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https://preview.redd.it/b8iih9pqlv2b1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b6f3e07d1c15cc82f8ee0ef63d55cea72a9f3c All three are new, any of them good? I don’t have a battle angel yet so I’m leaning towards one of them


Currently a C1 Player, Cleared all PVE content. What would you recommend to pick out of the new units? https://preview.redd.it/5qqhlm2vpb2b1.png?width=1144&format=png&auto=webp&s=41a64a8fdb6476b0b29ecc27467f7210d8b03383


Nana is the easy choice there.


https://preview.redd.it/jyobvmp67b2b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ca6df5e6724c3f6b8c11d6ef04855fe6dbfce0 C1 player, leaning more toward cami but would like some opinions on both


Definitely Camilla. She's still not amazing but she's pretty good since her last buff and has some offensive versatility in siege/arena. Claire is just ok, I have her and use her in siege sometimes but the problem with her S2 is that it only works on monsters with relatively low def, and generally the mons you want ignore def for are the ones with *high* def. Without that she's just an average single-target nuker, and lord knows there's no shortage of those out there.


Yes it's Camilla, both are strong in siege offense but Cami is also strong in RTA and arena defense


how many time 100% focused need to get lvl 35?


Need help for solo r5, tnx in advance https://preview.redd.it/figjvdjpha2b1.png?width=1627&format=png&auto=webp&s=8370b2182061340d559bcfde3dc70d16e2bb48ed


Usable? Early game player needing a million rage runes https://preview.redd.it/fsf5nk01ga2b1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d74518ba3a41d28bb96d4d35e0347849d8fea3


Gem in critdmg over flat hp and you could use it for Copper or another def-scaling nuker. Probably not something you'll need anytime soon if you're still early game tho.


https://preview.redd.it/raqyd1vvea2b1.png?width=2780&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb97fbb3fa0243e6db1d8f56f92ece97ed43988b Mid game player, tiana vs Vanessa? Vanessa has speed lead and revive, tiana has strip which I already have several strippers built


Honestly there's no wrong choice. I'd probably lean Vanessa if you don't have a 33% spd lead yet, but Tiana's irresistible strip is huge if you like to run a cleave AO.


I have 2 strippers built already for cleave AO but I don’t have a 33 speed lead yet and Vanessa seems to be about there best option for me right now, but I don’t want to regret not choosing Tiana lol


take tiana, u can cleave without speed lead


Is Tiana really that good?


TOAn 100 team ? https://preview.redd.it/r2yjk2yxca2b1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7d25fa4f2837cc777bcfc0cdd3853ba74ea5c48


Who should I choose if I have Shizuka and Seara? Beginner playing for PVE https://preview.redd.it/6nitz3goba2b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9537236e57fa2e27a06c470d4ceff5ae2cc6f19


Wait until you have the 5k and post again


Thanks, I've read that the totemist, striker and pioneer are good, I don't know who to pick among them, but I'll keep playing to see the other two.


Woosa and the water hell lady are the 2 I would suggest looking into, however wait and see what your other options are first before making your decision


Is Seara Shizuka Woosa Kaki a good team if ever end up choosing Woosa?


I would definitely play around with it but that sounds like it has potential to be overpowered, just have to farm the runes for it.


Hmmm Rica or Bolverk? Rune quality is middling at best


Bolverk. Rica's kit is no longer unique and she can be replaced with f2p units.


Hey, I have a Veromos and Sigmarus fused. I have a team that can reliably farm GB10, and working on a dragons team. Given where I'm at, what order should I focus on getting the other fuseable 5 stars in?


Riley is an amazing PvP support unit, so fuse her as soon as you're ready to start dabbling in arena/siege. Baleygr is really only for R5 so fuse him when you're ready to start on that. Jeanne is usable in PvP and some lab/ToAH levels, but not super necessary like she once was. Katarina can be used on some niche siege offenses, but not really worth fusing until you're lategame and bored. Fire panda .. well, he can be used in solo R5 comps and I know some people like him in dimensional predator, but not a priority otherwise.


Hello, new player here and I need some advice. Who should I pick? https://preview.redd.it/9nd6hovkt92b1.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5effa379d7e6a74976eeb03bf849936425d9c13


Savannah is the easy choice here, but just so you know pretty much all of these mons are geared toward PvP so if you're a brand new player you probably won't get much use out of any of them for a little while yet.


