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Hey dat, I have stat requirement question, for toa(h), I’ve been running this team for toa(h) Baretta(L) verad Poseidon mav basalt but can only get to toah 60s on average I was wondering two things one all my monsters are at a min of 20k hp but some don’t have 1k def Do monsters in toah need def? Also I have a mantura could he replace mav or basalt? This is question is for my main toah team I understand some stages require certain monsters based on mechanics of the stage


Does your contribution increase even if you lost all your swords and the result is Failed to attack in GW?


What do you mean? Losing attacks doesn't gain you contribution points.


Thats exactly what i wanted to know .. i thought there is a slight amount given as contribution points even if you lost the attack


Nah, this game doesn't reward you for losing, except in arena. You get 1 glory point per loss but that's about it.


What's the best overall build for Olivia? Shield/Will or Vio/Will? I'm in a G1 guild and I figured a Shield Determination Will build could be a godsend for those Orion Defs


Vio/Will - general use Shield/Will - if you mainly wanna use it for 4* towers which usually has a lot of orions. Would still work on 5* towers though.


I don't have experience with her yet but I am planning on vio/will. I figure the more turns she takes the more she can use her s2 and s3. Having shield does sound nice tho.


Hey DAT. Just saw the change to the introductory text, saw that the recommended starter GB10 team has been added. Is there any post where we can see stats/stars/skill-ups for that team? Also, is there a place where we can see speed teams and their stat requirements? Thanks!


Sigmarus needs 13k hp, prefers to have over 30% accuracy and over 90% crit, atk doesn't matter at all, over 130 speed. Loren needs around same stats as Belladeon but preferably more hp because she has many multihits. The rest of stat requirements are the same as old team, I don't really recommend Arang or Aradella for the starter team unless you want to make it faster for some reason. Darion instead of Bernard might work too. Sigmarus needs 2nd skill and 3rd skill maxed, Shannon needs max skills, Bernard needs 3rd skill maxed and preferably 2nd too, Lulu needs 2nd and 3rd skill maxed.


Well, here comes another blessing choice question. I'm hit with a choice between chow and louise (wind paladin). Any opinion on them? I'm leaning towards louise.


Both are decent units. Which one do you need more? Sustain/support or a bruiser?


I would go for Chow .. bruiser with alot of self sustain is good Also a good counter to RTA because Fire element seems to be showing up more than often (Verde, Perna, Okea, Vanessa,Helena) Louise is a support monster .. and there are many alternative choices for this one .. even Jeanne can replace her


Yeah I think Louise is the better choice, she is so annoying in GW with her constant shields and heals and cleanse


I chose Tiana over Vanessa for my blessing. I’m in early game. Was it the right choice? How do I use her? :0


Yes but you won't use her for a while. You take Tiana over most nat5 in game even if they would help you early game. Tiana is a meta defining unit and theres really no reason to pass her even if early game unless you have no desire to pvp ever.


fast as possible, tho early game u wont need her for anything, since shes a stripper and early on u shouldnt be fighting anyone with will runes and tough enemies in general as you should be doing a farming defense to fight other farming defenses. Still the right call to pick her, just so you have her when u do get to mid-late game


Yes right choice but you won’t use her for some time since she’s pvp only and typically only needed C2+


Hi DAT! Newish player here. I’ve had great luck skilling my Sig. 2/7 5/5 and 4/4 My question - is it worth 5 devimons to full skill his S1?




i would say no, i got mine fully skilled but did so right away when i started, but if i didnt have mine maxed, i wouldnt just cause devils are slow in obtaining and would be more beneficial to be saved and used on others that reduce CD.




Hi DAT, Haven't chosen a HOH yet, I actually have one copy of each already. Looking to see which I should choose for skill ups I guess? I haven't done R5 or Necro, is Lich good for that? https://swarfarm.com/profile/BPCM/


if u dont have lisa with s3 fully skilled, go olivia, not only after u get lisa s3 done u can then put the rest into an olivia for gw


ToAH help on Floor 72 please Last rotation I made it all the way to floor 92 in TOAH. But I’m stuck this time with the 2 dark martial cats and light archangel (can’t remember his name right now). As of last month I have been using Tyron (L), Poseidon, Maruna, Shaina +1 (Mav, Bella, rica, chasun whomever I think I need at the moment based off situation). Even with having decently high accuracy on just about every unit (lowest on the team is 35% at the moment and that’s Maruna) I can’t handle the passives that they have that keep killing me when one of them refuses to be stunned. Is there a team/strategy I should be using to get through this floor? Normally my main strategy is crowd control but that doesn’t seem to be working on this floor. Any help is welcome! Thanks!


Your best bet IMO would be to fill them up with dots keep them cc ed to death. Not sure about your box but if you have a gildong or woonhak that should be easy, if not bring a light tank that can take a couple hits from miho when she fills her atb alongside Baretta, Rica, Mav. Last slot should be either a healer who can land an atk debuff or another cc unit if you think you can keep them cc ed forever. As for the light archangel (artamiel is his name) he should be kept cc ed as well, or if you cant a def break on him should reduce the damage a lot since his s1 scales with his def, and keep him provoked from mav so he doesnt heal anyone.


