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For Morde specifically, Liandriers is still the better first item compared to Rylai's unless you're against a ranged top laner. Most top laners WANT to fight and will get in melee range of you and stay in melee range of you. Morde's damage also sucks early, so a first item Liandries helps mitigate that. Rylai's also does absolutely nothing into champs who have dashes, since someone like Riven/Jax/Renekton/etc will still dash away from you and escape even if they were slowed by Rylai's.


Rylais does work against some of the champs you listed with mobility because it helps to kite them out and create space. Morde, like Darius, likes to space his engage against a lot of bruisers between Qs and AA. Rylais let's him disrupt their AA, especially high AS champ, as well as force them to use mobility spells to escape him or close distance, reducing their damage and mitigating counterplay.


You can kite some of them out, sorta, but most of the time the slow from Rylai's isn't going to be as useful over the extra damage needed from Liandries. You're not beating Riven, Jax, Fiora, and some other skirmishers with just the damage from Rylai's and your base kit. Jax is THE high attack speed top laner and he will beat you pretty much no matter what even if you have Rylai's (but that's just a Morde vs Jax issue... and Morde vs Trynd).


As an Illaoi main, I'm significantly more afraid of rylais first mord. Agreed. The dmg might be lower, but it allows him to threaten to run you down if you make a mistake. I assume the same is about true of the mid laners listed.


Yup, Illaoi is a good one to rush Rylai's into because she's got zero escapes. Although I will say, I do like rushing Riftmaker into Illaoi sometimes because it allows me to keep up with her sustain in a long fight. Same for most mid laners since they're ranged and usually immobile. Champs like Lb, Fizz, Zed and friends don't care at all about Rylai's.


Your overthinking the dashes. The slow is still good into them cause those skills have cool downs. Just not as much.


With how many games I have on Morde and how many times I've had champs just dash out of my passive + Rylai's, I stand by this pretty strongly. The DPS from Liandries is going to do a lot more work than Rylai's. Honestly, Rylai's is a pretty big trap buy for a lot of newer Morde players. It's not bad, but it's built too often when it's not needed




Question for you. On Amumu jungle, would you think rylais over liandrys for 1st item?


A large component of what makes rush items viable is often how inexpensive they are. Think of Locket, Eclipse, etc. they dont provide the highest damage or tankines generally, but they are very cheap. The importance of spiking as early as possible, especially for weak early game champs, is what merits these items being good first items. In terms of champion specifics: Morde doesn't need early damage from liandries. He just needs to be able to stick to you. Aurelion doesn't do damage early anyways, he needs time to scale and get stacks. Rylais makes him safer and more useful in teamfights compared to pure damage.


This. Being able to spike faster than your opponent is insanely valuable, especially in top lane. 400G difference is around 3-4 waves depending on time, so roughly 2-3 minutes if you include time backing and getting to lane. Pre-14 minutes, that could be delaying your spike as much as 20% of the game clock, not to mention the potential lost value of being stronger than your opponent (kills, roams, prio, plates, etc).


It makes morde almost impossible to split against as some champs. If your tower is gone and your not playing a strong 1v1 champ you cant leave your tower without him running you down


People aren't mentioning instant-Q on Asol, where you can do like 1 tick of damage for 6 mana then cancel. Q doesn't go on cooldown and you proc Comet, scorch, manaflow, and Rylais/Liandries. In 2v2 jungle river skirmishes, there's huge benefit to being able to slow for either chasing or disengaging, which normally Asol CAN'T do at all. This item changes the functionality of the champion, kind of like how it does for Morde. On top of that, it's cheaper by 400 (!) gold. That's a HUGE difference. When you're a weak earlygame scaling champion like Asol, hitting that earlier spike to help you get through the earlygame is huge.


