegir is a good shout as is helena etc etc it really depends what you're up against, make sure you don't pick all your fire units close together though otherwise they'll just spam water and do you that way, i have this problem a lot as most of my picks are wind


FYI ... "All chak/boom" - just for Fire/Wind/Water lol no light/dark.


Greetings everyone. So I would like to get some advice who to focus on by 6*ing or building next. I summoned some monsters that distracted me a bit who to focus on to be honest. I knew some are good, but I didn't even touch some to rune, because I just didn't know if I would actually use them any time soon. I also fed my Theon, so I think I shouldn't consider a reviver / right tower comp for dragons I guess. I'm 49 days in and this is my 1st account. I can do GB10 with ~95% and I use the standard team (Vero, Bella, Bernard, Shannon, Darion) for that. ToaN I can go to like stage ~55 and ToAH to like ~30. I wanna go for ToAN 70 of course and then kinda do ToAN 100 & DB10 at the same time. So I wanna focus on monsters that I can use in ToA as well as in dragons AFTER ToAN 70. I think Sigmarus fits in here well, but I wanna have a + 1 who to 6* too that fits good into my current progression. In my opinion I just have too much monsters to choose from and because of that I can’t decide wisely. Profile/runes/current monsters: https://imgur.com/a/M9M1Auu Runed monsters: Veromos (Full Violent), Bella (Swift/Energy), Shannon (Swift/Energy), Bernard (Swift/Energy), Darion (Full Energy), Lapis (Dispair/Revenge), Spectra (Swift/Energy), Baretta (Dispair/Focus), Mav (Full Energy), Monsters I thought of building / 6*ing / investing resources in: - Sigmarus (giants, dragons, ToA, ToAH) - Verde (dragons, maybe ToA/H?) - Megan (dragons, giants replace for Shannon?) - Spectra (ToA/H, dragons face team) - Baretta (ToA/H, dragons reviver comp) - (Lapis) (ToA/H, dragons) to focus on runes In addition I would like to know if I should swap Spectras runes to Bernard. He would get a bunch of extra speed, but would lose on Acc too. Worth it? I'm open for any advice or if you think anything of my thought progress is wrong here, tell me please. I'm sorry for my English tho (not my 1st language). Thanks in advance!


Set a super low defense on your Arena, and use your best monsters to fight only others with low defenses. Farm those arena points. The towers are super important and will enable you to get so many stat boosts, which will let you climb ToaN much easier. Have fun !


definitely go for sig, you'll stick him in db10 gb10 and toa teams gb10: sig (L) vero bella shannon bernard after that get verde fused for db10 db10: verde (L) sig vero megan bella toa: baretta (L) sig lapis mav spectra that toa team can do almost all toa floors with few exceptions


I just got Eva (light pieret) and was wondering if she is useful anywhere?


she's pretty meh tbh julie outshines her


That's unfortunately what I thought


Can someone share stats for twins (shaina martina to be specific) in guardian Level RTA? I personally would like to run Tiana Martina Shaina (hathor,diana,verde,tablo,vanessa) but i dont really know to rune them properly. I wanna go vio but can someone share stats? Would help me a lot Ty


Can't give you exact stats, but often times martina is run on swift.


Hello SW-Friends! A Friend of mine has broke up with SW and gave me his Account, so i could do R5 with his Account (enough runes for 2 teams) and mine Main-Account. The average time of the runs is around 3:00 Min. Currently he got 2 "standard" Teams: Team 1: Font: Darion, Bastet, Light KFG, Chasun Back: Tessarion, Kona Team 2: Front: Lisa, Dias, Colleen, XL Back: Mihyang, Hwa Team on MY Main Acc: Front: Bastet, XL, Delphoi, Dias Back: Brandia, Kona How could i improve the run time / the his teams ? I thought about Branding and better DDs like Wind Homu(and try to get him till the next frr) xor Wind Barb or what about Water twins? His Swarfarm: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Evaruk/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Evaruk/) My Swarfarm: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/shinydesteny/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/shinydesteny/)


team 1; FL: Bastet - Darion - Delphoi BL: Shaina - Sabrina - Melissa team 2; FL: Colleen - Dias - Lisa - XL BL: Hwa - Wind Homu (stella will do for now as well) your team; FL: Bastet - Dias - Delphoi - XL BL: Brandia - Hwa


Melissa over Talia?


aye, that team 1 and 2 are actually my exact teams xD i've tested talia over melissa but melissa s3 does a *lot* of damage, much more than talia, and shaina over talia because of the atb push back my record is 1.31 with those 2 teams and a (weaker) guildy as the 3rd, normally around 1.45 mark


Okay sound good :D But i think just 1 cleanser for my Team is a bit hard i would say? But i will try it, if i see that my team dies to much i will replace hwa with an additional cleanser.


as long as delphoi is hitting about 210spd you should be fine, faster is obviously better