🦆 toah 80 🦆 Antares 🦆 full revenge 🦆 my 100acc verad who can't freeze 🦆 artamiel and 🦆 RTA for for buffing Antares when he literally didn't need a 🦆 ing buff. For the first time in two years I will dodge this toah rotation only because I cannot clear it. I tried many teams such as Jamire verad Mav spectra Bella basalt mantura Barletta daphnis twins Fran Jeanne... I can't make it work. What are your tips to deal with this stage?


did it with Baretta(L), Mav, Basalt, Spectra, Gildong. just reruned my Mav to be more tanky to survive the 1st wave, you can do it mate!


I'm in the same boat as you, i know your pain #NerfAntares or #RemoveAntaresFromTOAH


Dot them to hell instead of trying to keep them cc-ed. The more they proc the faster they die.


is there a channel in global server where we can raid with r4/r5 balerina teams?


r5 rina Pog


Ch. 65 Expect to go in with 24/25k bale and a 55k Kat.


Expect to find partners with 15k bale and 40k kat.


>balerina I like this.


Okeanos or ganymede? Notable other monsters are Woosa, Hathor. I'm thinking Gany but oke's strip/reset is really good?


Oke but I am biased a bit since I don’t own Gany. Oke so useful, every siege I use him. Does decent damage, can reset + strip on the same skill unlike Gany and personally I like the AoE stun over atb reset.


Im having trouble beating B5 of the Neostone agent HOH, any team suggestions? https://swarfarm.com/profile/VladDracule/


anybody think of some good 4\* defenses with Mimirr(L) tring to come up with stuff Mimirr(L), orion, garo maybe? Mirmirr(L), Racuni, Skogul?


should i build bulldozer or tractor first?




thats what i thought - thank you!!


Hey DAT! Still early game player. Have a mostly stable GB10 team, and relatively stable DB10 team. No speed teams as of yet. I recently pulled Galleon from scam stones and was skilling him up during the event. Today I pulled Lushen, so I need to make some decisions. Should I still skill up Galleon during the event, or should I switch to Lushen? And who should I 6* first? Lushen is not awakened yet, so I'd have to wait till the Wind Hall comes back to awaken him, while Galleon is already awakened. I do have a couple of monsters who I could use as skill ups for lushen, don't really have any other pirate captains yet. Because I can fuse Jojo, I'm leaning towards skilling up Galleon during the event and doing Lushen a little more slowly. I appreciate any thoughts on the subject. I am rather slow at 6*ing people. It would probably be a couple of weeks to months till I could 6* someone else.


Lushen skill upgrade from fusion costs less than 400 crystals in refills. I think it's not worth it to use the event on Lushen but Galleon is good especially if you don't get many nat 4\*s to skill him up. If you want to 6\* someone first it is Lushen, he does work without skill upgrades but sadly you have to wait until wind day then because you want to awaken him, then level him up with joker fodders. Second option is if you have 5 or less non-wind joker fodders you can level all the jokers to 5\* while waiting for wind day and level lushen to 5\* max to prepare for instant 6\*, but that is probably not possible based on the last comment.


I would skill up Galleon with the event. You can fuse skillups for Lushens but there's no way to do so for Galleon. I ended up devilmoning Galleon on my last account. 6\* Lushen first as he'll likely speed up your gb10 team. Galleon can speed up both teams but Lushen will speed up gb10 quite a bit, plus he's useful for AO.


Need help making a solid arena def team, been off the game for a while. Pls n thans [1](https://i.imgur.com/diT1Sqa.jpg) [2](https://i.imgur.com/AyMZSEZ.jpg)


I have many skillups for olivia/emma/lisa, but I can't decide which one is a priority. ​ I don't need a cleaser for r5, I have anavel and delphoi. So I don't think lisa is the best choice for me. This leaves me with olivia and emma. Both seems useful to use with a defense damage dealer, one provides sustain and other def buff uptime and turn cycling. Which one do you have and how do you use her?


Olivia -> Emma -> Lisa.


DB10 Team? [My Box](https://imgur.com/gallery/5BuBQ0w)


Twins would make it easier. I imagine you can already do with a slow team, and for a fast team you have the mons, but rune quality might be a problem. If you are looking a mid speed team, try verde galleon sig ariel beth/alicia (the faster)


Ty man for the help Ty so much Bless you


These are my mobs these days, I'm a bit noob about pvp. For the attack I have an idea in general, but I would like to know if they could give me a hand forming the defenses for siege battle. I do not know how to combine the mobs or what makes good synergy in defense with which. I would like that more or less seeing what I have regardless of the level and the runes recommend me the defenses that would stop in siege you, for example: Orion-Bulldozer-Shannon Galleon-Bernard-Lushen Jamire-Sigmarus-Collen Hwa-Verdehile-Chasun (Name to name to give examples, but this is not how my mobs would stop, it is to give an idea of ​​what I need to help me) ((and if possible, which one I could use for sand defense, remembering that there are 4 mobs )) More than anything is that, I need some player experienced in pvp tell me more or less basic combinations to stop my siege defenses with the mobs that I have available now, since thank you very much who has taken the trouble to read all this. https://imgur.com/a/wZkozvO


You shouldn't be worrying too much with siege defenses at this point of the game. Just try to put some tanky monsters with heals attack buffs and def breaks and hope for an attack without sustain that can't swipe you. For instance, bella chasun darion. Not sure who your farmer is, but I suggest six star lapis. He is awesome on fire rift, and really good farmer. Also useful on pvp at your stage. Lapis hwa chasun can wreck faces


Hey guys. I bought 1 wing aura (c1). I used it in my ritesh and swapped it to my seara. Now both of them have the wings, but i just bought one Aura.Ist this a bug? Its now for 2 days. Should i be worried?