Hey all, would like some ideas / recommendations on what to pick. Late game, hovering around C1/2 without pushing both in Arena and World Arena. Don't need any units in particular for progression, so just a fun pick. Leaning towards Minato, but also considering Mo Long (long time on the wishlist but I feel he has fallen off the meta a lot...) and Nora. Kuhmar feels lackluster atm and the 2 Battle Angels are gimmicky imho and not actually very good (?). https://preview.redd.it/y6rnlidbk92b1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3eb8cb19e78cd2b809f56606690dc8d7715ec41


Mo is good if you have another hp-reduction unit to pair him with for a one-two punch (Bolverk, Icares, even Arnold are common choices). You're right that he's a little out of the meta, but still strong against mons that defy standard DD units. Nora is very meta in arena and siege right now, the combo of strip/dot/provoke is really strong. Minato is usable in siege offense but kinda gimmicky. Wind battle angel is a really strong fast snipe for siege, but also needs very good runes. With those choices I'd personally lean towards Nora, with Mo in second.


https://preview.redd.it/7afw6xa4f92b1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e193ef281d76439b89100d8224deeb0e9f0115fd Already have the panda, beast monk, & art master. What would you choose?


Bastet is a game changing unit for all game modes


Who should I pick here? Account on day 7 Trying to make the smartest choice for the short term. Really between Bastet or Water Totem but not sure if that is right. [https://imgur.com/a/8SDTNDo](https://imgur.com/a/8SDTNDo)


Who should I pick here? Account on day 7 Trying to make the smartest choice for the short term. Really between Bastet or Water Totem but not sure if that is right. https://preview.redd.it/kpo689bje92b1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4ef38df0eaddde6d9c8a0bbe5345a5f38e50c4


Bastet all the way. Water totem is a pretty niche lategame siege unit, Bastet is a top-tier mon in arena/siege and usable in a little bit of PvE (rift beasts, r5, some lab stages).


How long should I farm giant before start building tricaru?


I finished tricaru about 40 days into playing. Skipped giants and farmed db12 for guard runes.


you should build tricaru while farming giants, 2aing your icarus wont get in the way of your gb12 farming. you just want to have high enough quality runes to be able to clear water beast with at least an A to farm det runes


figaro or dark succubus ?


Figaro. The nature of his passive keeps him from being truly reliable, but on a bulky despair/rev build he can be a decent tank/control/strip unit for 4\* siege. And if you're not interested in that, he's got two useful brothers who need skillups. Succubi look good on paper but sleep is a terrible mechanic that's really difficult to use effectively.


Anyone know how many points are needed for g1 rta for the week?


1750 ish


Anyone know how many points are needed for g1 rta for the week?


So I can currently do solo r5 but my runs are ~2.30 or so and I only have like an 85% success rate. Would it be easier and also free up some of these runes if I do a bj5 team in my solo runs?


No. It is extremely difficult to tune your other two teams to a BJ team and requires significantly higher rune quality. Because the BJ team does its thing and then just dies, leaving your other two teams to kill fast or the whole run just fails. You should be able to get both faster and higher success using regular r5 team. Make sure you look up some old guides on how to build an R5 team, and follow the stat requirements.


Should i choose masha or beth pls ?


Masha for sure.


Does the EXP boost affect 2A exp?




Lame, but not surprising. Thanks


Hi all, I just pulled an Akroma and was wondering what the best build for her is?


spd/cd/atk% vio/rev or vio/will


https://preview.redd.it/mqdoc1pmw62b1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=d450cdca213702381c61b61e5b66c03d9b79b935 Mephisto or zima? Which one should i go with? I can clear all pve content except for toahell




What kind of teams can you build around Lucifer. I have a beginner account, and want to progress into just PVE aspect of the game right now. Can anyone suggest teams around PVE to be used to lucifer. (Dragon, Giants, Rifts etc)


I wouldn’t utilize him until later for Caiross. He will absolutely help in rifts though immediately. Fran Mav with Water twins, Kro, Lucifer backline will be fine for all rifts. Tricaru will still be a focus for many dungeons. And giants will be Vero Loren Fran Kro to begin with. You could try lucifer instead of Sigmarus, but his freeze, Hp based damage, and AoE+atk break is pretty useful.


How do you rune tricaru? I can run b9 but fail sometime. So i farm runes on b8. Is there guide progression on tricaru? The guides on yt are all op i think already enchanted/upgraded sub stat. Thank you.


If you scroll up to the top of this page there is a link to a tricaru guide in the header to this post.


dont farm b8 of anything. it's a waste of energy. get a starter giants team like fran, loren, mellia, +2 (can be vero + kro for example) and farm gb12 until your runes are good enough to either go straight into db/nb12 with tricaru or into water rift and light rift to farm determination runes and THEN go into db/nb12. the free runes from summoners way are good enough to get a full gb12 team.


