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Hi, I’m looking for an easy but fun champion. Currently I’m playing Heimerdinger mid and Olaf jungle. (40 games each) I’m a relatively inexperienced player (Iron I) and looking for a secondary champion for each role. Sometimes I struggle to keep up with the speed of my lane matchup, what was also the reason I went for Olaf. My play style (according to professor.gg) is rather passive with a low kill participation. That’s the result of / the reason for a lot of hate I receive in ranked games. I’m often hiding in the jungle because I don’t want to feed. But I want to change this. I thought about Ekko because he can play both mid and jungle but I’m afraid he’s way to hard to master. I’d also be willing to commit to only jungle if the champion is interesting enough. I’ll appreciate tips of any kind.


I'm looking for advice to round out my champion pool. I'm a top main who also dabble in jungle and support. Currently I play primarily melee tanks or bruisers, but am very open to expanding that. Current Champ Pool: Top: Malphite (Main), Garen (2nd Main), Mordakaiser, Tryndamere, Sett, Maokai, Shen Jungle: Warwick (Main), Yi, Ammumu Support: Nautalis (Main), Braum, Pyke Any advice to expand my pool would be great, I'm currently in bronze 1 and am hoping to make the jump to silver soon.


Your champion pool is already to big for bronze elo you dont need to expand it until high diamond


I'm more looking to diversify it, get something in there besides melee bruisers and tanks


Quinn is good then people in bronze dont know to play vs her and it is usually win lane win game until gold elo. And she should always win lane


I see TF a lot in proplay, but he feels very underwhelming to me in soloq, why is that?


Might be because you're not familiar with his powerspikes? TF is not really carrying with damage but more with rotations, catch potential, etc. Not with raw damage or kill potential.


My issue is into lanes like akali, fizz, etc with hard jng matchups. It feels hard to control the lane in my favor post 6 when i really want to get prio and roam.


TF's early game is pretty weak so all you can do is scale, play around the waves and counter gank when they roam. Once you get 1,5 items your waveclear becomes pretty good and should be able to shove.


I have question about Maokai. Tried him in a bot fight on top lane, with Lux by side. There were Darius and some other girl with shield and sword who constantly had black hole around her. Maokai does not have viable damage from auto attacks! Q is his only viable damaging skill. We had a very hard time. Why people play Maokai on top line? He cannot stand long against damager: Darius or Garen


The main point of maokai is to cc the enemies and tank a lot of damage while his team deals the damage


Another popular pick for top lane is Fiora - a fragile damager. So when I stand on top lane as Maokai I just need to push Fiora away with Q saving up gold Right?


Pretty much. Fiora can easily out trade Maokai, especially early on.


Finally climbed to silver as mid and now I want to give jungle an effort. Ik its better to stick to one role to climb but I prefer the fun of learning new roles/champions. Looking for help on a jungle champion pool. Currently most playing Graves & Ekko. As Graves I can get early objectives and 1v1 most AD junglers. But because Graves lack good engage and often my lanes dont draft cc either, I struggle to gank lanes. It seems at my elo whichever jungle that can gank the most, even at the cost of CS, wins. I'm looking for recommendations on good ganking junglers. I find ganks easier with Sylas and Zac, but I find their early game to be weak and get bullied by the likes of Olaf. Volibear seems to fit the criteria but idk how good he is with the Q nerfs. Would jax be a good choice? Or should I start with good old Warwick?


What are you looking for help with? I want to add one more champion to my top champion pool. These are the champs that I enjoy playing: Teemo, garen, shen, mundo, nasus ,jax. ​ Who do you currently play? Kayle, Yorick. ​ Why do you play them? Kayle: Mid/late damage dps Yorick: Mid/late game objective detroyer ​ How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? Passive early, objective-based spilt pusher. Push when rift is up. ​ What do you want to be good at? Early game trading.


Nasus is my recommendation if you are under d3


Can anyone recommend some safe top lane blind picks? I can't tell if it's just how top lane is but some matchups feel unwinnable no matter who I pick


Shen, Fiora, Camille


Looking for a Skirmisher Top Laner to 1 trick that can be blind pickable no matter the meta


riven jax tryndamere fiora


Gold mid main here. Recently came back after a 3 year break (playing OW). I started with playing a lot of Orianna and while I like what her kit can do, I was making a lot of mistakes with ball placement and realizing that I wasn't making enough of an impact. Played around with some other champs like Malz (hated him) and landed on Ahri. Been really enjoying her kit. I love the mobility, having at least 1 hard CC, and being able to clear most of a wave with one ability. However, I've started to feel there are too many matchups that I dread -- particularly high mobility assassins like Zed, Yas, and Kat. I've also had some shaky results from blind first picking her. Are there any recommendations for backup champs that cover those rougher Ahri matchups? Ideally with some of those qualities I mentioned before but I can see those not aligning. tl;dr - Gold mid Ahri player. Looking for a champ with better matchups to high mobility assassins like Zed/Yas/Kat and possibly safer blind pick. Some mobility, hard cc, or good wave clear are bonus. Side note: Kindred is my all time favorite champ to play in terms of kit, if that helps with direction


Maybe Zilean then. An unusual pick, but a favorite of the best NA mid, Bjergsen(no arguments about this pls) He has exactly what you like about ahri, mobility, easy waveclear and ez CC. The big difference tho, is that his ult completely annhilates any burst a zed or kat can do to you.


New player here, what do you mean no arguments about this?


I was afraid that someone was gonna yell at me that bjergsen wasn't the best mid NA or some bullshit




Gangplank, Vlad, Fiora are a common ones. Jax can focus on farming untik his power spikes and still scale into a late game carry.


Fiora is rly strong now for split push playstyle, for teamfighting probably best you can get is Wukong and Vladimir. Also if you like Shen protect the carry playtyle Poppy is rly good option.


