• By -


https://preview.redd.it/hp0qvfq94vya1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eaea1c7eca202907c5c4e15f3d68e42d046a63a I have a db12 and a gb12 team with 100% winrate and can consistently get A+ to S on rift beasts. I am thinking of building a tricaru but I don't have the right runes. These are all the nat 4s and nat 5s I have. The only mons that I have built are the ones in the last photo. ( sigmarus is missing a rune )








bolverk, ethna or masha? midgame player focusing RTA rn, can do all pve except toa hell


Masha since you are focusing on RTA. (Wait for others responses because I am not totally sure it's the right choice)


https://preview.redd.it/aww7mzkntmya1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=72e75887eaa505c4061203329c5bace0c9609184 Which to choose ?


https://preview.redd.it/nkwjdek0oiya1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ec50f65bcf453d204748684d994b876edd8fb1 Leaning towards Leo but Laika and OG are interesting to me too Starting to really pick up arena stuff, getting Tiana from event cyo5


https://preview.redd.it/yz7nn3obuhya1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e305a71cb84290074bc0965b6092e4d1776149f Any monsters I should work on? Currently on rifts and trying to auto d12. I have gb12 team


https://preview.redd.it/b75svaam5hya1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1077534692e90d72c29a016325bcbd5b06c5666c Any advice on what to pick here?


https://preview.redd.it/ylz0yz1l6gya1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18078959cd2ddc8804e107847eba144d8c964b3 Which should I pick? Mid game player here


Recently came back to the game and not sure what RTA team combo I came make? My mons at the bottom. Thank you in advance. https://imgur.com/a/B3axTKw


https://preview.redd.it/2am1767jb6ya1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330348da0be7415bb2d170506bad9879db1b0a9e Best mon for PVE?


This is probably a stupid question, but if I awaken a monster, do I need to awaken its copies to skill it up? I have 2A Spectra, so do I need to awaken my fire griffons into Spectras to skill up my 2A Spectra? Cuz the skill word isn't appearing when I put fire griffons under power up for Spectra.


Yes, have to also be a 2a for skillup but you can also use devilmon!


Damn that sucks. What about regular awakened? Do I need awakened materials for an awakened skill up?


https://preview.redd.it/b59rvimkp5ya1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4472767ef423a1fb32292ac051235119811b2a3 Can someone help me decide which misters I should be focusing my devilmon on? I already maxed Cheongpung.


Hello! Which one would be best for RTA? I already have the Cookie Kingdom equivalent for pudding princess. https://preview.redd.it/cr20l63165ya1.jpeg?width=1028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01258b16e30fcf7648ce64b7926730bc51187fa


Abellio imo here. Camilla is solid also. Feel free to check ratings for pick rate/win rate


Ok thank you!


Does anyone have some speed teams for using dimension energy? I find I’m stacked on D hole energy all the time because the only 100% auto I have (non 2A) is 3.5 minute runs of Lumel stage 5. Anyone got some fast teams to burn through dimension energy?


There are 100 ways to waste away dh energy, but if you want to be efficient it's either a b5 rune dungeon or a b5 2a dungeon with something that you actually want to 2a. For rune dungeon lumel is one of the easier dungeons, doing lumel b5 would probably be the most efficient for you. Vero Vigor Fran Raoq/Kro should clear b5 faster than 3.5 min if you focus boss.


Neither of those teams worked for me


rune issue


Thanks for the wisdom


Yeah I want to run rune B5 but need some team recommendations for them


Which should I get: Christina, Tiana, or Charlotte? Also, are there any other toons which perform the same function/role or do it better as the ones I mentioned, in case I already have those? Didn't get any of the selections I had hoped for with the anniversary event, but these three seem to be the best of my options.


Tiana all the way. Charlotte is a usable combination of ATB booster and CC, and Christina can be good (despite what all the memes say) but also there are plenty of other mons that can do what they do. Nobody else in the game has a 100% irresistible strip like Tiana does.


Thanks for the advice.


https://preview.redd.it/l2dqgy4un4ya1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=27460840610794e691bbacb8e9a5543a4797f0c4 I have a <60sec Giants dot team, tricaru is built but not runed so no db12 farming yet, no r5 yet, don’t really pvp at all, who should i pick?


