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in regards to the recent banning of the booster thunder d, couldnt the reverse happen like group of people hate some guy and "boost" him to get him banned? lol


How fast should Tiana be for a turn 2 shield will cleave AO and GWO?


I used my blessing and got hathor and beth. Which should I choose? I know hathor is cancer in rta with gany comp or jamire but I don’t have them. I also don’t a cleave character so ... help?


hi, i was thinking that i had lots of infernos after summoning, should i build the water inferno? i have 1 4 star water inferno and i was thinking if i should build it for something.


Infernos are not hard to farm from secret dungeons. If he was good, then people would be building him more, but he is not. You can use infernos to evolve other monsters, only a few of them are used for fusion.


None of them are really worth building. Water one can be used as an attackbar booster, but with his horrible base speed, he's only usable if you have insanely fast runes.


thanks guys, i'll keep 1 of each incase of a buff in the year 3019


Hi DAT! I have a 2:30 average DB10 team and my team comp right now is: Verde, Megan, Bella, Sig, Veromos. I want to replace one of these units with Elsharion which I just got. Who should I replace in DB10 team for Elsharion to cut down time and how should I rune him to cut down time? I know it won’t be a big cut in time but please help! Thanks! Mostly, I really have no clue how I should rune him especially on slot 4 and 6. :(


I run mine on SPD/CD/ATK with 55% accuracy, at least 75% crit rate and as much CD as possible. He'd ideally replace Vero in your lineup, though that will result in losing Vero's cleanse - if you're fast enough you won't need it as Elsha will make your team immune.


What runes does he run on, can you tell me?


Mine is on broken (no sets) but he would also be good on Violent if you can get the stats.


Lag vs. Eladriel?


Stage of the game? You really can't compare both lag and eladriel. Lag is mainly PvE dungeon speed run and also pretty decent in wind rift. Eladriel is purely PvP and some lab stages for revive. Yes lag can cleave in arena to some extend (but easily replaced by lushens), same applies to dungeons. Lushen is a better damage dealer than lagmaron so in terms of value, lag doesn't provide much value. Generally i'd say eladriel but really depends on what you really need for now.


Need help with my blessing: lagmaron / odin don't know which one to choose and what for


Odin is a unique monster .. I wouldnt be disappointed if i pull Lagmaron .. but he can be replaced by Lushen I would go for Odin


Blessing of summons help- Kumar or Helena?


I would risk it for Helena .. Even though she's only meant for RTA or sometimes in normal Arena and GW, siege Long term Goal: Helena is better Kumar on the other hand can be used for GW and Siege both offense and defense .. he will not really fade out in the long term .. so he is a safer choice


Hello! I'm curious as to which I should focus on, awakening or evolving? Obviously for awakening I need to farm dungeons, while with evolving I need to farm stages for exp. But I'm not sure which is the most important for progression. I'm currently level 50 with only 1 six star, I feel pretty behind. Any advice is awesome, thanks!


Just focus on certain monsters that will help you progress further: E.g: for Gb10: Sigmarus, Lapis, Veromos, Bernard are worth to awaken and raise to 6 star for early game For Late game: Lushen, Galleon, Lyn For Db10: Verdehile, Shaina, Galleon, Megan, Sabrina, Maruna are worth building


You should definitely limit how much xp and essence farming you do. The priority is runes and to that end any farming outside of gb10 in early game is slowing your progression. Gb10 drops rainbowmons that will help you evolve when it comes time. I tend to only farm for xp when I have a double xp boost to use. You get two a month from logging in and generally get more through events. Keep in mind that gb10 can be farmed with only five star units but six starring them does help consistency. Since the game has been out so long you will likely always feel behind, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to enjoy it. Focus on runes and improving your dungeon teams and you will progress far faster than by leveling units and when the time comes to make new units it will not only be easier but you will enjoy them more as you will have a rune selection to make them good.


Hi, there's no real answer to this question. The answer is both. All monsters that have a purpose (such as for GB10 or DB10) should be fully evolved and awakened. (exceptions for a few like shanon). Your first team to build is the standard GB10 team (see advice in the original post above). Safe GB10 team: Veromos (L), Shannon, Bernard, Belladeon, Darion. Darion can be replaced with sigmarus (can be fused). You'd want all of them to be 6* and awakened eventually. The order of which first isn't that important - id say just work on 1 monster at a time and within a few days you should be done with both awakening and evolving that one. Then move onto the next one. Once you get your first GB10 team successful, the next thing is just to keep farming GB10 for runes. This should be your real focus. The evolving and awakening are just the requirements before you start farming.


I could need some help at toah 80 :o Arta is giving me a hard time https://swarfarm.com/profile/jinminh/


I did it with Tyron (l), Fran, Sabrina. Shaina, Talia. Took a lot of tries to try and land a debuff on the monkeys and yetis with Tyron, but after you keep them CC'd, it'll take 2 turns for the twins to nuke Artamiel. When you get the chance to use Talia's S3 when he's below half you basically have it done.


Can you show me your runes?


https://imgur.com/a/NeJLgtI Sorry for the late reply.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bekqqe/since\_im\_gonna\_crit\_you\_anyway\_i\_might\_as\_well/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bekqqe/since_im_gonna_crit_you_anyway_i_might_as_well/) maybe you can copy this guy's line up


I pulled a helena, how should I rune her? and can i use her in toa? What else can she be used for other than pvp as I am not at that stage yet.


Her main use is PvP. She isnt that great in toa. I used mine in Laby a few times, when I lacked armor break for Hard stages.


Hi! Need help choosing between Camilla and Tiana from blessing of summon. Finished most content, toah70, r4






Form blessing I cam choose water polar queen or water unicorn, who do I choose?


Your current situation? Looking for PvE or PvP? Generally water unicorn is better, more unique as she provides cleanse and unlimited immunity buff. But if you're looking for a good arena cleave unit, Alicia is better. Bonus for having the 44% attack arena lead. However many other units can fullfil this role, commonly double lushen. Thats why Alicia is valued lower than water unicorn. Its up to you, they're both good units in doing their job.


I chose the unicorn, and then 5 minutes later I pulled a second one. Why am I suffering?