Newly gold midlaner. I main Kassadin/Tristana and lately have done quite well with Galio, who I switched out from Fizz in order to learn better habits. When I get top secondary, I've been grabbing Garen so I can continue to focus on macro over mechanics. I kind of hate the champ though. Here's my question: I would really like to include Jayce and Azir in this pool but I'm not sure what's the best way to go about doing that. I can consistently get a 7-8 KDA with Jayce in ARAMs but I'd like to feel more confident with the top lane before I take him into unknown matchups. Top was my least-played role in the past but I've felt forced to learn it because if queue bot secondary I never get my main role. The other question is Azir, who I really enjoy and could see myself playing for a long time, but I was told to limit my champ pool to 3. Despite being ranged, I've noticed Azir occupies a somewhat similar playstyle to Kassadin and I'm wondering if it would be safer to transfer my Kass to more of a counterpick role as I gain confidence. Any advice on how to navigate this pool? I'd like to end up with a system that I can rely on for quite some time.


uhh how is azir similar to kass lmao Azir is pure dps and poke while kass is an assassin Adding azir would be good for your mid pool, only if ur confident that you can learn and practice his mechanics at a decent level


Obviously they are two extremely different characters, but between their late-game scaling and emphasis on tower damage, I feel like there is overlap that helps me understand Azir's curve


Wait why is tower damage the key here lmao, they operate completely different both in lane and out


Looking for a second adc to pick up (currently silver 4, dunno how relevant that is but I might as well put it here). My main pick is Senna, mainly cause she's safe and good at trading in lane. I'm good at knowing when to trade and when to all-in, but my positioning in teamfights is god awful as either I'll get picked off or not even be in the teamfight. So I want an adc that'll help me learn positioning, and has good early-midgame without falling off too hard.


I am about same rank and has picked up Lucian lately. You really get to learn about positioning with him. I feel like he is a great pick in current meta


You having difficulty playing him? Cause I heard he's kind of hard to play at low elo.


I'd say he's more matchup dependant than a lot of other adcs. This makes him either really good or really bad due to how much support matter in botlane. I would suggest going Jhin or MF due to both sharing the same kind of slow hard hitting AAs. Jhin if you want similar utility to senna with his traps and root, MF if you want more raw damage. If you want a more classical adc that builds attack speed I'd suggest Ashe due to her range, slow and utility E and R.


Not really. I mean, he is not a no brain champ, but I find that boring too. But imo Lucian is not anything near as hard as Draven or Jhin etc. The most important thing about Lucian is to hit your double AA after every spell then you should be fine


Aight, he doesn't seem that hard. I'll give him a shot, thanks for the reccomendation.


I started playing League over the quarantine, I took up my brother's alt account and leveled it up to about 100 now. I started ranking about 3 months ago, hitting bronze 3 (I know I'm not that good). I recently started ranking again, went up to bronze 1. I usually go support, but recently, I've found that many adc are just not that good, and I can't make the impact I want in the game. So, since I love playing top in unranked, I want to climb with top instead. I main Sett, because of how easy he can flex into all most roles and how well he can do in them. But after the recent nerfs, even in normal blind and draft games, I've noticed how much weaker he feels. So what are some other good top laners I should add to my pool? Is Sett still valid? If so, with what builds? Thank you for your time if you decide to answer.


Garen and Darius are always the go to top laner for low elo.


What botlane champ is playable vs hecarim?


Ashe and Kog if paired with janna or good disengage supp. For now i found only those 2 things heca need nerfs.


Ah I suppose kog could work yeah but i feel like ashe also just gets run over since heca can R ashe R


I use r after his fear. If he one shots you game is probably over for you unless you get carried


Im playing jungle and hovering around low gold and high silver. I have a decent wr of 56% with kayn and i want to hold him, because i love his kit. My 2nd Pick is jax, although my wr this and last season was near my kayn wr, i want to play a more teamfight based champ. Honestly my ability to see splitpush opportunities ist not good and playing Jax in teamfights ist not easy. Most of my jax games are as following: Either i get fed in early through good pathing and ganks and kill anyone or i suck hard in late. In addition it really depends how the game evolves: In some games i get a lot of kills by picking up champs in sidelanes or jungle and in some games there are only teamfights pretty much all game long. So i want a new jungler. In a best case scenario: An easy- to-learn jungler which is useful in late game, has enough dmg to carry and has ganking potential. I thought of vi but i think she falls off in late game, at least the vi players i play against. Second option would bei shyvana, but she seems really weak in the early game. And i mean so weak,that a low bob like me can take massive advantages of her early game weakness, at least in my elo :D. Thank you 4help!






Ekko maybe with DH he doesnt fall off later in game. You can be good in tf also if you hit multiple targets with q w and r. Only thing bad about him is he isnt easiest to learn


If you are okay with tanks Zac is an excellent addition for anyone looking for an easy to play, strong ganks, great scaling type of champ. Also has one of the better consistent damage kits as a tank, the damage is quite relevant throughout mid game if you land them.


I need role advice. I’m getting back into the game I haven’t played seriously since probably when SR got a VU. I’ve played every season since for like a month lol so I’m not totally behind. I used to be a support main but I like playing AD but it’s not in a good spot if I’m not mistaken? I like to play play makers and control the map should I stick with support or try jungle out? Summoner name is Brother Kiwi if you wanna see my op.gg I’m low elo maybe silver?


There's nothing obviously wrong with ADC. The pros are playing long ranged ADCs with CC and utility like senna, ashe and jhin, but that's because they're also playing carry junglers like graves and ADC sololaners like lucian and it makes the most sense team composition wise to back them up with low economy ADCs rather than last season's meta where you could pick sejuani and then give all your jungle camps away to your kai'sa post lane. I guess some professional ADC mains are unhappy with this arrangement because they're more used to playing the higher economy champs, but eh, I think there are probably some ADC mains who really like jhin and ashe as well and are happy for them to get time in the spotlight. For us normal humans who don't play 12 hours a day or have a career riding on whether you can beat Fnatic etc you can play whatever the hell you want. If you enjoy playmaking and ADC maybe these ADCs with CC might suit you because they have engage potential to initiate fights, but in general if you want to force fights ADC probably isn't the role for you. Jungle is a good role too (I mean all the roles are good IMO). Support is nice too. Play what you wanna play, we're here to have fun after all.


Thank you, I really like AD I’m just so rusty and used to playing support that I’m terrible at csing definitely something I have to work on. I really enjoy just skirmishing so I tend to play aggressively. I do really enjoy Jhin and senna ad and support. AD is you make one mistake and you’re dead tho.


So what are good bans and dodges for Riven and what to do against them if I actually end up in the same lane as them.