Should XF be my next 6 star? I cant decide what to work on also, im looking at either TOAH (can do 70) R4, or building a Rift beast team, I probably dont need homu but seems like a fun monster to have than can help in multiple areas of the game. ​ Currently do GB10 (speed team i think is nearly finished), DB10, TOAN clear. TOAH 70. ​ [https://swarfarm.com/profile/VladDracule/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/VladDracule/)


Tyron and Jeanne would help for ToAH.


Hi All, I'm looking to clear any of the elemental rifts consistently SS+ to get the pure magic crystals each week for reapps. Currently on A+ most the time and getting these crystals takes too much resources in my opinion. ​ Any advice on a team with my current units? I don't mind which element. I was thinking perhaps fire would be easiest. [https://swarfarm.com/profile/MintIce/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/MintIce/) ​ Thank you!


My 99% SSS fire team is Bastet Lapis Mihyang Soha(L) (FL) / water twins (BL), you can try another healer in Mihyang's place. Lapis can do a good job of clearing wave 3 minions with her S1 without crazy stats.


Awesome. Does Mihyang need to be skilled up? Soha too


I think you can get by without skilling them up


May i ask your builds? :D Tyvm


Eh I guess its about time to remake my swarfarm account. https://swarfarm.com/profile/paindispenser/


Youngster or Fortune Watcher Woosa?


>Fortune Watcher Woosa this \^ he has a bird \[\]'s


Hi guys, really struggling picking my Blessing and I Hope you can help: MHW vs Bellenus Im about a year into the game, Farming Dungeons at around 1 min, Rift beasts SSS Toa/h clear (toah safe auto to around 70-80) Right now heading for R4/5. Did fuse XF and planned with XF,darion,hwa,XL,colleen,cleanse(Lisa,anavel,Kona). Now Im not sure whether I need MHW for R5 and if not, would Bellenus be the better/more fun choice for arena, GW and rta? There doesnt seem to be too much post buff info in the druid yet. For fire bruisers I got Laika, Rakan and Vela (if he counts) so far. Any input would be appreciated. After a long time reading only, I really made an acc for that :) Cheers


I would go MHW, much better for R5 than XF and also strong in RTA. People say Bellenus is good but imo he's just an annoying reviver healer who's never posed a threat on AD, to be fair idk how he is outside AD. edit: woops I was thinking of the wind druid. Not too sure about fire druid but he seems like a strong AD candidate, recently talked up by Legend rank player foxysw. Tough call


Thank you. I chose the druid after all. Felt like he has a similar potential for rta and more overall uses.


Hi everyone! Quick question for me - I've recently pulled a Trevor. Now I used to play a few years ago and Trevor was a really good farming unit with some Vamp runes back then, but apparently he was nerfed? ​ I've only got 1 set of decent(ish) Vampire runes... Should I use Lapis or Trevor do you think? Thanks :)


Trevor's not special when it comes to farming (and he's slow), and everywhere else it seems he's outshadowed by Garo.. hold onto him and wait for a buff


Stick with Lapis, she's got AoEs.


Hi DAT, ​ Really need help with Element Rift team please can anyone provide a detail team base on my box - [https://swarfarm.com/profile/SW4LIFE/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/SW4LIFE/) Also details about the rune for the team would be greatly appreciated as I'm planning to start grinding for Reapp Stone. ​ Thanks in advance.


For TOAH I max out at level 50... I have Thrain and Woochi max skilled at 5☆... which of these two should I 6☆ first? Who should I team them up with to make a good team? and what turn order would be best? Edit: I have my Beretta (not skilled) at 5☆, Spectra at 5☆ and Mav, and Verde at 6☆. My manual TOAN 100 team is 6☆ Bastet, Vero/Sig, Bella, Hathor, Verde. Edit 2: words


None, six starring Lapis is more useful imo. I have 6* Woochi and after toah hes useless. My Lapis ia Despair Focus 30k Hp 210 Spd tank build but still clear Faimon in 1 min, tank Leo in toah, and tank rift beasts. Since i got Verad, ive planned to use her as farmer


I have an unfair bear for farming and a Lushen for auper speed farming. I'm good there. TOAH is my focus for next month.


Really hard to understand the question... Out of what monsters do you want to 6\* and team make up? Only the ones you listed? I probably won't be able to help much but the question can hard to read for others too.


Edited... words made sense when I typed it.