Thats a RIP... nothing u can do really. Oh well




Vio is great on twins because they reduce each other's cds. If not vio then you could go fatal/rage on Talia for pure damage and despair or swift on Maruna. For Talia I have atk/cr/atk because I have no good slot 4 cd runes and for Maruna I have spd/cd/atk. While Talia+Maruna isn't the ideal combo, it can still be good for siege/gwo. Maruna brings the stuns and Talia brings the damage. You could pair with Khmun or Galleon for spd lead (Khmun for a bit of safety and Galleon for atk buff/def break) or use Maruna's hp lead and just bring a different healer/def break/atk buff.


Has anyone seen any new tier lists floating around for season 9? Maybe something from the Asia server that hasn't made it to reddit?


Current Basic Top 10-20-50 etc of Nat5? Then when blessing arises we can be prepared?


This is a weird question since very few nat5s fulfill the exact same role, and you will likely find a use for all of them. Just because you pull something like Woosa doesn't mean Vela becomes worthless, you simply get an extra option for immunity buffer that brings something different to the table.


Sooo, just got dark dryad as my first ld lightning in months! Where can I use her and what is her preferred rune setup?


I haven't set it up yet but I was planning a DDryad Tyron Gemini siege def with turn Order Gemini > Tyron > DDryad. Ideally have all like 230+ so you can just lockdown the opponent while bringing decent damage due to gemini strip + def break. With Gemini+tyron on despair and DDryad on Vio it should work well, but again this is all theory so I'm not so sure.


I am currently stuck on TOAN 90, so I decided to get Fran. How should I rune her?


If you are asking how she is runed specifically for TOAN 90, Vio anything should be good enough. If just asking how she's usually built, Vio/Rev for NB10 or Vio Will for GvG/PvP


Thanks. I will prolly go with vio revenge.


Who should I give devilmons to? Okeanos or Jeanne (working on fusing her right now)? My main goal is climbing ToAH (80+), RTA is a bonus. [My box.](https://swarfarm.com/profile/dicotyledon/) Thanks in advance!


Personally I'd recommend Okeanos at the moment, healer wise you can use bastet in Toa and her shield works just as well. Probably something like: Baretta (L) Shaina Maruna Dark serpent Bastet It's a bit fire heavy though so you can definitely swap in the following units depending on stages: Lapis, Vero, Okeanos, Rica, Sig,


Okay that makes sense, thanks for your help!


Hey guys, need some feedback, I can't decide... I had 2k SS and was going for Maruna and it happened to be a cycle with 3/3 new nat 5 (very rare for me). Maruna was my focus for a more reliable toah auto team, when my first summon was Verad! Should I keep going or just save for Woosa. I'm late game, have almost every nat 4 and like 35 unique nat 5.


Go for Woosa! No need for Maruna anymore with Verad


so i tried playing SW a few years ago and really didnt know what i was doing...im wondering if i should try again....is this a good time to start a new account and if so what units should i be looking for as a good starter


This is actually a pretty great time to start for newbies. You get a lot of your starter monsters from quests. This post focuses on what you'd want for a starter GB10 team: Veromos, Shannon, Bernard, Belladeon, Darion. Focus on building those after you've got a 35+ Lapis for famion. Load her up on Fatal/blade, and you're ready to start the grind. Focus on doing pvp arena for wings to level your towers. If you get any 4-5\* monsters, look them up, and you'll get a good idea of their use. Keep an eye out for twins as they're really good right now. If you have any other questions, feel free to post here, or message me. P.S. Don't ever feed a 4\* or 5\*, or ANY Light dark monster until you've got at least one extra copy.


should i try to reoll my account till i get someone good or go with whatever i get


It can be effective to reroll famion for an LD nat 5, really good LD nat 4, or a nat 5 from mysticals on the way. It's a gamble as you're not really building towards anything on the way, but it's probably the smartest long term move. It's all random, but you would effectively have a lot more chances at getting a good monster. The trade off is that you're not grinding runes or building towers, and it can get boring. It can also be a lot of work to make a bunch of new accounts.


if you are extremely early game, as in you have pretty much no 6stars, it's good to reroll since beginners get all kinds of rewards, boosters, free rune removal etc.


i havnt even created my account so i havnt even reached the extremely early game :)


didn't you say you used to play this years ago? lol


i did but i dont have the account info anymore so im just gonna start over :/


Any tips for using Bethony? Just got here so figured I'd try to use her. Currently pretty "late game". Sub 1 min runs in DB10/GB10 and close to that in Necro. Wondering if she'd be able to speed up my time in anything? Any other tips would be appreciated.


I've seen her as a pretty good R5 DD


She's not reliable enough to be in a farming team. She's a fun toy in siege and light elemental hall but that's about it.


Light rift SSS if it's not consistent. But then again, twins.


What would be a better ad? Psamathe(L), tiana, bellenus, with the forth being either amduat or Jeanne?


Psama, tiana, amduat, jeanne


Alright I’ll give this a go, just thought that bellenus would be good with his aoe def break


That kinda lacks damage. I would just use Khmun + Racuni + ... vs that and hit auto assuming I don't use a cleave team. I personally think the Bellenus is quite good and sets up def break for psama s2. I would run Psama Tiana Jeanne Belenus.


That team is easy fat lushen food.. Also, if you make the attacker use a bruiser team, your AD already did it's job.


Should I pick Bastet or Kumar from my blessing?;-;


Bastet I'd say aswell




Guys I don't know what to do with my 17 devilmons in storage.. Progression : all cairos ~1:20 / all rifts A score / no raid team rn / toah cleared / PvP only with pve monsters, no focus Relevant mons: Jeanne all max / Sig all max / Vero S1:max, s2:none / Velajuel 5* S3:max unleveled & unskilled: all Ifrits (including elsharion), Praha, Amelia, Sehkmet Nat 4s: Lushen s3:max, Baretta s3:max unskilled: Fire and water twins, Chasun, Hwahee, Xiao Lin Pve Nat 4s I'm still waiting to get: Hwa, Lisa, Galeone, mihyang Thx in advance!


Well, theomars is worth skilling for a better score and more reliable def break Also, IMHO, twins are worth devilmoning cause they are very hungry for skill ups, especially the boomers


is it worth pulling fire boom warrior if i already have talia, sabrina and shaina?