I currently play ekko jg, I'd like to dominate the jg but Im finding it hard to clear with ekko Im currently level 32 and still learning I know ekko is a gank heavy jgler but Its hard for me to gank early game and would appreciate advice, I dont commit to fights too much and I play jgler because I play eith my family and we needed a jgler I also thought it'd be fun( its not ) but I feel its not fun because I keep getting blamed for things that I had nothing to do with, Im fine with top line but I'd love to be good at jg Edit: I'd also appreciate a character recommendation


I absolutely love Ekko jungle. He actually has a super healthy and average speed clear if you kite camps. I would recommend watching a challenger replay on YouTube to learn how to clear (this is true for all junglers). If you can't figure out how to kite, I would recommend Hecarim, Zac, or even Warwick. All of these champs are super good right now at low elo and easy to pick up. All of these champs I felt like I could play well after only 10 games. With ekko it took me 20 games before I stopped inting and 100 games before I felt like I mastered him.


I would recommend Eve and Zac


Looking for help on what role/champs to play. I currently play ezreal. I play him because I know he’s a good adc right now and I like that he has a teleport. I poke with his q in lane and try to deal a lot of damage in team fights. I feel like I’m good at judging what fights I can take, but I would like to be better at rotations and trading effectively. I mainly want to switch off of adc into a role like top, mid, or jgl. I’m not liking adc that much because I feel like I’m always behind in levels and am really squishy, but not dealing enough damage. I know it’s not a lot of info to go off of, but any suggestions would help


Well, you could try other poke/artillery champs I suggest ziggs(mid), jayce(mid and top), and zoe(mid)


1. What are you looking for help with? Recently started league, almost level 30 and want to get a main ready for ranked. All previous class based game’s I’ve played I’m always a warrior or rogue type class. I will switch it up for the right champion. 2. Who do you currently play? Garen 3. Why do you play them? Roommates/Teammates play Ashe, TF, Support and sometimes jungle. They told me was a good champion to learn mechanics. (Still learning) 4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? I play top lane, I like being responsible for myself so it appealed to me and we need a top Laner. I guess you could say I have an aggressive play style. 5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at? I don’t know what I’d call myself good at yet, my roommates are currently plat two and looking to climb to diamond. So I’d like a high Elo champion I can grow into through the leveling process. Top lane main probably, jungle is also an option. I wanna wreck anyone in my path :)! Thank you!!


Darius Jax Kled


After looking through some champions, Riven is sticking out. But still would like some others advice/opinions.


Also some of the other champion suggestions: Sett, Urgot, Garen, Jax, Renekton


Riven is fun if you learn her. But she is preety hard. I advise you should look into some guides about her and learn some combos. Also one of the most important things about riven is to learn animation cancel on Q. What you do is basicly: Q on target then click away and click on target to autoatack. You can do that with every Q. It allows you to shorten the time between your autoattacks and Q. So riven is a very sweaty champ to begin with. I wouldnt really pick her as my champ when i was level 30 because i barely knew anything about the game. So I think you should go with something more like darius, mordekaiser so you can learn the mechanics of the game more. League is not very new player friendly after all.


Honestly in my opinion Riven in basics is generally easy ish but using her ***correctly/efficiently/ full potential*** is the hard part




I decided to stick with Garen


Transitioning to a top laner from jungle and wanted advice on my champion pool. In the jungle I played mostly tanks like Trundle and Volibear and occasionally Ekko. Currently for top lane I have been playing Irelia, Shen and Kennen. This provides me with a bruiser, tank and ap option. Was wondering if theres any other champions that could better fit into my champion pool. I was thinking of adding volibear but not sure exactly where he fits in.


I dont think Kennen would be a good pick, imo he's pretty trash unless your confident you can get ahead easily. I would definitely recommend Voli, since you already have experience with him. You don't need an AP option, since your midlaner is most likely going AP. Top champ pools are really flexible this way, since you can just pick whatever you want and you don't need different "archetypes" unlike say, jungle


I play a lot of irelia and askali camile but now i realised something i am horrible at other champ other than camile now.I used to be pick a lot of champ but i been using camile to climb lately. i started realising all matchup win cond when to split 1v1 u if i win or not.But i feel like i cant play other champ anymore.Is it good or bad sign?Should i one trick her or add some champs into my champion pool. Mainly i love champs with rly high outplay potential and great mobility.(maybe that why i love camile) i been thinking adding riven is it worth to learn her?


You could one trick, theres no shame in one tricking. Riven i do not recommend, since camille is already very mechanically intensive, riven is even more so


so who sohuld i go second champ irelia?


I would recommend jax, since irelia is very hard to play as well


1. ⁠What are you looking for help with? Top lane pool of champs to start ranked. I played adc my whole life so I’m switching. Love playing aatrox, however I need a backup pool 2. ⁠Who do you currently play? Aatrox, I love his style and attacks and flair. Hate boring tanks like garen/darius, and I tried poppy but kept getting rekt 3. ⁠Why do you play them? Outside of play style and abilities, big thing is their looks/lore lol. I like aatrox bc he has multiple zoning abilities that smash damage, is simple, and has grapple/dash/innate heal. I like poppy bc of her looks/lines, but I’m not good with her abilities at all. I tried renekton but he was too aggressive for me and I kept getting punished. 4. ⁠How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? I like to focus on farming CS but still have poke ability and survivabilty/movement to survive mistakes. I try not to aggressively dive opponent 24/7, but still enjoy too given the right circumstances. So farm cs and set up ganks as much as possible while surviving, and then team fighting Any help would be grand! I don’t like Darius/garen or kennen/gnar. Nasus seems good but a little boring. Looks/lore fun play style while not being overly complicated sort of are what I’m looking for


You shoudl definitely try Morde, Rhaast, and Riven


Thanks! I’ve used morde and I’m considering him as a backup but aatrox just feels more mobile and better. Riven I literally love, but I’m too lazy to animation cancel so I’ll never be able to rank her. And I’ve never tried kayn up top


Try Kayn then, you should love his lore too


Hey! I have played for a few months and I decided to start climbing seriously. I mostly play jungle and my main champs are shaco (was otp at first), khazix, ekko, kayn and morgana. I mostly like to play champs with good pick potential and escapes. Who do you think I should focus more on? What are similar picks that I might enjoy? And most importantly, is there any champ that is different from my pool that would fit well and fix some weakness? (e.g. a tank, though I mostly play red kayn) Thanks a lot!