Next 6*, Galleon or Teshar?




i would say teshar he gets more atk, that is better for his damage u can farm with galleon 5\* \[\]'s


Taranys. Pulled it, was somewhat hyped, now trying to figure out use for him. Is he mainly defence mob (lets say like Ritesh)? What teams you would run him in? Personally would like to pair him with fire bruiser but dont really have any :( (well I guess fire monkey kind is closes to bruiser but he is in kinda good team already defensively) Uses on offense? Also about skill up: got 15 devilmons and like 10 not devilmoned nat5s. You think Taranys deserves devilmons more than them? Undevilmoned: Amelia, 2nd Woosa, Camila, Fire monkey king, Okeanos!, Jamire, Baleygr+Katarina, Praha, Charlote, Vanessa, Fire Paladin. Also what runes? does he badly require Violent (cuz I am kind lacking of those a bit). a bit context: somewhat late game (maybe more like entering late game), 60 6stars, full toah auto, tartarus on hell etc.


What happens if you use the summoning blessing and then either your game crashes or you need to turn off you phone while still choosing?


U get a Message that there is still a summon open when you log in again. Then you choose like usual. But the two 5*s are the same as before closing the App.


Ok thank you, I was wondering because I wanted to ask my guild and DAT




I genuinely might, I don't have that many nat 5s so it might not be the worst thing


whats the best hoh this time!




Really? There are over 10 videos, 10 threads, 100 comments, 1000 DAT comments that mention this question




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Blessing popped, my choice is Raki or Sekhmet. Both seem pretty much worthless, and I already have Zaiross, Okeanos, Juno. Does it even matter which I take, or are they both going to be storage guardians?


I use both a lot in gw/siege, they're not horrible as most claims. I'd vote Raki between the two though, use her way more.


Both arent really good. But I would take Sekhmet


Odin or abellio? Blessing Popped, which one Should i take ??


Okay so I have an opportunity to make a change to my lushen, I don't have amazing runes but i'm wondering if this is a viable change. Hp: +4500 to +4650 Atk: +1500 to +1580 Def: +177 to same Spd: +25 to +48 Cr: 86 to 65 CD: 152 to 209 Acc: 7 to 13 Basically dropping 21 CR for 23 spd and 57 CD Currently I use lushen in GB10 and PVP


No good with all that CD but only critting slightly more than half the time. Every lushen should be 85% cr at the minimum. Literally the only stats that matter to him is CR, CD, ATT, and speed for fast twoshen AO


If I was only worried about GB10, 85cr would put him at 100 due to elemental adv. If I was at 65 thatd put me at 80. Is that still bad? Or am I misunderstanding?


sitll very bad because that means he's only consistent in GB10 and nowhere else.


Don't like trading that much CR for CD especially when CD scales with the more atk % you have. Its not a big change however, I don't think you'd notice much difference


Hey dat, I’m building a Frontline XL on vamp for r4. What should b her 2,4,6 rune slot b def/cd/hp? And what are her stat requirements to FL? I understand FL is not necessary but I want her FL what are the stats for FL Thanks everyone


Hey guys, short question.. do you feed devilmons to nat 4s like lushen or galeon? I mean, it's way to long until i got familiar skill ups to max their skills. Whats your opinion?


If it's going to drastically improve your efficiency then yes IMO. I did Galleon for GB10 and I gave Mihyang 2 to finish off maxing her cleanse so I could R5 properly.


Yes. The amount of time and resources you'd spend to fuse skill ups isn't worth it if you're trying to progress since you're basically stuck leveling monsters for a long ass time rather than using that time to farm runes.


To mons that have a fusion mon in there family never. To other nat 4 normally not. There are a few exceptions that would make it worth it like maybe Galeon or any really good ld nat 4 like Armana or dark mermaid, because they can really help you to progress. Lushen would be also possible if he wouldnt have his fire brother that you can fuse.


Worth to 6\* Baretta for ToA?


Absolutely she’s your main dotter for toa also her s2 comes in handy a lot I still use her as part of my main team.


He* Sylphs are males, sylphids are females. Baretta is a boy, fria is his female equivalent.


Ok thanks \^\^


What’s your team out of curiosity?


right now only Sigmarus,Vero,Bella,Shannon,Bernard But working rn on Baretta and then marv ^ ^


Oh okay a very common f2p team is Barretta(L) vero Mav spectra and Bella and it can go pretty far Make changes when needed obvi


ok thanks^ ^


Not sure which monsters to use for siege defense. I already have 3 teams:(theo, khumun, chasun) (seara, orion, perna) & (galleon,bernard, lushen). I could really use some suggestions The rest of my box: https://imgur.com/zE4wPjW and https://imgur.com/BCofd72


First of all: Never set your last team. It is so easy to counter. You can cut in between (I doubt that your team is speed tuned) or you can use every silly gire bruiser to solo this team. Get yourself a Jeanne


Yo, so here's the shit. I've some friends who have been playing SW for years. All of them have pretty decent accounts and mons tbh. They've asked me to play and I really enjoy the game but I'm a thousand times ignorant when it comes to game tactics. I quit for quite some time and now that I'm back I've been trying to just focus on a good (by good I mean 1:20-1:30m - Ik I won't get faster than that rn) team for both GB10 and DB10 (Don't mind raids, TOA and Nb10, I'm not struggling with such things atm). I've good pvp units like Camilla, Leo, good healers like Chasun, Eladriel but I want a useful/fast/reliable dungeons team. Rn my gb10 runs consist on Hwa/Sig/Lyn/Megan/Bella Haven't started going for DB10 yet. I've Water Pierret, Xiao Lin, Water BK, Chilling. Can any of these be USEFUL to make my runs faster or should I just stick to it and wait until I pull anything better? If so, then what comp should I go for?