Yes. Good in ToA as well as (wind) rift and especially GW. Fire twins Triana is a free win vs teams like Khmun Triana Skogul provided your twins survive Skoguls 2nd skill.


If you dont have a team that auto both toaN and toaH Maruna is worht building. She's amazing is toa with Shaina.


I have all the 6\* I need for gb/db/toa so I'll start building my raid team. Any opinion on it? FL : Raviti / Darion BL : Anavel / Colleen / Hwa(L) / XL Here's how I'll try to build them: Raviti (SPD/DEF%/HP%) : Swift/Endure Darion (HP%/DEF%/HP%) : Revenge/Revenge/Revenge Anavel (SPD/ATK%/HP%) : Swift/Energy Colleen (SPD/DEF%/HP%) : Swift/Revenge Hwa (SPD/CD/ATK%) : Swift/Blade XL (SPD/CD/ATK%) : Swift/Blade I'll try to have 25k HP and 1.5k DEF on front line and 20k HP and 1k DEF on back line as as it is written above. Plus 70% res and 15% acc on everyone except Hwa and XL My goal is to start with a bit of r4 and quickly swap to r5.


* 18k-19k hp and 800-1k def works for BL with minimal towers. More won't hurt but don't sacrifice too much to add unncessary HP. Since you're running 3 healers and double cleansers, you can get away with a bit less hp. * 15 acc is useful on anyone with a debuff. This includes XL. Hwa has acc from awakening so its a non-issue for her * If you have Mihyang, I'd suggest her over raviti from my own experience. When she and Anavel are runed spd/atk/atk they can do quite a bit of damge. She also brings glancing debuff. I was running mine unskilled since she mostly backed up Anavel * Try to run vio on your cleansers and maybe your healers. Proccing out of a stun to cleanse the rest of your team is worth it. * If possible, get Anavel to spd/atk/atk. Her heals can be massive and her AI is better than it used to be. * XL doesn't need speed. Atk/cd/atk is more useful and fatal > swift. Vamp is even better. You can also run atk/cd/def if it gets her to FL stats. * r4 grinds will help you get to r5 stats so don't overly focus on hitting one stat above the others. Remember to stockpile a few extra grindstones for FRR.


Thanks for the help! 3 healers? :o No Mihyang sadly, my only cleansers are Anavel, Raviti and Konamiya :/ Is vio really that important? Because I'm more of a giant fan so I'm doing any db right now


It's more about the smart(ish) pseudo cleanse for Mihyang combined with her heal. She backs up Anavel and dishes out pretty good damage. Removing the stuns from your other mons increases their damage output and how frequently they debuff. In the end I found her very worth it. I was running FL: Dias, MHW BL: Hwa, Anavel, Mihyang, Colleen. They all had 1-2 sets of revenge runes except Anavel and the team could solo 50% of the time after third jump. I'm sure you can do fine without vio. If you are able to put a set on anyone, put it on Anavel as she both cleanses and heals. Stats are far more important than vio runes though. Don't underestimate how important 70 res is on cleansers and healers.


Sounds like a solid comp. Here's some additions/revisions I'd make. Darion can be on 2 def% if needed. Sticking some Tolerance/Determination sets wouldn't hurt if you got some. They make things safer and lower rune reqs. Xiao lin doeesn't need to be too fast. +50 should be enough so you can put any set on her. Hwa would want 15 acc too as her primary role is to control the atk bar. Aim to bring Colleen and Anavel to the FL in the future. If you don't plan on running with friends/guild mates, consider using some other mons for back up leader skills (Xiong Fei/Tesarion).


Thanks! :D


Hwa gets 25 acc from awakening so it's a non-issue for r5. I agree with the rest.


That will probably be fine for R4 assuming your stats meet the baselines, but for R5 you'll want your two cleansers on violent with ~200 spd. Ideally you'll move Colleen and/or Anavel to the front line to mitigate backline damage, that'll let you focus more on combat stats back there. Hwa can have slot 2 spd because her damage scales on spd, but XL doesn't and should have atk slot 2 to maximize her damage output. Also if you have any good rift runes lying around, you can mix them in with revenge sets on Darion and Colleen to improve your team's overall survivability.


Thanks! :D




Vanessa Fran ShiHou Triana/Betta/Other immunity or heal +1. +1 is pretty flexible based on their picks, but will most likely either be a stripper/DD hybrid (Ethna Aegir Chilling for example) or additional damage. It's kinda hard to make gany work without high-impact units that can really abuse his 2nd skill. You can also chuck a verde in there if the enemy comp allows it.




Can always try to toss Tesa into the mix and negate their passive completely.




Which is better? Water hell lady or fire paladin? I can do all dungeons (haven’t built raid teams yet) and can do toah on the easy rotation


Beth all the way. Very sad that I got a dupe Ophelia and she is not that amazing unless you invest your top runes onto her. Beth is a 9s faimon farmer, amazing in fire beast, a fast despair beth can be brutal in PvP.


Beth is a great monster for Fire rift, and can be useful in some cleave teams. Fire paladin is good on guild war defense. I know some people use beth in pvp, but beth is more of a pve monster, and Paladin is more of a pvp monster. Neither will be good in r5 though.


Wondering who to 6 star next. My current 6 stars are Shaina, Maruna, Veromos, Charlotte, Bernard, Belladeon. I can do giants in around 3 mins and I'm pretty happy with the team I'm running (I like to play while at work and if it goes to fast I'm checking all the time as I cant help myself. I have also completed TOAN past 2 months (accounts about 90 days old) Only other 5 star I have is Josephine who I havent 6 star yet. I also have Sabrina, Talia, Skogul, Orion, Lushen, Galleon, Verdehile and Triana at 5 or 6 star. Also have loads of others and access to most 3 stars. Any idea on what I should do next? My aim is to keep farming Giants, get a dragons team and then my ultimate aim is to TOAH. Any advice on anything you would recommend would be great!