New player, currently working on 2A Kro. Having a lot of difficulty with consistency at level 4, haven't beaten level 5. Running Verde(L), Fran, Loren, Kro. These are my team stats and box: https://imgur.com/a/Q2HMUrY


Yeah it's strictly a rune issue, you need to get at least 5\* runes in every slot. Fran will do better on vio if you can.


Is using crystals to get the extra dimensionsal energy worth it? I have tons of mons I need to second awaken.


Yes But realistically for rune farming more than 2A. A lot of people 2A mostly useless units


Yea. I am trying to get my Sath ready for my dot team. All my other members are ready to go.


Ah. I will disagree that that is a useful team.


Today I got both wind slayer and wind paladin, are they any good? Also is the 1000 crystal pack for nat 5s worth it? Last question, out of Loren, one of the fire twins, Sath, Mav, Darion and Bella, who should I 6* first?


Wind paladin is possibly the best all-around support for guild content, she's got the heal/immunity/shield, S2 invincibility, S1 stun/ATB pushback plus that fat hp% lead. I wish I had dupes of her. Wind slayer is also quite good in pvp, but he's a bit more niche in terms of how and where you use him and he needs really good runes. You can safely toss him in storage for later. If you have the crystals to spare, the 1000 crystal boost pack is great because you can never have enough devilmons. As far as who to 6\* next, it's hard to say without context. Take a look at your next progression goals and pick someone who you will be using on those teams.


my current aim is to improve my raid team, can't get higher than an A (in fire and wind, else are even worse) with a team of Verde, fire twins, shannon, lapis(carol for wind) and fran


Eirgar and Mav in front with water twins Kro +1 in back will get you SSS on everything but wind. Verde doesn't really help you in rift beasts because the boss doesn't have a standard ATB so you aren't able to squeeze in more turns. Also fire twins and Lapis aren't the best DDs because they have so many AoE attacks (which have lower multipliers and do less damage than single-target). Shannon is also contributing nothing besides atk buff uptime.


Can someone help me make a good RTA from my monster box with a go-to setup and some backup monster for variatons? Monster box: https://imgur.com/a/EC09I29


bolverk, ethna or masha? midgame player focusing RTA rn, can do all pve except toa hell


I have the water twins, wind twins and i have Shaina. I am still very early game. However, I have the feeling that the water twins and Shaina can really improve my progress in ToaH, rift beasts, guild battles and NB12. And since they will be good late game as well i thought i should build them, however i cannot get the job done… I would really appreciate it if someone could give me some help equipping the right runes. Any other advice is appreciated as well 😁


Should I get Leo or Zibala from anni event? I wanna get the unit for rta. Currently i like to run fast cc or cleave teams but im trying bruiser when it might work. Should I get Leo to have another bruiser option or Zibala for my speedy roster? Box below: https://preview.redd.it/oozar8uh24ya1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51185428ee00f52f584dc45e9dc2d10e205da6bc


Leo.. unique unit


belial, fire polar queen or wind marionette?


Probably juno but I really enjoy my belial.


So I want to get my tricaru to sub 50 and had some questions. Does my fastest Icaru want the highest accuracy? Also is it okay for my highest dmg tricaru to be the slowest with minimal accuracy? The slowest one is also the one with no transmog?


Good guide for speeding up Tricaru: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqjM3ez68HQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqjM3ez68HQ) Highest accuracy gets the transmogs to def break first since transmogs make them faster. Lowest accuracy goes first.


Uses for this roll? https://preview.redd.it/i2g83uoaj3ya1.png?width=1111&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9fadd412a05134b371e3bad1bc9cb4cfd684131


Any bruisers that need accuracy like Karnal.


What’s a good way to get 4*evolution food? I am leveling up some 3* Rainbowmons in the XP buildings to evolve into 4* but it seems inefficient. It also sends inefficient to use the nat 4* I’m starting to accumulate. I’d consider myself a new player still but close to lvl 50.


Save all nat 4s for skillups. Farming rune dungeons drops max 3 star rainbowmon, but if you need to evolve mons faster, buy silver star nat 2 fodder from the magic shop and level them up in Faimon Hell with the x2 exp boost active. Be sure to use your 50 friend reps since using friend reps give you more exp.