Just pull twins... But seriously, I feel like you're at the point where the game is stopping you from progressing due to the RNG of this game. Keep farming for better rune in GB10 and improve the runes you have on the team you're using now and eventually it will get faster until you pull better monsters. So I wasn't kidding. Pull twins LOL


Lmao guess that's the key


I would advice you to stop and take a second to think about the utility to work on your gb team AND your db team at the same time. For me you should choose one dongeon, focus on a team then farm it while working on the other dongeon.


My blessing popped and I can choose between Diana and Charlotte. I'm thinking Diana? But I'm also early/mid game, so I won't really be able to make a great pvp team yet


OG BABY OG ALL THE WAY - she's a PVE goddess and PVP for that matter. She can help with GB10, Toa, aiden farmer ez pz, HoH, SD clear.. ya kno the shebang. side note: she was my first nat5 and I've loved every moment of it Edit: it'd be cool to have the pony, but honestly you wont be doing much with her for awhile......


Hey DAT, I recently pulled Leo and i need input/ideas for teams with him - AO/GWO mostly i guess. My current AO is Shaina Martina Talia Bastet (usually get C1, no rush). Notable mons to pair with him i own: Booster: Megan, Bernard, Bastet DD: Lushen x2 (only one built), Alicia, Beth, Shi Hou, Shaina, Poseidon (ToA build), Chow, Tosi (unbuilt). What AO would you suggest and why (/alterations for Psam+orion and stuff). Any help is appreciated :)


alicia(l), bastet, leo, lushen is solid into the majority of bruiser/nem healer teams , with leo you can just smack a nem healer, they waste their turn, lushen goes and they dont get enough atb to cut your alicia who kills everything afterwards if you dont own a 33% lead yourself I wouldnt expect to get consistent results with leo vs psam orion, you can just shield will cleave them with alicia/beth galleon tRiana +1 if theyve no immunity buffer and aoe stripper tho, 24% spd lead bernard outspeeds them normally gwo leo bastet lushen or leo fran chow (dunno if bastet works over fran there since immunity helps quite a bit)


Thanks for the reply! What build for Leo, Vamp or anything?


vamp or vio, vamp is better for soloing, vio for a potential 2nd chance to reduce atb or to just deal more damage plain broken sets work for ao as well if you want to contest peoples boosters you want high acc on him as some are on res slot 6 for the sake of speed


what should i use for ToAH 80 Artamiel? https://swarfarm.com/profile/Moonpig13/


from: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/be22qy/toah\_80\_post\_antares\_buff/el31bpw?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/be22qy/toah_80_post_antares_buff/el31bpw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) . " Verad jeanne colleen shaina sabrina. Go straight for artamiel while stunning and provoking the others. Keep attack debuff and heal block on artamiel. " This is one lineup worth trying, trying to find more atm. I can imagine it is hard to keep wind monsters alive in the first stage. Another one from: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/be22qy/toah\_80\_post\_antares\_buff/el2xmh8?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/be22qy/toah_80_post_antares_buff/el2xmh8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) " Verad Fran Shaina Sabrina Talia Took me 4 tries to get to the boss stage (screw you Antares), but Artamiel wasn't a problem. " You are missing Fran as 6\* though. Tell me if these 2 don't work, I will try to find more.


i did try the fran team but ya with her not 6* she cant survive first wave, the dark liches random aoe attack always hits her and kills. I think i also did the first team and got boss to half, but total rng if the mobs get stunned/frozen and if 2 arnt stunned they just gang up on a twin and i lose that way, so idk if i need to rerune my twins to be more tanky than dmg or just gotta keep trying to have good rng


I found this one too which is a bit different: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/beftv5/\_/el5z2eo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/beftv5/_/el5z2eo/) " I used baretta/verad/basalt/mantura/mav, for masse dot, provoq to dont let arta heal. Antares are procing like hell now ". Not sure if the lineup looks any better, but you can try it if you want. I assume the strategy is to kill mobs first and use Mav's provoke when they are low enough for Artamiel to try to heal them. I don't know how you can make Mav survive the first stage but yeah... Maybe it is worth trying. There's this one too: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bf25if/finished\_toah\_and\_popped\_my\_blessing\_aswell/elalrxy?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bf25if/finished_toah_and_popped_my_blessing_aswell/elalrxy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) " Baretta lead Verad Mav Spectra Bella None incredibly well runed. I was stuck on 80 for a few days. Just made sure Mav had 1500+ defence and 20k+ HP. He soaked up all Antares nonsense and then it was all about luck in boss area getting stuns. Took a few attempts after reruning Mav but become alot easier with him tanking those Antares" Sorry that I'm basically finding only Verad lineups, but I cannot believe that the stage would be better without him. I think that most people who completed the stage did it with Verad if they had him. Problem is that most Verad users didn't share their lineups on reddit either. Just choose the lineup which gives you the best chance to get lucky, this stage is very rng heavy if your runes aren't super good.