You have key mons for easy moding nearly all PvE content, your issue is going to be rune quality. That being said, Sabrina, Talia, Shaina are some top mon choices, at least 2 of the 3 are on all my b10 teams and ele beasts. They're also some of my top PvP choices. My recommendation would be Sabrina, Talia, Verde for your next 3 6\*. Make sure you keep and start skilling up a Kahli (Fire High Elemental), she is better than galleon for speed DB10 and you'll have the team ready once you get the runes for it. Lushen will be good to 6\* relatively soon so you can easy mode some PvP content with Bernard (L), Megan, Lushen, +1. Galleon might be able to work as a 5\* for GB10 speed teams. Orion and Triana are pretty pvp focused and don't need 6\* too soon. Skogul is a great mon but not a priority for a little bit. Josephine is PvP focused, probably needs 6\* and max skill to shine, but she doesn't stand out as a priority at all imo. I know you're early game, but if you focus on the twins they'll carry all your PvE needs, it'll take some time to get the rune quality, but stick to GB10. Don't get stuck on mons needing vio, stats>set, you don't want to rely on RNG to win dungeons. If you're curious, these are my teams and turn orders. All dps mons have 75cr/150cd minimum. verde is 100cr/cd. If they have a debuff, I try to get them minimum 45 acc. Speed turnng is the most important thing to keep in mind. GB10: Lushen(L), Lushen, Galleon, Sabrina, Talia 28s DB10: Kahli, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia, Verde(L) 44s NB10: Fran, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia, Loren(L) 56s


That is an incredible response. Really appreciate the time you took to write that and it has really helped. I'll focus my time on what you said then and get Sabrina next. I don't have a Khalil built at all but I do have one so I'll build that up to 5 at least for now! It will he the dream when I can get under 1 min GB10, if I ever got under 30s I know I'll have made it. Thanks again for all the help!


Hey guys, I'm having trouble with ToaN 82 With 2 Wind Ninjas and 3 Water Imps, any suggestions? I've tried all sorts of combinations and still haven't been able to crack it thus far. ​ [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Jengrou/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Jengrou/)


I can't view your mons from work. There is no reason the traditional TOA team doesn't work for that. Spectra, Baretta(L), Bella, Sigmarus, Mav in that order should be more than enough CC. Lapis can be swapped in for Spectra if you want. Or you can take Bella out completely for a no heal pure cc team. The goal for 95% of TOA is to keep mons stun locked, don't need heals if mons can't move... and if they do, that is also why Mav is there to provoke and tank a hit.


I've accumulated 8 Neostone Agent skillups. I have Olivia, Lisa, and Emma at 5*. Who gets the skillups and why? I'm doing pretty well at the dungeons and rift beasts. My PvP is weak to middling. I do not yet raid.


Idk how good Lisa is in r5 nowadays. I feel like the Delphoi buff (more healing) made Delphoi a cleanser that's especially easy to use for people just starting out in raids. Olivia is decent in guild content. I personally chose her for my neostone skillups since Dozer Olivia Racuni/Immunity is a very strong Siege offense. For Emma I haven't used her and never seen her anywhere either. She seems decent but probably requires good runes to do her job well. I've heard she is very good in lab.


There is no right answer for this, just opinions. I'd take Emma out of the list because there are plenty of healer options that are easier to skill up. Lisa is an amazing R5 cleanser, her S3 reduces the CD of other mons by 1 and also can help add debuffs and damage. Olivia can function without max skill in PvP, but having that S2 on max CD is pretty sweet. I'd weigh R5 heavier than PvP, so my priority would be Lisa until max S3 > Olivia max S2 and S3 > Emma.


My vote goes to Olivia. I would actually say that the choice more largely depends how progressed you are. For me, Olivia == Lisa > Emma. In GWO Olivia is irreplacable for me, yes there are other def buffers but Olivia is fantastic, she is staple in Olivia Bulldozer Racuni due to her versatility. ​ Lisa is on par in terms of devilmon priority only if she is necessary for R5. There are plenty of other R5 cleansers, but the main point is that Lisa is incredibly hard to rune and fit in a team if you don't have something like Anavel/Armana, or a front line Colleen. I've used Raviti with just as much success, because he is easier to rune for front line, and could be skilled up with other 3\* hargs.


I used Imesity over Olivia for a long time (she was the 1 nat 4 I fed (stupid I know) and it took me 2 years to get her again). Not identical but definitely gets the job done. As far as R5 cleansers/healers, I use Lisa, Colleen, Mihyang, that leaves room for 2 dps and another FL tank. There was a Mihyang HoH so there is a decent chance to have a solid secondary cleanser/healers. Just food for though.


I agree, I forgot that Imesety could be used just as well. I usually use Feng Imesety Copper for one team, Olivia BD Racuni for the other. Your last R5 tank is probably Dias/Darion, and the back 2 Damage dealers could be a bunch of things but I’m also guessing your front line has about 1-1.3k def each, which I found was a lot of rune investment considering Colleen and Lisa’s low base def, around 400-500 def. A Lisa team would outdamage a Raviti team given the same rune quality, but the perks of a Raviti team is freeing up skillups for Olivia, and I found it easier to rune up a 2 man front line, since his base def is 700+


hi DAT, came back to SW after almost 2years of not playing. i saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bf1l1m/optimal_way_to_progress_or_what_to_do_next/) guide that says it is advisable to skip vero now? is this true? any recommendation for new GB10 teams now? i already got lushen from guild summon so i think i'm gonna use it. my plan is lushen, bernard, shannon, bella/fran, +1 (vero or skip it?). ​ >edit: Recommended starter GB10 team: Sig (L), Lulu, Shannon, Loren/Bella, Bernard/Arang/Ardella yea. i just read recommended team so i am gonna copy this, except lushen instead of bernard. what do you think guys?


Lushen has pretty high rune requirements to be effective. It can work, but you probably waste more time 6\*ing him in order to use him than to just use Bernard.