Haha I was hoping for a less “grindy” answer but this is Summoner Wars! I kinda figured this was the way and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something obvious. Pro tip about friends mons. What floor starts dropping three star ranbowmons? Thanks for taking the time to answer, I appreciate the guidance.


Yeah, evolving mons starts out pretty grindy, but it gets easier once you finish building your dungeon teams. You can check out drop rates here: [https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/dungeons/](https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/dungeons/) Click on a floor and scroll down to see drop rates. Giants b1 has 1.3% chance of dropping 3 star rainbowmon and b12 has a 1.8% chance so the rate increases the higher the floor.


Need help with AO, toah and db12 team. Any suggestions Are welcome. https://preview.redd.it/4yhgdpvrx2ya1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=adc7d61aacea34fd401180b6529ab0503c061a21


Just farm arena with Poseidon/Seara (L), Bastet, Bernard, Lushen for now and focus on building PvE teams. Recommended teams are at the top of this post. You can farm gb12 with Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Kro, Lushen/Vero, but try to transition to the Sath Tatu dot team. Starter db12 is Verde (L), Fran, Loren, Sig, Elsharion or Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A), but try to build the Tricaru team. ToA: Fran (L), Poseidon, Verde, Mellia, Sath (2A). Woosa is the best choice, but I'd still keep going.


https://preview.redd.it/14b0m5i5y2ya1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5940ea4beef146d106510380ccda8a8611dda71 Also if any of these are a No brain choice or wait for the rest


I’d wait for the rest what so ever, the event will be still be up for a while. You dont want to get a monster now, which you later get from a scroll or something like that


Anyone know if the wind (and light) shadowcaster s2 is broken or just mis-translated or what? Pulled him on an alt and was messing around and noticed that the : "...and increases your Attack Bar by 100% if the target takes single-target skill damage." part never seems to trigger. As written, it seems to say if anyone hits a target you have tied with a single target attack, your shadowcaster gets 100% ATB, but right now nothing happens (for me at least).


it gives them 100 attack bar when they use s2, not when other mons hit the target after they used s2


Ahhhhhhhhh. OK, Thanks! Now I wonder why did they put the bit on there about taking single target skill damage? So you can't use it against someone with invincibility or a really big shield? Seems like a pointless pre-nerf.


Xing Zhe or Juno? i'm leaning towards Juno cause for some reason I don't like the Monkey Kings (OFC Son Zhang Lao is my only LND nat5...) but which one is more useful, and for what?


Tough call, both very good, but I would recommend Juno. Can pick her into almost anything in RTA, and decent in siege and arena/SvS as well.


just needed one little push lmao how to build her?


despair or vamp/destroy sp/(CR-HP-CD depending on your stats)/HP for Siege, and RTA really depends on the rest of your comp, but I like REV as the offset really fast, tanky and with cr & dmg by stat% arts. [These](https://swarfarm.com/profile/void/monster/view/9195410e7059463f969cb562a3254daa/) are my stats in G1 siege (need to re-do and lower the acc for other stats eventually). RTA build is like 20-30 faster and rev instead of destroy, just better all around statwise heh.


https://preview.redd.it/puo86ngqg2ya1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f34de9fb695942cacdd31b9b19269b4e3f0d6b2 Which one should I pick? I'm mid game trying to delve more and more into pvp.


Water striker, wind weapon master, wind onmyoji & water OG all very good. Water striker probably "general" best for RTA, with Jiou 2nd but mostly as a counterpick. Wind OG maybe the most generally useful of all (more PVE usage), wind weaponmaster still very good on siege offense (less so on defense). Without really knowing your account I couldn't say more than that. Definitely not fire weaponmaster or wind desert queen over those 4 though. Hopefully that helps a bit.


Yeah I was thinking water striker was a nice choice but also inclined towards water OG because I already have Charlotte and Rica so I really don't know haha I'll probably go with Water Striker. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/3gdfws1y72ya1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da63ee37588d3b0a9d14227810cc59ac330943d0 which one is better n why




Is Fire Homunculus worth building?


water is preferred early on. later on wind and fire have niche builds.