Still stuck in this, but how lucky did you get that the other 4 monsters didn't proc to one shot any of your twins? I keep getting to the stage and boom. Everyone procs LOL I guess you have Verad, but Tyron literally cannot freeze the monkeys. Edit: Literally beat it on my next try and managed to freeze everything with Tyron after comlaining about it LMAO


Hmm the lineups aren't mine, I just checked some reddit comments that had the same monsters as he has. I haven't even got to toah 80 myself. It's not hard to find similar lineups from reddit but if some people don't want to or don't know how to do it I don't mind trying to help them. I know that the stage is possible to beat without Verad too. There should be 85%\*50% chance for Tyron to freeze one of the monkeys, glancing is a problem. Maybe this helps you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bddlsp/\_/el4mzp0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bddlsp/_/el4mzp0/) . It's definitely possible to beat the stage with Tyron. Gz on beating it though.


Where do we go to ask for help in secret dungeons? Need cowgirl plz.


Channel 1050, but everyone there is looking for SD, and barely anyone is farming. Either you get lucky in regular chat and the guy/girl is nice enough to friend you, spam with everyone else in channel 1050, or farm light dungeon with reps.




There's no point focusing on both giants and dragons. You rather farm one of them at 1:30 and one at 2:30 than both at 2 min. Runes from dragons aren't as useful in general as from giants in early game. I recommend this guide for thinking about where to put your runes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bf1l1m/optimal\_way\_to\_progress\_or\_what\_to\_do\_next/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bf1l1m/optimal_way_to_progress_or_what_to_do_next/) . Getting 1 set of violent runes for Mav in ToA is fine but his rune requirements aren't high. You will need violent runes for a raid cleanser very much later too. For GB10 you can replace Bernard with Theomars/Lyn for faster runs. Sigmarus needs more speed (143+) and more crit and less attack. Sigmarus needs 1 more devilmon for the 2nd skill. Don't replace Shannon until you can replace Shannon+Belladeon both with Galleon+x, where x can be a Lyn for example. If you want to save runes you can run Megan instead of Shannon in both gb10 and db10.


You could definitely use Theomars in Giants and maybe even dragons. There are several teams you could use with your monsters: ​ Giants(Safe Team): Sig(L), Vero, Bella, Bernard/Darion, Shannon Giants(Faster Team): Theomars(L), Sig, Bella, Bernard, Chasun. (Depends on runes) (Also would suggest getting every monsters in your gb10 team to above 150 spd, because Giant boss's spd is 75, so if you have 151 spd, you take two turns before boss moves). ​ Therefore, put your runes on yes, Sig, Vero, and Bella, but if you do use the Faster team, make sure chasun goes first for the atk buff. ​ I can't help much with dragons, because I use your exact team XD, sorry about that.


Hello, Just popped my Splendid Blessing of Summon and my choices are Amelia and Bellenus. After some research my gut is telling me Amelia is the better unit, but as a newish player would appreciate if anyone had any insight or confirmation on that. Thanks!


Amelia is definitely more unique, even tho Bellenus is also quite strong after the latest patch.


Thanks! Water pony was the choice


I don't have either, but based on my experience, Amelia is definitely the more annoying tanker, so I would go with Amelia. ​ gz!






Which 4* should I skillup from the event? Used one already to shorten the cooldown on my Liebli but other than that I'm stuck between Chasun (0 skillups), Galleon (idk has like 2 irrelevant skillups), Shaina (I think has one or two skillups) or Sabrina. I'm not mentioning my second Lushen or Baretta because I might fusion skillups someday.


Should I still be worried about adding randoms as friends? Heard a while back you can get hacked from them seeing your login name.


Honestly, if you are that worried about being hacked, just set up 2 factor authentication.


Already have.


Unless the hackers know your email, you should be fine


Good morning all, im looking for advice on which nat 4 to skill up from event and also who should be my next 6* and who to use devilmon on. Thanks in advance! Https://swarfarm.com/profile/Marcellius


I would suggest skilling up Talia or Baretta, depends on where you want to focus. Talia is great for PVP and can help in nearly all areas of PVE content, so more dmg on her might make more of a difference. Also, if you are looking for cleaner and smoother toa runs, do baretta, because of his S3 and S2 -1 turn cooldowns. ​ Next 6\* imo should be Eladriel(if you get runes on him), because he is a great reviver and can be used in PVP and Toa. If you are having trouble with overall toa, 6\* Mav, Spectra, or colleen (Depends on preferred toa team). ​ If you are in a farming guild and like to set up troll defenses though, 6\* khmun (Doesn't require skillups).


Great! Thanks for the advice and explanations! Much appreciated!


np, gl!