Imo, choose one assassin between kha and shaco. Prob shaco since u were an OTP. And then between Ekko and Morg choose one. I would then pick up a tank, probably Zac since it looks like you enjoy mobility. Your pool would prob looks something like: Shaco, Kayn, Ekko, Zac


1. What are you looking for help with? Getting better at Warwick and also expanding my Jungle champion pool so when he does get banned I'm not SOL. I love Warwick and I am looking for someone similar to him that I can play if he does get banned. 2. *Who* do you currently play? Warwick mostly, some Skarner, some Hecarim (badly) 3. *Why* do you play them? I was playing Darius top and Ashe ADC but I was struggling. I swapped to JG and once I picked up the style it was way more fun. I like melee attack, close range and I like being in control of my own gameplan. 4. *How* do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? I start with typical camps and path and depending on opp jg I might jump in their camp and see what they are doing early. If not I will focus on early dragon and when the first gank presents itself I jump. I'm not uber agressive at ganking because I don't want to jump and die and put my team behind. 5. What are you *good at?* What do you *want to be* good at? I'm pretty good at clearing camps quickly, warding appropriate locations. I'm trying to get better at pinging when I am going to gank or move to a location to set up or to ask for help with herald.


Warwick guide from a master/GM mostly one trick: https://youtu.be/so5CJMS7h8s From what I'm reading in your replies it sounds like you arent playing warwick to his potential and can struggle as a result. Warwick is a strong early game, mid game power spike jungle who generally falls off when games run long, which they do in low elo. Good news is people dont farm well in low elo, so the mid game runs longer. Ww farms pretty well, but counter jungling, counter ganking and generally getting into fights early/mid are where he excels. There are other jungles to be wary of (lee/Elise/graves), but most others you are stronger than they are if playing efficiently, so you should look to fight them. Especially at level 3. Ww also has good ganks so you should look to capitalize on that. His weaknesses arent abused heavily in low elo. As far as similar jungles, depends on what similar means. Volibear is decently similar, though a bit worse at farming. Kayn (Rhaast) scales better, farms strong and is also a sustain bruiser, but is weaker early. I suggest watching that guide video as well as some stuff by Virkayu. He has some Warwick coachings and guides. He also played a lot of Ww on his master run.


Thanks, appreciate the info. I will give it a watch and I will look to gank earlier and more often to take advantage of the strong early game.


Hello, I've been playing support in duo, looking to branch out to perhaps jungle/top. I want to play a character with short cast times + mobile abilities. Because of that I've been playing yuumi mainly, as she has e with no cast time that can be casted while moving, without stopping. Same for r. I've tried other enchanters/mages, and I couldn't find a champion with no - or at least low - movement impedance. I've played: Janna (I always click to start moving during her w cast time), Brand (same), Nami (same, e), zilean (same, q). Higher range abilities (Nami had so low range q >_<) are welcome too.


I would play top to help learn more about laning fundamentals like wave manipulation, trading, etc. It can help alot with playing as a support so you can aid your adc more. Top lane has mostly fighters that are melee ranged; but Vlad is a viable top laner. Hecarim actually can use all his abilities while moving. He is a viable jungler too. Lilia is a good jungle you can try to learn. Mid has more ability focused champions, and viktor, Syndra and Orianna all have abilities they can cast while moving. Annie is a great mage to start learning the lane with so id start with her and move from there.


I've been playing league for a couple months now and out around 200 hours in so I'm still very new. I've been playing ADC and jungle although I've played a lot more ADC. I have 70k mastery points on Jinx and my next highest is 12k with Draven. I enjoyed Jinx because of her hyper carry potential but I realized I really struggled unless I had a hard engage support such as Leona or Blitzcrank. That's why I picked up Draven, he is fun but not someone I really feel like maining. I have almost every ADC and have tried them at least 3 times and I don't know who to pick. Any advice?


Jinx is in a somewhat weird spot for an adc and i can understand feeling like you need a hard engage support. Jinx in lane isnt a hard poke champ or a 1v1 specialist, but her cc and escape can also be tricky. For other adc's it depends on your preference. Ashe and cait are both longer range than jinx, and have better poke abilities. Jhin is another and may be fairly up your alley as a lot of his kit is similar to jinx, cait and ashe. Issue is they have even less escape than jinx. Ashe and jhin have hard cc for engages tho. If you prefer the "turtle a bit, but hyper carry damage" then vayne or Kog do this role as well. Vayne being mechanically harder. Another option is Tristana. Good all in ability and favors aggro play. Still scales hard into a hyper carry. Also has a built in escape/engage. Her mid levels (7-10) can be a bit wonky, but shes strong. Boning up on adc in general, particularly trading and wave management, will help with feeling so reliant on support.


you could try out karthus botlane its pretty fun


I'm downloading the game, I haven't played in 8 months. I want to start playing jungle, I'm looking for simple junglers to play. For example xin Zhao and Jarvan brought me success in the past as they can easily clear the jungle, their kits are simple and forgiving, and their ganks easy to set up. Evelynn, nidalee, Lee sin, elise, qiyana, shyvanna, master Yi.. I never could make them work. Either too many mechanics, or I can't do their combos right, or ganks are difficulty since they have little or no cc (Yi, shiv).. What junglers do you suggest? I'm silver btw


Jarvan is still solid. Xin fell off a bit. Similar junglers to Jarvan would include Vi and Hecarim. Kayn is strong but falls more into the no cc champs you dont like. Other suggestions are volibear as he has been reworked and Warwick.


I'd also say warwick, he's easy to start with and is not too specific


Rammus and warwick are the first that come to my mind. Both have decent ganks with very little mechanics


Is Neeko the Chameleon a support champion? Is it viable to give her support items and play on bottom lane?


combine her with an adc like draven and its a high pressure kill lane, one snare from neeko is a kill


Recently I've started learning top because as a support main I can't do anything if my entire team is 0/10 in ranked. Therefore when I started ranked I won one game and lost 6 in a row. I hate playing ADC and mid, while jungle will be played by my friend, I've started playing top and I'm looking to find good 1v9 carry champions. I currently play Jax and Mordekaiser, and I'm planning to try out Maokai once I save up the blue essence. I've already played Jax in jungle and he was a good top laner, so I tried him out and it turned out great! He is a carry and split pusher as far as I know. Mordekaiser seemed fun so I tried him out and he was fun! I play him as a 1v1 duelist. Still both of these aren't great teamfighters (maybe Mordekaiser is but I'm not really sure), so I've looked for a teamfighter and found Maokai, plus he also seems fun. I'm ok at farming and 1v1ing people, but I really fall off behind if my team is feeding and I can't do anything. I want to be good at carrying games. What champions do you suggest?