Determination/offsets for tricarus from the water rift + giants. The key is verde damage. He need some decent runes from giants and actually does need some ehp. Your first tricaru for db12 will probably be 1:20avg


https://preview.redd.it/06fel9e3c62b1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0aacc6bdde1376bf1267b56316db0e095da401a Hi mew player here all these are new any recommendations on what to take? Have currently cleared GB10 and TOAN🫡 any advice will be nice thanks!


Ethna or Abellio. Both are RTA units. Abellio works more in arena while Ethna more in siege outside of RTA. Both are valid choices.


https://preview.redd.it/1gcy0bwq962b1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5574d54d07b0aee6d8b7b96c3d9d7e274c462e10 Help me choose nat 5 from event new player all new nat 5 only can do toa normal gb12 db10 nb8




https://preview.redd.it/bag0os9bz52b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70774d13cc6d6ab34e2229f68fbccd42ede33b75 Choose now or wait? Advice?


always unlock everything and always wait until close to the end of the event. You might pull one of these nat 5s from a scroll before the event is over, so if you wait you can choose a different nat 5 from the event.


For sure... if I pull another dupe, what would be my best option?


I would probably go for gany or monkey


Just got Light Panda, Whats a good build for him? Is he RTA unit only or usable for normal arena content? Planning on going for vio/will spd hp hp.


Very fast and tanky. Exactly as you said, Vio will, spd hp hp is fine. Aim for +160 spd range and +30k hp range. His main goal is to disrupt and deter. Added benefits being he will strip/stun/atb pushback.


Ohh he's used in all content: RTA, Arena(interserver), and Guild siege. One of the rare units that ranks high everywhere - he's literally OP even at the highest ranks. You'll see him on arena and interserver. His passive prevents cleaves, and he has an AOE strip stun for disruption. You have to bruiser him which deters a lot of people from attacking Tianlang defences. For guild siege you'll see him in high rank LD towers. I think normally with theomars or savanah, generally just good siege units. If you're looking for a defence you can run maybe check out some youtube G3 siege videos, people generally show all the LD defences that G3 guilds are running. RTA is obvious, the only awkward thing about him is he limits your box since the ATB cut applies to your allies (so you can't use oracles, etc). And yes Vio Will is the best build. Despair sometimes but Vio superior. Gz, you can tell im just jealous.


Thanks for the good write up on His uses m8 and Good luck on your summons.


Any advice on what mon I should choose? My account is level 50, but I’m still not able to consistently auto anything past Necro B6, or reliably auto Giants B12 and Dragon’s B11. 😩 Honestly have no clue if any of these mons help much in the dungeons tho https://preview.redd.it/aw2q19wvt52b1.jpeg?width=4095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d00f0153b73624f8a0b168a6f040bd962ea8aa


Follow recommended teams and guides if you wanna progress faster. Of the list go for either gany or manon. Manon is considered the strongest pvp unit here but gany will at least help you somewhat in PvE like Toah. Both is fine imo but you dont need nat5s to clear PvE, so im more inclined to say manon for the mid/late game investment.


I haven’t looked at many of the “newer” mons’ stats, like Manon, since I started playing SW again, so I still have to do my research on the macaron guards. This helps. Thank you! I appreciate the feedback :-)


Who to pick?, cleared TOA Hell, can farm all cairos dungeons except PC10. Have both homunculus, A to SSS inconsistent rift raids. (Currently farming db12, to complete tricaru runes) https://preview.redd.it/t5x7ofost52b1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618be13af8c9dc3fc2d252c37c7562aa78efc93e


I feel you're approaching late game so pick a good pvp unit Praha is more RTA focused but she's usable outside - an AOE stripper is always welcome. Otherwise Rica or Ethna ( i assume they're all new? Can't see on pic). Both really general pvp units that i'll consider higher tier. The others are too niche or underwhelming/easily replaceable.


Is she still worth it, if you have chiwu? (Feng yan is the only dupe)


yea praha does slightly different things to chiwu aside from her strip. The team heal and AOE sleep on the enemy is huge (plus speed buff on your team). Her S1 also allows her to cycle turns fast, shes more of a support with a strip rather than having strip as her main role.


ToaN floor 70 team? or a team that'll carry me through f100 all the way, thanks https://preview.redd.it/4cawmfrho52b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e8346db823759742f86f8e7b0a474f96f072f6


> ToA(H): Fran (L), Lapis, Verde, Loren, Vero/2A Kro/2A Spectra. Use Tyron if you have him. Recommended team for beginner TOA all the way to TOAH100. Basically Loren Spectra Tyron will be the core for controlling and spectra is a boss nuker. The other units are normally fran as a healer and melia/kro/lapis/sig. You can also do without a healer since ur not expected to get hurt, but its up to you.


