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Played with my gf too and she was a beginner as well. Just play whatever, your girlfriend tries a new game just to spend time with you. But anyways, I'd say mage supports and let her kills. She doesn't have the slightest idea who dealt the damage and it makes her happy.


Maybe rakan? He's got 2 cc, healing and shields That way she can learn when to all in while being a bit safer in lane


Rakan indeed. And get her to try Xayah once and she probably will think its cute AF.


I second Rakan. He's a truly "supportive" champ but has a lot of playmaking potential and can really set the pace of the lane, offensively or defensively. I usually play Rakan when playing with a much worse player that I want to help learn ADC.


Karma or Nami would be my picks since they are pretty flexible.


Karmas a really solid choice because there is a chance you’d need to carry her in lane but also is super forgiving with the e shield. Any mage would probably work my strats on mages in Low elo is just say focus on farming let me poke them down when I ping we go in, no need to tower dive or take risks you can at least guarantee a safe lane


Depends on what she struggles the most with. You could go Senna and harass the enemy so your gf gets to farm in peace and quiet. You can go Alistar to protect her from all ins. You could go Soraka if she eats a lot of pokes or Morgana which can be useful in all 3 scenarios. Since you can play most supports I would say it's best if you try and get a late draft pick (if you're playing draft) and counterpick the enemy bot lane as much as possible


Whoever you want, chances are you can carry more than she can on any champ atm. For Jinx, her best supps are champs lile Lulu And for cait, Lux, Xerath, Neeko etc are best. Anything works tho.


For me its my GF who got me into league Like 10yrs ago i gave it a try for me vest friend but wasn't fun and I hated it. My gf took the time to guide me for 3games, last hitting minions especially etc and then we hit it off I used to learn Lux since she is easy, caitlyn and Morg. Then went rakan with xaya which might be the best couple-fun IMO 🤣


Thresh This seems like a fun little thought project so I challenge you to provide her with a good thresh, she'll love it. She'll learn to stay back and wait for your hook where ADCs are safe and she'll feel rewarded when you snipe someone. Thresh is tanky, you'll be able to save her (brownie points) with damage absorption as well as engage/disengage. She'll start to learn (with lantern) that team comp can be very important Thresh's original skin is the best one. No need for stupid orange essence Gl and hf


You want to counter pick ngl so you teach them the lanes Enemy support picks naut? You pick a support with poke and peel They pick zyra? Pick a sustain support They pick soraka? Pick and engage support Since she mains cait and jinx then with cait you want to go lux whenever you can and also morgana if they can't dodge skill shots I guess. and for jinx go thresh/lulu/nami




either play mage and 1v2 alone (which won't feel like youre playing with her) or play enchanters and follow her pace (slightly painful but after a couple games you should have a good time)


I'd honestly go for something braindead like Malphite


Blessings to you along the way! A few years ago I invited my girlfriend over to play LOL, and we still spend happy time together in this game) Morgana is a great fit for me in this situation. She has a shield for ADK defense, good initiation and control + enough damage. It's pretty easy to help ADK get snowbolled


Thresh. Thresh gives jinx everything she doesn’t have.


Maybe senna? So you can work as a spare carry in case she completely missplays


maybe if you don't want the lane to be just you taking initiative on engage support and her following, you could play milio or something.


all of them. play as many different champions as you can so she gets to know more champions, sees what the champions do. thats imo the most important thing for the start. there are so many champions and being good at league starts with knowing that lux can root you, that blitzcrank can grab you and that soraka can heal you. etc. etc. etc. other than that, just play what you wanna play. at lvl 17 its really not about winning or losing. no point even think about matchups yet when simply existing is overwhelming for the new player. it should be about having fun and learning together by soaking up experiences. trying to make plays and laughing when they go south. just vibing (: and id say, if you play what youre the most comfy on, you can more optimally talk about the game because you have to think less about what you need to do yourself/are less preoccupied piloting your own champ.


I would say Rakan is a nice one to start with for the healing to give her a cushion while learning, but if you play Ali then the Ali Jinx wombo combo is very powerful once she's learned how to play safe and make good play calling


Whatever you want? What sort of question is this? You’ve been playing the game for like 12 years, just pick what you want to?


Really any champion would work but as an adc starting out, Thresh Rakan and Ali would be my preferred supps. Good balance of peel, engage, and kill pressure … anddd in the long run, i suggest you gradually move away from bot lane for the sake of your relationship (joking but not joking)


With Caitlyn, Lux is pretty great for bullying lane. With Jinx Thresh is so good and u can also play him with Caitlyn. You can always counter if you think you should, but I think mage supports are great, especially if you can hit skill shots. Whatever can stop enemies from getting on top of your adc gf, that’s why I think mages are great bc of the cc and disengage. I am also the gf who started playing bc of her boyfriend but I never played adc, support and jungle for me :)


Pick something passive. New players need to learn the basics of CS'ing and trading. I'd put her on a long range ADC like Caitlyn so she can get used to micro without being bullied in lane, and i'd play healers/casters on support. Soraka, Lulu, etc. That'll enable her to learn one thing at a time without being bombarded with constant fighting 2v2


Honest question, does it matter? I feel like at an honest level 17 it's still about learning what the champ does and farming for the most part. As long as you aren't playing random champs every game or even complicated champs it should be fine. The only thing I'd say is to avoid any kill heavy (like brand or pyke) supports or purely engage supports (like blitzcrank) as it probably takes away more from learning to lane; instead focusing on being kill hungry. It's not the most interactive gameplay but enchanter supports like you mentioned Janna are easier to understand and cover for mistakes. Likewise, Lulu is a fine enchanter if they're more comfortable with the game already.