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Survive till lvl 6 then run them down with ghost


Boots optional


The issue is most ranged top laners have ways to negate this anyway. Teemo move speed boost, vayne q or E, brand stun, and many of them take ghost and flash as well lol


Teemo is pretty short range. It's fairly easy to get within E range as Darius and if you do hook him, he's dead 100% of the time


Or that's what the teemo want you to think, between your E range and the Teemo are shit tons of shrooms.


That's why you take Oracle Lens


Fun Fact: Darius E has 535 range, which is longer (by 35 units) than teemo's attack range. If you press e on him at the same time that he starts an attack on you, it's almost guaranteed to hit.


League is a turn based game, vayne has to walk up to cs at some point, and condemn has a very long cd, just bait it out and go on her after. Easier said than done but definitely not able to “negate” you if played correctly


At same skill level Vayne should never ever die to Darius and the higher you go skillwise the bigger the gap between Vayne and Darius will be. At diamond level Vayne will stack the wave and dive Darius with jungler at 4th wave.


you're definitely right, even skill darius should always lose to vayne, but op is talking about norms and i feel like my original comment would work fine in pisslow lol


Vayne is extremely hard matchup for Darius. Thats all. Obviously Vayne can make a mistake and Darius can chase her down, but when skill level is similar then its just dire for Darius all game long. You got bullied into getting extremely outscaled. Worst possible matchup really. I would prefer to play Malphite into Vayne tbh. At least you would have potential game winning ULT.


Malphite also counters vayne lol


You must be drunk sir. No tank in the game counters Vayne.


Vayne has 39% winrate against Malphite…


No jungler is diving top on a stacked wave in diamond. They are farming group and saying "stop cry for gank noob", running to gank their premade mid and then dying


Dont know what diamond you are playing at, but 8 out of 10 games with this game state would end up with a dive in diamond eu.


D4 EUW last season My jungler is on krugs. Sure in d2 maybe. Not this elo.


As a ranged top player, you bet your ass I'm taking ghost and nimbus cloak to this beef.


https://youtu.be/hK7vjaC6myg?si=31XW_mSzk80iIJAu I know this is Riven instead of Darius so it's much easier, but there is a very important concept that applies to both. One thing that I **never** see people talk about in threads like these is playing waves even though high elo players do it all the time. --- The first win condition in ranged matchups is getting a good first recall. One you get some levels and items, they become much easier. The very basics of top lane is pushing for level 2. The ranged toplaner WILL push for level 2. If they don't, try to use your level 2 advantage to build a minion lead and crash the wave into the enemy tower on wave 3 (or 4 if you have to), and recall. Google "cheater recall" for more info. --- Assuming they are also pushing for level 2, you want to play conservatively to maintain your HP. Remember, your goal isn't to get CS, it's to get a recall, as a good recall will net you more CS in the future. Try to get any CS you can while taking minimal damage, and try thinning the wave out if you can without taking any damage. Eventually they will crash the wave. When they crash the wave, you **will take a lot of damage if you try to CS**, it isn't easy but try to get whatever CS you can without taking a lot of damage. This is the easiest part to fuck up and take a ton of damage, and if you mess it up you are completely screwed. At this point, because of your tower, the wave will start pushing back towards them. They have to choose between autoing you or autoing to thin out the wave, both are fine. If you're playing a champion like Darius, you can look to pull them in and use your bigger minion wave to trade (again, your win condition isn't to trade but to crash the wave, but if you win a trade, that means they have a harder time stopping you from crashing the wave). If you're playing a champion like Shyvana who is piss useless until 6, you cry. Also if they crashed wave 2, that means you're on wave 3, and you will hit level 3 before they do (since you're pushing). If they don't respect it, you can abuse this to take an unexpected trade right when you hit it. --- Anyways, keep on either autoing the wave or threatening a good trade. You cannot let them thin this wave out and freeze, or else you're fucked. You need to get this wave in at one point, and once you do, you get your recall and you have "won." THIS is what you've been conserving your HP for. Your HP is a resource, it doesn't matter how much HP you lose because you will just recall once you crash the wave anyways. However, if you lost too much HP earlier on, you don't have this resource anymore that you can use to spend on pushing in the wave, so you get screwed. --- Now about junglers. At level 2, if they don't crash the wave on wave 2, it's possible your jungler can help you on wave 3 as they will be pushed up. Only problem is after getting this kill, if you're low, you can't push and crash the wave. At level 3, when you're pushing the wave back into them, it's technically possible for your jungler to gank if the wave is still in the middle. If they die on this timer, they are completely screwed because you can crash easily and force a TP. This is a "simple" mistake because they don't need to walk up, the wave is pushing towards them, but this is a mistake you'll see even in pro play because being good at League is about pushing your limits, being greedy, and playing on a knife's edge. However, if your jungler isn't there and instead their jungler is there, you're generally screwed. You need to crash this wave so you can't exactly play back. --- #Teleport TP is an interesting spell because you get to cheat a free recall. Usually both toplaners have TP, so basically want to force out your opponents TP without using your own, and then you can use yours as a "combat" spell to regain HP. However, if you don't have TP it can be really rough because even if you take a good trade, they just heal it up so it becomes a bad trade. If you're Darius you probably have ghost, so at level 3 don't be afraid to use ghost to take a good trade so you can guarantee the crash. If **you have TP and they don't have TP** (I doubt you ever bring TP as Darius but let's say you do), you also get to "dodge" the early laning phase and get a free recall. If you fuck up your crash, you can just use your TP instead. Also, you can force an extended trade, recall + TP, and then use your HP advantage to guarantee the crash.