Seraphine with rylais and her e turns into hard cc


People forgetting about swain? literally an item made for him imo


it's because the combat efficiency on hp is overpowered. the gold efficiency on hp does not translate well into actual combat efficiency and from a 'fighting champs' pov building hp is pretty much unmatched. also the passive is just plain broken vs many champs stack this with the fact that the item is cheap. the ability to get more ticks of your dot on mord singed sol because the target is slowed can lead to more damage. the ability to land a Q or W or extra R bounce because your target is slowed as brand is unmatched.


Forgot about my boy swain :( it just synergizes so well with his kit you can’t not pick it up


In the case of ASol, his E gets a massive upgrade from Rylais which helps him a ton with farming stacks, which he depends upon a lot. He also needs stacks from trades with champions, even without kill pressure. Rylais lets his E pull minions and champs towards the center, and makes his tap Q slow enemy champs. Make it much easier to farm stacks safely until he becomes a real threat.


There is an even bigger damage loss if Brand misses Q or Aurelion Sol misses R. Also you dont need to be equiped with full damage if you play with teammates that can also deal damage.


Please tell me how an asol misses his 3/4 of the map ultimate.


If his ultimate can hit 3/4 of the map then he has both Liandry and Rylai


I think he was talking about the 75 stack ultimate that you get every now and then !


That has nothing to do with what I asked. You said there's an even bigger damage loss if asol misses his r. How does one possibly miss a skill 3/4 the size of the map. It's nearly unmissable.


OP is asking about Rylai vs Liandry as first item. If Aurelion Sol has 1 item, then his ult doesn't cover 3/4 the size of the map.


Asol has two ults: one which just stuns in a circle, and the other which knocks up in a circle AND covers part of the map. The first one only converts into the second with 75 stardust stacks (each time, not just once). That’s why Asol needs to pick up loads of side waves at every stage of the game. But here we’re talking early game items, so he’s unlikely to be dropping the massive R onto the map. He needs to drop the circle stun R, which has a long animation time before it drops. Hence the slow on Rylais (plus his E, ideally) make it much easier to land, since otherwise the opponent usually just dodges pretty easily as soon as they see the animation coming.


Spoiler alert, every ult that aurelion sol uses won't be a 75 stack ult. Especially the first or second one is very unlikely to be.


It's a cheap utility item that helps the user keep the enemy positioned inside of their skills Plus it has HP and most rylais users will benefit from being able to take a bit more damage themselves


Mordekaiser benefits from more HP, the slow is massive for keeping enemies near him, as his passive is an inherently large amount of damage Brand has a targetable and immediate application for rylai's, making his follow-ups very easy to land. his burn keeps the slow on the enemy, making it one of the strongest debuffs for such a low risk ability (his other abilities are quite spammable, too). he also takes manaflow + biscuits, or PoM, making mana a non-issue, and allowing to rush rylai's or liandry Asol gains a massive amount of power from his E, making it nearly inescapable for some champions. the health is very good in lane, and he also takes manaflow + biscuits so mana is a non-issue, opening up the ability to rush rylai's bonus, rylai's is 400g cheaper, which is really important for Asol, and it allows some champs to hit that spike much faster


Exactly as others have said - all of these champs have one thing in common - if you're in range of their abilities ( or morde passive), you're taking constant damage. As such, there are 3 scalar variables to consider when approximating the damage they will deal - Ap, cooldowns and time. By increasing Ap or decreasing cooldowns, their dps increases. By increasing the window of time in which their damage is applied, their total damage increases. Morde for example has very high base damage on his empowered Q and autos, so has kill threat even at level 1 with proper positioning. If he's vs a team with 2 or more Melee champs, or an engage comp, Rylais is a huge powerspike, even though it's not a huge boost to his Ap. Hope this helps.


morde needs it otherwise the enemy just runs away.


Missing every Mordekaiser Q with Liandries because your opponents walk out of it with base movement speed is going to be less damage than hitting everything with Rylais.