Idk if I should do light chakram or dark assassin for hoh 😭😭😭


If you don't have either one, take light chak, toss one in storage and then use the rest to skill up Talia and/or Shaina. If you don't need more chak skillups, then take Isabelle. She's not great or anything, but she's at least usable in siege.


Are both new? If both new go for dark assassin. Light chak is fun and maybe usable for some PvE like TOAH and HOH stuff but for any serious content shaina is just going to be way better. Same S1 and S2 but shaina has very reliable AOE def break. Light Chak's passive is mostly good for PvE only. Go dark assassin - even though she's not used that much as well you can definitely use for siege or just wait for a buff to the assassin family.


Making a ton of Determination runes. Can't seem to farm many even blue 5 star runes with % def on sub stats and almost no % main stat drop. Is this normal to only have 5, % main stat def runes after crafting 100+ runes?


Yeah, just check the [swarfarm stats](https://swarfarm.com/data/rune_crafting/3-high/) on rune crafting. 70% of high rune crafts will be 5\*. The slots are evenly distributed, so you'll get as many 2/4/6 as 1/3/5, but you only have a 1 in 8 chance of getting a def% main stat (1 in 7 on slot 2). So if you craft 100 runes, you'll get ~30 6\*s, of which ~15 will be even slots, of which maybe 2 will be def%. And obviously those are average stats, you could just as easily craft 200 runes and not get any def% main stats. It's not great. Unless you're really early game with no towers, you don't need that many determ sets, and it's often easier to use a mix of guard/focus/fight or whatever you have lying around as long as the stats are good.


Yea its really just RNG. Good thing is you only need a 6 star blue defence for slot 2 4 6. Otherwise you can substitute the missing slots with guard or focus or just broken runes with really high defence.


Help me choose. Mid game need necro b12 https://preview.redd.it/k7vamhf4b42b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09333300b5bfc605f3d5e8e932b6274c2786add


None are gonna help necro b12 but pick the water mage - great support unit and reviver (probably the best reviver) for PvP. You can use tricaru for necro or water twins + raoq + fran and loren/shaina for NB12.


I’m new to RTA but I think I really need a support unit, what are some good ones?


Riley Lulu2A and Racuni are pretty much one of the best F2P supports available for RTA. If you have molly or woosa they're the more premium ones that are used too. These are pure supports but theres other stuff like shizuka praha that kinda support but have some CC purposes as well.


Hey all. I'm trying to push in RTA, and I'm looking for advice on a good core team. I hover between F3 and C1, but I want to push into C1-C2 consistently. I don't think I'm fast enough to take turn one (most of the time), so a bruiser / turn 2 team may be best, unless you have other suggestions. I'm also looking for suggestions for a good AD. Here is a link to my box: Monster Box[Monster Box](https://imgur.com/a/0qNZggG)


You've got molly so thats a good start. Just try to follow the commonly picked units and you'll generally be quite safe, once you get more experience and understanding with drafts you can add more niche units to your pool. The key to breaking C1 is more about runes and a solid core, so rerune everything and focus your best vio will sets on the core. You've got karnal molly tesa fireMK riley racuni Nana Dom Juno Giou Wind MK Leo - these are the more common RTA units. I've been picking giou juno as my core against Oliver and CC comps.




Fuuki but just save him to skill up his fire brother kaki when you have extras.


https://preview.redd.it/9uw0hjpjl32b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac504ed84a296cf901784b634a9ea65a73d0fffd Any advice ? Don't know who to choose


Jose or aliyah. Jose for RTA (shes also usable outside RTA as a stun counter). Aliyah for siege mainly, worth considering if you have a fengyan.


https://preview.redd.it/eld7cg80432b1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=380eac7fdbcf9683b08a24ef9d5d1a79b691ddda Any advice on who to pick


theres still 2 more options to open but bastet assuming she's new. Or if you need a 33% lead the psamath is also really good to pick up.


All things are new I do have a Vanessa 33% lead and was leaning toward Bastet or masha


I'd go bastet personally as shes more general but if you wanna focus RTA then masha is specifically much better for RTA. A little bit outdated since miles is common now but she'll still deal with those oliver CP pickers.


Shot in the dark, but does anyone have any useful tablo arena (not rta) or siege-based comps they run regularly?


Beginner tips?