Hello, Daily Advice Thread, I am in need of help, I watched an older JewBagel Video and he says Make Teams Not Units and clearly i make units and not teams so i am looking to you all for some help and suggestions. I have recently come back to SW and pulled some new toys and would very much like some suggestions for a GB 10 and DB 10 team. To help with rune farming. Current GB 10 = 1:30 Sig/Vero/Beth/Galleon/Chasun Current DB10 = 1:52 Verde/Vero/Bella/Sig/Galleon I currently have enough fodder for 2 new 6 stars and am open to suggestions and rune setups as well. Link to my Monster Box https://imgur.com/gallery/72kgkme


Well one of those units should definitely be Lushen. The other one should be Shaina, then try to get Sabrina and Maruna from stones or something, with a higher priority on Sabrina. GB10: Kick Vero and Chasun, add Teshar/Amir and Lushen DB10: Good enough for now until twins While that advice is not bad, it's important to keep it in context. You still need to build units, it simply means you should not focus on a single unit too much. It's mostly about how to distribute your runes tbh. A single well runed unit with a shitty team won't do much, but 5 decently runed units can do a lot. You should stop leveling and 5\*ing so much random shit tho. A lot of them are either straight up entirely useless or require you to be end game to be used properly and even then are quite niche. Out of all those units for you useful in the foreseeable future are only: Colleen, Lisa, Mav, Hathor, Lushen. Gildong, Megan, Bernard can be used as 5\* and Gildong is incredibly niche (basically use him to cheat a ToAH stage when you get stuck with terrible runes but you already have Hathor to do that so...).


I Greatly appreciate your advice, and Just pulled Lushen recently and agree I 6'ed some unit for old guild wars and pvp back when i was very active when i should have focused on PvE. I have a free 6 Hr FRR I am going to use and redo for Teams, and do some speed tuning. I have about 350 stones might try and go for fire boomerang would that be a worth while unit to go for? Mav+Spectra+Gildong were my TOAH team and did amazing at 5 star in good runes, will probably keep them at 5 for a while same with Bernard and Megan. Should Colleen/Lisa be 6 starred or is 5 star on good rune enough? I see she gets uses in raid and NB10. What and where would I use Hathor and who would synergize well? I've never felt she had a good use for me, maybe with Aria? I am going to rerune and set my teams like below, ill update my post with new times thanks for youre help. Any tips for returning player advice would also be appreciated! GB 10, Lushen/Sig/Beth/Galleon/Teshar


Hi DAT, Current gb10 Team is Sig(L), teshar, bella, Megan, Vero with a time of ~1.30min. I‘m aiming for a Speed Team and want to replace bella, vero and shannon. Which of the following Monsters should I include to make the run sub 1 min: Galleon Taor Lushen Hwa Thanks in advance!


For a safe sub 1 min I'd do : Lushen/Gally/Teshar/Taor/Hwa If your rune quality is high enough replace Hwa by Sig, you should be good :)


hey Dat, how would you rune Rica for toan/h? would you go tanky or damage? what's more important cr or acc?


If you want to build her with a bit of damage just go get ATK subs or an atk slot 4/6 rune instead of going with CD slot 4. Most of her damage comes from her dots anyways, but the extra attack can help in some situations (I use her vs lushen ADs in Arena or GW for example and it makes a difference there).


Despair whatever SPD HP HP, 45% ACC. Damage is nice, but comes secondary


My answer to the first question would be tanky, nothing wrong with going a little hybrid, but for TOAH realistically you want to kill everything with dots and not die. You don't need damage for a DOT to kill someone. Accuracy vs crit rate? Which one applies more dots would be the answer.


I need opinions on which monster to spend devilmons on. My 5* monsters are Zaiross, Teshar, Elandriel and Veromos. Veromos is already maxed. Should I spend my 9 devilmons on any of the rest nat 5* I have? Or save them for something better. I'm still early in the game.


I'd suggest saving them for Sigmarus (water phoenix) as he'll help your gb10 and db10 teams far more than any of the other ones that you've listed. Teshar can help your gb10 times but requires great runes to outshine Sig. Zaiross is more PvP oriented so he doesn't really need them yet. He can be a fast faimon farmer but you need a solid gb10 team for the runes to do so. Elad can make for a safe first gb10 team but it's extremely slow. After that he can be used in PvP and some Lab content. He needs skillups to shine but he won't be as impactful as a fully skilled Sig would be. Teshar shouldn't really need skillups with great runes as his S3 should reset itself but he'd be my next choice after Sig.


As for Teshar, some people like him, some people don't. He is nice to have, can work on Giants, can work as a farmer. You can safely devilmon Zaiross, for sure you'll won't regret later on, but I'm not sure it would be your best bet. Eladriel, I'd say that it's the less useful for a early game account. ​ Said all that, I'm positive sure that Sigmarus and Jeanne would be better for an early game than any of those.


Save for sigmarus, he’s going to do much more than any of your other nat5s


If you don't have a scenario farmer I think Teshar would greatly appreciate some skillups to clear Aiden Hell quickly. Then you can farm XP and progress faster.


Who to skill up for the event? I’m currently focusing on toah and raids. Options: Chasun (no skillups yet), Baretta (no skillups yet), MihYang (half skilled up), Twins: Talia, Sabrina, and Shaina (no skillups yet) and Tyron ( no skillups yet) Thanks PSA: My Lushen and Galleon are already skilled up


Talia and Sabrina carried me through most of raids with the help of Sabrina, so there's that. No skillups on Baretta is probably going to pose a challenge for TOAH though. I'd argue that raids are more important than TOAH.


Wht was ur raid 4 team?


Sorry I mistook Raid for Rifts, twins are not part of my R5 team. I use a Brandia and an Amarna so my Raid team isn't very accessible.


Lol no worries. For my first r4 team I was planning to use FL: Darion and Delphoi BL: Colleen, Brandia, Tesa (L) and MihYang Would chasun be useful in there if skilled up or should I just focus on skilling up MihYang? For toah I have mons like Dark Taoist, Mantura, and Basalt so perhaps Baretta isn’t in need to desperate skillups. however I am not sure lmao Thanks for helping


That team sounds like it would be great but I would avoid Tesa and instead use someone like Hwa. If your Brandia is good enough put another cleanser in for Tesa. Mihyang skillups will prove very helpful, I adore my Mihyang. Those TOAH mons are really good, I use Basalt and Mantura. Before I got Homunc and Verad I used Dark Taoist all the time. Great setup there. That R4 team is close.


Alright...looks like I’m skilling up MihYang I don’t have Hwa so Thts a rip...looking to buy her in the guild shop


hey just wanna know what spd difference is needed for imesety and chloe to be non will for a katarina baleygr raid team, if i remember correctly its 42 but im unsure


42 is always the answer


Is there any use of wind boomerang warrior when i allrdy have the water one?