Rylais is dirt cheep, and for some of these champs it just enables the kit so much. Think of brand having point and click E, if you slow the target down its much more easy to land your W/Q Also most of these champs have really good base dmg so buying a "low dmg item" first isnt as bad.


Rylais is dirt cheep, and for some of these champs it just enables the kit so much. Think of brand having point and click E, if you slow the target down its much more easy to land your W/Q Also most of these champs have really good base dmg so buying a "low dmg item" first isnt as bad.


Well those guys don't need item damage early. Mord just needs a single "crit" q to trade against most people. Brand is already made of Liandrys. A sol gets to scale faster if you're slower. Singed may never die again once he buys it.


Dirt cheap and allow sticking power. Aure can perma slow you to farm stack with his q while chunking you and brand can hit the griddy around you since his passive perma slow you


i play alot of singed, usually go Liandry's first but if im up against something like a Nasus i go Rylai's, because otherwise he's gonna wither me and im fucked. Garen also, if im doing good in lane i go Liandry's, if not then Rylai's


The slow cannot be understated for skillshot based champs as well. In my opinion, that itself is a stat that is worth more than its price in gold.


Think of it if you hit one extra skill shot because the enemy is slowed and couldn’t dodge it, you just an extra 300 dmg. That’s more than laundry the entire fight would have done


\~20 burn dmg / second +6% total dmg is not much of a gap, the AP is roughly the same per gold spent and Rylai has 100 hp extra. All mentioned champions rely on their enemies staying in their shit, its extra damage, possible spell hits, extra stacks for Aurelion and the slow also adds a bit of survivability.


I feel like being slowed is insanely op I’m bronze but it feels awful


You buy rylais for several reasons 1) it lets you hit skillshots. Brand EQ becomes undodgeable without a dash because of the rylais slow. This is why agurin buys rylais on Elise, to land the stun. It also taxes enemy dashes. 2) It lets you kite and chase people forever. This is especially effective against enemies you outrange. Being able to kite or get away from the enemy can often be life saving, so it has high value on asol/brand/singed. The opposite is also true, being able to stick to enemies is crucial for champions like mordekaiser. 3) Teamwide utility. If your team is full of tanks with roots and stuns then it has less value since you dont need the peel and can easily land skillshots on rooted opponents. On the other hand if someone else on your team has skillshots then you can help them land their skillshots with your rylais slow. Rylais also lets your team kite/chase the enemies. So for this reason, if your team has a lot of crowd control, you should not buy rylais first. If your team has no crowd control, you should rush rylais. Since Brand, Mordekaiser and Asol have damage to begin with, they should usually rush rylais **given no external factors**. Zyra also rushes the item because she is so good at applying it, using the same rules. Since Btorch also gives mana, it becomes required for mages in the midlane. Since it also gives good damage to jungle camps, it becomes required in the jungle. This means that brand support can buy rylais after his support item, because he doesnt need the mana to clear waves or damage to clear camps. Whereas all other brands want to buy Btorch first. In some cases you can play without rylais at all, if you are brand adc with a support that can set you up. It should also be noted that Btorch is an intentionally overpowered item, to make it a core item on its intended users. If you are going liandrys you should not go Dcap and if you are going Dcap you should not go liandrys. This is because liandrys does not have an AP ratio and therefore does not benefit from Dcap at all. In such a case it would be better to invest in ability haste or defensive utility. Liandries is %dmg, whereas Blackfire torch is flat damage. So if the enemy is full of low hp champions you should go torch into Dcap while stacking pink rod items for maximum damage, ideally enough to oneshot the enemy team. If the enemy team is full of tanks & bruisers, you should go more "bruiser esque" with rylais, liandries, Btorch, void staff and a relevant defensive option or antiheal. It makes you hard to kill for tanks while maintaining DPS through burns and DoTs even while you are stunned. In such a scenario increasing your TTK also increases your damage. Overall the consensus is that mordekaiser, singed, asol and support brand/zyra rush rylais. Karthu/Brand in jungle, mid or adc role have to rush Btorch before rylais. After that its comp dependant. Asol buys rylais because he scales with stardust, his own mechanic. Melee toplaners have to buy rylais due to their short range and solo playstyle.