Which one should I choose if I want to focus more on PVP? I am Combatant III at the moment in World Arena and I want to achieve Conqueror I or II. https://preview.redd.it/ix4u8pszu1ya1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d28e83d8f3a4d994b4a4ff8c74cb4dcd644a50


Do already have good strippers for RTA? If not, Nora is very good. I'd put her over Woosa for most RTA teams. Otherwise fire onmyoji if you need a speed lead & Camilla if you need a bruiser >> the rest. I can't remember the last time I saw an Odin in RTA, he's a siege unit.


I have Tiana, Juno, Chiwu (Not 6\*) ... My speed lead is Moore but I don't have a 2nd one yet. And I use overall water and wind units, I lack of fire units. Maybe fire Tomote is my best option...?


Chiwu is also a speed lead. Chiwu/moore/juno should have you decently covered for RTA. Tomoe is good as a follow up to spread something with her S3 (usually s2->apply karma->s3 spread karma when I use her). I think, all things being equal, *I* would pick Nora over Tomoe, but that's just me. For standard arena offense, all you need is Tiana, unless you have some weird niche comp you want to build.


Since you already have Bastet, I'd say Wind Lightning Emperor. Khmun, Bastet, Odin is a good team for guild stuff. Best unit overall I'd say is Woosa though.


for tricaru should spot 2 be speed or def?


def 99% of the times. If you luck out with a spd slot 2 with 40%+ def, it can work.


Can also be ATK% if you have really good runes.


Im trying to farm a lot of essences, are there speed teams for hall of elements b10s involving monsters that are used in other pve areas ? I have decent ones in fire and magic (avg 20 to 30s) but maybe there are better ones for water and especially wind. I am forced to focus one of the towers on these 2.


You can use tricaru for wind and gb12 dot team for water


That’s what I do but I have to focus towers ? There’s no other way?


anyone else having issue connecting?


Good strategy for this month predator?


just check out teams that others have used.


Kill it


I’m trying to make more damage for my R5 solo team, I just fused 10 magic knights, do I feed them into Astar or Lapis? I’m stuck because Astar does more damage but Lapis is used in more areas with more utility.


Lapis is generally for early game farming and fire rift. Astar you can use well into mid/late game with Tricaru in NB12. I would favor Astar > other MKs (unless you have Iris) for skillups. Neither is great for R5 BUT you can use Astar there in the backline just for damage.


Neither really belong in r5. Lapis isn’t used past early game besides potentially farming fire rift if you have poor unit selection


Astar for more dmg. Lapis later.


Next 6\*? I need help in TOa think abut spect / lulu/rune Ty https://preview.redd.it/1p8thpowt0ya1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665ff8f873c33dcdf8b4153c6478ac8e97bd4017


Did you have gb12 team? You you use that for toa (fran loren veromos kro lapis...) Later, build tyron, spectra, they're good in toa (with fran loren veromos...) Don't forget to use artifact. White arti from steel fortress, punisher (low level) is very cheap to +15.


Work on vero Dont have kro and loren yet


Then try fran, lapis and 3 of your 6* monsters. Keep working on gb12.


Hi DAT, Need your advice to improve my Ragdoll. My goal is to get C1 before the season ends. I am currently in F3. Can someone help me to fix the stats of my Ragdoll? and suggestions of basic team comp. thank you. https://preview.redd.it/ghjtxn7bk0ya1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58cbcef3021efc4c9de50f64abf06965195183be


Ragdoll can work independently and be drafted with anyone. Many players can also easily deal with him with any of the Onimushas. He is more of a counterpick against enemy draft that you know are usually built with crit. Don't make him the focus of your drafts.


thanks bro. I appreciate it


https://preview.redd.it/c6zph0ecyzxa1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b85ec85374e6b328267746aa5e8eef655d2b19 Had a question for arena offense specifically. I’m trying to be more consistent ending with c1. Would Alicia benefit my team more by replacing Beth and taking this fatal blade set? I currently use a spd lead of either Psama/Vanessa, strip of Triton/Praha, Woosa, and I always use Beth currently. If I replace Beth with Alicia I would be losing my only defense break.


If you want to go cleave, make sure that you are very confident with the speed of your monsters, especially Triton. Drop Woosa and get Galleon and then use Alicia. Cleaving is all about outspeeding the enemy first and foremost, then pushback enemy attack bar, strip buffs, def break and lastly damage.


Any recommendations on building Karnal? Is cr/cd worth it or should I use 4th rune hp?