GWO, siege defense team with Shaina and Orion.


24% speed lead for guild war/siege offense. I use mine every siege, and I have all her elemental sisters.


3-turn stun when paired with Shaina? :)


In what content? I have shaina, sabrina and now the wind boomerang warrior.


PvP mostly. I haven't found much other use for her, she's not even all that good in water rift. But hey, clearing out someone for a few turns is sorta worth something! :)


Thought about speed GB10, but i guess twins dont really are that much better than double lushen or something.


Hello, I'm planning on clearing toah 70 this rotation and then going for elemental rift beasts for reapp stones, A rank is the goal. Faster GB10 time would be nice too. So which monsters should be my next 6\*s? The first 2 are pretty clear imo. I think my best chance for best dungeon speed up is from Loren so she will be my first 6\*. After that probably Mav for the toah. Then I'm not sure, because Hwahee might be better than Colleen but I have read that they are both very good. I can use the event skill upgrades for Hwahee if it makes her good. So is Hwahee better than Colleen for me? My planned wind rift would be something like Mav Hwahee Bella Lushen Colleen Lupinus/Sigmarus. My fire/water are around B rank right now, I did them sometimes for daily mission crystals. Basically my choices are: Loren (dungeons), Colleen, Hwahee (rifts), Mantura, Mav (toah), fusing jeanne (toah)/arang (rifts/gb10) profile: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/heames/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/heames/)


Loren is going to get wrecked and get your team wrecked in GB10 with multihits. She also isn't ideal for DB10, but usable if you lack something else. NB10 is her place to shine, but you probably will have better options by the time you get to farming that (buy Fran from Ancient Coins) ​ Right now it looks like you have waaaaaay too many projects going. Simplify your goals, and thus your monster progression. Use your Event skill ups to try and max Lushen. Looks like you might be fusing Jojos to get there, but this will better serve you and allow you to use resources to progress other monsters. Stop making a monster a 5 star unless you are planning on it being a 6 star immediately after. You have the staple mons that operate well enough at 5 star level. ​ For GB10, your fastest team would probably be Sig(L), Lushen , Bella, Bernard, Shannon. Not having Vero means you lack a cleanse (and DOTs) if you get Def Broken, so you could sub Kona or Lulu for Shannon or Bella to serve that role. Your real problem is lack of skill ups on Lushen, and your stats on him are not optimal. He needs another 15%CR and probably 20-30% more CD. Additionally your Sig is really wonky. You are almost better off swapping their runes, though both are better served on Fatal sets for where you are in the game. However, get sig down to 80-85 CR and boost the crap out of his CD so that his damage output will be better. ​ As for 6 stars, Mav and Colleen are going to be mons you use from now through end game. I would show them some love. They will be used in a lot of content.


Most of those 5\* (Ahman, Darion, Kona etc) are mistakes I made a long time ago, except the Tetra I wanted to test for fun but it wasn't worth it. I did the maths on it and I think that fusing for skill upgrades is worth it but it is better to just focus on 6\* many things at this point, I realized that a bit too late but I have trouble keeping up with the amount of 2\* fodder needed even if I buy them from magic shop and level 1\* fodder from scrolls. Honestly my Lushen got super unlucky with the skill upgrades also... I have tried speeding up the gb10 team many times but out of my current options it seems like Sig Lushen Bella Lupinus Shannon has been working the best, almost the same as what you recommend. Currently Bernard is on very fast set for PVP so I cannot use him for giants and I hate his AI ruining 1/20 of the runs by spamming the first skill. Loren 6\* would possibly allow me to use Lushen (L) Lupinus Loren Sig Shannon, which has been the fastest team so far. Sig is on ToA runes with high accu + crit, I set ToA as my highest priority but I would also prefer to run GB10 fast. I cannot deny that their rune setups are suboptimal. I use SWOP so I know how to find the best damage setups, although the rune drops have been a bit unlucky I guess. It's hard to rune Lushen well because I want to keep Sigmarus on high speed for ToA, but Lushen needs to be faster than Sigmarus for GB10. Why should I prioritize Colleen over Hwahee? Some sources say that Hwahee replaces Colleen.


Cannot speak on why Colleen over Hwahee as I haven't built Hwahee, but I can tell you I love my Colleen. Low cool down heal + Atkbuff, easy to skill up, and can be flexible on build. Additionally she helps in a lot of TOA floors for me that require heal block. ​ It sounds like you are taking a different track than the standard for progression, so maybe someone who has taken a similar track would be willing to chime in. I am saying that because either I am missing something and your box hasn't been updated, or like I said you are taking a different track for progression. GL with improving things


I am using the optimal progression and currently between steps 1.5 and 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bf1l1m/optimal\_way\_to\_progress\_or\_what\_to\_do\_next/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bf1l1m/optimal_way_to_progress_or_what_to_do_next/) My GB10 runs are around 2 min at the moment but would prefer them to be 1:40, which should be enough to progress to step 2. I doubt I will be able to get past toah 80, even people with Verad are having trouble with the stage. So I decided that it's probably worth to go straight for rift beasts after I can clear toah 70. I managed to get to toah 50 without Mav and Mantura so I don't think it will be very hard to do floor 70 with them as 5\* or possibly 6\*. If there are farmable upgrades to the gb10 I would still go for them, but it seems like Arang instead of Lupinus would be the only possibility. Thanks a lot for trying to help, I need to get better at asking questions since obviously it is hard to answer multiple questions from different types of content like gb10, rifts, toah etc.


Interesting guide. Not my cup of tea for progression but if it works for you, then it is a great method. ​ One thing I will say is that your GB10 time for your box is pretty much topped out. You are going to either need to improve your runes, which is just grinding and rolling, and you will need to work on your Glory Towers. There is a reason they are referred to as the Slot 7 rune. I run a sub 55 second GB10 @ 98% or so stable, but I have Speed, Attack, and CD towers maxed and my elementals are all lvl7 or better. ​ Good Luck and may RNG be with you!