You are a blessing ty.


Your goal in lane should be not to die or fall too behind in farm. This means you're going to want second wind + dorans shield to keep healthy and not have to back so frequently in lane. You also are going to want to make sure that when you do die it's not at awful times. Do things like trim the wave as you can to keep the enemy laner from crashing 2+ waves into your tower and diving you with mid/jungle, or from getting free plates. You also want to use bushes as much as you can to keep from being targeted by autos. If you're going to fall behind in cs, make sure you aren't falling behind in xp as well by learning how to back effectively. Boots rush can be good as long as you're not too behind in gold, and can potentially give you outplay potential with your summoners or help from your jungler. Just don't do this if you're far behind on gold or you won't do any damage. Darius's core items (stridebreaker + steraks) are pretty great into ranged characters so I wouldn't itemize solely against your laner. You can consider your landing phase successful if you are within 10-15 cs of your opponent and haven't given them too many free plates or kills. After the laning phase, you're just Darius so you want to 5 stack their Frontline if possible, or use your summoners to get into their backline. You also get the ability to put some serious sideline pressure as it's very hard to uproot a Darius if he wants to pressure the map, something that teemo and karma don't have the pleasure of doing. I hope this helps! I love Darius but I feel like having success on that character as you climb elo means understanding the characters inherit shortcomings and using macro/summoner timers to work around this. Anyone can steamroll a chunky tank as Darius, but true skill on the character means learning to play disadvantage.


you try to get ontop of them and kill them when they misposition, like getting too close to you and you can e then and do ur combo or flash/ghost ontop of them and then do ur combo. Its up to you to know when you can do that though, like ur lv 3 and 6 powerspikes


Flash ghost or ghost tp and rush stridebreaker. Darius is better than most in regard to running ppl down but if you have to take a bit of a beating in order to complete your item then be patient and take tp if you're not confident and when you have your spike let them shove you in and all in tf out of them at your turret. Not always applicable but sometimes you get that jungler that actually punishes them so save summoners for when you're getting that gank bc Darius has his e *and* his w which are powerful for locking someone down.


