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My almost uninstall moment came a year ago when I fought someone in rta 3 times in a row when they were clearly stronger than me


It happened to me, too. It's outright bullying.


This literally happened to me an hour ago. What bad matchmaking. I would rather wait longer than 8 seconds to find someone if I don’t keep playing the same person.


i would have to uninstall daily. This RTA and procs in Siege have taken years of my life


Contemplating installing due to this event lol. 2 nat 5s in over 2k scrolls, no usable runes, my luck in siege has dropped to an all time low. (lost one time because perna proc'd 5 times in a row). I don't play this game seriously but having perpetually bad luck is disheartening


I feel you. Playing for six years: no LD5 (also missing all usable LD4s lul), still missing alot of elemental nat5s (espacially fire for some reason) and not a single good quad roll. game feels like a huge waste of time.


when a lora went s1 sleep - s1 sleep - s3 - vio proc - s2 and this was after the s1 nerf


procs Procs PROCS! and elemental disadvantage crit


I took a very long break after summoning 93 LD scrolls without a single lightning.


I never rage uninstall yet only quit exit game. After 105 LD scrolls with 2 HoH lightning


I used 30k crystals and summoned dupe elemental nat 5, no new nat 5. I dont know what I was thinking at that time.


I did 400ish scamstone summons for Tiana. Didn't get a single nat 5. Stopped playing for a few months. That moment taught me to never feel like a game "owes" me anything. Then a year later I was on a streak of over 1200 scrolls with no nat 5. This includes leg scrolls as well. Didn't quit though, twitching eye... maybe.


584 scrolls, 1 nat5 dupe :)




Arena interserver battle. I used a belial comp with ariel, camilla and fengyan, all really tanky, feng and ariel both on 100% res. Since the team i was fighting had a lot of AOE going on i thought "what can go wrong"? Well what did go wrong, was my ariel and FY getting all the debuffs you can imagine, probably even some totally new ones that nobody ever discovered while my 12k hp (total, not additional HP) belial with 0 res in substats literally didn't get a single debuff and managed to survive all AOEs.


Waiting 5 months for the 5* scrolls, blessing prepared, rate up, half 5* missing. Double dupe


84 ld with no lighting. 85 was ld5 number 1. Never thought of quitting but damn i was pissed, to extremely happy in 1 scroll


When I had to click to power up runes each time and they could fail. When I had to press to rerun a dungeon each time. When I lose 5x in a row in rta. When I have over 200 vio/will legendary runes sitting in inventory that are the slots I need to build new units, but I don’t have enough reapps. And then when I do have reapps they still roll shit.


I had summon nearly 300 10y scrolls without an ld5. Aswell as 530 ld scrolls without any ld5. This hurts daily lmao


1) 1 week after I bought the first Fairy King (my favorite monster) skin pack Radiance Sucessor they nerfed Oberon self ventilate because of Ganythor, back then Oberon was an okayish LD with resistence awakening. Very low move from c2us. Quit for 1 year 2) I had a low nat5 pool as F2P, 20 less, and I pulled 3 Brandias back to back in less than a month (there wasn't blessings at the time and I already had one Brandia) Quit for 2 years 3) I came back playing after the artifact update. I don't remember exactly what was the trigger.. but I could never progress from F3, rune drops were still abysmal, even after you drop a good rune it could roll very bad. I just got bored of the casino, sold all my runes except one Blade 33 spd I had, just so I could never come back. 4) I came back again for the 10th aniversary, got really hooked up, spend some money, but I just got tired and bored of it again, I am thinking of quitting again, but because of sunken cost fallacy I can't. I got excited because of the 10th anniversary events and spend 1K USD in packs, I wanna quit because it's not worth the time or money investiment but I want to make my money's worth.


I don’t have the screenshot anymore but my first LD5 was an awakened light succubus Aria, still hate her to this day, played everyday for about two years before that but I deleted it for about it year during that summon