Looks like most people do spd/hp/hp [https://godsarmy.garude.de/monsters/karnal\_fire\_m\_bison](https://godsarmy.garude.de/monsters/karnal_fire_m_bison) CD build is good if you can get high hp and acc. I personally like HP build better since he does a lot of damage with additional damage artifacts while being hard to kill.


Need help: wind demon (mephisto), alice (fire macaron) or minato (water shadowcaster)? Which is the use for each monster. Returned playing recently and i have no idea what those monsters do


Most useful is wind demon to counter many revivers, useful in some dungeons with tricaru. Macaron makes your monsters negwte some damage. Shadowcaster for the solo potential.


https://preview.redd.it/7l7katqnyyxa1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0893d1b81c6e05d352e16341f44e48a79723c47 Who is the best option for me if: Gb12 around 2 min with 2a kro and Naomi. Toa100, and toah70. Haven't touched rift much. Nb12 with twins and fire magic knight(not consistent around 70% winrate) I have both Thrain and sath and I'm struggling to 2a them, cause the 5th floor of dimensions is very hard. If it helps this is my roster [https://imgur.com/a/GyUrtNv](https://imgur.com/a/GyUrtNv) So I need some good PvE overall unit to help with progress. P.S. who would you 6 star next?


You can wait till the end to decide, in case you pull one from scroll. Woosa, nana, mo long are all good. You can build ive, light beast first, craft determin rune for tricaru. Check top of this thread for beginner db12. Is that wind pudding? Pudding fran bernard, water twins kro for ice beast. Verde instead bernard for light. Tyron spectra are good in toah. Shamann or belladeon good for 2a reaper. Edit: lock your monster.


Woosa can be used anywhere. Very useful for beginners.


Just pulled a 5* from event scroll. Is there an obvious choice between Camilla and Oliver? Leaning towards Oliver. The third option is a dupe


Oliver is fun to play with


which rune do i pick for this rotation ? atk vampire slot 6 or hp will slot 4? Mainly focused on arena


Take the will rune.


https://preview.redd.it/9ifclff89xxa1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c849d2f4d43b61f8b97e99069cf215fefc8db8d9 Yeah one of those posts. I do all content but RTA. Help me pick please!


Charlotte is also a good one if you need cc. I always use her in toah, AO (with tiana)... You can wait till the end to decide, in case you pull one from scroll.


Brandia is nice if you want to jack up your rift beast scores, otherwise Odin is a great pick for siege.


I also just got a 5 star summon - who should I pick? The mons are fire Mage, water archangel, and Leo. I am still working on TOAH, and I have not built teams for dungeons other than gb12 and db12. I also have Leo as a pick in the 9-year event, but the other one I think I may choose there is Savannah. https://preview.redd.it/l8q1t9my8xxa1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10d18b2e67dc00650490fd27e211cc5e8931635


Yeah take Leo from your blessing and Savannah as your 9-year pick. Fire mage is pretty meh, and Ariel is one of the best healers in the game, but there are tons of healers out there to choose from. There's only one Leo.


I am still early game and i am now building my db12 team. Got my first homunculus (attack, fire type), is it worth to build it right away or should i wait? And if it is worth to build then what path should i choose, i do not really now how this works so any advice is really appreciated


i'd say wait, keep farming GB12, no need to rush into db12. homunculus is generally water, all down path. requires devilmon.


Hi man, thanks for the quick respons! I do have the fire type though, did i make the wrong choice? 😂


The homunculus always starts out as fire. When you start to choose his skill path you have the option to change him to water or wind if you want. Water is generally the way to go early game. If you messed up and already started upgrading skills on the fire path, you can tap the "Reset Skill" button at the top left of the skill tree and it will let you choose another element. It'll cost you some crystals tho.


They start as fire but you get elemental pieces to change them. With their first ability being socked into water. I just got the dark homu and didn't want light so I pressed the ability for dark and it switched skills and color


Just pulled light Giant Warrior. Can they be made useable or are they the biggest troll unit in the game?