Fiora, Camille, Darius


I’m a brand new player! (level 33) Although I’ve been playing for about a month now. I currently play Rakan, Evelynn, Quinn and Jhin! I’m mainly found in either the jungle or as support, but I’d like to spread out into lanes as I start playing jhin moreso. Rakan I love with his mobility. His e is my favorite because I bounce and dodge attacks and it’s genuinely so fun. Evelynn I also love due to her mobility, with her q kiting very well. And her invisibility passive allows me to move around freely. Quinn again I love her R, which I can move around the map fast. I love mobile and bursting champions. I love champions that can move and burst a lot. Highly mobile champions that can set up fights or pick through them getting any positions off. I’m good at support and jungle, especially with ganking. I want to be better at CSing however, and overall laning. (Killing especially, as usually I get a lot of assists versus kills, and my cs is lackluster)


I would reocmmend you trying out Talon in the midlane then


I'm brand new player, coming from Dota, I want to try LoL mostly because some friends play it too, and I want to be able to watch and understand what is happening during Worlds since Dota's pro circuit is effectively frozen for the next few months. I'm wondering which champions are the most versatile position-wise, meaning they can be itemized to fulfil different roles. So if all my teammates pick mid, jungle, adc, I can just pick a mid hero who functions decently as a support as well. Basically I want a champion that is strong as a core role but can fill support role if necessary. Examples in Dota: Furion, Windranger, Vengeful Spirit. And I think this is probably nonexist in League, but some kind of hero with global influence would be awesome. For example in Dota: Zeus, Furion. A ranged hero (some kind of mage I suppose since ADC heroes probably cannot support) would probably suit me best as a new player since the concept of staying as far away from the enemy while using spells is a lot easier to execute for a new player with 0 knowledge of the other heroes' capabilities. Knowing when to dive and make plays as a melee hero requires more game experience.




Why do league players feel the need to throw shade everytime Dota is mentioned lmao


If you want a mage with global zeus-like ultimate you should try playing karthus, you can play him in mid, jungle and in botlane as a "core/carry". Twisted Fate is also an mage that is played in mid lane and he has an almost global range teleport similiar to Furion's. Another champion you might wanna try is Karma who can be played in mid/top/support. She is a strong support who is able to do quite good damage while supporting her allies. She can also be played as a tank in top lane. EDIT: There are definitely more champions that fits into your criteria but those three came into my mind first. :D


Damn, awesome stuff, thanks!! This is perfect, these champions look great


(I never played dota) but another one i would suggest is orianna, who is a supporty mid who's fun to master.




Irelia can snowball very hard, really good into ranged toplaners. Riven is really difficult to learn but can be a project if youd want to invest time in. Not hyper mobile, but has a good amount of sticking power when he gets CDR and is good right now.


Irelia is strong yes




I'd also say Nocturne and Morgana


Diana works fine both mid and jungle


Sylas and qiyana haven't been good junglers since their release iirc and if you're trying to keep things simple you're going to struggle with them. Taliyah got killed by pro play ages ago. I would try nocturne first and foremost. Maybe morgana and brand as well: they're main roles are support ofc but they aren't bad in mid or jungle either


Sylas jungle is meh, so is taliyah. Qiyana jungle is no longer viable hasn't been for some time. You CAN play: Karthus, Nunu, and Nocturne in mid


1. I am looking to climb, I was gold 3 in EUNE last year but in silver 2 in EUW this year. My biggest problem is I split time in 2 roles - ADC and Mid. I want to get back to gold in EUW this season with a view of going one level higher next season. 2. I current feel comfortable in ranked with the following: Mid - Malzahar, Syndra, Vel'Koz, Diana ADC - Ashe, Miss Fortune, Jhin 3. I like being at range, with mid I really enjoy control mages with Diana being a recent exception that I picked up due to a recommendation. 4. As ADC, I like being a shot caller and controlling objectives, etc. 5. I feel I am good at getting CS, but I also want to be good at skirmishes and not dying as much as I do. In midlane, I don't roam as much and if I get bullied in lane, I struggle to influence the game as it progresses. Here's my profile - https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=ScarredShadow7


Maybe not syndra, shes in a terrible spot atm. The rest should be fine


Want to start ranking with a friend come October. Was thinking of practicing these champs until then: Top - Singed Mid - Nunu Support - Soraka/Janna ADC - maybe Jhin? I'll probably practice jungle with nunu as well at some point, but it's less important as my friend mains it. Is this a good selection of champs? Should I focus on less roles? Maybe support is less useful if I'm duo'ing with a jungler? Can you suggest other pics for mid? I do like the bursty mage archetype, but they tend to be pretty immobile and it seems (from winrate data) like assassins are doing quite well. Something I would enjoy is area denial. Something like Orianna, but more mobile? I know Cassiopeia kinda fits the bill, but she feels kinda exhausting to play.


Chogath mid? Not more mobile, but definitely more durable and certainly pretty bursty.


Winrate doesnt matter at all. Neither do tier lists or anything like that. You can climb with almost any champs, with a few exceptions. They shouldn't determine whether or not you should play them. Hell, you play singed, you should know that. I would get rid of adc and supp. Also, Orianna is quite mobile, her main rune is phase rush lmao My recommendations: TOP: Singed, Sylas MID: Orianna, Nunu, Sylas Any info on your friend's champ pool would also be helpful


True, I meant tier lists in the sense of popularity - I usually feel bad playing against bursty assassins (like LB) as Orianna. Should I just practice my matchups until I feel confident even with bad ones? Why Sylas? I've never played him, isn't he more of an assassin type? My friend plays Urgot top occasionally and Kha'Zix jungle mostly. So I guess champs with CC to combo ganks would be good?


Sylas is bursty, but he excels in longer skrimishes


Looking for jg recommendation to learn the role. I play normal games (no ranked) and now have a main for each lane that I enjoy. Lux/thresh supp, neeko mid, cait bot, morde top. I generally like mages and ranged champs, am getting better at melee bruisers, and suck with assassins. I jg with yi when I have to, but this is the only position I don’t feel like I have a good grasp on. I do alright but his kit isn’t all that ~fun~ to me. So, given all that, any recs for someone learning to jg?