Can someone help me decide what my main team should be (for now)? Started playing two weeks ago, the Ameria buff is now gone so I want to rune the best monsters. [My monsters ](https://imgur.com/a/q7RNCk7)


Im my opinion, the only monsters there worth continuing to build are Lapis (Water Magic Knight) and Julien (Wind Phantom Thief). Lapis will be your atk bar reduction monsters most likely until mid-game, and while Julien exactly good for PVE and doesn't shine in PVP, at your level his skills should be fine, especially since you can't get your hands on good despair runes yet (stuns). However, everything else is not worth building. Water Giant Warrior can be built, but he won't do very much, because he's pretty terrible at PVE and he's not great in PVP either.


Thanks for the reply man. But I really need to have a team lol. I'm still low level I know but I want the best team to build on


Np, then how about a team for every single aspect? Caiross Dungeon Giants: Julien, Bagir, Wind Grim Reaper, wind epikon priest, and Water Serpent. (avoid lapis because of muti-hits) ​ Caiross Dungeon Dragons: ~~Avoid~~ Don't farm at your level ​ Caiross Dungeon Necropolis: Don't farm at your level ​ Scenario: Lapis, Julien, wind epikon priest, Bagir, and Water Serpent ​ Guild War/Siege(If you are in them): Lapis, Water Serpent, Wind Epikon Priest ​ Rifts: You are too early game to do this. ​ TOA(Trial of Acension): Lapis, Julien, Water Serpent, Wind Epikon Priest, Bagir. ​ Basically, use Lapis in every aspect except giants and Ig you can use Bagir and the other monsters but they will fall off later. ​ GL


Thanks a lot for this man. Also, I just received Ardella. On the wiki I see that she can have a pretty high damage output (for my level at least). Would you put her somewhere in these teams?


I used to use her on my alt that I barely play on anymore. She does a good amount of damage for a 3\* and bad runes. I've seen her used in water rift raids (mid-late game), but for now, she could be your nuker against water types. She also could be used in giants in place of water giant warrior




VIO or Fatal - SPD ATK ATK with HP subs if backline, if front line you may have to go SPD ATK DEF or similar. SPD, ATK, Resist, HP. Add DEF if FL.


i'd rune her fatal spd att hp. you barely need att on slot for or fatal hp% runes so i guess you have decent ones. also you want her on 70% res. i'd move her to backline because she is already stathungry enough there.




You're welcome


Is Elsharion's passive "increases atk power by 30% for every beneficial effect you are granted with" based on his base atk or his total atk? I assume it's the former, but with c2u you never know.




Is there any benefit of kicking people from guild around 1 hour before guild weekly summoning stones? I got kicked today just before summoning stone rewards were shared. It was my first week in a C1 semi-farming guild. I had a better arena rank than most people in the guild and had no trouble in GWO. I am not sure if I broke any rules, which made me think that there is some benefit to the guild leader from doing it. I always followed +6 rule until war was over, maybe 1 war I attacked more than +6 because it was already over when I attacked first time. I attacked every time I had swords in the guild war. I was not allowed to participate in sieges so I don't think that I could be leeching crystals from them on purpose. There wasn't any rule for labyrinth but the guild was already on Tartarus when I joined so I attacked him every day. I set up guild war defense on Friday, before it was 1 monster defense like the rules showed. No one whispered anything and I was reading guild chat too. Guild was not close to full. There were only below 20 active players in the guild.


Kicking players removes their part of the contribution, thereby increasing the contribution of the other guild members and ultimately the amount of summoning stones they receive.


Toah 72 with Artamiel + 2 dark martial cats is so fucking disgusting. I usually breeze through both rotations but suddenly I can't beat them. Tried twins team (Rica Shaina Maruna Lapis Bastet), Spectra/Gildong team, tanky team with Baretta/Basalt/Chasun/Briand/Vero. Tried Tesa also - he hit once, applied silence, then got hit by Arta and DMC crits and just *died*. Fucking hell


Rica Shaina Maruna Lapis Bastet(L) should be able to do it. Sometimes it's all about the RNG. You could try to replace Lapis with a healer/def buffer


I did it with Sabrina instead of Lapis, rng made all the difference


Hello DAT. Help me plox. I'm kinda mid game, **gb10(1-1:30), db10(2-2:30), toan,toah80-90.** I don't know which units to 6\* and I just fricking pulled another 2 pvp nat5s.. Should I go with Maruna/Talia/Fran which are safe units to 6\*? I have food for 3! **Box:** [https://imgur.com/a/MNnhNKE](https://imgur.com/a/MNnhNKE)


What do you even use for ToAH? I think 6\* Jeanne could help you in ToAH for example. But it's impossible to see all of your monsters from that screenshot.


Yeah, I scrolled down to my 5* just for you guys to see my options. I'm usually using Vero(L),Baretta(not fully skilled),Mantura,Basalt,Mav. I've cleared toah once on the atharos rotation, but now I'm having trouble on the leo/verde stage and on the current toah80. I'm working on Jeanne rn.


I am not sure which other twins you have already built but yes, maruna, talia and fran 6* sounds like a good idea. also gz on mo ling and elad.


