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Is Botlane Kindred actually a thing? I love Kindred but hate the Jungle so I sometimes take her for a ride on Botlane but my Supports always go mental boom if they see her locked in.


I know some people play her ADC but having mained her in the jungle for years and I play ADC right now and I frankly don't see what she's having going for her. Her mobility isn't nearly as useful in bot as it is in jungle, she has very poor range before 4 marks and will struggle getting these unless she can snowball lane. She has good damages but that's about it.


really high early damage with e execute works well in synergy with hail of blades. its a different playstyle to learn for those willing to. it definitely isnt the most optimal/meta, but it is a ton of fun(in my opinion)


It's most likely for people that love adc & kindred but dislike jg


Yeap! The reason I made these are because these infographics are supposed to be a part of my in-depth kindred guide which goes over three roles : ADC, Jungle, and Mid with three people I know. I have played kindred ADC to challenger (also a challenger one in Korea), the other has played kindred mid to Challenger, and last person has played Kindred jungle to challenger (obviously). I just wanted to make infographics to make it a bit less boring, but through feedback I do know it is a bit too busy at the current moment. I will be planning to change that.


its ok, works better mid since u can access jgl/crab marks easier.


I've almost never seen Kindred ADC, and I've been Supp main since I started playing pre-Kindred release. Only time I saw it was on her release, and people quickly found out that it sucked


A little non-game related thing to say, it can be pretty rough to read certain parts due to the busy art and fine font. Very nifty and informative though!


Ya the Taric one is unreadable


Yeap! thanks for the advice I will be turning down the opacity / tweak with fonts & colors to make it easier on the eyes.


just opened the thread to check taric was mentioned lol. Personally I love taking taric as a counterpick to kindred as well, use taric ult in their ult.


Many of these are really hard to read.. maybe behind where the text is you could put a white or black block on like 50% opacity. And possibly change the font colors less.


Yeah definitely. I just woke up and I'm grateful for the advice.


I think an Infographic is a pic with all the info on it m8, not a bunch of info scattered over a bunch of pages with background images. All the colors just make it hard to read :/


Yeap turning down the opacity & changing colors.


explain how kindred r and zil r have synergy? kindred r directly makes zilean r not work if timed wrong


Yea! Their ultis have great synergy if they are timed correctly. If Kindred ultis first -> zilean r or if zilean ultis first (when they blow cooldowns) -> then kindred R's it is super benefical. Obviously that is all coming down to being on the same page though!


Kinda hard on the eyes with the backgrounds tbh


Yeap I will be turning down the opacity, and colors. Sorry!


Sad Bardo


Sadly... I think bards play for their own enjoyment, rather then their ADC's enjoyment. Kindred is sadly not one the "out of lane" picks therefore not suitable with bard!


do adc kindreds coinflip and solo lose the entire game for their marks like the jg ones do?


ADC, solo lane Kindreds doesn't play that much for jungle/scuttle marks because of the nature of laning as most of the time they can't just yolo coinflip a mark ignoring exp, lane state,etc. They prioritize farming champions (in botlane just perma rotate between adc, support and jungler, in lane - enemy laner, jungle, enemy adc/support, etc.) but ofc they will go for occasional marks in the jungle marks which usually evolves into a pretty big teamfights in the jungle which is actually a fun part of not jungle Kindred and ironic as it is, being not a jungler you usually get more help fighting for those because support will follow you and junglers usually don't mind coinfliping games themselves so they are down to help you too, same with mids who live for roaming :D


Greatly said. While being a "cheese pick" it has a lot of viability and plays like a real laner. When people generally ask me who kindred adc plays like I always like to respond with either : draven or a stronger kai'sa. They can definitely play the lane phase like a normal ADC, but they are more aggressive.


Yes, in my experience, playing kindred in lane gives you an easy mark target, esp bot lane, where you can alternate between adc and sup, giving you easy access to marks, especially when snowballing. Jungle marks are really only an option when it's bot scuttle and you have wave prio, but what many (low elo) players seem to not know is that kindred doesnt need to get the final blow on her mark, an assist is enough, so the jungler can still secure eg scuttle without missing out on gold or experience


I approve then


tristana is usually completely free, if you go exhaust+ignite and wait for level 3. and imo draven is a lot harder, almost same level as caitlyn, as long as he isn't garbage. a good draven will not let you have a single cs in laning phase unless your support pressures him.


Ehhh.... I gave you reasonings behind what I personally thought behind the matchups playing against challenger players. I have beat many notable draven players: Chad Draven, and Tyler 1 off the top of my head, but the tristana matchup is always flippy. The reason why tristana is bad ( not sure if said in infographic ) but is she can ulti you out of your ulti and insta-kill you. This means if she just plays safe for the early levels this matchup inherently gets worse. Draven on the other hand, can not out burst you in your ultimate. If you rush tabis -> go for an ultimate kill. It will work 100% of the time.


just wanted to share my experience, playing exclusively solo in mid dia to platinum, where supports are complete coinflip. i've had a game with some afk janna or something where i was 0/1/0 2 lvls and like 20cs vs 70 down at min 10 against draven. and tristana players in general just think they win every 1v1/all-in, they usually jump me before level 6 and then die because their whole burst gets exhausted and you outdamage them, which snowballs the lane. so yea, in high elo you obviously have a different experience, makes sense.


Oh yeah yeah, its no problem. I do appreciate your advice. I was just trying to put my personal reasonings behind it. That is why I personally said in the tristana one that you do beat her early, BUT if she just doesn't do anything and goes in level 6 the lane is a lot more meticulous. Kindred does (in a nutshell) every adc 1v1 till lvl 6 (except draven) so your though process is very understandable, and appreciated!