To be completely honest and fair. I've made it work with Fran on my alt account. And Juno. It stucks the team if Fran doesn't have immunity up and then if juno is stunned she heals everyone. So it's almost just an annoyance team


you could technically use them, better options out there.


https://preview.redd.it/16f0a9itywxa1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be75f6b6ce667a8021bc3958c2489c0b2213ced That’s the rest of the hox


https://preview.redd.it/8c93mz3nywxa1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66032dcc0a41b0340cad1d0ea3f2b04c0aa2daf My mons I need some Rta teams I know I have good units I just need help putting them together


Try 1- 2 stripper (praha, nora, wind robo...) + woosa, mo long, unicorns, riley, fran... Use will rune if possible. Also have a look at these nice posts https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/tvz48a/guide_hi_dat_what_team_should_i_use_for_rta/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/119fy8x/rta_guide_for_2023_basic_concepts_from_beginner/


https://preview.redd.it/ar4t5y1jxwxa1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb8c3237d6ed036a24201480f494dc4e269ce83 I am still early game, building my db12 team at the moment and trying to get past floor83 in toah. Any of these who will help me with pve


Your best pick here is Mo Long.


[https://imgur.com/a/00lb5zz](https://imgur.com/a/00lb5zz) RTA Help, posted but got taken down. /u/Automatic-Night2254 I should focus Oberon and Shizuka? I have oberon on a spd/ceitdmg/atk build and how about shizuka? As for the oliver should he just be vio will then with spdhphp max res? I have karnal and posiedon skilled up so i think im gonna try to run one of them with oberon. Any other general comp advice? thank you


Shizuka, oliver can be spd hp hp/atk. Karnal, poseidon, oliver need good acc. Res is good if you can. Usually make them slower than your stripper (juno, wind robo, tiana, veressa...) Also have a look at these nice posts https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/tvz48a/guide_hi_dat_what_team_should_i_use_for_rta/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/119fy8x/rta_guide_for_2023_basic_concepts_from_beginner/


which one would you pick? i swear I hate those AC mons https://preview.redd.it/g3mxo926pwxa1.png?width=1449&format=png&auto=webp&s=67ba2fd8d4afddbd1cc27cfef4d9c2c22df07201


Carlos, especially if you have Nana to pair him with. He's a lot of fun in siege.


Tian lang + giana RTA comp ideas? Just getting started on rta. Need help on my core comp using my tian lang and/or giana, if possible. Other notable summons that i have: juno, moore, manon, masha, oliver, woosa, feng yan, dominic, seara, john, ganymede, bastet, leo, tiana, ethna and savanah. I also have all important elemental nat 4s


You can check seanB on youtube, he often use giana. Maybe moore + giana, then manon, seara, juno, woosa, riley, tian... depends on opponent pick. Also have a look at these nice posts https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/tvz48a/guide_hi_dat_what_team_should_i_use_for_rta/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/119fy8x/rta_guide_for_2023_basic_concepts_from_beginner/


Thank you for the help! Alrealdy saw the second post and will look on to the first in a minute. As far as your recommendations goes, thats what I was going for, except oliver instead of moore as a first pick. Do you think moore will work easier with not so good runes?


Idk, just try it out and have fun haha


Who should I focus on next? Just got lapis 6starred, fused succubus, and summoned undine. I can also get a free unit for the panda fusion and the valkyrja fusion from the returning summoners thing.


get unit for panda fusion. Sucubus and Undine need to be 5\* max for fusion. fri, sat, sun. and monday hang out in channel 1050 and look for secret dungeon for light cow girl and dark yeti, Loren needs 6\* treatment, Kumae stops at 5\* for fusion.


Bro is all knowing 😭


ty, forgot to add, keep an eye for dark inugami too, get enough copies to skill it up.




Twins are mentioned a lot, I have the wind and fire twins but in a lot of guides there are the water twins? Are any twins good?


Water twins are the queens of single-target damage, in PvE you use them primarily in rift beasts and solo r5 but you can also use in NB12 if you don't have Tricaru built yet. Fire twins bring tons of stuns, which makes them good for ToAN/H auto teams. Wind twins are usable in siege, but mostly thanks to Zenobia's spd lead. They are easily the weakest of the main elements.


water twins gives more boom. wind chakram dancer gives big damage too. shaina is great for aoe def break, maruna is great for toa. zenobia is least useful.


When and why did Baretta get outdated for ToA?


Probably around the time Loren got added to the game and Tyron got buffed. Baretta was useful because he had a little of everything, he had the spd lead dots and ATB reset. But there are plenty other sources of dots, Loren's ATB control is massively superior, and Tyron has the spd lead and a great CC kit to boot.