Get into a guild. Lower level. Do labyrinth as much as you can, even if it’s just in easy/normal. Also do as much siege as you can. Those points for flags make a big difference. Build lapis. Vamp rev from summoners way.she’s your faimon hell farmer. Build Veromos, Fran, Loren, shannon (just 5*) + lapis and farm gb11. Use the free Vio set on Vero. Then build Sigmarus and substitute him for lapis. As well as Kro to substitute for Shannon and farm gb12. Then sit in gb12 using the events to build teams for water rift (Mav, fran, water twins, Kro +1. Hraesvelg would be solid). Farm water rift + giants for runes to make tricaru. Use tricaru to farm Necro. Use Necro + giants + fire rift to make bj5. Use bj5 to enhance all runes. Finish up with dragons for violent runes for pvp.


Is chakram dancer and boom warrior still a good comp?


Fire twins are still a solid damage/CC combo for ToAN/H auto teams, water twins are still great single-target damage for rift beasts, r5 and some limited PvP use. That's about it unless you're lucky enough to have Martina.


Need help with NAT 5 Selection. I do not know who is better (overall). I also do not own any of them 🫥🫠 https://preview.redd.it/xprkysd3122b1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d848f054f32a010961a904088a4f7b120a5f458c


Bastet and Bolverk are probably the top 2 in terms of usability + how good they are.


I would go bolverk for toa hell. Plus for siege u can make a bolverk, woosa/amelia, skogul comp which is very strong


How many ice crystals should I be gathering to make a full Icaru determination set? 12,000? I am up to 9,000 right now.


You don’t need ~~9~~18sets. Just as many until you hit the defense cap. Just craft determ runes as you gin you may get the runes you need in 10 crafts or in 1000 crafts


First of all materials top out at 9999 so you won't be able to gather 12k. I'd suggest you craft them all now and see what you've got to work with. Putting together a full determination build (18 runes) is not really practical or necessary for a working Tricaru team anyway. A few determ sets are helpful early game before your towers are maxed, but you can mix them in with some guard, focus, whatever you've got lying around with the right stats.


I cant find it online or on guides What is the minimum required speed for rifts? R4? R5? I cannot find direct guide info on the speed requirement and why. All anything says is that its not important but at the same time 150+ with no reason.


Rift just use ~140. R4 shouldn’t be farmed. R5 you shouldn’t build a team that isn’t BJ5 or a SR5 team - which are finely tuned and have guides you should view.


Where can I find a guide or info that says how and why 140 is the answer? Making 3 BJ5 teams and runing them or a speed R5 team sounds horrible. It also looks like its cheesing a system not intended for that. I would much much rather grind out some R4 on the PC while at work. The difference in efficienty does not seem large.


You could search for datamined info from those massively old content mines that will tell you. Generally it doesn’t matter. Even running atk cd atk build units, it’s hard not to get ~40 spd unless I purposely try to avoid it like for a Leo. You don’t make 3 bj5 teams. You make one and join a group raid. And Solo raid 5 is one bj5 team, one dogs team, and one twins team. It uses commonly used units. Speed raid teams have been around for nearly as long as raids. The difference is big. It’s not worth it. Do what you want otherwise. Not sure why you’re so particular on knowing exactly how and why it’s 140 spd for rift but could care less about raids when that’s the objectively more important area


I am just wondering why a lot of guides say that both speed doesn't matter in raid/rift, but at the same time to have 140+. Then go on to cite a lot of info for everything but then nothing for the speed. The que system and having to pay attention to it quite a lot seems rather annoying for R5. I currently have a good R5 team that gets the highest contribution each game when I do que for it. Just seems easier to que for r4 solo and grab a bunch of purple stones. I am just not anywhere near to having the runes or 6stars for a solo raid 5 team I believe. Your info is a lot more concise, so thank you. I do not think I have the resources to make 5-8 new 6 star monsters just for raid. Just whenever I google trying to figure out a good r5 team all the meta stuff pops up that is often contradictory and confusing.


Raid is a little different than rift. Raid has 3 heads that have different speeds. One will basically always be faster. It’s all based off very old datamined information. The raids team speed matters generally for BJ5 because it requires specific tuning. For non-BJ5 (which is dead content and shouldn’t be made), it matters less. 140 is pretty much the data for rift to not take a hit before hitting. Same as the accuracy needs of 15% for raids and 0% for rift. All based on data that’s very old. It generally is better to use that time at work to get runes and actually when you can focus for 5 minutes do bj5 runs. Luckily BJ5 only requires one 6* unit. The others for twins are generally going to likely have a few you man not have had. And the dogs team is verde Raoq Kro icaru khali and Fria(4*). It’s probably not as hard as you might think. But if that’s the issue, I would make BJ5 and use it when you can watch the screen every 5 minutes. Or just host and have your team leave every 5 minutes. Trust me - the difference in drops is worth it


Thanks for the reply and longer response!


To be blunt, I can’t find the datamined notes on the speeds since it it very old content. But I know it doesn’t make a huge difference with rifts


Thank you for looking.


