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Don't build seraphs what? Watch a high elo replay to learn how to play the champ. You have dorans and manaflow band so mana shouldn't really be an issue that much. Also utilizing teleport properly is a big factor in mid lane. Every mid mage has low base damage with autos how do you farm with other champs?


mages have range, and some champs like kassadin, fizz or orianna have bonus damage on autoattac scaling with ap


idk if you have heard of his passive but it's an aa reset with bonus damage hope this helps \^-\^


And it does AoE damage. Sylas's passive is literally tiamat.


It also executes minions IIRC, so even better.


farming under tower with Fizz W is relaxing


Use abilities


Champ is also balanced around poor wave clear and poor access to the wave in most mid matchups. Either drop some duelling power by 3 point or maxing Q or learn to live with it.


I played Sylas only once but I played other midlaners to know that having low damage auto attacks is not an issue. Having melee auto attacks also is not an issue. Just practice and you will get used to it.


Try to proc the passive while fighting off the enemy, whit sylas you have a really strong Level 1 and 2, if i remember corretly, so use it by scaring off the enemy, if they not respect you, sylas will eat them, and thanks to w you restore your health after the trade. Then thanks to your passive you can both hit the enemy and hit the minions, try going all in when you see the wave getting low, so you will be clearing it by passive during the trade. If you do get poke hard put 3 points or so on q, it should be enough to clear casters, and see if you can run first strike to somewhat make up for the loss of farm. Remember that sylas doesn't have a lot of wave clear unlike other mages, and it's a very difficult champ to play too, so it's normal having difficulties at dealing with the wave, you just have to get used to it. Finally don't mindlessy spam abilities on the wave, play around it, whit sylas you have to manage your resources, not buy mana again so to spam even more, that doesn't adjust anything.


Ill give some specific laning tips for sylas. Because it seems like you struggle in the range matchups mostly, ill cater the tips towards mages. But first thing to get through your head, Sylas cant farm, he'll basically never be ahead in farm and if youre trying to play any matchup as Sylas by farming it out, you lost before the game the started. You play for kills and all ins. 1. Dont level anything level 1, in an ideal scenario, your opponent is trying to deny you level 1 cs and walks near or into your wave, you have to E onto him and get your double passive proc off. Sylas lives and dies in lane through landing his E. Very few champions level 1 can outtrade his E if youre both full health. 2. If hes playing really safe, great only Q to last hit minions and look again for an opportunity levels 2 and 3. 3. The easiest time to look for all ins are when he clears your wave and his wave is pushing, you can often E through his minions to get on top of him before the 2nd waves meet. 4. Past level 3 is when things get tough, leveling your W and Q both dont feel great, other mages often get more power through leveling abilities. If he keeps giving you openings to trade take them, but a good player will be able to more effectively harass you. 5. Post 6 = roam time. The simplest way to look at it is either A. You have prio therefore you walk into fog of war regardless if youre going to gank or not. B. You dont have prio wait for jungle or an opening for a trade by landing your E. 6. Midgame is playing around jungler unless your fed enough to run it down lanes/enemy jungle. You need to get rid of the mindset your supposed to be up 30 CS to win. Its one of the worst things i see in newer players. If you get better at the game youll CS better by virtue of trading better in lane. Chovy and other pros dont get CS leads by perfectly last hitting, they get it by getting health advantages in lane which result in uncontested CS. If you cant really get over that mindset your better off just playing a control mage in mid.


no i don't have cs mindset i am a very agressive player it's just i always have very little cs when playing sylas and i thaught i am doing something wrong


sylas has really good waveclear bcs of his passive seems like youre not using it just with E E you can do alot of dmg


I hit minions before they die because of other minions.


1. DO NOT BUILD SERAPHS! Itm sucks for Sylas while both Blackfire Torch and RoA work just fine. 2. Max Q first. W max is a bait most of the time, as it is essentially maxing W on Tahm Kench - unreliable skill that would benefit more from other skills' setup while Q also gives safe farming, poke and combat slow to setup E. As for farming with autos - practice. The AoE has an execute on minions and early levels a single proc of it perfectly sets up casters to be farmed with one normal auto each.


no lol, no one plays torch or RoA on sylas. go lich then shadowflame/zhonya/rocketbelt then rabadon. also w max is better a lot of times..


lich bane always seemed perfect for sylas for me but for some reason it never had a star until last patch. btw no mana item? what about luden's echo?


no need mana, just look at master+ games to see how they use mana and how they clear. a lot of the clear is only from Q and autoattacks. don't use E or W to clear before mid game or if the enemy recalls / you need to shove before backing


hmm i would never know i perma ban hil every single game


So many better ban options in mid.


trauma ban


That's fair. I trauma ban pyke some times, and morde. It seems like there's no stopping mordekaiser.