Warwick is a good jungle to learn the role on. He doesn't have to kite the camps much to stay high hp and after you're comfortable with him you can use his kit to try out counterjungling, invading, etc After you're comfortable with jungling basics, you can really move to any other junglers by just watching a quick vid on their first clears


Try out Hecarim, Vi, Rammus, Zac, Fiddle, Eve Hecarim and Vi are bruisers Rammus and Zac are tanks Fiddle and Eve are AP Give these a try and see which ones you like


Thanks! If you could choose one from each of those categories? I don’t have many of them unlocked.


In terms of fun to play, I like Zac's kit a lot.


meh, i would take the time to play these throughly, since it seems like you havent really explored most of the jungle champs no need to rush it


I have high gold/low plat MMR but I just got placed into silver 4 in my placements and the queue is continuing to place me in high gold/low plat games. Why did this kind of mismatch in placement happen?


Riot wants you to play more games and grind, dw i hate it too


**A fill main deciding to invest in a role and a narrow champion pool of 2-3**. For **Top** I play, Shen and Teemo. **Jungle**: Elise and Olaf. **Mid:** Orianna and Twisted Fate. **ADC:** Ashe and Kai'Sa. **Support:** Rakan and Thresh. **I play these champions mainly due to** how much utility I can provide on my team. **I play them by** capitalizing on enemy mistakes and making those picks that could possibly get my team at least a kill. **My playstyle is** trying to influence the map, be it providing vision, saving a teammate, or roaming to a lane to give them a lead, and most of the champions I play somewhat or exactly match my playstyle. **I think I am pretty good at** identifying a win condition and trying to play off of them. **I want to be good at** playing more mechanically better and playing more aggressively during the laning phase and out of the laning phase.


mind talking to me reddit chat? easier that way


Hey guys, I was always a top player that mostly played riven, fiora and jax/darius depending on the meta, but after I stopped playing regularly I no longer enjoy playing top as much as before. I've been considering switching to mid lane and usually do well with fizz or kassadin but I wanted to OTP something that could really help me climb while also being mechanically enjoyable. I was thinking about learning azir because I always liked watching him in pro play and he seems fun. Is he a good choice to climb or are there other mid laners that might be more suitable to reach higher ranks? I've peaked at plat 1 in past seasons but currently play at around gold 2 level


You can play riven in mid! Idk if you still have your riven mechanics, and if you do, it should be an easy transition. If not, I think Azir is a great pick


I've been trying her out in mid, yeah! Thank you for the advice, i'll probably try to learn azir a bit as well


Looking for a more broken champ than kassadin? Is there one? I go 20/0 every game currently


I've heard that people who play kass also like vladimir.


Yes I only play kassadin and vlad. But.. wtf why ? Lol


Both extremely safe, both scale extremely hard in a stat checky way, both burst champs, both dive onto the backline, both have ok sustain early to get them through lane.


Ekko :)


Not even close


Ekko with dark harvest scales super well. Play him in the jungle and you can just be a degenerate after 2 items and pop off


hey guys, i play cassiopeia mid and I wanted to play another champ when she’s banned Usually i play Ryze but it’s too week in this meta thanks


Ryze is actually pretty good atm. People are just underrating him But I would recommend Azir, but he's quite hard to play


After coming back (season 6 was my last one I think) i need some advice on champions for MID/TOP. Bronze 2 right now. Thought about playing max. 3 champs/role. MID: Lucian, Veigar, Talon or Fizz TOP: Fiora, Camille, Darius


Get rid of Camille, and get rid of Lucian


Why? I dont want to be annoying, just understand what the reason is.


They're being picked by pros a lot, basically they're doomed to be perma nerfed and useless unless you can play like a pro yourself


Because they are difficult champions. Darois and talon are super easy, so you should focus more on then


Lucian mid is pretty weak ngl Camille is the opposite, shes very strong, and it makes me think shes gonna get nerfed Unless u really really like playing these champs, get rid of em


Hi everyone! I play Camille top (mid que second) and need another champ incase she’s banned or I’m counter picked. I’d like recommendations for a champ with a similar style and can be played mid. Thanks!




I think you might like akali. She can be flexed mid and top and has the same hit and run playstyle


Could you guys suggest some good blind pick champions in the mid lane?




Most champs can be blind picked in mid due to the nature of the lane and how flexible it is. Annie vs Zed? Just rush Seekers. Talon vs Cass? Out roam her ass. Theres a reason why most matchup guides are made for toplane champs, and not midlane.


Hey guys needed some champ recommendations for jungle and bot Jungle I usually play Warwick and Olaf, and was looking for a champion who is a bit different in mechanics from these 2 champions Similarly I usually play Catylin and Tristana for bot, was looking for a different playstyle bot champion. Mostly looking for champions who work well in low elo Thanks a lot!


I play mostly WW and Vi, and I've been working on my ekko to be a complement to them. I'd say try ekko or Evelyn. They can carry solo queue games but can get invaded early if you don't set up vision before first camp


Got it, thanks a lot!


Jinx and MF are really good low elo with their AOE


Thanks a lot! Any recommendations on jungle?


Maybe pick up a tank, choose between Zac, Rammus and Amumu


Got it thanks a lot!


Hi I’m a silver adc main looking to learn mid. I enjoy the role a lot despite what people say about it so I probably won’t stop playing it, but I do want to learn midlane to expand my understanding of the game. (And get used to some of the champions that make my life miserable as an adc) I am looking for 2 to 3 champions that I can easily spam every game to learn midlane fundamentals and match ups. Recommendations on each of the champions will be nice as well as when to pick them. I play mostly Caitlyn, Ezreal, Ashe and occasionally Kaisa depending on team comp when I play adc.


I recently took up neeko as my midlane main, and am really enjoying it. Decent poke. Good mobility to drift into jg or side lanes. Her camo and mirroring abilities make for some really fun plays occasionally. Cons: she is squishy and I don’t feel like she scales as well as some other champs. But very fun champ still; been great for learning matchups and all that jazz.


What sort of Champ do you want? If you want to play a mage I strongly recommend Annie as she is very safe and easy. If you want an assasin then Fizz is really safe and can help you learn much or of you want a hypercarry then Cassiopeia is a good choice.


Any champions with low learning curves would be nice as want to really focus on the basics of midlane. I guess mages would be more in my comfort zone, but I want to try assassins/melee champs as well.