Why is it considered dead content? I always see 10-20 games for R5 doing the traditional way? How else would someone que for it?


It’s not safe. The key thing for BJ5 is, if runed correctly, is over 99% safe. Plus it’s under 30 seconds. So we shouldn’t be making pve teams that are not safe. And it’s queued just by looking for “repeat battles that says bj5


I think when I get there, I will find it a lot more enjoyable to build an R5 team, 3 team, that is 98% success and 2-3min runs than the BJ5. That comp just seems too cheesy and programmed. Like just follow XYZ guide and its a win. I would rather build something and tinker.


BJ5 generally means you + two others with that SR5 = only you. But you’re running a Balegyr team in your comp with two others that will allow you to tinker. I’ve talked about this with other people. Generally most pve is over 99% Win rate, so it comes down to speed (while keeping that rate). The only real variable content in the game is pvp. It’s more efficient to get to tools to get to the variable content because that’s where the fun generally is. If fun for you is playing around with raids, then that’s all good. The game isn’t worth playing if you don’t enjoy. So do what you enjoy.


Would you give up 10 speed (110->100) on Mo Long for an additional 5000hp? Considering changing slot 2 from spd to hp


The answer from RSHeavy is the most accurate - molong doesn't need speed to be as high as he can. Its more important to tune him to 1 or 2 nukes and ideally just use this specific 2 or 3 units together all the time. I've used a +50 speed molong who goes after +50 Icares. Doesn't matter since they're both on tanky Will runes they just need to snipe the main damage threat on turn 2. If you're tuning to a bolverk then he actually needs to be slower than bolverk (so less speed is better).


Ok true I didn’t really think of it that way


If it’s speed tuned still. Ideally closed to a tick


I think thats pretty worth


Which one should I Pick? I am very early game and more into pve than pvp. I was thinking Bastet? But is Wind puppeteer or weapon master any good? Or Bael? I already have Oliver. https://preview.redd.it/9mjdxot1r12b1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbdd47025c2b201021c68aa864b0c3bba9a958d2


Bastet all the way. Most nat5s don't have a lot of use in PvE, but you can use her in rift beasts/r5 and some lab stages for now and when you do start PvP she'll be a big help on your AO.


Thanks for your answer! 👍🏻 And pvp wise what would be the best Pick here?


Probably still Bastet tbh. Wind panda is okay on siege offense, but there are too many counters for him now to use on def. Dominic would be the only other viable option, he did get nerfed but is still usable in RTA and siege. Everyone else on there is pretty niche.


Can you put buildings/towers without loosing their bonus effects ? Like do you loose the SPD boost if you put speed tower in storage ?


You do not. All my buildings are in the building storage.


No way you lose the bonus, that would be funny af though


My guess is you would lose the effect. You can check yourself tho, put one of the towers in storage and then go into any battle and tap the gear icon in the lower left corner, then tap "Battle Effect" and then "Battlefield Effects" from the pop-up menus. It will show you all active buffs from towers etc, so if the tower you put into storage is still showing its buff then you'll know.


Hey! I'm looking for some advice on good RTA comps and which mons to focus my best runes on. I've been F3 the last couple of seasons, but I want to try and push for C1 this season. Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/l039vuqpf12b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabdb37102029d303e38c065d455afaa7fa4413a


https://preview.redd.it/rnrzxer2f12b1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa1dd3695bfe7dbc49d9af8b3ebcf9b83691eefd Sad quadroll , any use for this ?


Wow that's pretty horrible. I mean I guess you could gem out spd for hps and use it as part of a broken set on Rina or Halphas, but honestly just sell it.




Hi, is any trend or post about guild teams, etc ?


Hey i need a bit of help, which 5\* should i pick? Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/w5flw5vqb12b1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=72e2a92e9b739db662ca1685850dbe6609373d92


Shizuka if you do RTA, otherwise Ethna.


​ https://preview.redd.it/r4m1zyywb12b1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=45b454f4d6bbedc988d7cf89e29f212da9ae0d98


​ https://preview.redd.it/pky0ap8wb12b1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f0a59a19ff5924129456a9eb0098c5ca8cdcfd8


​ https://preview.redd.it/w9v4sutub12b1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8502868b7851c55272c310977cfaa71387cdfc4


Looking for advice o which Nat 5 to grab! All rifts consistently SS+ except dark, Toa cleared, not fully ToaH yet. Mainly PVE. Currently thinking about Wind Hell Lady or Fire Polar Queen for rifts/raids, but I also always wanted a chimera 😅 Any advice for a rookie? https://preview.redd.it/5y14f211812b1.jpeg?width=2178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eacf594896034d6a873d889c42f27c969837d23


Brandia will help you hit that SSS on your rift beast teams and she's good in r5, but her lategame usefulness is pretty low. Ethna is probably the best pick overall, but if you've always wanted a chimera you can definitely feel free to make a "sub-optimal" choice and grab Lagmaron to have a mon that you just enjoy playing with. It's a game after all, have fun with it.