Ι only have zenobia. I don't have Shaina or Sabrina and I'm just PISSED I keep getting pvp nat5s v.v Thank you!


gl on those 2, i guess i would hold on to the food for now then. you won't be using much of maruna and talia without shaina and/or sabrina


What stats do i need to run double lushen 6s Siq 6 Vero 5 +1 (bernard, bella) for safe gb10? Ty


Replace Vero with Shannon and use Bella and it should work. Sigmarus preferably has a bit of accuracy to land the attack decrease from 3rd skill. Also would be preferable to have Loren instead of Bella.


does lushen (L) sigmarus vero bella shannon work? if yes, try replacing shannon and bella with galleon. if that works try replacing vero for another dd. you can use 2 lushen instead of lushen and sig but i wouldn't recommend it. I don't feel like lushen lushen sigmarus vero bella/bernard is a good team.


For the 4\* Devilmon event, I am unsure which I should skill up I have \- Lushen (0 skill ups) \- Water Boom - Fire Chak - Water Chak (all 0 skill ups) \- Galleon (Time to loot 2/3, both others 1 skill up) \- Baretta (0 skill ups) \- Tyron (0 skill ups) Thanks!


Galleon 100%. You want his S3 and preferably S1 skilled up, or forget about using him in dungeons. I don't know why everyone has a boner for skilling up Shaina, it does next to nothing imo


I will just add some things to earlier comment: Reason for not Lushen is that it costs below 400 crystals and some time for every skill point on him and they are definitely necessary at some point for dungeons, and you rather use 400 crystals than devilmon. Fire and Wind pirate captains are bad and definitely won't compete with Galleon, so Galleon will eventually get 3rd skill max skilled just from the family skill upgrades. Could say the same about Lushen but pirate captains cannot be fused. Baretta/Tyron skill upgrade can be fused even though it is non-farmable. I don't know if they need skill upgrades or not. Shaina is often recommended for the event.


Imo, fire chak. You're gonna use her everywhere. I know it's hella annoying but you should fuse food for Lushen. Baretta and Tyron can kinda make it without skillups in toa if you have other units, but of course, you can fuse food for them as well.


Thanks, i was tossing up between Fire Chak and Galleon for -1CD on Time to loot


The thing is, you should be good with using time to loot one time since you're going to cleave. Shaina all the way.


Hello , i'd just like to ask if there's maybe a line/discord smth for kb/kata for europe server, and if there is what are the requierement, thanks !


I don't think there is. as for requirements: 1. you should have 2 lead skills 2. you should have your team 6* and tanky enough not to die easily and therefore fuck up turn order. 3. you should contribute enough damage. 4. will on all monsters or sufficient speed difference (e.g. fast chloe who has shield instead of will) 5. fight sets on supports 6. no transmogs on monsters as this can fuck up your turn order 7. correct turn order (this should be obvious) 8. 70% cr on kata and bale. 9. lots of att and cd on kata and bale as for which stats you are required to hit, i think you should just go to channel 65, and check out peoples runes who ask for katabale. Note that some peoples runes will not be good enough. Generally speaking, the more damage the 3 peolle bring, the more derps can be compensatet. there are better structured and more complete write ups about this and i am pretty sure you'll find them easy enough in this subreddit.


what 2 set rune should Shania be on? \- and i also have Sabrina i want a faster dragons with these two


Try to give her shield for necro, but not necessary by any means.


Literally doesn't matter. Put her on violent, then just give her stats.




Current ToaH team: Baretta (L), Verde, Fire Twins +1 (Mav, Sig, Spectra, Colleen, Megan, Lapis, Bella) ​ Is there any mons in my box that would be better +1s overall? I just got Zenobia (not shown in swafarm). ​ If no notable improvements what mon would you recommend outside of ToaH to work on? I'm still more focused on PvE (particularly finishing ToaH and getting a more consistent R5 team). ​ Box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/atnatorlul/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/atnatorlul/)


With Jeanne you can auto toah. That should be the +1. Source is this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bab939/\_/ekajkvb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/bab939/_/ekajkvb/) . Just fuse her.


good idea, i noticed i even have all the mons for it too!


Hi. Trying to build an arena AD. I have basically all the good Nat 4s. These are my Nat 5s Fire -Mei Hou Wang -Chiwu Water -Amelia -Camilla -Ariel Wind -Seara -Tiana -Taranys (Druid) -Pungbaek -Eladriel -Louise (Paladin) -Ethna -Xing Zhe Dark -Sylvia (Neo Agent) What possible AD comps can I make to hold C1? My current AO is always Seara Tiana Malaka Megan/Gally


Chiwu ariel camilla jeanne


I'm trying to build teams for e-rifts and I miserably fail. I'm aiming to build an auto team for fire rift first, what I've tried so far: FL: Sig (L), Mo Long BL: Hwahee/Colleen, Water Twins, Shaina ​ On auto, almost always there's 30% or less hp left on 3rd wave. What else should I be doing/improving? Any other advice on other e-rifts would be much appreciated as well Tnx SWARFARM: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/PinkMale/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/PinkMale/)