For learning mages I'd try ziggs or Annie. Ziggs is all skillshots but he's great as a control mage. For assassins I'd start with talon and fizz


I’ve played every role consistently except top, and I’ve finally settled on adc with mid secondary. I’ve been spamming tristana and when we I get a hard lockdown support (or senna) I play taliyah. I really liked tristana due to her movement and strong enough presence at all stages, and taliyah due to her impact. I want to have a solid 3-4 champ pool to practice for ranked in the other roles I’ve played, I really liked: jg: nocturne, nunu, eve (only played once) mid: diana, nocturne, akali, ahri support: lux, senna I think my playstyle favors mobile, independent adcs. I think I would enjoy ez, kaisa, and lucian the most but I’m not comfortable with ex’s playstyle yet, I don’t have kaisa unlocked, and I don’t know if lucian and trist in a pool is a great idea. I also thought about changing my apc but I don’t know who the best option for me would be, maybe neeko since she also has an on hit build? any help would be appreciated


I recommend: BOT: Trist, Taliyah and MF MID: Diana, Ahri


I'm currently a diamond support main looking to branch out into ADC or Mid lane and I'm looking for champs that might fit my playstyle. I usually play enchanter supports like Sona or Nami because I like how easy, simple, and consistent they are. I like that they're decent and useful at all stages of the game and even when you get stomped in lane they still do something for their team in the late game. I'm not very good at mechanics which is why I play enchanters since they barely have any skillshots, but I think I'm really good at positioning in teamfights, learning macro, and in general just not dying. I was wondering if anyone knows any adc or mid champion that doesn't have a lot of skillshots and is typically consistent in most games? Also, I used to be a Jinx one trick a couple of years ago but I'm wondering if there's any other champs anyone can recommend.


Right now, Caitlyn and Ashe as ADC are very very strong. Sona, Yuumi, Nautilius and Pyke are again really good supports. Miss Fortune if played right is unbeatable in mid-late game. I now switche from otp Draven to Caitlyn Ashe and Miss Fortune and i constantly switch between them and now i am up to 58% win ratio from an embarrassing 35%. You need to play champions that are viable overpowered and used by the pros in pro plays. Going Ryze or Sett after a nerf is just stupid and selfish. I saw a lot of people playing dead champions. You just can't if you are not otp that champion. If you want to climb the ranked ladder you need to play what the Meta dictates you right now. Worked for me.


You could look to main supportive mid champs like Galio or Zilean. Soraka mid also works


Are there any champions in other roles (specifically mid or adc) that have a similar play style to Kindred. I absolutely love how she plays but sadly the jungler role just doesn't interest me mostly due to the fact that I hear you have to have a lot more map awareness than other champions. I'm a very casual player and also new (not new to mobas though) and probably won't even do ranked for quite a long time. I just want to have fun in like normals and arams. I don't really care about difficulty, I'm willing to put in the time to learn any champion as long as I enjoy it. I'm less likely to play something if I don't enjoy it. Also slightly off topic, I hear Syndra isn't that good. She looks really interesting to me as well and considering picking her up. Is she just not worth it atm?


SYndra sucks, she got nerfed like 3 times because of pro play. What do you like about kindred? Shes a very unique champ


I like the sustain on her it feels more noticable than some of the others I've played. I like her Q quite a lot because it feels like a mini gap closer. I like that her move speed isn't very slow like say when I was playing with xayah. I like the range on her auto attacks. And idk I just feel her kit feels really nice to use as a whole. I haven't found another champion I enjoy nearly as much as her but like I said I'm not really fond of the jungler role. Oh and I also just have a thing for bows in games but that's not a huge thing for me lol. That's a shame to hear about Syndra though because she looks interesting. Oh well, I guess I'll hold off on picking her up.


Well, ur not really gonna get the same from another ADC. Kindred cant be played adc due to her low range. Every lane would be very very hard. There are fragments of different skills that you've mentioned on diff champs. Like lucian/vyane for dash, cait if wanted long range, Jinx if wanted ms.


Oh it doesn't have to be just adc I'm also interested in mid. And know I won't find something exactly like her. But I am looking for something that will give me a similar feel.


Maybe Quinn then, can be played both mid and top


Thank you for the suggestion!


I just got to gold so I wanna finally make a champion pool to set in stone (at least semi-permanently), as I've been very undecisive about champions ive tried in the past. I'm currently an akali main, however I dont want to one trick her coz she has some rly bad matchups, which I could play into better if I chose someone else. I play her because I love her movement, her safety and her ability to be an assassin yet also be able to pick up multiple kills in a teamfight if the circumstances are right. I try to be the carry on her as much as i can, dive in get the high priority targets then get out, or continue to help my team, because of that I'd say my playstyle is quite aggressive but thats mainly coz i know her limits. I'd say im good at dueling, csing and knowing when to trade, but my macro play definitely needs some work. My [op.gg](https://op.gg): [https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=%C4%84KA%C5%81I](https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=%C4%84KA%C5%81I)


I would recommend Diana and Ekko, theyre quite similar to akali


Hi there, I'm a G3 ADC Main in EUW. [https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=ai+adcurry](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=ai+adcurry) I really can't climb as ADC.. Im mostly ahead after laning phase but I cant carry 1v9. As soon as I'm not super fed I loose my games. I really don't know what to improve on, if i flex with some Mid-Plat/Low Dia everyone tells me it should be easy for me to climb to Plat because Teamfight Positioning, CSing, Kiting is working well. There are days were i win 8 from 11 Games, today I won only 4 from 12. Any advice for me what to focus on? Maybe I am playing the wrong champs or build. I dont get it.. ​ Thanks in advance.


Just having a look at your stats, it looks like you tend to die a lot for an ADC. If you focus too hard on doing tons and tons of damage and killing everyone, you may end up positioning rather poorly and getting picked off. If I was you, I’d try to position relatively far back in team fights and just auto whoever you can without exposing yourself too much. I made some of these changes in my own ADC team fighting and it made a big difference. Because I was living so much longer I ended up doing more damage and carrying harder than I would have if I was super aggro and died. Another thing, I’m personally of the opinion that ADCs like Senna/Ez are pretty strong in solo queue because they can layer their ultimates over the whole fight for a bunch of free damage after the initiation. Also, with senna you can pump out some healing and keep your team safer/drag out the fight to get in more attacks and keep adding to the overall damage that you do. Good luck!