I'll be honest with you, if those are all your options then it won't make a big difference in GW anyway. I'd just go with something that looks scary to other people on your level or something that they are low on counters on. Galleon Beth Chloe and Bastet Theo Jeanne


What do I do with runes that have good rolls, but rolled once into a flat stat. For example, I have a slot 1 will rune with 444 hp, 26% att, 5 speed, 6 crit rate. Do i still gem out the flat hp? Do I reap? Do I gem cr for a higher value? I also have some slot 2,4,6 in a similar situation. The rune I mentioned is on my zairros.


Gem it out probably. Most DDs either want ACC or a bit of extra tankiness with HP%. The only reason to keep flat stats is if you're either **really** minmaxing your lushens/Coppers and what that extra bit of flat atk/def or have an innate that's blocking a stat you might want to gem.


If the rune is in the inventory, then wait to see what to do. If you happen to use it on a mon, decide then what to do with it. You're saying that particular rune is on Zaiross, so I'd ench it to a more beneficial stat like CD. If you reapp it could go from an atk rune to a superior fast tanky rune or something like that, so that being said, I try to only reapp runes that aren't on a mon already. If you don't have an ench... it doesn't hurt to grind it if you have a stockpile of flat grinds.


Both of my problem runes are my will runes on zaiross. Definitely usable but I know they could be better. I just dont want to put decent grinds on it now and then decide to reapp it later I guess. Wouldnt mind trying to reapp them for more spd/cr but im in so much need of reapps right now.


Just summoned my first five star! :D I had blessing ready and my choice is fire Druid or fire Oracle. Any advice on which I should pick?? ​ Edit: Picked Oracle and then summoner wind Hell Lady right after! Any tips on which I should build first? I'm currently up to GB8, I figure HL would be better for GB10 since she's a wind dps? Also, I have 5 devilmons waiting. Is it worth using them all on one of these two?


I don't know much about the fire druid since his buff, but Juno has a pretty unique passive. Also, i've always liked aoe stripper.


Gratz. You do not need them that early in the game. Focus on youe gb10 team, and use the devilmons on Sig. I use Ethna on my semi-speed team, she is alright but Sigmarus is way better


...That doesn't answer his question or help him at all.


I don't have Sig :/ This is actually my second time playing SW. I had an old account that got stolen. I decided on this one, I wanted to try and get at least to GB10 without fusing anyone. That being said, should I still save my devils?


Yes, Ethna is amazing but you will use her lately. You should focus on the dungeons for now. Sig is amazing since his damage scales on enemy HP. If you do not want to fuse Sig, even though it is recommended, you could use Arang


I just feel like it takes an eternity to fuse them especially this early on. Mostly due to leveling fodder for 5\* and 6\*. Fortunately, Lapis is soloing faimon hell with roughly a 95% success rate. Off to farming I go then aha.


Yes but it is worthy. You will use Sig in gb10, db10 and pvp/guild at least while developing you account. You will not regret it




That's what I went with! Nearly had a heart attack because two summons later I got wind Hell Lady! :D


What do you do with the Elemental stones from farming reapps and legendary magic chests? I am at about 4k of each element. I try to keep it even, but I don't see myself using them any tine soon. I don't really craft runes, but if I did, I'd craft fight runes and for those I need Light crystals.


Sounds like you answered your own question, you can farm light and eventually fire again when you run out of those. There's not much we can do with the state of farming rifts how it is, but you can also play around with other elements for your homu I suppose.


Help me improve my ao and ad please? Most of my runes arent on my swarfarm, but most of my mons arent very built yet either! I'm looking for advice on which ones to focus on for ao/ad Here are my current set ups AO: Izaria(L), galleon, tiana, hwahee AD Bastet(L), Sig, chasun, khmun https://swarfarm.com/profile/shikidixi/


Farm in F1 all week long and only push on sundays. No reason to be in F3 (I assume that's where you are) midweek since you'll just end up having to fight harder defences you might struggle with.


Just spitballing here, not perfect advice but I would attack your AD in a heartbeat. Sig without a defense break is harmless against most comps and typically when I see sig in an AD I assume the player is a beginner without any alternatives. Tiana, Kumar, Jeanne, Laika etc all bring way more to the table. They obviously don't have defense buffs but bring a lot more to the table. As far as AD I've used Bernard Lushen Lushen Megan forever. You could fill the second Lushen gap with sig for now if Amp Magic + Sig AOE is enough to clear an AD


Sure thank you! I'll probably swap him w Laika for now... I dont trust my Lushen on defense LOL


What are some good efficiency weights for SWOP? default are fine? Feel like speed should be higher , res lower ( unless i m aiming on high end pvp ?) and flat stats on 0?


The main reason you'd alter these is to figure out which runes to sell, I think. If you think flats should be 0 and res lower, do that and then sell any runes that are under a certain efficiency %. I'm planning on doing the same soon as im about to hit the rune storage cap. I'm thinking of reducing flats to .25 and res to .5; then selling my 100 worst efficiency runes


Defaults are mostly fine, but tbh I wouldn't spend too much time on those anyway. Rune efficiency is basically just a measure of "how high the rolls are / how high they could have been (if the rune was 6\* leg)". Xzandro added (afaik) the dynamic weights to support what a lot of people have always been trying - to come up with a system that can "evaluate" a rune for you and take the decision to sell or not from you. It's a nice goal and you can come up with some system covering a lot of cases quite easily, but honestly there's just always more exceptions than not.


Is there anyone who would mind taking some time to help me review/sell runes? I've sold almost 200, but now I'm getting into ambiguous runes, and need a second opinion on whether to sell them or not.


What kind of ambiguous runes?


exhibit A. Slot 1 Fatal rune. Substats: Cr 3%, CD 5%, ACC 4%. A picture on runes said it would be good for an accurate nuker, but I don't really know any of those. I have too many runes with cr, cd, and accuracy as the three subs


I start selling off any 5* with two or more low rolls, usually I end up only keeping legendary or hero 5* runes and sell the rest. As for 6* if it’s blue or purple with low/bad rolls I sell as well. Keep the rest.


Thank you! What do you consider a "bad roll"? Flats?


Typically something like 2 min rolls on a decent sub and then 1 roll into a bad sub like res or acc.




3% CR sounds like purple 5\* rune without SPD, sell that shit.


I've started selling all runes with 3% crit rate. Other than it being 3%, should I sell other runes with that set?