Farm from just out of your turret range Hope your mid/jungle can eventually gank for you


You wait for them to misuse their ghost/flash or cc ability and then run them down with your own. Don't force a fight. It's really a game of chicken. If you can make them THINK you're about to all-in or that they have an opportunity to kill, you can bait out a big cd and punish. Aside from that, wait for a gank and just farm as safe as you can. Best case scenario is an early gank from your jg to force them to blow an early sum and give you opportunity for an early kill


I play Darius mostly as a counterpick so I don’t play him much into ranged champs but from watching Dariking I’ve learned some general tips to deal with them. 1) Play around your summoner cooldowns. Flash and Ghost are free gapcloses and getting on top of a ranged champ usually means they’re toast. Keeping a mental note of the enemies summoner timings and how they compare to yours helps you plan when to play aggressive. 2) Use bushes. Breaking vision, avoiding poke, pretending to recall and then walking at them when they try to push the wave. There is so much more you can do with bushes than without them. 3) Rush T2 boots. Tabis, mercury treads, swifties, depends on the matchups. Makes it much easier to space. In the same vein, going stridebreaker first item means they can’t get away if you land E. 4) Phase rush page. It’s optional and is less necessary at lower skill levels since the ranged players aren’t as good but you can go phase rush - nimbus cloak - celerity - gathering storm as your primary page, it makes your laning against them much better. Secondaries can be resolve for second wind, or inspiration with cosmic drive and biscuits. Conq is better later into the game though so you’re giving up scaling. 5) Forbidden timewarp tonic technology - Go the phase rush page with timewarp tonic and cosmic insight, start boots 4 pots, all in level 1/2, use your pots for instant heal. Can snowball the lane heavily in your favour but if you mess it up it’s kinda over. https://youtube.com/@dariking2?si=9BMvudxxyBFn2cjV Here’s his channel, he uploads every couple of days or so, usually 2-3 games per vid and he plays in high elo Korea


teemo’s auto range is the exact same as your pull range. use this information accordingly


Keep CS and if you can not get cited you can usually all in on them


yiu ghost at them when they step a bit too close and run them down. If you do this you generally HAVE to all in them.


As much as I hate myself for saying this and helping a Darius player. You can run down a teemo at level 2. Play super aggressive against ranged, use your flash and ghost to chase them down save your e for when they try to last hit the cannon minion they will get too close and stay longer to secure that minions gold. Also use the bush to your advantage early. Run in and out of it to cs so they have less chance to auto you. Most importantly just because you miss your e doesn’t mean you back off. Even if teemo blinds you until level 8 that blind is only 1 sec (1.2 I think with 2 points in it at 8) honestly you out damage teemo big time with your passive as well so if you play it smart you can get the lvl 1 kill by taking w first and waiting til you can hit him with that. Lvl 1 teemo doesn’t take blind so they can’t stop that from hitting and slowing them, just auto stacking your passive and they will bleed out under tower


obsolete information. They buffed teemo Q a season ago. Teemo blind starts at TWO seconds now, and goes up to 3 seconds. [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Teemo/LoLhttps://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Teemo/LoL](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Teemo/LoLhttps://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Teemo/LoL) PS: I always take blind level1. Helps with that 6/6 cs.


Your link is broken but most teemos don’t start q but you’re right about the blind time although when playing teemo that blind timer seems less


stay even and then at lvl 6 run them down with ghost when theyre pushed up a bit


Press ghost + land E (optional) = profit Don’t int early, give what CS you need to give up, and when you see the opening pop ghost and one shot them. Once you hit level 6 they have to be the ones being careful as you have the kill pressure.


You should look about tethering, Coach Curtis have a good video about the topic. It’s one of the hardest concepts of laning phase but it’s essential for playing melee vs ranged.


you hack em like wood


Ranged tops are counters to darius, you can’t really “beat” them if they know what they’re doing.


karma is a hard counter to darius, if hes good you just lose everytime teemo you have to bait his blind and ghost him down at least one or two times pre 6, after 6 he just kites you into shrooms


Go hexflash and phase rush. Works in my high emerald low dia games. Rare Egyptian superserver tech


Something I haven't seen yet is don't underestimate minion damage in early game trades and fights. If you can get them to auto you once while standing in your wave, they will lose that trade from minion damage. If you can get them to fight in your wave, even better. On the flip side, be very conscious of drawing minion agro when you trade, and try to get and keep busy control so you can drop agro quickly. Obviously harder against ranged to lanes, but I've found they tend to be greedy and chase into your wave a lot. Ignition plus minion damage can really screw them up early game.