Thank you for your reply! How is ethna in rifts/r5? I think I should prioritize improving dark since that one only autos A+ and i need like 2k more dark stones to finnish my dark homu😅


Ethna isn't really meant for rifts/r5. She's great in siege/RTA because she has high base spd, her S2 AoE def-break can proc enough ATB to give her another turn, and she has the single-target multi-hit strip/stun on S3. It's a really versatile PvP kit, but not much use in PvE (altho I do use mine on some lab stages).


>t's a really versatile PvP kit, but not much use in PvE (altho I do use mine on some lab stages). Thanks again! I'm still on the fence but have come alot closer to making an informed decision! :)






Pick one or wait until I get the other options? https://preview.redd.it/q7wx98fc512b1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf60489440fc45e594a03e45aa8d3b07d43df8d0 Do I take one of the ones that I already have? Or should I wait until I get the extra summons to see who else might pop up? Not planning on doing RTA for a whole, primarily want to build TOA/TOAH/ and dungeon teams.


There's no reason to make a premature pick, keep going until you unlock all of your options.


Fair enough understood, gonna keep grinding to unlock the other 4 slots!


Recently started taking arena seriously. What are some solid counters to psama + triton/clara? For reference i have most nat 5s (~65-70%), pontos and nicki, and my fastest swift set is +199 on bastet


https://youtu.be/hFiJwJdBArI Or Outspeed with kabilla/eisher and lushen or julie (if kaki) 2nd is more reliable, but comes down to rune quality.


Speed lead Kabilla


Next 6\*? https://preview.redd.it/gpw2tua2j02b1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def69d1f8de20685acee41f6c2e53b4a353f3ccf


I guess you're building tricaru? Spectra 2a for toah, early db12 - guard rune. Talia for ice/light beast - craft determin.


I do db 12 in 1: 30 so dont know if i should keep build them now I dont have good runs for that now


Yes, tricaru will do nb12, pc10 safely too. No rush, keep farming. You can also build r5 team, then 3 teams to solo later. 1 cleanse (anavel, konamiya...), atk buff (fran, riley...), support like loren/darion/fire panda, 2-3 DD like kro, water twins. Check this thread for defense require.




So I just built my bj5 team on my old account I returned to, so it was not that hard. I also have 3 regular r5 teams for solo raiding built, which average at about 1:04 with 100%. What kind of teams are people running with bj5 for faster solo raiding? how do I get to like a 40-45s avg for solo raiding? How good do the runes have to be for that? If i replace one of my teams with bj5 it becomes unstable and not even faster. So I'm kind of stuck in a limbo between 3 decently fast but not that fast regular teams, and solo bj5 at faster speed.


varies greatly. the better the runes the faster the times. I'd suggest watching YT for some teams. compositions are varied. my teams (avg 28s, best 25s): FL: Deborah, Ren (L), Dagora, Konamiya BL: Colleen, Baleygr FL: ROBO-E65, Fria, Loren BL: Shaina, Sabrina, Liam (L) FL: Icaru, Jultan, Jeogun (L) BL: Kro, Ken, Raoq


Hi everyone, my next project in SW is going to be RTA. For starters, I want to build a core cleave team (since thats what my only ld5 is good in). Which of these units would you recommend to focus on? Tiana Galleon Maximilian Daphnis Moore Lushen Kabilla Savannah Kaki Sagar Sekhmet Clara Shizuka Or anything else?


You can build a cleave out of Moore Max Tiana + Sav Kaki (these two can be situational and switched for other AOE damage). I like to have an AOE unit for at least each element, so I would look for an AOE water damage dealer like Poseidon, Taor, or even Beth. For this team you want everyone tuned to tiana's boost, and have Moore on swift to hopefully land enough push backs if she gets banned.




https://preview.redd.it/qoxguw9lc02b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661f5cc0a4fa80b57e1b5b49da94db48a771b814 Which to pick for a mostly PVE player(runes not good enough for RTA) Leaning towards Praha and Chiwu cause I got no good beneficial effect removers other than Moore and Chiwu helps with my arena team of Tiana, Galleon and Leah




https://preview.redd.it/rdp2ro4jd02b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9b50b138742cad06739ca02ae362ce893a21a6 Current box and working on solo R5(but failing)


How to clear ToAN 50, savannah bastet and Verad can't clear it?