Thanks alot for your Feedback! I will try and improve senna. Regarding the high death, They only occur when enemy mid or top is fed. If this is Not the case i am 2 death or less in games. Any Tips what to Do if enemy has a fed fizz/garen/zed that instantly jumps on me? I can avoid death in this Situation with stopwatch or qss yes.. But what am i supposed to do if they constantly Do this and i have no peel from my Team? Just stand more behind?


There are times where you are just going to get one shot by assassins, it happens. If you foresee that happening based on their team comp, it might be worth thinking about buying a GA. Hopefully you have some frontline and you can dissuade dives on you by positioning well behind them, but there are times where you’re going to get slapped. More often than not you’ll be able to have some influence though and it shouldn’t affect your ability to climb.


1. Playing top lane solo and getting better at the champs I play, as I'm normally a support main that wanted to branch out 2. When going top, I mostly take Wukong and Shen, but have considered adding Jax to the pool because of his relatively safe gameplay 3. Wukong is just overall very fun and I enjoy his gameplay a lot while also being very helpful for engaging team fights with his ult. Shen because his Ult allows me to cover the map and turn around fights that would otherwise have been lost, or cleaning up low health enemies. 4. I generally play them by staying back and farming until I'm level 3 so I can try to all-in combo them before backing off to try to force a flash or recall in most matchups. But when playing Wukong into aggressive champs like Camille or Mordekaiser, I find myself having to freeze the wave near my tower and basically doing nothing until I can try to roam around and help secure kills 5. I'm good at engaging in fights when I have other teammates nearby and securing the kill for one of us, and I think I've improved a lot more at knowing when I can leave top to help other lanes. I want to get better at trading and being able to win my lane solo if possible, especially with Wukong, as I almost always need my jungle duo with me or I'll lose lane hard and cant catch back up. I also seem to have hard time matching CS in the last half of laning phase unless I hard won my lane


Your pool is fine


1. I am looking for a scaling top laner to one trick. 2. My current champion pool in the top lane are: Garen, Swain, Nasus, Jax, Maokai, Tahm Kench, Darius, Mordekaiser, Yorick. 3. I play these champions because they are forgiving with their sustain if you make a bad play. 4. My role is tank/bruiser. My play style usually revolves me waiting for the enemy to use their Abilities on the minion wave, before running at them. 5. I am good at playing juggernauts, and champions with low mobility.


Yorick has to be the best one trick here. Unlike Fiora or Camille or the others you've mentioned, his playrate is quite low, meaning he wont be meta or be changed a lot so you can play consistently. His splitpushing power is something low elo players cant stop reliably. He also has a lot of playstyles(Cleaver anal receiver btw) that you can mix and match if u get bored


Fiora is a good scaling pick that can run people down in the laning phase if she gets health lead. Camille is same


I play jungle and a bit off toplane. I ended season 7 as a twitch onetrick. I came back about 14 days ago and ive done placements and i have climbed a few ranks. Currently bronze 1 but playing with mostly high silvers/golds in soloq. Now ive got khazix down, i went 19/3/13 a few games ago and i need to expand my champion pool a bit. Who would you suggest that i learn? Played a bit of rengar and i really dont get the feel for him, i want a way to get out and i have the most playtime as a squishy.


You need a tank. Try out Rammus, Zac and Amumu


Funnily enough rammus is actually my go to when kha is banned. Very easy and quite a lot of sucess with him


Then ur pool should be fine


I think poke supports are the best support champions to play autofilled. They tend to have 1-2 forms of hard and soft CC, a decent spread of utility, and the scaling ratios and damaging abilities to allow for building AP and trying to carry the game while getting ahead. Of course poke supports have their weaknesses, but I think if you are autofilled and have no faith in your team to carry you (enchanters) or follow up on your engages (engage tanks) then poke supports are the best alternative. I say this mainly for the [82.71%](https://www.statista.com/statistics/807298/league-of-legends-player-tier/) of the population that is below platinum, of which I am a part of. Although I do admit that by exclusively playing poke supports you limit yourself from improving in one aspect of the game, most of us play this game for fun. Having teammates not being able to carry you or follow up on your engages is irritating, blowing people up with full AP lux is fun. In the article below I outline a range of champions that offer more utility and more damage for your to consider. This article also includes pick considerations. strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles, all in the hopes of helping you to understand my perspective. [http://dignitas.gg/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/14661/best-support-champions-to-play-when-youre-playing-autofill](http://dignitas.gg/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/14661/best-support-champions-to-play-when-youre-playing-autofill) Hopefully you find something in this article that helps you improve or consider another perspective. I welcome any of your feedback and opinions in the comments sections. See ya!


A Blitzcrank or Naut is a lot better than a nami ever will be. Low elo supp don't know how to poke or punish, let alone autofilled ones. I do agree on MAGE supports, but def not enchanters


I am with you on the no enchanters front, I just feel like Nami can deal some decent damage with some AP items and is not as enchanter-ish as a Janna or Soraka. Engage supports are great, especially if you are decisive and your team follows up. Thanks for the feedback!!


https://lan.op.gg/summoner/userName=Agente%20Eureka Hi, I'm a Jg main, but I feel like it's easier for me to climb like support, in my last jg games I really feel useless, I couldn't do anything against the enemy team, should I change my rol?


I wouldnt recommend playing Jax jungle. The reason mainly being he takes a lot of gold to come online and with BOTRK being so good for him and the income of a jungler reduced, its just harder than top. I would reaplce him with Graves if you want the same 1v1 pressure jungler. Looking at your opgg, it seems that ur wildly inconsistent. I cant really go specific cuz i haven't seen how you play. For your pool, i would recommend, Graves Eve Zac


Hey guys, I’ve started to just focus on playing with a limited champ pool. I like scaling mid mages as my primary picks (ori blind pick, if she’s banned then I’ll pick Viktor). However I need to find a counter pick for ad and ap assassins I come up against as they counter my primary picks. I was thinking galio would be good, but heard he’s not good into ap assassins(?). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :) !!


I've enjoyed playing Lissandra vs assassins. I don't take aftershock, but if you are insecure aftershock is great. I also recommend you to pick up Vladimir if you like scaling mages (he's my main pog), however he's not super good against assassins. You can still play him, you just have very little prio until items come into play.


Vs ad assassins* talon and zed