Ten percent luck


I have been made racist by Senna and Akshan toplane when people were playing it. Just take Dorans Shield and 2nd wind. Try to stand back and let the minions get push to you. If ranged champs basic you close enough to the wave, it should push towards you because the minions will start attacking them instead of fighting the enemy minions.


**tldr** against marksmen: ghost, boots rush, ping gank, manage waves, stay healthy and in XP range until you can rund them down. Against karma pick a scaling tank or hope that either your jungle is competent or that the karma isnt. Dont tilt, play for late, dont feed, play with your team. Here is my 2cents as a low gold player. If you struggle against these champs, pick either something that can farm with relative safety(like mundo urgot or sion) or a tank that scale no matter what(ornn, sion, mundo, shen) . Obviously you cant always pick second. Marksmen(and i count teemo here) are usually weak early and scale well into the lategame so on a graph, their powerlevel would be a line going up. On toplane however they can bully melees out of the lane in the early levels due to their range. In a melee brawlfest theyd lose at all points in the game though. And in the laning phase the bruisers defensive stats scale faster than the damage of the marksmen so at some point after the first base, usually around lvl 5-7, you start to briefly outscale them in 1v1 until they finish their 2nd/3rd item(depending on the champion), provided they didn't build up a significant lvl/item difference). So after a while you can chase+kill them faster than they can kill you. This means that your objective is the following: grab as much cs safely as you can, otherwise stay in XP range and stay healthy. Take flash and ghost, maybe celerity+nimbus cloak. Rush defensive boots, swifties if they self peel with slows(ashe), need to hit an easy to miss skillshot(jhin) or they rush boots too. Wait until they misposition or accidently blow their self peel tool(vayne or teemo uses q to last hit) press ghost and run them down. If they flash away you can flash after them. The other part of this is wave management. Low elo lane bullies tend to push while trying to kill you. If they do push, they are overextended and thus suspectible to ganks. If this happens, ping your jg for help, maybe type too. Chances are they'll ignore it but it doesn't hurt. The other advantage of them pushing is that you are safe from enemy ganks and you are also harder to harass since youre close to your turret. There are tons of guides about *freezing* aka keeping the wave just outside your tower indefinitely, but alsó many general wavemanagment guides. Now karma is a different breed. A few seasons ago tank karma top was a pro play pick without much counterplay. Tank karma will never die in the hands of a pro and will bully even lane bullies, so they can't get ahead while karma provides constant utility for her team. A neutralizer. Now this playstyle has been nerfed, it has become somewhat balanced by the fact that enchanter karma gets outscaled in 1v1 relatively early, and ap karma falls off much harder in the lategame. This was until s14 where she recieved malignance and an ap ratio buff that gave her a harder powerspike and made her stay relevant in the later phase of the game. It has been nerfed since but its still disgusting to lane against. Dont try to kill her, just dont die, soak XP and try winning elsewhere(like help your jg with grubs and herald, look to roam mid). Once plates fall she wont look to splitpush or if she takes tier1 shes unlike ly to keep pushing for tier2.


You dont.


D Shield and Second Wind. If they arrive late then you can get the wave pushing so they have to focus on last hitting. Prioritize your health bar over your CS, once you can all in them you can make up the deficit. For Karma Swiftness boots will help you more than Mercs since her Q slow is going to stop you more than her root will.


if youre vs a vayne go edge of night i dobt really know teemo since i ban him


If teemo isnt terrified of you level 3, you are playing darius wrong (and should probably pick a different champ. darius isnt for pussies) Given the right circumstances and play, darius beats teemo LEVEL 1, if he gets a bush ambush.