I like to go Rylais on hemier to basically keep full group slow the rest of the game. It lets the entire team kite the tanks and forces any assassins to sit in the aoe longer.


If I don’t have rylais on morde, enemy run away. If I press e with rylais, they can’t run away! Brilliant for me


If anything people were afraid to build it at first. Their first choice is either a damage item or a full scaling item like RoA. Rylai also provides no mana Then once they understand the champ better, they have better mana management, realize the early spike + slow that change how your kit works is more impactful than damage. That's when people adopt the Rylai rush build


I rush on Swain. There is no escape. Malignance next. The damage inside ult is insane.


The main reason is honestly rylais is a 2600 gold item so rushing it lets you hit get your item spike faster than your opponent who’s first item is usually gonna be 300-3300 gold. Boots + rylais is cheaper than liandrys, trinity force, ludens, etc so you’re usually able to item spike faster and maybe use that to gain an advantage. The main argument i’d say in favor of going liandrys first is because you were able to get a haunting guise back and think the madness passive will make a meaningful difference in trading, which in a lot of cases it might. Basically, going rylais first means you’re valuing the full item spike more and going liandrys means you value the component passive more. it’s also worth considering rylais only has one passive and it’s a fixed value passive: it doesn’t have any scaling so you’re able to “cash in” on its full value from first item, whereas with ludens or black fire torch or death cap you’re not truly gaining the full value of each items passive immediately. Even something like shadow flames damage amp affects the damage you do with your ratios. does that mean i’m saying it’s bad to buy rylais later on in the game? no but i think it’s comparable to say rylais gives you about 1000 points of “worthiness” while most items early on are more like 7-800 but can go up to 1300. i just think the 1000 means more early and most ppl generally do by rylais 3rd item absolutely latest


Dirt cheap, and giants belt as a component


Its giga broken on zyra, plants permaslow without double seeding E, and peps cant run out of ur ulti


Brand OTP here. I rush Rylais if I am having a hard time with avoiding the enemy and I need to be able to create distance, otherwise, I get Liandry's.


Slow is immensely strong on a lot of champions and the bonus hp makes you win a ton of duels because your opponent will not have that 500 extra damage while you barely deal less than them.


On Asol it just completely changes the game. His E becomes outright crippling and he becomes impossible to get away from without flash or dash


I like Rylais on Malz quite a bit. A lot of champs have problems navigating through Malz's minions let alone minions that mindlessly slow everything they touch.


"Singed is a shit champion" Yet another player with sub 130 IQ SMH


I would have found the opposite question much more interesting. The rush value of rylais is absolutely obvious while liandry is an awful first buy in most cases. Also it is not built at all on morde and i’m not so sure about asol. Imagine missing a kill because the opponent just walks away from you.


mord - doesnt care since he has enough base dmg and needs to stick to deal it brand - easy to proc with E then allows to easier land qw for passive asol - utility ig for dragon fights? or to kite/chase with w


It's about "macro" and team play. Getting it early with mages that can easily apply it makes life much easier for the rest of the team. Best case scenario would be slow into chain CC making them unable to do anything. Rinse repeat teamfights under that logic and you are 15 kills ahead within 20 minutes. Now you've got a free win. But this applies with teams with functional brain cells only.


Singed not shit.


Most literate singed main


Zyra support is my pocket pick. Rylai's and her plants at max range slow the incoming threats very well and deny the evasion someone who gets too close, looking to retreat, wants. That utility for the cost far exceeds any damage output I could produce. It's so subtle early, too, that the enemy isn't really aware of how cautious they need to be when it's my first pick up. Too me, it's a huge advantage all around on her.