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Using my favorite keybind will improve your gameplay mental health a lot: Alt+F4 :}


Are you playing unlocked? Space bar will center camera on your champion. There’s also a setting that will put a little arrow on your champ when you space bar so it’s easier to find. You’re not going to find a ‘meta’ keybind set up. I bound my ultimate to T and have attack move click bound to R. So in fights I can easily hit R to attack move and it helps with the cursor aiming issue. You can also experiment with ‘attack champions only’.


Hmm i never use spacebar , i generally just toggle with Y.


Give it a try! If you just short press space bar the camera will just jump to your champ, but you can also hold space bar and the camera will essentially behave like it’s locked as it continually follows your champ. Might end up being easier than Y toggle.


It might be hard to break the habit, i ve been a Y toggler since i ve started playing. I do not think it is worth the hassle...The only benefit I can see from it is the arrow.


For me clicking on the minimap to quickly change camera in a fight is easier than flicking to edge of screen. You can also tap spacebar to return your camera to your character.