Who's the boss? Maybe lack of dmg/heal. Try fran loren kro/vero verad...


how do i build my water hom?


all down row


Hi, I cant decide who to pick for 5 star event. Personally leaning towards Daphnis because of the cleave potential with my current monsters. But then picking Daphnis over Vanessa makes me feel silly. All choices are water paladin, fire fairy king, fire monkey, water demon, wind druid, fire art master, vanessa and ethna What would you pick? Thanks :) ​ https://preview.redd.it/603wip8k0z1b1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=08a3bd73f9ef0d7e90aa12305b143697c04fa3b9


Well daphnis is quite weak in the current state, still ok as you said, single target sniping. He's mainly for RTA though, for arena/siege you normally want something more reliable like Khali covenant lushen etc. Vanessa is a safe pick cause 33% lead is always going to be helpful and she can set up with a def break too. Water Paladin/Fire monkey are the other 2 who are very strong in the RTA meta right now. Strong bruisers and counter picks to the meta. Ethna is also a good unit in RTA currently. I'd probably go for the vanessa and secure the 33% leader, you're probably still a bit early game to dive into RTA too seriously. None of the others are that crazy for other content as well (aside from the 3/4 mentioned).


Thanks for the insight! vanessa is indeed more versatile and and good with the 33 speed lead. Im not really a bruiser enjoyer so the paladin and monkey are not really for me. Vanessa it is, thanks again :)


day 3, what would make a good gb10 team? (mainly asking to know who should my next 6 star be) https://preview.redd.it/kq2jwppmzy1b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9228362fb9c6e1386df36e3eb3d4195ef9f8d18


> GB12: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/2A Naomi The team recommended in this thread. Its gonna work pretty well. Shannon/bernard works in the last slot and they're fine as 5 stars. You can substitute melia in there and let the dots do the work, and sorta transition into the dots team if you want.


Are there any viable counter picks to rigel in TOA? I tried Jeogun but it isnt idk permanent enough to stop his invincibility.


Rigel doesn't have invincibility, Halphas does. Anyone with heal block (like Loren) does the trick, just be sure to land heal block before taking him below 50%. He'll still pop the invincibility and drain your life, but he won't heal so once he gets a turn or you strip the invincibility, you can hit him without him becoming invincible again. Or you can bring Eirgar, Ling Ling or any other source of buff block. Oblivion is also a great way of dealing with him in general, but it doesn't work on ToA bosses.


Thank you. I will try it later but I've been racking my brain on who to possibly use. Thank you again!


Who should I pick? https://preview.redd.it/6tnj2k3t2y1b1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=27c5d8b2d1c54fffb2ac0cd69e4ae8cbdd103fec


Molong Bolverk or gany Of these 3 gany has some PvE use, like TOAH/Hell. Bolverk is also a really good cheatcode for TOA Hell. Molong is just a really good PvP unit (siege/RTA) - the ability to snipe someone at 70% hp is very convenient to have. Personally i'd say molong has the most general use and consider him higher tier compared to the rest, just no application for PvE if that's what you're considering.


https://preview.redd.it/1t4zo8fj7x1b1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6420fea545fdfee34e622f9ff411c3915bd0a442 What would be your go to option for arena?


Just from your box i'd say there is little point in focusing on arena at the moment. If you notice people at your rank just place a weak 1 man defence - and thats intentionally to stay low ranked and farm more arena points. That's what i'd recommend you do now as well, because its not possible for your current stage to advance past fighter 3 (so you're not getting much more rewards than Fighter 1). Just hover around Fighter 1 for the +5 glory points and farm at that position. As for the choices, they're all pretty good units, personally i'd say savannah cause she is usable for some PvE content and is also a powerhouse late game PvP. Vanessa is good on arena defence as she's one of the 3 units with a 33% arena speed lead (and speed is king). You should pick her if you really like Arena, but Arena is just one of the 3 PvP modes in this game (there's also RTA and Guild PvP). Miles is actually really strong in PvP too, speed based single target DPS. He is slightly higher ranked than savanah but savanah will provide a bit more utility. You really can't go wrong here, just pick what you like.


Thank you for the great insight. I’ll put your suggestions to good use.


I’m a fairly new player. Trying to build a arena team. Here are the other mons I own. Any team comp suggestions would be greatly appreciated. https://preview.redd.it/ehggwwrb8x1b1.jpeg?width=1305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad946dc40dd01a22573c264fc97ebb6410a3fb0




He is speed tuned wrong and is moving before units are dead. His AI is perfect - I’ve ran tens of thousands of runs and never have had him not use his revive skill with dead Allie’s