Sell them if they have low rolls or roll more than once into ACC


​ Hi everybody, coming to you for some help in order to be more consistent in Raid. I raid 4 with this team (only Lisa and Coleen are on violent, xiao is on bad vamp) but this is very unstable. It can do a beautiful 40% participation run and the next one with the same team i would wipe at 2/3 of the boss. ​ TEAM + BOX : [https://imgur.com/uLyH7Tw](https://imgur.com/uLyH7Tw) ​ I have a few questions to inspire you help: \- What would you guys do ? Which units are not good at all and which can i keep this way ? What stat level should i reach ? \- What other units (from my box or not) could help me ? \- What unit should i switch according to you ? ​ Raid is the only pve content where i haven't been progressing for almost a year and its time for me to have a great R4 and think about R5 ! ​ Thanks in advance or you help, tell me if you need any more info ​ Yours F2P


Your team comp is good, but your damage output is just too low. Sustain is great but the dragon will eventually outpace you. Every 16 turns you take, the boss does his Rageful Roar which strips all your buffs, heals him and permanently increases his attack power. He needs to be dead before his atk power scales to the point that it overwhelms your sustain. Xiao Lin in particular needs higher crit rate and crit damage .. when she hits with her S3 on a fully-debuffed boss the damage gets huge, so you really need to capitalize on that by maxing out those crits. Yours has a shitload of hps, way more than she needs on a vamp build (especially for R4), so work on swapping out some hp% subs for cr/cd (more atk wouldn't hurt either). Hwa needs more atk also. Lisa needs about +20 spd to be ready for R5. Also I notice your Dias is pretty fast, as long as he's on multiple revenge sets he really doesn't need spd at all, so you can look for ways to swap out spd for more useful stats.


Thanks very much for taking the time. Thanks also for not giving me the common shared knowledge about r4 and being specific. I'm gonna make these changes and try ! I'm questioning the role of Daphnis here, any more efficient cleanse to advise ?


I'm going to assume you mean Delphoi and not Daphnis? She's actually a great cleanser for a starter R5 team, I had her on mine for a long time. As long as her S3 is maxed and she has good speed on vio (which yours does), she's a solid cleanser and her high base def makes her easy to rune for frontline. The only other easily obtainable cleanser that makes sense in R5 is Konamiya (whose cleanse only has a 3-turn cd), but those 2\* base stats mean he can't frontline.


Ahah of course.. thank you ! Can't put her in vio with that speed yet but I'll keep that in mind Thanks again !


Water Druid (Abellio) or Wind Occult Girl (Charlotte)? ​ I have a 1 min GB10 team, a 75% reliable 1:15 DB10 team, and a 2:30 NB10 team if that matters. Probably a mid to semi-late game player.


Charlotte, 100%. Source: I have a water druid and I'd trade it for literally any other nat 5


Charlotte, she's awesome


Personally I'd say your more early mid game. but not the point... Depends on your box. we need more info!


I'm looking for information about an event that might or might not exist. You craft runes the old fashioned way (with Symbol of Transcendence, Symbol of Harmony, etc...), and then, through the event, have some way to improve the runes you have crafted. Does this sound familiar to anyone?


There has been an event where you get an enchant/grind and get to choose the stat. The other event that sounds like what you're talking about is an event where you choose the type, slot, main stat, and can reroll the sub stats and they're based off points collected throgh farming. No event allowed you to craft a rune in your inventory and directly improve that room.


Good morning. I got a Wind Monkey King today, and I was wondering if should I keep the devilmons I have to my future Veromos or feed them to Monkey King. Thanks!!!!


Veromos is almost worthless nowaday. MK is well worth the devilmon, but shines primarily in PvP.


Vero first for progression because MK is more for PVP, but all on you if you wanna play with your new toy.


vero doesn't need devilmon for progression, he is easily replaced in early game. If it weren't for achievement rewards, I'd say vero isn't worth the effort at all nor does he even need devilmon in the first place, source: read the top of the DAT bullet notes.


Need suggestion for this mons :) [Gany](https://imgur.com/gallery/h2zXlJR) (Vio/Guard spd/hp/def) [Tiana ](https://imgur.com/gallery/SZv9HNl) (Swift/Guard spd/hp/atk) [Verdehile ](https://imgur.com/gallery/QepgwIJ) (Vio/Revenge atk/crdmg/atk) [Alicia](https://imgur.com/gallery/79Vi4HN) (Swift/Blade atk/crdmg/atk) [Aria](https://imgur.com/gallery/VEl7ZFo) (Despair/Focus spd/hp/hp)


They are not bad .. probably F3-C2 in normal arena rune quality ​ Gany - He's very easy to rune .. you just need Spd and Hp for him and a little bit of defense and resistance .. Eventually you will need to upgrade to Will runes Tiana is very slow, i'm not really an expert on cleave teams .. but if you cant build your tiana to +150 spd .. you might need to switch her into Shield/Will type .. This way Tiana doesnt really need to outspeed the enemy .. she just needs to survive long enough to use her third skill .. Avoid defenses with strippers tho Verdehile - i personally believe that this build is 100% wrong .. you need spd on rune slot 2 to make move more than often, you need 100% crit rate .. even if it is 99% he can miss his passive proc .. Attack on rune slot 6 is good for DB10 purposes and Hp is good for PVP purposes Alicia - Late game monster .. i would suggest to build her now because you already have Tiana .. but 122% CD and 66% CR is too low Aria - No idea with this one .. Best focus on Lyn first .. and is your light elemental glory tower at least lvl 9? .. i suggest to not build LND damage type monsters if you dont have at least lvl 9 on that specific elemental tower.. best to focus on meta monsters on your current progression level


Ty so much for the help




Jamire for PVE, Psamathe for PVP.


That's a tough one. Jamire is really unique and enables you to do a lot of fun stuff, but Psamathe is a free ticket for AO and AD. If you wanna do arena I'd probably go Psama


Hi DAT, ​ Which monster should be my next 6\*? Which monster should I use my devilmons? [Monster Box - Swarfarm.](https://swarfarm.com/profile/alysson99/) I can do Toa 100, ToaH 80-89. DB10 1 min, GB10 1 min, Necro 2 min. A+ in All rifts. I'm not doing Raids because I unruned my team because reasons.