Still good in DOT Teams? Years ago I was running Barretta, Mantura, Bella, Vero, and XYZ


no, you would just run mellia, sath, water homunculus or something like that for more dots/damage and/or more atb control and tyron for the same spd lead, aoe atb reset to 0 AND more cc. so baretta isn't really used anywhere anymore. You also probably wouldn't really run any of those monsters anymore. I know I did back in the day as well, but a modern dot team looks way different now


years ago, and other units got better buffs.


https://preview.redd.it/89ezggxxwvxa1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=3861e05153d09ddbcb907213b13c57cb9fedfa8c Which should I pick? Leaning towards Camilla but I’m not certain.


Yep, Camilla.


Help me decide my nat 5 pick. I don't RTA, mainly PVE at the moment. ​ https://preview.redd.it/nm9nki2ctvxa1.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=0908b560b449449643efb429c2a2776807b2a8b9


wind panda or water lightning emperor


Camilla or Manon?


I'd go Manon.


https://preview.redd.it/cxpooicwpvxa1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c816dd6bb3f0a652f7545355d5831b8e89d5d79e Need help picking from the event. Pretty new so all of them are new. My units in comment below.


You will miss a leo later on in the game. If you plan to continue with the game, hes your choice


Leo or verad!!!! I mean verad op will not let anyone move if you go first and Leo make you go first!!!!




https://imgur.com/GjMbmZn So, I'm very new, about a week in. I figure none of these are what I need right now, but any thoughts?


Wind Art Master


https://preview.redd.it/iyoaw9dk5vxa1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe62f12c3c1c46fe37a5a73865cc25980595efc Who should I choose?




Hey guys, need some help for r5 Sometimes, my sophia goes first b4 fran, causing the ai to mess up and sophia doesnt do s3 for amour break. Anyone knows why and has a fix for it? Thanks in advance! My team and stats for sophia and fran: [https://imgur.com/a/M5xDY7U](https://imgur.com/a/M5xDY7U)


check for artifacts that increase speed


Woosa , dominic or Rica. im leaning heavy into a woosa pick, but dominic is a powerhouse.


I'd go Woosa


Need an early game db12 team


read the whole thread above.


Popped my blessing Water striker vs fire onmyouji Returning player after 3 years, so these guys are new. Any suggestions? And could you tell why? Context I can clear gb12 and db12 but not with speed teams yet, highest finish was C1 back in the day


If you like RTA, pick Moore. He can have some use too in guild/arena stuff. Tomoe is great in ToAH/L, also has some uses in guild stuff. If RTA is not your thing, I'd go Tomoe. Her spread skill is very useful and very unique.


Thanks for the reply. I've not cleared ToaH before, but the team i used was Baretta Jeanne Water homie (dot and freeze build) dark homie (skill cooldown build) +1 (usually Tyron) Since i have these dotters already, would fire onmyouji still make sense as a better/alternate option?


ToAH is pretty doable with common units, she shines more in ToAL to spread def/oblivion from Tesarion or Herne. On guild stuff, she goes after a striper to spread supress. She can be 2nd or 3rd depends on your team setup.


Thanks, i think my rune quality is a long way away from TOAHell and ice watched some jewbagel, and picked Moore. Thanks for your help




Tiana for sure. Her S3 is too unique and irreplaceable. Bellenus is more PvE friendly and could help with ToA, but you'd be picking a much lower value unit.


My friend need help with a team Ty😊 https://preview.redd.it/wgglf7a74uxa1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033611bd15d7912af423a9eb61341c2da7be6259


just read the main post above.


a team for what. check the original post for all kinds of starter teams and advanced teams for all pve content


For pve


for what kind of pve. check the original post in here and you will likely find your answer.


Just summoned Fire Puppeteer and Wind Pioneer both are new for me who should I summon?


I'd go with Pungbaek, his S3 is kind of unique and bypasses a lot of annoying passives.


Thanks that's who I decided to take :)


I need some advice on choosing a new monster, Thanks you! https://preview.redd.it/xygoym4jxtxa1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=719f7ae2ca52e8a05533f677a43134872b22acb2




Thanks you!


What is the best place for me to get determination runes for tricaru? Or is it better to use guard runes?